Key Concepts of Chess - Pawn Structures Vol.1 and 2
In this two-part course the emphasis will be on typical pawn-structures.
By now we have highlighted various aspects of the Benko Gambit. As I said before, studying this opening is, in my opinion, an excellent way to master the different parts of our game: opening, strategy, tactics and the endgame.
The typical positions of the Benko help you to learn strategic patterns and typical tactics in a playful manner. They also help to improve your endgame technique.
Let's have a look how these components worked in a game between two top players, former World Champion Vladimir Kramnik and Dutch Grandmaster Loek van Wely, who once worked as a second for Kramnik).
In the diagrammed position White just played f4 to attack Black's knight on e5. How should Black react?
Attacking with the Benko Gambit
Don't give 1.d4 players an easy ride — sacrifice a pawn with 3.b5 for a lasting initiative. GM Ramirez shows you clear ideas for play in every variation.
Attacking with the Benko Gambit - Part 2
GM Ramirez completes his repertoire suggestion versus 1.d4 with powerful systems among others against the ColleSystem, Trompowsky or the declining move 3.Nf3. An absolute asset - not only for friends of the Benko Gambit!
This week’s show (for Premium Members only)
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