Understanding before Moving 14: Smoking the king out

by ChessBase
2/14/2021 – Herman Grooten is an International Master, a renowned trainer and the author of several highly acclaimed books about chess training and chess strategy. In the 14th part of his ChessBase show "Understanding before Moving" Herman looks at a fine attack crowned by an unusual move. | Photo: Hans Hoornstra

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Understanding before Moving 14: Smoking the king out

In the previous episode we looked at an example in which White sacrificed material for the initiative – which in this case was compensation enough. Compensation can consist of several factors. Two common and important aspects are a good cooperation between your pieces and an exposed king of the opponent. Targeting your pieces at the enemy king can sometimes disrupt the defense.

In the diagram we see how Black, the late British top player Tony Miles, has unleashed a dangerous initiative against the white king. With what remarkable move did he keep his attack going?


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