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The short guide "First Steps" shows how to start with ChessBase 15 and explains the most important functions and tools. And ChessBase expert Martin Fischer explains the new features of ChessBase 15.
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In this tutorial, learn all about "replay training", a new feature of ChessBase 15 that invites you to guess the moves in games — a well-known and powerful way to improve. Correct proposals are rewarded with points which allows you to measure your progress. "Replay training" is a nice feature that you can use for light-hearted fun and playful challenges but also for some serious training.
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The first part of the tutorial about the new "Replay Training" function in ChessBase 15 explainded how to use this function. The second part explains how to optimize your training and how to save the results of your replay sessions.
ChessBase 15 makes chess training easier. One tool that helps your training is the "training database" that is integrated into the program and offers selected examples for "replay-training". Here's a short tutorial how to find and how to install this useful database.
If you want to work on your openings the reference search is crucial. And in ChessBase 15 the reference search is much faster than before — two to four times faster, depending on your computer. To quote Vishy Anand: "The search booster alone makes life better!" The fast search helps to improve your opening preparation enormously. Our tutorial shows how and why.
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The ChessBase Mega Database and other game collections contain fantastic examples for all important chess manoeuvres. However, they often remain hidden. The new search mask in ChessBase 15 can help find these hidden gems. A powerful function that is simply fun to use!
chess websites are better if the reader can play through games or use interactive diagrams or has the choice to follow tournaments live or practise some tactics, etc. ChessBase offers a number of attractive tools which you can embed on your website to let your readers enjoy chess even more. The tools are all free!
What distinguishes the Mega Database from other databases? For one, it does not become obsolete and remains "up to date" with just a few clicks! Because the delivery of the Mega Database 2019 includes not only approximately 7.6 million games but also the weekly mega update service. Every week we provide you with a database of around 5,000 new games. (Plus, the included 72,000 annotated games alone corresponds to a set of over 1,000 chess books!) With a few clicks in ChessBase 15, your Mega Database will always be up to date. A "mega help" for every tournament player.
Want to see your winning combination artfully visualized? ChessBase 15 makes this possible: How about a spectacular camera ride towards the opponent's king, or as a photo motif on your website, coffee cup or T-shirt? With the latest raytracing technology, you have a chance to create amazing chess images with ChessBase 15. Camera perspective and light can be adjusted in nearly infinite ways, resulting in breathtaking views and graphics.
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