Eighth PAL/CSS Freestyle Qualifier

by ChessBase
4/18/2008 – The first Freestyle tournament of this year has finished its qualifier open for the best of ten, who will be competing for the $16,000 dollar prize fund on April 25-27th. Once again many FIDE and correspondence chess title holders showed up for this online event, where "anything goes" –computer help and consultation. But only few of them made their way up to the final. Arno Nickel reports.

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Eighth PAL/CSS Freestyle Qualifier

Report by CCGM Arno Nickel

The biggest news of the 8th PAL/CSS Freestyle main tounament on April 11-13th was that none of the previous Freestyle Champions got to the final, neither 'king' Rajlich, two times Freestyle Chamion, nor Anson Williams, who had won the last event. Instead, for the first time in Freestyle Chess, we might see a woman taking over the crown. IM Iweta Rajlich (former Radziewics) achieved half a point more than her husband Vas. She came sixth and will now defend the family's honour under the playchess.com handle "Rybusia".

More than 90 players and teams of about 25 countries took part in the nine round event with a rate of play of 60 minutes per game and 15 seconds bonus per move, among them 26 titleholders of FIDE and ICCF, not to mention lots of strong players staying anonymously in the background as co-analyists. Apart from eleven US players, participants from more non-Europeen countries like Mexico, Columbia, New Caledonia, Malaysia, India, Nigeria, South Africa and New Zealand had enrolled for the Freestyle 'World Open'. For an online event that means big differences of the time zones: When the first round starts at 2 p.m. CET (Central European Time), the clock shows 5:00 a.m. in Los Angeles and 8 p.m. in Singapore.

Everybody knows how hard it is to get through to the final, as this generally means you have to win at least three games, and draw the other six. Only two players (or teams, you never know!) achieved 6.5 points. Like five other qualifiers they had the benefit of playing five white games and only four with black. So this means, you not only have to play very well, but also need some luck in order to go through. The absolute winner by progressive score is "Moro Gamgee", which is the playchess.com handle of Dutch computer chess specialist Hans van der Zijden, who is said to be playing in a team with the Rybka book author Jeroen Noomen. Thus, the Rybka 'clan' had another reason to pop the corks…

The second winner, "Flyingfatman", is already well-known as a former Freestyle finalist. It's the Englishman Nick Carlin, who is rumoured to be playing with very strong hardware, as may be assumed by his 2976 computer rating on the ChessBase server. The third finalist is "Enchanter", the German correspondence chess IM Klaus Sperhake, who – as a newcomer – sensationally started with 3 out of 3 and then defended his good position, though he lost one game against "Flyingfatman". Fourth place was taken by "Komodo1", another Rybka submarine, who has been outet by others as the US IM Larry Kaufman. Wow, what a phalanx of 'Rybkies' the other finalists have to resist in order to earn some bucks…

The fifth is another computer chess specialist and experienced Freestyler from Italy: Alberto Gueci, who is also known as "Spaghetti Chess". We already spoke of IM Iweta Rajlich, who came sixth as "Rybusia". But who in the world is "Regina H-Milch" from Germany? He (or she?) was 16th in the previous Freestyle tournament. We will see later who is behind the seventh qualifier’s nickname. "Luminarydebris", the eighth, sounds like a new name in Freestyle, but the owner, Steven Cramton from the US, is none other than the teammate of Steven Zackery, both well-known as "ZackS", the legendary First Freestyle Champion. "Snuggles", the ninth finalist, is another German CC-IM, called Ulrich Stephan, who had his second try in Freestyle. Last, but not least, we see "Ultima", another Italian participant, on tenth place. His info shows the name of the mysterious young lady "Terra Branford", but insiders reckon that it is the well-known CC-SIM Eros Riccio, who came third in the previous Freestyle as "Auryn".

Top scorers in the Eighth Freestyle Qualifier (total 92 participants)

# Player/team Points TB1 TB2


Moro Gamgee

6.5 / 9




6.5 / 9




6.0 / 9




6.0 / 9




Spaghetti Chess

6.0 / 9





6.0 / 9



Regina H-Milch

6.0 / 9




6.0 / 9




6.0 / 9




6.0 / 9




6.0 / 9




Etaoin Shrdlu

6.0 / 9





5.5 / 9





5.5 / 9




5.5 / 9




5.5 / 9




5.5 / 9



New Man

5.5 / 9




5.5 / 9




5.5 / 9




5.5 / 9


The table shows two more players with six points, who however failed to qualify because of a slightly lower progressive score (half a point!). That's tough, especially as these players, the well-known Freestylers "Etaoin Shrdlu", Patrik Schoupal & friends from Czechia, and "Windpower", FM Michiel Wind, from the Netherlands, living in Malaysia, drew their last round games, hoping their six points would be enough for the qualification. Both had black against strong opponents, so what would you do? And if you remember the times zones, you must realise that it was already 2 a.m. for Michiel Wind when his last round game started. I am sure we will see these players back at the top in further Freestyle events, same as many successful players with 5.5 points – and also good old "Rentner2" with 5 points, who was in the top group until he lost in round 8.

Maybe it's a sign of ever more powerful hardware and software that the draw rate for the first time increased to 55%, while in the 60m + 15s tournaments before it the figure was about 50%. Yet, if we only consider the number of games with less than 31 moves, we find, that the percentage of the "quick draws" increased dramatically; instead of 10%, we now have 20% of these short and mostly drawn games. If this tendency continues in the round-robin final, where the draw rate in any case tends to be higher than in a Swiss tournament, then the organisers will have to think over the format, though each system, pure Swiss or play-offs, has its drawbacks.

But before any of this happens we invite you to come to the Playchess server on April 25-27th and enjoy the exciting games of the final, where for the first time also a webcast is planned.

April 2008
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
  1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30        

Participants in the Final

1st round
Spaghetti Chess – Ultima
Komodo1 – Rybusia
Moro Gamgee – Snuggles
Flyingfatman – Luminarydebris
Enchanter – Regina H-Milch
2nd round
Ultima – Regina H-Milch
Luminarydebris – Enchanter
Snuggles – Flyingfatman
Rybusia – Moro Gamgee
Spaghetti Chess – Komodo1
3rd round
Komodo1 – Ultima
Moro Gamgee – Spaghetti Chess
Flyingfatman – Rybusia
Enchanter – Snuggles
Regina H-Milch – Luminarydebris
4th round
Ultima – Luminarydebris
Snuggles – Regina H-Milch
Rybusia – Enchanter
Spaghetti Chess – Flyingfatman
Komodo1 – Moro Gamgee
5th round
Moro Gamgee – Ultima
Flyingfatman – Komodo1
Enchanter – Spaghetti Chess
Regina H-Milch – Rybusia
Luminarydebris – Snuggles
6th round
Ultima – Snuggles
Rybusia – Luminarydebris
Spaghetti Chess – Regina H-Milch
Komodo1 – Enchanter
Moro Gamgee – Flyingfatman
7th round
Flyingfatman – Ultima
Enchanter – Moro Gamgee
Regina H-Milch – Komodo1
Luminarydebris – Spaghetti Chess
Snuggles – Rybusia
8th round
Ultima – Rybusia
Spaghetti Chess – Snuggles
Komodo1 – Luminarydebris
Moro Gamgee – Regina H-Milch
Flyingfatman – Enchanter
9th round
Enchanter – Ultima
Regina H-Milch – Flyingfatman
Luminarydebris – Moro Gamgee
Snuggles – Komodo1
Rybusia – Spaghetti Chess

The following schedule will help you to find the correct time for your location. Simply click on the time in the right column to get a list of different locations around the world.

Round 1 Friday 25/04/2008 14:00h CET
Round 2 Friday 25/04/2008 17:00h CET
Round 3 Friday 25/04/2008 20:00h CET
Round 4 Saturday 26/04/2008 14:00h CET
Round 5 Saturday 26/04/2008 17:00h CET
Round 6 Saturday 26/04/2008 20:00h CET
Round 7 Sunday 27/04/2008 14:00h CEST
Round 8 Sunday 27/04/2008 17:00h CEST
Round 9 Sunday 27/04/2008 20:00h CEST

Winners and prizes

The winner of the finals receives the first prize of US $7.000 and the title of "8th PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Champion". The runner up gets $3.500, the player coming in third $2.000, the fourth receives $1.000 and the fifth $500.

There will be no tiebreak games in case of a tie. The winner will be decided on the basis of Sonneborn-Berger (SB) points. If the SB points are equal the number of wins decides. If that is also the same, then the result in the game between the tied participants decides. If this was a draw then the player with the black pieces is the winner. All of this only affects the award of the title. The prize money will be divided equally if the final scores are equal.


Articles on Freestyle Chess

Eighth PAL/CSS Freestyle Tournament with $16,000 prize fund
24.03.2008 – A "Freestyle tournament" is one in which computer assistance – or help in any conceivable form – during the game is allowed and encouraged. The Eighth PAL/CSS Freestyle tournament will take place on the Playchess server on two weekends, April 11-13 and April 25-27. The main sponsor, the PAL Group in Abu Dhabi (UAE), has provided a $16,000 dollar prize fund. Join the fun.

Seventh PAL/CSS Freestyle Tournament with $16,000 up for grabs
05.09.2007 – A "Freestyle tournament" is one in which computer assistance – or help in any conceivable form – during the game is allowed and encouraged. The Seventh PAL/CSS Freestyle tournament will take place on the Playchess server on Sept. 7th-9th and 15th-16th. The main sponsor, the PAL Group in Abu Dhabi (UAE), has provided a $16,000 dollar prize fund. Join the fun.

Rajlich wins Sixth PAL/CSS Freestyle Tournament
25.07.2007 – For the first time in Freestyle a team has succeeded in regaining the title. Vasik Rajlich won the third event in June 2006, and now, together with his wife and French Defence expert IM Iweta Rajlich, has staged a come-back, winning the $16,000 finals on the Playchess server exactly one year later. The 32-processor computer "Mission Control" came sixth. CCGM Arno Nickel reports.

Mission Control takes over in Freestyle Tournament
17.06.2007 – "A star is born" is becoming the normal headline for Freestyle tournaments, and the sixth edition of the PAL/CSS event, with 112 participants from 30 countries was no exception. A 32-processor machine playing on its own came first and, together with nine others, will take part in the $16,000 finals on the Playchess server, on June 22nd to 24th. Be there and watch the fun.

Sixth PAL/CSS Freestyle Tournament with $16,000 prize
25.05.2007 – A "Freestyle tournament" is one in which computer assistance – or help in any conceivable form – during the game is allowed and encouraged. The Sixth PAL/CSS Freestyle tournament takes place from June 1st-3rd, with the finals being held three weeks later. The main sponsor, the PAL Group in Abu Dhabi (UAE), has provided a $16,000 dollar prize fund. Join the fun.
Freestyle Chess –Teaching an Engine how to Fly
28.04.2007 – The 5th PAL/CSS Freestyle Tournament on Playchess.com is already history and the 6th issue is coming soon: Main event June 1-3, Final June 22-24. Freestyle Chess allows players to form a team and use any software and hardware they like. The main sponsor, the PAL Group in Abu Dhabi (UAE), has provided a $16,000 dollar prize fund for each online tournament. CC GM Arno Nickel reports.

Fifth Freestyle Tournament Final this weekend
22.03.2007 – The 5th PAL/CSS Freestyle Main Tournament, staged on the Playchess server, ended in a dead heat of 17 players. None of the 131 participants from 32 countries, including 20 titled players, managed to achieve six points in eight games, which is the magic barrier for qualification. The final, with ten players, will be held as a round robin tournament this weekend. Come and watch.

$16,000 Freestyle tournament starts on March 2nd
23.02.2007 – The Fifth PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament begins on March 2nd on the Playchess server. The main tournament is an eight-round Swiss, with time controls of 60 min + 15 sec per game. You probably know that in Freestyle any kind of assistance is allowed: computers, friends, books, anything. The starting fee is 10 Euro. GMs and IMs are free. You can still join the fun!

The Freestyle Champion is Xakru, dammit!
07.11.2006 That's what happens when you choose a flippant name on the chess server: you win a major event and wish you hadn't called yourself "Damn it" (in Czech). Jiri Dufek and Roman Chytilek won the first prize, $8,000, in the fourth computer assisted tournament on Playchess.com. Find out what transpired in the final of this Freestyle event in this report by Arno Nickel.

Fall of the Favourites in PAL/CSS Freestyle
19.10.2006 A "Freestyle tournament" is one in which computer assistance – or any other form of help – during the game is allowed and encouraged. The 4th PAL/CSS Freestyle tournament, which reaches its final this weekend on the the Playchess.com server, saw many of the favourites falter. Now the ten qualifiers will play a round robin for the US $16,000 prize money. Come and watch.

Rajlich Team won the third Freestyle tournament
31.08.2006 The third 3rd PAL/CSS Freestyle Tournament was held in the middle of July. With considerable delay we bring you a report by correspondence GM Arno Nickel on the results of this event, which had a prize fund of US $16,000 and was conducted on the Playchess.com server. Also a reminder that another $16,000 Freestyle tournament begins soon. Like to join the fun?

Freestyle Tournament final begins today
14.07.2006 Are you interested in seeing chess played at the very highest level? It involves grandmasters and experts selecting their moves with computer assistance. The final of the 3rd PAL/CSS Freestyle Tournament begins today at 17:00h CEST on the Playchess.com server, and ends on Sunday evening. The prize fund is $16,000. Come and watch the fun!

Who will be the next Freestyle Champion
05.07.2006 Neither the summer weather nor the Soccer World Cup stopped more than 100 players from all over the world from enter the 3rd PAL/CSS Freestyle Tournament, which ended last weekend with the tie-breaks for the Final in July 14-16. About 20 titleholders were attracted by the opportunity to win one of the money prizes: $8,000, $4,000 or $2,000 dollars. Report by Arno Nickel

Brilliancy in computer assisted chess
16.06.2006 The Third PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament starts today. In this form of chess, originally proposed by Garry Kasparov, the human players may use computers – or any other assistance they can muster. It is not OTB chess as we knew it, but it does produce a lot of very high-level games. Here, from the Second Freestyle Tournament, are the three most brilliant examples.

$16,000 Freestyle tournament begins on Friday
14.06.2006 The Third PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament begins on Friday, June 16, on the Playchess server. In the previous edition, won by Zor_Champ of the UAE, there were a number of grandmasters participating. One was Tony Kosten of England, assisted by the program Hiarcs 10, who gives us his assessment of such computer-assisted tournaments. You can still join!

$16,000 up for grabs in computer-assisted play
11.05.2006 The Third PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament on the Playchess server is coming up in June, once again with a substantial prize fund. This time the time controls for our Advanced Chess competition have been increased to 60 min. + 15 sec., in order to give the human component more opportunity for analysis. Like to play? It's lots of fun!

Zor-Champ wins Freestyle Tournament
16.04.2006 In a very exciting final the team of Zor-Champ, located in the United Arab Emirates, took first place and the $8,000 prize money in the Second PAL/CSS Freestyle Tournament. The team was driven by the program Hydra, which runs on multi-processor speical-purpose hardware. Second was IM Vasik Rajlich, assisted by his own program Rybka. Report and games.

Freestyle tournament: Finals this weekend
03.04.2006 After tiebreak matches the eight qualifiers of the Second PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament are ready to battle it out for the $16,000 prize fund. At the faster time controls this time four pure engines made it to the final round. You can come and watch the action at 14:00h CEST on Saturday and Sunday, when the tournament director says: Gentlemen, start your engines.

Freestyle tournament: Vvarkey wins with 7.5/8
24.03.2006 The first leg of the second PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament, which carries a prize fund of $16,000, was won by an unknown player with the Playchess handle Vvarkey. He scored 7.5 points from 8 games (before the last round his score was 7/7). Six other players qualified for the final behind him. For the final, eighth place there will be a tiebreak tournament tomorrow. Details.

Freestyle tournament: advice from an expert
16.03.2006 Are you one of the over 150 participants that have registered for the second $16,000 PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament, starting this weekend? Do you have your computer assistant or your GM advisor booted up and ready to play? For novices in computer assisted play we have some tips and tricks by correspondence chess GM Arno Nickel.

The $16,000 open-to-all chess tournament
28.02.2006 Would you like to play in a grandmaster tournament? From your home and for a substantial prize fund? With a guarantee that you will not disgrace yourself? Then think about joining the second PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament, where anything goes. Where computer assistance is not forbidden, but is positively encouraged. Full details.

Dark horse ZackS wins Freestyle Chess Tournament
19.06.2005 The computer-assisted PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament, staged on Playchess.com, ended with a shock win by two amateurs: Steven Cramton, 1685 USCF and Zackary Stephen, 1398 USCF, using three computers for analysis, defeated teams of strong grandmasters all the way to victory in the finals. We bring you a first flash report with games and results.

Scintillating chess in the PAL-CSS Freestyle tournament
15.06.2005 This unusual event, in which players may use computer assistance during the games, is turning into a milestone experiment. After the main event and the quarter-finals (and with four players left) we can draw first tentative conclusions. One is that the most powerful chess playing entity on the planet is a GM armed with a computer.

Hydra misses the quarter-finals of Freestyle tournament
11.06.2005 It was the shocker of the event: the massive Hydra machines, running on 16 and 32 processors and special FPGA chess hardware were both knocked out in the main section of the Freestyle chess tournament. On the other hand a dark horse named ZackS qualified with consummate ease. Today there will be tie-breaks, tomorrow the quarter-finals. Come and watch...

Eleven qualify for main Freestyle Tournament
31.05.2005 48 players from 20 different countries got together on the Playchess server last weekend to play in the PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament. Using computer assistance, which is not forbidden in Freestyle, eleven qualified for the main tournament starting on Friday. There they will have to battle it out with scores of computer-assisted GMs.

The $20,000 free-for-all chess tournament
24.05.2005 Like to play in a grandmaster tournament? From your home and for a substantial prize fund? With a guarantee that you will not disgrace yourself? Then think about joining the first PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament, where anything goes. Where computer assistance is not forbidden, it is positively encouraged. Here are all the details.

Freestyle tournament for $20,000
09.05.2005 It's a new kind of chess tournament, with a substantial prize fund. $20,000 in all, $10,000 for the winner. Top grandmaster conditions. But with a difference. In the PAL/CSS Freestyle Chess Tournament on the Playchess.com server anyone can play. Even you. And anything goes. Anything! (In fact computer assistance is encouraged). Here are the details.

Anyone – or anything – can play!
07.08.2004 Anything goes in our freestyle tournament on the Playchess.com server this Saturday, August 7th. Participants can use computers, visiting grandmasters, slime beings from other planets – whatever they want. The games start at 15:00h server time (GMT +2), time controls are 7 min + 2 sec/move. Watch the fun...

Freestyle Blitz Tournament August 7
25.07.2004 Winning Internet chess games with the assistance of computers is quite despicable. People who are caught get stripped of rights and privileges. Not so in the August 7th "Freestyle Tournament" on Playchess.com. There you can use anything you want to win your games. Details...

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