The ChessBase Mega Database 2020 is the premiere chess database with over eight million games from 1560 to 2019 in high quality. Packing more than 85,000 annotated games, Mega 2020 contains the world‘s largest collection of high-class analysed games. Train like a pro! Prepare for your opponents with ChessBase and the Mega Database 2020. Let grandmasters explain how to best handle your favorite variations, improve your repertoire and much more.
Werner Keym is one of the most creative problemists I know. He specializes in problems involving castling, en passant captures and pawn promotion. For many years I have enjoyed his problems, which I often encountered. I also enjoyed his chess humour. And his meticulous quest for accuracy.
Currently Werner Keym is working on a book on chess classics – in over-the-board play, but also in studies and chess problems. A "classic," as defined in the preface, is a game, study, a mating or winning combination, a problem, or an idea expressed on the chessboard, that is of note, and is striking for excellence or originality, or historically famous. The first part of his book contains ten classic games and 165 studies and different types of problems – the second half consists of 175 extraordinary problems, for which he is a leading specialist. The book is in English, and I am helping with comments and suggestions, and with proof-reading. In return for this "service" I will be allowed to show you some of the examples Werner has selected, together with his notes and comments. I will also tell you when the book is available and how it can be ordered.
Werner Keym: Anything but Average – Chess Classics and Off-beat Problems, is aimed at all chess lovers: players and problemists. Immortal games by Anderssen, Fischer, Kasparov, Carlsen, famous endgame studies by Barbier-Saavedra, Lasker, Troitzky, Réti etc. and classical problems of all kinds are presented and explained with additional diagrams, moreover 24 top problems elected as ‘Millennium Problems’ in 2000 and special compositions with asymmetry, castling and promotion. The book has viii + 190 pages, 375 games, studies, problems, puzzles by 240 authors, 120 related problems, 180 additional diagrams. English text. Paperback: 10 € + postage, order per e-mail: Ralf.Kraetschmer@t-online.de.
Today I will start with three games that were selected as all-time classics. Two of them will certainly be known to the majority of our readers, but I want to add a new twist: I think we should all look at them again, more carefully, with computer assistance. And that is made trivially simple by the JavaScript replay board on our news pages. You can, without further ado, move pieces, try alternate lines of play, see what the engine thinks of them. Full instructions on how to use the player are given after the first game.
No. 1: Anderssen – Kieseritzky, London 1851
Adolf Anderssen (1818-78) was regarded as the world chess champion of his era, although that title did not yet exist officially. Lionel Adalbert Bagration Felix Kieseritzky (1806-53) invented a line in the King’s Gambit.
You probably know that in our replay boards there are a large number of new functions you can use to really appreciate the games. Recently we published a comprehensive tutorial on how to get the most out of the live broadcast game viewer. Learn about all the powerful features and buttons that make the ChessBase's replay one of the best watching experiences around.
In the above absolute classic you might wonder if 18.Bd6!! was the only move for Anderssen to win the game, albeit it brilliantly. You may want to try 18.Nc7+ instead, something the board engine also thinks is promising (2.01 pawns).
But if you are simply going for 18.Nc7+ Kd8 19. Nxa8 then 19...Qxa1 20.Ke2 Qxg1 gives Black an engine advantage of –5.15 pawns – a mating net is no longer availble to White.
Note that your analysis, where you can delete, move or promote lines, is stored in the notation as new variations. In the end you will find the game with your analysis in the cloud (see instructions mention above). So nothing is ever lost.
Here you can see that the engine wants to play 19.Re1 or 19.Rd1 after 18...Kd8 – you can get multiple lines of analysis by clicking the + button to the right of the engine analysis window. The ! key, incidentally, shows you the threat in any position, which is incredibly useful in the case of unclear moves.
There is one more thing you can do that is a lot of fun: Clicking on the rook icon below the notation window allows you to play out any position in the game against Fritz, at your level of playing strength (e.g. "Club Player").
A new window appears, with the position on the board, and all the functionality of a chess playing program. Try to win the position with a different continuation. But careful, in dynamic positions this function is addictive, you can spend a lot of time playing it out against Fritz.
So, equipped with the analysis functions of the replay board we invite you to look at two more classical games from Werner Keym's book. You have probably seen them before, but have you checked out all the fine points of the moves that were played?
No. 2: Hamppe – Meitner, Vienna 1872
Carl Hamppe (1814-76) and Philipp Meitner (1838-1910) were prominent players of the Vienna school. Hamppe enriched the theory of the King’s Gambit and the Vienna Game.
For good reason a win in a game or endgame study is more exciting than a draw. That is why among the classical games and endgame studies there are not many drawn ones.
Wilhelm Steinitz (1836-1900) was the first official world chess champion (1886-94). Curt von Bardeleben (1861-1924) was a strong, but unstable chess player.