Zurich Jubilee 2009: Areshchenko and Avrukh victorious

by ChessBase
8/16/2009 – It was bear hugs in the final round: GMs Alexander Areshchenko Boris Avrukh had the black pieces but squeezed the life out of top contenders GMs Yuriy Kuzubov (30 moves in a Meran) and Alexander Morozevich (55 moves in a QGA) to take equal first at this strong event. We bring you more picture portraits by Georg Kradolfer of interesting players and faces in our final report.

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The activities of the 200-year anniversary celebrations of the Schachgesellschaft Zürich have begun with the Jubilee Open at the Kongresshaus Zürich. For seven days, some 600 chess enthusiasts – world class players among them – are competing for CHF 100,000 in prize money. The Jubilee-Open, which lasts from 9 –15 August 2009 and takes place in the Kongresshaus Zürich, has brought participants from 43 countries together. In the Alois Nagler Memorial (Master Tournament) 45 grandmasters und 48 International Masters are competing for CHF 75,000 in prize money offered by the Alois Nagler Foundation. The event is open to the public, and the top games are being broadcast live over the Internet and on Playchess.com.

Zurich Jubilee 2009 – final report

"A big bear hugged one and then there were two," certainly seems apt for the turn of events in this final round of the Zurich Jubilee. In a mere thirty moves, our bear, GM Alexander Areshchenko, squeezed the life out of GM Yuriy Kuzubov in the Meran System of the Semi-Slav.

Co-winner with 7.5/9: GM Alexander Areshchenko, 2651, UKR

On the top board, Boris Avrukh required a little more time, but turned in the same result, with the same pieces – black – against Alexander Morozevich in a 55-move Queen's Gambit Accepted. However, we should mention that"Moro" had some terrible luck (see game below).

Equal first in points, second on tiebreak: Boris Avrukh, 2641 ISR

The two final-round victims: Alexander Morozevich and Yuriy Kuzubov

Morozevich,A (2751) - Avrukh,B (2641) [D20]
Jubilee Open Zuerich SUI (9), 15.08.2009
1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.e4 Nf6 4.e5 Nd5 5.Bxc4 Nb6 6.Bd3 Nc6 7.Ne2 Be6 8.Nbc3 Bc4 9.Bxc4 Nxc4 10.0-0 e6 11.Qb3 Nb6 12.Rd1 Nb4 13.a3 N4d5 14.Ne4 Qd7 15.Bg5 h6 16.Bd2 a5 17.a4 Nb4 18.Nc5 Qd5 19.Qg3 0-0-0 20.Bxb4 axb4 21.Nf4 Qc6 22.a5 Nc4 23.Nb3 g5 24.Nd3 Qd5 25.Rdc1 Kb8 26.a6 b6 27.Qf3 g4

28.Qe2? How about 28.Qxf7 or 28.Qf6 for an instant win? 28...b5 29.Nf4 Qd7 30.Na5 Nxa5 31.Rxa5 c6 32.a7+ Ka8 33.Ra6 c5

34.g3? Once again Morozevich misses 34.dxc5+–. Now Black is able to consolidate, get his king safe and launch a counterattack, to which the Russian GM dutifully succumbs. 34...Qb7 35.Rca1 Rxd4 36.b3 Be7 37.R6a5 c4 38.Qxg4 Rhd8 39.h4 Rd2 40.Nh3 c3 41.Rf1 c2 42.Raa1 Bc5 43.Rac1 Qd5 44.Qf4 Qxb3 45.Kh2 Qc4 46.Qf3+ Qd5 47.Qxf7 b3 48.Nf4 Qb7 49.Qg6 Bxf2 50.Kh3 Rc8 51.Nd3 Bd4 52.Nb4 b2 53.Rxc2 Qg2+ 54.Kg4 Rdxc2 55.Nxc2 Qe2+ 0-1. A very dark day for the exquisitely talented but overly temperamental Alexander Morozevich.

Second-seeded Evgenij Miroshnichenko and fourth-seeded Emil Sutovsky only managed draws, while third-seeded Harikrishna has fallen to almost complete obscurity in the standings, despite a win over IM Olivier Moor in today's round. Congratulations to the winners, and to the Zurich Chess Club for a successful celebration of their 200th anniversary.

Final standings (top players, 6.0/9 and higher)

# Ti. Player Rtng FED Pts. BH
1 GM Areshchenko Alexander 2651 UKR 50
2 GM Avrukh Boris 2641 ISR 47
3 GM Dreev Alexey 2660 RUS 7 50
4 GM Mikhalevski Victor 2631 ISR 7 48
5 GM Morozevich Alexander 2751 RUS 51½
6 GM Kuzubov Yuriy 2635 UKR 50
7 GM Sutovsky Emil 2675 ISR 49
GM Golod Vitali 2599 ISR 49
9 GM Meier Georg 2658 GER 48
10 GM Pelletier Yannick 2574 SUI 47½
GM Hess Robert L. 2560 USA 47½
12 GM Sandipan Chanda 2585 IND 47
GM Geetha Narayanan Gopal 2575 IND 47
GM Bosiocic Marin 2551 CRO 47
15 GM Gharamian Tigran 2615 FRA 46½
16 GM Fridman Daniel 2665 GER 45
17 GM Miroshnichenko Evgenij 2696 UKR 44½
GM Hou Yifan 2584 CHN 44½
GM Bischoff Klaus 2551 GER 44½
20 GM Bauer Christian 2602 FRA 44
21 IM Bromberger Stefan 2510 GER 42½
22 IM Hirneise Tobias 2429 GER 40½
23 GM Ivanisevic Ivan 2629 SRB 36
24 GM Roiz Michael 2658 ISR 6 48½
25 GM Shchekachev Andrei 2530 FRA 6 47
26 GM Jovanic Ognjen 2541 CRO 6 46½
27 GM Harikrishna P. 2679 IND 6 46
GM Giri Anish 2518 NED 6 46
IM Gozzoli Yannick 2498 FRA 6 46
30 GM Malaniuk Vladimir P. 2563 UKR 6 45½
31 GM Safarli Eltaj 2597 AZE 6 45
GM Andersson Ulf 2581 SWE 6 45
33 GM Jussupow Artur 2570 GER 6 44
34 IM Vernay Clovis 2463 FRA 6 43
35 IM Lauber Arnd 2517 GER 6 42½
36 GM Vera Gonzales Reynaldo 2499 CUB 6 42
37 GM Saric Ivan 2561 CRO 6 41½
IM Mesropov Konstantin 2414 RUS 6 41½
39 GM Fernandez Jose Luis 2465 ESP 6 41
40 IM Vila Gazquez Xavier 2457 ESP 6 40½
IM Strohhaeker Raoul 2439 GER 6 40½
42 FM Hochstrasser Michael 2386 SUI 6 38½
43 IM Zeller Frank 2418 GER 6 37½
272 participants; 45 GMs ø Elo 2573; 48 IMs ø Elo 2390;
35 FM ø Elo 2307; 144 ø Elo 2109; ø Elo over all 2253

Special results

Best Female Players  

Best Seniors

  Best Under 16
1 Hou Yifan   1 Portisch, Lajos   1 Giri, Anish
2 Jackova, Jana   2 Vorotnikov, Vladislav   2 Grandadam, Nicolas
3 Sedina, Elena   3 Donchenko, Anatoly   3 van Overdam, Julian
Best Under 20   Best Elo 2200-2399   Best Elo less than 2200
1 Kuzubov, Yuriy   1 Hochstrasser, Michael   1 Garcia, Miguel Angel
2 Hess, Robert   2 Vuilleumier, Alexandre   2 Delorme, Laurie
3 Narayanan Gopal   3 Berend, Fred   3 Martinsen, Stig
      4 Fruebing, Stefan   4 Good, Daniel
      5 Brendel, Oliver   5 Lang, Erich

Picture Gallery

Chinese GM Hou Yifan, 15, and Swedish veteran Ulf Andersson, 58, on the same table

Super-talents Hou Yifan and Anish Giri, both 15 and both full GMs, in the blitz tournament

Best junior under 16: GM Anish Giri, 2518, NED, 6.0/9

Ninth: GM Georg Meier, 2658, GER, 6.5/9

Tenth: GM Yannick Pelletier, 2574, SUI 6.5/9

30th: GM Vladimir P. Malaniuk, 2563, UKR, 6.0/9

42nd FM Michael Hochstrasser, 2386, SUI, 6.0/9

Camille de Seroux

WIM Dr Gundula Heinatz, 2232, Switzerland

Gundula's daughter Maria Heinatz, 18, 1930, Switzerland

Things you can do with your hair: Einora Juciute, 1822, of Lithuania

Nino Wilkins-Borsani, rating 1978, born 1990, Switzerland

Alexander Donchenko

Winners of the blitz tournament: Daric, Fridman and Meier

Tournament director Rahel Umbach

One of the main organisers and sponsors, Dr William Wirth, watches the event


A selection of games are being broadcast live on the official web site and on the chess server Playchess.com. If you are not a member you can download the free PGN reader ChessBase Light, which gives you immediate access. You can also use the program to read, replay and analyse PGN games. New and enhanced: CB Light 2009!

Previous ChessBase articles on the Jubilee 2009

Zurich: A chance to meet the World Champions
02.04.2009 – They will all be there, for the 200th jubilee of the oldest chess club in the world: the Schachgesellschaft Zürich. The festivities, which include a Jubilee Open, will see Anand, Karpov, Korchnoi, Kramnik, Spassky, Ponomariov and Topalov playing a Champions Rapid. They are joined by Garry Kasparov for a Champions Simul against 200 opponents. One could be you, if you solve a Jubilee Quiz.

The World’s Oldest Chess Club: Part I (1809–1914)
24.06.2009 – In August there will be a spectacular event celebrating the 200th jubilee of the oldest chess club in the world: the Schachgesellschaft Zürich, which was founded in 1809. Attendees include Kasparov, Anand, Karpov, Korchnoi, Kramnik, Spassky, Ponomariov and Topalov. To prepare you for the jubilee Richard Forster and Christian Rohrer retrace the historical development of the club.

The World’s Oldest Chess Club: Part II (1914–1945)
14.07.2009 – In August there will be a spectacular event celebrating the 200th jubilee of the oldest chess club in the world: the Schachgesellschaft Zürich, which was founded in 1809. Attendees include Kasparov, Anand, Karpov, Korchnoi, Kramnik, Spassky, Ponomariov and Topalov. To prepare you for the jubilee Richard Forster and Christian Rohrer retrace the historical development of the club.

The World’s Oldest Chess Club: Part III (1945–1961)
07.08.2009 – Sunday, 9 August 2009, heralds the start of the events around the 200-year anniversary of the Schachgesellschaft Zürich, the oldest chess club in the world. Attendees on the final weekend (August 22-23) include Kasparov, Anand, Karpov, Korchnoi, Kramnik, Spassky, Ponomariov and Topalov. Richard Forster and Christian Rohrer retrace the historical development of the Schachgesellschaft.

Zurich Jubilee 2009 Open under way – Pein on Giri
12.08.2009 – There are 45 GMs, 48 IMs in the Master Tournament, staged to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the world's oldest chess club. After three rounds 12 GMs had a perfect score, after four the number had dropped to two. One game in particular delighted IM Malcolm Pein of the London Chess Center, who sent us his thoughts on the moves of a 15-year-old grandmaster.

Zurich Jubilee 2009: twelve GMs in the lead
13.08.2009 – There's a veritable log jam at the top of the crosstable after six rounds of play – twelve players with 5.0/6 points, followed by nineteen in hot pursuit, with 4.5 points. On top of the table with the best tiebreak score is (who else?) Alexander Morozevich. Best female player so far is (who else?) Hou Yifan. The event is full of interesting players and faces.

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