Winning starts with what you know
The new version 18 offers completely new possibilities for chess training and analysis: playing style analysis, search for strategic themes, access to 6 billion Lichess games, player preparation by matching Lichess games, download games with built-in API, built-in cloud engine and much more.
Mode: Five rounds with ten problem solving tasks each = 50 tasks. It is possible to take part in individual rounds only. The rounds start on the 1st of April, May, June, july and August. The closing date for entries is the 30th of each month.
Eligible to participate: anyone who is born after January 1st, 1993. Membership in a chess club is not required.
Procedure: The tasks are published on the homepage of the German Chess Youth, the “Swallow” and on the social media of the German Chess Youth. The tasks are to be submitted within the specified deadline and to be solved alone and without technical assistance. Comments on the tasks solved are welcome. Each round is evaluated and honored separately. In addition, at the end of the tournament, there is an overall rating from all five rounds. The same maximum number of points applies in each of the five rounds!
Submission: Send solutions, always by 30th of the month, to Axel Steinbrink via email:
Prizes: Winner of each of the five rounds:
Overall winner:
1st place: 1 year subscription to the magazine "Die Schwalbe" + anniversary package of the German Chess Youth
2nd place: 1 book prize from the "Schwalbe" + anniversary package of the German Chess Youth
3rd place : 1 jubilee package of the German Chess Youth
If there is a tie, a draw will be made! The winners will be announced and informed after each preliminary round. An additional 50 tactical books from ChessBase will be raffled among all participants! Each anniversary package includes 3 DSJ souvenirs (bag, pen, cup, T-shirt, ...)
You know you can move pieces on the board. Clicking on the lifesaver button will give you a small hint. Nothing substantial, nothing that will reveal the solution.
This is where you can find full information on the competition. Currently the page is in German, but it will soon be available in other languages.