World Blitz Championship - Live!

by ChessBase
12/30/2023 – The World Rapid and Blitz Championships are taking place on December 26-30 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Almost the entire world elite will be competing, with Magnus Carlsen the favourite in the open tournaments and world champion Ju Wenjun participating in both women’s events. | Follow the games live with expert commentary starting at 11.00 CET (5.00 ET, 15.30 IST)

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Blitz - Day 2

From December 26 to 30, this highly anticipated five-day event witnesses the world’s best chess players vying for the prestigious titles of World Champion in Rapid and Blitz across both Open and Women’s categories.


Both the Rapid and the Blitz will be played under the Swiss System

  • The Open Rapid consists of 13 rounds, while the Blitz consists of 21 rounds
  • The Women’s Rapid consists of 11 rounds, while the Blitz consists of 17 rounds

Time control

  • Rapid: 15 minutes + 10-second increments per move, starting from move one
  • Blitz: 3 minutes + 2-second increments per move, starting from move one

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Live games and commentary

Open - Rounds 13-21

Women’s - Rounds 10-17

Commentary by GM Viswanathan Anand & WGM Anastasiya Karlovich

Game analysis by Robert Ris

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