Results of round four
Group A: Round 4 - Tues. Jan. 20th |
Sergei Movsesian - Leinier Dominguez |
½-½ |
Alex. Morozevich - Michael Adams |
½-½ |
Jan Smeets - Gata Kamsky |
½-½ |
Wang Yue - Loek van Wely |
½-½ |
Teymour Radjabov - Sergei Karjakin |
½-½ |
Daniël Stellwagen - Vassily Ivanchuk |
½-½ |
Magnus Carlsen - Levon Aronian |
½-½ |
Group B: Round 4 - Tues. Jan. 20th |
R. Kasimdzhanov - Zahar Efimenko |
½-½ |
Fabiano Caruana - David Navara |
1-0 |
Jan Werle - Alexander Motylev |
0-1 |
Francisco Vallejo - Henrique Mecking |
1-0 |
Erwin l'Ami - Andrei Volokitin |
½-½ |
Hou Yifan - Nigel Short |
½-½ |
Krishnan Sasikiran - Dimitri Reinderman |
½-½ |
Group C: Round 4 - Tues. Jan. 20th |
Roeland Pruijssers - Dronavalli Harika |
½-½ |
Frank Holzke - M. Leon Hoyos |
1-0 |
Ali Bitalzadeh - Eduardo Iturrizaga |
1-0 |
Wesley So - Abhijeet Gupta |
½-½ |
Manuel Bosboom - Anish Giri |
½-½ |
T. Hillarp Persson - Oleg Romanishin |
1-0 |
David Howell - Friso Nijboer |
1-0 |
GM Group A

GM Group B

GM Group C

Drawfest heralds day of rest
Round four report by Steve Giddins
A phenomenon I have frequently observed when covering GM tournaments is that
the play before a rest day often tends to be quieter than average. Intuitively,
one might expect the opposite, as the prospect of a day's rest to follow should
enable players to give their all today. However, it seems that psychological
factors take precedence. Losing a game is never pleasant, but losing on the
day before the rest day means that one has an extra 24 hours to brood on it.
This prospect seems to be enough to persuade most players that caution is the
order of the day, and a large quantity of draws frequently dominates the pre-rest
day's play.
So it was in the fourth round of Wijk aan Zee 2009. All of the seven games
were drawn, and, frankly speaking, five of those were quiet games, that cannot
be said to have particularly enriched the vast heritage of creative chess. However,
these games saw both Smeets and Stellwagen notch comfortable draws once again,
against Kamsky and Ivanchuk respectively, thereby continuing their splendid
starts. I doubt that even their most devoted admirers would realistically have
expected both of them to be unbeaten at the first rest day. Radjabov's Catalan
set-up brought him nothing against Kariakin's 4...a6 Slav, whilst Movsesian
saw his 3.Bb5+ Siclian simplify early on to a balanced endgame, against Dominguez.
In Wang Yue-van Wely, a more orthodox Catalan soon produced a symmetrical endgame,
that was always going to be drawn, but Morozevich had Adams under rather greater
pressure. The latter regained the pawn sacrificed in the opening, but was left
with a double rook ending, in which White had much the more active rooks, and
the Englishman had to suffer for some time before securing his half point.

Magnus Carlsen – very close to his first win in this event
The only really interesting game of the day was the encounter between Carlsen
and Aronian. Fortunately, we are able to bring you this fascinating battle,
with grandmaster annotations. It so happens that from today, ChessBase's already
unrivalled coverage of Wijk aan Zee will be enhanced still further. Those of
you who are familiar with the world of online chess coverage will know that
Russian GM Sergey Shipov has a reputation as one of the very best online commentators
in the business. Shipov's top-class live commentaries appear on the Russian
site Crestbook, but unfortunately, they
have hitherto only been accessible to those with a knowledge of the Russian
language. From today, however, I am delighted to announce that, as part of our
reports each evening, ChessBase will bring you an English translation of Sergey's
commentary. Oh, you lucky people – as the former British Prime Minister
Harold Macmillan
famously declared, "You've never had it so good!"
Here, then, is Sergey's deep real-time annotations of the day's start game.
As always there is a link to our JavaScript page where you can replay the moves
and analyses by simply clicking on the notation. You can also download the annotated
game and try to poke holes in Shipov's analysis with the help of Fritz or Rybka.

Miracle escape in round four – top Armenian GM Levon Aronian
Carlsen,M (2776) - Aronian,L (2750) [D45]
Corus A Wijk aan Zee NED (4), 20.01.2009
[Notes by GM Sergey Shipov, tanslation by Steve Giddins]
1.d4. At first, the live transmission showed the moves 1.e4 e6. I even
started writing erudite comments on this choice, and then suddenly the mirage
disappeared... 1...d5 2.c4 c6. The Slav Defence. 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 e6
5.e3 Nbd7 6.Qc2 The Anti-Meran, White leaves the bishop on f1, not wanting
to give up a tempo. If you are interested in the Meran itself, 6.Bd3 dxc4 7.Bxc4
b5, I can recommend that you study the games of the two world championship matches,
Kramnik-Topalov, Elista 2006, and Kramnik-Anand, Bonn 2008. 6...Bd6 7.b3.
The c4 pawn receives eternal life from its colleague on the b-file. 7...0–0
8.Be2. Now the bishop has no need to stay on its original square. In the
event of dxc4, White is always ready to recapture bxc4. 8...b6. A trendy
choice. In former times, 8...e5 was popular, as also was 8...Qe7. 9.Bb2 Qe7
10.0–0 Bb7. Both sides have completed their development, and now they must
resolve a difficult question: determining the best central squares for the rooks.
11.Rfe1. White shapes up for the advance e3-e4. However, more often than
not, this leads only to rapid exchanges and equality. 11...Rfe8. Black
also prepares for a battle on the e-file.
12.Rad1 Rad8. A typical picture. In the previous century, Black would
have put the rook on c8, opposite the white queen, without even thinking. However,
time and practice has shown that Black does not get much from this vis-a-vis,
and quite often loses the battle for the centre. Consequently, in our day, Black
tends to place the rooks on the most central files. 13.Bf1. Another trendy
idea. White once again pretends that he is planning to advance e3-e4, but in
reality, he is awaiting some activity from Black, hoping to turn this in his
favour. Meanwhile, the bishop can later come to g2. 13...Bb4. An interesting
novelty. On the one hand, Black prevents e3-e4, and on the other, he refrains
from any committal activity. After 13...Bb8 White can carry out his hidden threat:
14.e4 dxe4 15.Nxe4 Nxe4 16.Qxe4 Nf6 17.Qh4 the point being that now Black does
not have the advance 17...c5 because of 18.d5; Instead, the game Dimitrov-Filev,
Bulgaria 2006, continued 17...Nd7 18.Qh3 Nf8 19.Qh5 Qf6 20.Rd2 Bf4 21.Rde2
Qh6 22.Qxh6 Bxh6 23.g3 g6 24.Bg2 Bg7 25.Ne5 and White retained his opening
initiative. The consequences of 13...c5 are of principal importance.
I consider the best example to be the game Sasikiran-Brkic, Sibenik 2008: 14.cxd5
exd5 15.g3 Rc8 16.Qb1 cxd4 17.Nxd4 Bb4 18.Rc1 Ne5 19.Bh3 Rcd8 20.Red1 Bc5 21.Bg2
g6 22.h3 h5 23.Rd2 Bb4 24.Rdc2 Nd3 25.Rd1 Nxb2 26.Qxb2 Rc8 27.Ncb5 a6 28.a3
Bc5 29.b4 axb5 30.bxc5 bxc5 31.Nxb5 Rb8 32.a4 Bc6 33.Rdc1 c4 34.Rxc4 Bxb5 35.Rb4
and White won a pawn, and soon, the game.
14.a3. Judging by the speed of this move, Magnus has also analysed the
bishop jump to b4. The text move is not a pawn sacrifice, of course, but an
exchanging combination. 14...Bxa3 15.Bxa3 Qxa3. Now the white rook can
appear on a7. 16.cxd5. An interesting interpolation. Without doubt, we
are seeing some of the fruits of Carlsen's home analysis. In the event of 16.Ra1
Black maintains the balance by 16...Qd6 17.Rxa7 Qb8! 16...exd5. A difficult
choice. After 16...cxd5 17.Ra1 Qd6 18.Nb5 Qb8 as well as the capture with the
rook, there is also the impudent 19.Nxa7 with advantage to White. 17.Ra1.
It is time to regain the pawn. 17...Qd6 18.Rxa7 Qb8. The bishop is
defended, and the queen's flank secured. 19.Rea1. The rook remains on
a7. One cannot say that it is a massive inconvenience for Black, but it cannot
be driven away, for the moment. 19...c5. A sharp move, but to my mind,
a bit too sharp! The square b5 is given away, and White obtains good prospects
to attack the queenside.

20.b4! A very nice break, in Carlsen's style. He is famous for his elegant
positional pawn sacrifices, which he manages to bring off even against the very
strongest opponents. Taking on b4 is catastrophic for the black pawn structure,
which in one move is transformed from a solid monolith into a mass of fragments.
Incidentally, White could also increase the pressure by 20.Bb5 Re7 21.Qb2 and
the b3-b4 break can come later.
20...cxd4. A sad move to have to play, but the alternatives also have
their drawbacks. On 20...c4 I recommend 21.Nd2 with the idea of maintaining
the superb blockading knight on c3. The bishop on f1 can then come into play.
21.Nxd4. White's advantage is clear. We have before us a classic IQP
position, with the extra point that dark-squared bishops have been exchanged,
a nuance that favours White. The bishop on b7 is very passive, whilst that on
f1 has great prospects. 21...Rc8. One can hardly regard the pressure
against the c3 knight as real counterplay. 22.Qb3 For the time being,
the pawn on d5 is strongly defended...but only for the time being... 22...Ne5.
The knight on c4 looks beautiful, but what will it actually attack from
there? 23.h3. Meeting the threat of a knight to g4. At the moment, Magnus
is playing very quickly. It is obvious that his home preparation has run out
by now, but on the other hand, the position reached is strategically quite simple.
White has a clear advantage, and also has the choice of a large number of obvious
strengthening moves. Levon has again sunk into thought. He needs to find a way
to stir up complications, so as to divert his opponent from his positional plans.
But how? 23...g6. Making luft, and taking control of the square
f5, which the white minor pieces may be able to exploit. After 23...Nc4 the
black knight is little more than a harmless balloon, which causes White no problems
at all: 24.Bd3! Exchanging the blockading knight by 23...Nc6 only results in
its being replaced after 24.Nxc6 Bxc6 25.Ne2!
24.Be2. Correct. There is no reason to hurry. In such positions, one
must build up the pressure slowly, and methodically break down the enemy's defences.
In other words, play in the style of Karpov and Kramnik, the greatest specialists
in the art of positional play in the modern game. Who knows, in 20 years' time,
the new commentators (I fear I will no longer be around) will write "in
the style of Carsen"! 24...Re7 25.R7a2. The rook has done its job,
driving the black queen into a passive position for the foreseeable future.
Now it is time to regroup and take up position in the centre. 25...Nc4. Aronian
cannot resist any longer, and directs his "balloon" to the most obvious
square. The knight cannot be driven away, and Black would welcome its exchange
for an active white piece. I think White should work round the knight. Such
"ignoring" of a strongly-placed enemy piece is a difficult thing,
of the sort practiced only by players of the highest level. I remember how wonderully
Bent Larsen used to do this (may God bless him). White should concentrate on
the d5 pawn. Soon the time will come when a combination is possible, at the
end of which the knight on c4 will drop off. The thread connecting the balloon
to the nail may be made of steel, but if the nail itself comes out of the wall...
25...Ne4 was also tempting, after which can choose between 26.Rc1 (and
26.Ncb5 ). 26.Rd1. Correct. Levon thinks and thinks, and the difference
in the clock times at this point is considerable. Yes, the position is difficult,
but that is no reason to make it worse by drifting into extreme time-trouble.
I suggest the move 26...Qe5. The white position also contains one or two slightly
loose nails, for example, the pawn on e3.

26...Nxe3. Wow! To tell the truth, I was only joking when I said about
the pawn on e3 being weak. But Levon took me seriously, and has taken his sledgehammer
to the walls.. 27.fxe3 Rxe3. Black cannot possibly have full compensation.
The knight on c3 is weak, of course, but White has adequate defences. Black's
biggest problem is the extreme passivity of his bishop on b7. Piece sacrifices
only work when the remaining pieces enjoy great activity and effectivness. The
number of pawns does not have such great significance in the middlegame, and
Black risks not surviving to an endgame. And indeed, even in an endgame, if
the construction Bb7 + Pd5 remains, and the white pawn on b4 survives, the outcome
would not be in doubt. 28.Rd3. A natural reaction, but possibly not the
most precise. Evidently, Magnus instinctively strives to exchange as many pieces
as possible, so as to have fewer variations to calculate in this fluid situation.
I am analysing the position quite deeply, and the main question is: can White
hold onto the b4 pawn? Losing it would significantly complicate the win. It
may be that a stronger line was 28.Bd3! Qg3 29.Nce2 Qg5 30.Qb2 Rxh3 31.Qd2!
and White consolidates, retaining a large positional advantage.
28...Qg3. The most natural move, increasing the pressure. In the variation
28...Rxd3 29.Bxd3 Qg3 30.Nf3 (30.Nd1 Rc1!) 30...d4! 31.Ne2 Qd6 32.Rc2
Rxc2 33.Bxc2 Nd5! Black wins the b4-pawn, but this still does not guarantee
him salvation: 34.Be4 f5 35.Bd3 Qxb4 36.Qa2! and White wins back the d4-pawn,
retaining a strong initiative against the weakened black king. 29.Nd1! The
best defence. The entry of the black heavy pieces to White's first rank is an
unavoidable, but not deadly thing. 29...Qe1+ 30.Bf1. 30.Kh2 Qg3+ makes
no sense. 30...Rxd3 31.Qxd3 Qxb4. Thus, Levon has achieved his aim. The
potentially strongest white pawn disappears and Black has three pawns for his
piece. But he still does not have full compensation. The reason is standing
on b7. 32.Qd2. Carlsen is ready to simplify the position and, without
the slightest risk, spend 100 moves realising his extra piece. In principle,
32.Ra7 was more active and more unpleasant for Black. 32...Qd6. The prospect
described above does not appeal to Aronian, and he strives to retain some tactical
chances – a perfectly understandable practical decision.
33.Nf3. Changing the guard on d4. 33...Ne4 34.Qd4. The first
hint of a death sentence for the pawn on b6. More will follow. 34...Rc1 Aronian
is now is serious time-trouble, with only three minutes left. In such positions,
it is easier to attack, than to defend, trying to anticipate subtle nuances
for the opponent. 35.Rb2. An inaccuracy. Magnus seems to be playing on
his opponent's flag. Of course, modern electronic clocks do have such things,
but you know what I mean...More accurate was 35.Ne3! so as to answer 35...Ng3
with 36.Rc2 Rb1 37.Rb2 exchanging the active black rook. 35...Qc5. One
cannot criticise a player who is having to blitz his moves. There were serious
chances to save the game after 35...Ng3! 36.Ne3 36...Nxf1 37.Nxf1 Ba6
38.N3d2 Qc5! with excellent counterplay. So it seemed to me, but the heartless
computer says that White can now just take the pawn: 36.Rxb6 Qc7 37.Rb2. 36.Ne3.
The knight cannot remain en prise for ever, especially as it would now be
lost if it stays put! 36...Ba6. Black's pressure has reached its apogee,
but now White has a simple exchanging combination, which retains his extra piece.
37.Rxb6 Qxd4 38.Nxd4 Bxf1 39.Nxf1. Black has lost a pawn, but forced
some exchanges. 39...Nd2 40.Rf6 Rd1

The last move of the time-control. Now one can relax, drink a cup of hot coffee,
and analyse the position calmly. With your permission, I will start with the
coffee... 41.Ne2. I do not believe that Black can save this position.
White's two pawns are precious capital, which Black cannot exchange off. 41...d4
42.Neg3. Obviously not 42.Nxd4?? Nxf1 43.Rxf1 Rxd4; whilst 42.g4 makes it
easier for Black to exchange pawns. 42...h5. Even with limited forces,
the Armenian finds a way to create some pressure. The threat is h5-h4. The passed
pawn cannot advance any further: 42...d3? 43.Rf2 Nc4 44.Ne4; Nor is 42...Kg7
43.Rb6 d3 44.Rd6 any better. 43.Rf2. The simplest defence. After driving
off the knight, White will force exchanges and then attack the d4 pawn. In about
30 moves' time, he will win... 43...Nb1 After 43...Nc4 44.Rc2 White makes
progress by 44...Ne5 45.Rd2! 44.Rb2 f5. Continuing in the same active
style. 45.Nh1. Very ornate! Simpler and stronger was 45.Kf2. 45...Nc3.
Understanding that nothing great can be expected from the knight on b1,
Levon sets a new trap. He plans to offer the d-pawn... 46.Rd2. As we
will see... 46...Ra1. Told you so! Aronian's hesitations over whether
to exchange or not took some time. But the assessment of the position remains
the same. In my opinion, White is winning. The simplest way to liquidate Black's
activity is by the manoeuvre Nh1–g3-e2, and the d4 pawn will soon fall. The
main problem with this manoeuvre is psychological. Magnus has only just moved
the knight from g3 to h1, now he has to find the strength to return it to its
former post, never an easy thing for a human.
47.h4. Carlsen chooses another way. I understand his wanting to fix
the enemy pawns – play a pawn to g3 and a knight to f4. But will he be
able to? There was a guaranteed win by 47.Nhg3 h4 48.Ne2 since even the diabolical
trap 48...Ne4! is refuted by 49.Rd3! followed by Nxd4.(But not 49.Rxd4?
Re1!). 47...Kg7 48.Nhg3. Heading for e2. 48...Ra4. Not only
defending d4, but also X-raying the h4 pawn. The more I look, the less I like
the move 47.h4. 49.Nh2. Correct. After 49.Ne2 Black realises his idea:
49...Nxe2+ 50.Rxe2 d3 51.Rd2 Rxh4 and White is not winning. 49...Ne4 50.Rd3
Nxg3 51.Rxg3 d3 52.Rxd3 Rxh4. A great achievement for Black! 53.Rd7+.
Carlsen plays on, but now his winning chances are minimal. 53...Kh6 54.Nf3
Re4 55.Rd6 Kg7 56.Kh2 Kh6. 56...Rg4? Naturally he loses after 57.Ne5 Rg5
58.g3! and the rook is trapped. 57.Nd4 Rh4+ 58.Kg3 Rg4+ 59.Kh3 Kg7. There
are still several traps into which Black can fall, hence the game continues.
Here is one of them: 59...Kh7 60.Ne6 Kh6 61.Rd8 Kh7 62.Rd4 and Black is probably
lost. 60.g3. Why the hurry, Magnus?? Why place the pawn on a square where
Black can exchange it by f5-f4? 60...Kf7 61.Nf3 Ke7 62.Ra6 f4

The end. Black eliminates the last white pawn. 63.gxf4 Rxf4 64.Ne5 Re4 65.Nxg6+.
A fantastic escape by Aronian, and a tragic missed opportunity for Carlsen.
Draw. [Click to replay]
Tomorrow, Wednesday 21 January, is the first of the three rest days at this
year's Wijk aan Zee. However, here at ChessBase, we never rest, of course, and
tomorrow we will bring you a report on events so far in the B and C Groups.
Videos reports by Europe Echecs
GM Robert Fontaine wraps up each round for the French Chess magazine and
portal Europe Echecs
Schedule and results of Grandmaster Group A
Group A: Round 1 - Sat. Jan. 17th |
Daniël Stellwagen - Sergei Movsesian |
½-½ |
Magnus Carlsen - Teymour Radjabov |
½-½ |
Levon Aronian - Wang Yue |
½-½ |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Jan Smeets |
0-1 |
Sergei Karjakin - Alex. Morozevich |
1-0 |
Loek van Wely - Leinier Dominguez |
½-½ |
Gata Kamsky - Michael Adams |
½-½ |
Group A: Round 2 - Sun. Jan. 18th |
Sergei Movsesian - Michael Adams |
1-0 |
Leinier Dominguez - Gata Kamsky |
½-½ |
Alexander Morozevich - Loek van Wely |
1-0 |
Jan Smeets - Sergei Karjakin |
½-½ |
Wang Yue - Vassily Ivanchuk |
0-1 |
Teymour Radjabov - Levon Aronian |
½-½ |
Daniël Stellwagen - Magnus Carlsen |
½-½ |
Group A: Round 3 - Mon. Jan. 19th |
Magnus Carlsen - Sergei Movsesian |
½-½ |
Levon Aronian - Daniël Stellwagen |
½-½ |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Teymour Radjabov |
0-1 |
Sergei Karjakin - Wang Yue |
½-½ |
Loek van Wely - Jan Smeets |
½-½ |
Gata Kamsky - Alex. Morozevich |
1-0 |
Michael Adams - Leinier Dominguez |
½-½ |
Group A: Round 4 - Tues. Jan. 20th |
Sergei Movsesian - Leinier Dominguez |
½-½ |
Alex. Morozevich - Michael Adams |
½-½ |
Jan Smeets - Gata Kamsky |
½-½ |
Wang Yue - Loek van Wely |
½-½ |
Teymour Radjabov - Sergei Karjakin |
½-½ |
Daniël Stellwagen - Vassily Ivanchuk |
½-½ |
Magnus Carlsen - Levon Aronian |
½-½ |
Wednesday, January 21st –
Free day |
Group A: Round 5 - Thurs. Jan. 22nd |
Levon Aronian - Sergei Movsesian |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Magnus Carlsen |
Sergei Karjakin - Daniël Stellwagen |
Loek van Wely - Teymour Radjabov |
Gata Kamsky - Wang Yue |
Michael Adams - Jan Smeets |
Leinier Dominguez - Alex. Morozevich |
Group A: Round 6 - Fri. Jan. 23rd |
Sergei Movsesian - Alex. Morozevich |
Jan Smeets - Leinier Dominguez |
Wang Yue - Michael Adams |
Teymour Radjabov - Gata Kamsky |
Daniël Stellwagen - Loek van Wely |
Magnus Carlsen - Sergei Karjakin |
Levon Aronian - Vassily Ivanchuk |
Group A: Round 7 - Sat. Jan. 24th |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Sergei Movsesian |
Sergei Karjakin - Levon Aronian |
Loek van Wely - Magnus Carlsen |
Gata Kamsky - Daniël Stellwagen |
Michael Adams - Teymour Radjabov |
Leinier Dominguez - Wang Yue |
Alex. Morozevich - Jan Smeets |
Group A: Round 8 - Sun. Jan. 25th |
Sergei Movsesian - Jan Smeets |
Wang Yue - Alex. Morozevich |
Teymour Radjabov - Leinier Dominguez |
Daniël Stellwagen - Michael Adams |
Magnus Carlsen - Gata Kamsky |
Levon Aronian - Loek van Wely |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Sergei Karjakin |
Monday, January 26th –
Free day |
Group A: Round 7 - Tues. Jan. 27th |
Sergei Karjakin - Sergei Movsesian |
Loek van Wely - Vassily Ivanchuk |
Gata Kamsky - Levon Aronian |
Michael Adams - Magnus Carlsen |
Leinier Dominguez - Daniël Stellwagen |
Alex. Morozevich - Teymour Radjabov |
Jan Smeets - Wang Yue |
Group A: Round 10 - Wed. Jan. 28th |
Sergei Movsesian - Wang Yue |
Teymour Radjabov - Jan Smeets |
Daniël Stellwagen - Alex. Morozevich |
Magnus Carlsen - Leinier Dominguez |
Levon Aronian - Michael Adams |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Gata Kamsky |
Sergei Karjakin - Loek van Wely |
Thursday, January 29th –
Free day |
Group A: Round 11 - Fri. Jan. 30th |
Loek van Wely - Sergei Movsesian |
Gata Kamsky - Sergei Karjakin |
Michael Adams - Vassily Ivanchuk |
Leinier Dominguez - Levon Aronian |
Alex. Morozevich - Magnus Carlsen |
Jan Smeets - Daniël Stellwagen |
Wang Yue - Teymour Radjabov |
Group A: Round 12 - Sat. Jan. 31st |
Sergei Movsesian - Teymour Radjabov |
Daniël Stellwagen - Wang Yue |
Magnus Carlsen - Jan Smeets |
Levon Aronian - Alex. Morozevich |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Leinier Dominguez |
Sergei Karjakin - Michael Adams |
Loek van Wely - Gata Kamsky |
Group A: Round 13 - Sun. Feb. 1st |
Gata Kamsky - Sergei Movsesian |
Michael Adams - Loek van Wely |
Leinier Dominguez - Sergei Karjakin |
Alex. Morozevich - Vassily Ivanchuk |
Jan Smeets - Levon Aronian |
Wang Yue - Magnus Carlsen |
Teymour Radjabov - Daniël Stellwagen |
Schedule and results of Grandmaster Group B
Group B: Round 1 - Sat. Jan. 17th |
Hou Yifan - Rustam Kasimdzhanov |
0-1 |
Krishnan Sasikiran - Erwin l'Ami |
½-½ |
Dimitri Reinderman - Francisco Vallejo |
0-1 |
Nigel Short - Jan Werle |
½-½ |
Andrei Volokitin - Fabiano Caruana |
½-½ |
Henrique Mecking - Zahar Efimenko |
0-1 |
Alexander Motylev - David Navara |
0-1 |
Group B: Round 2 - Sun. Jan. 18th |
Rustam Kasimdzhanov - David Navara |
½-½ |
Zahar Efimenko - Alexander Motylev |
½-½ |
Fabiano Caruana - Henrique Mecking |
1-0 |
Jan Werle - Andrei Volokitin |
½-½ |
Francisco Vallejo - Nigel Short |
0-1 |
Erwin l'Ami - Dimitri Reinderman |
½-½ |
Hou Yifan - Krishnan Sasikiran |
1-0 |
Group B: Round 3 - Mon. Jan. 19th |
Krishnan Sasikiran - R. Kasimdzhanov |
0-1 |
Dimitri Reinderman - Hou Yifan |
1-0 |
Nigel Short - Erwin l'Ami |
1-0 |
Andrei Volokitin - Francisco Vallejo |
½-½ |
Henrique Mecking - Jan Werle |
½-½ |
Alexander Motylev - Fabiano Caruana |
½-½ |
David Navara - Zahar Efimenko |
½-½ |
Group B: Round 4 - Tues. Jan. 20th |
R. Kasimdzhanov - Zahar Efimenko |
½-½ |
Fabiano Caruana - David Navara |
1-0 |
Jan Werle - Alexander Motylev |
0-1 |
Francisco Vallejo - Henrique Mecking |
1-0 |
Erwin l'Ami - Andrei Volokitin |
½-½ |
Hou Yifan - Nigel Short |
½-½ |
Krishnan Sasikiran - Dimitri Reinderman |
½-½ |
Wednesday, January 21st –
Free day |
Group B: Round 5 - Thurs. Jan. 22nd |
Dimitri Reinderman - R. Kasimdzhanov |
Nigel Short - Krishnan Sasikiran |
Andrei Volokitin - Hou Yifan |
Henrique Mecking - Erwin l'Ami |
Alexander Motylev - Francisco Vallejo |
David Navara - Jan Werle |
Zahar Efimenko - Fabiano Caruana |
Group B: Round 6 - Fri. Jan. 23rd |
R. Kasimdzhanov - Fabiano Caruana |
Jan Werle - Zahar Efimenko |
Francisco Vallejo - David Navara |
Erwin l'Ami - Alexander Motylev |
Hou Yifan - Henrique Mecking |
Krishnan Sasikiran - Andrei Volokitin |
Dimitri Reinderman - Nigel Short |
Group B: Round 7 - Sat. Jan. 24th |
Nigel Short - R. Kasimdzhanov |
Andrei Volokitin - Dimitri Reinderman |
Henrique Mecking - Krishnan Sasikiran |
Alexander Motylev - Hou Yifan |
David Navara - Erwin l'Ami |
Zahar Efimenko - Francisco Vallejo |
Fabiano Caruana - Jan Werle |
Group B: Round 8 - Sun. Jan. 25th |
R. Kasimdzhanov - Jan Werle |
Francisco Vallejo - Fabiano Caruana |
Erwin l'Ami - Zahar Efimenko |
Hou Yifan - David Navara |
Krishnan Sasikiran - Alexander Motylev |
Dimitri Reinderman - Henrique Mecking |
Nigel Short - Andrei Volokitin |
Monday, January 26th –
Free day |
Group B: Round 9 - Tues. Jan. 27th |
Andrei Volokitin - R. Kasimdzhanov |
Henrique Mecking - Nigel Short |
Alexander Motylev - Dimitri Reinderman |
David Navara - Krishnan Sasikiran |
Zahar Efimenko - Hou Yifan |
Fabiano Caruana - Erwin l'Ami |
Jan Werle - Francisco Vallejo |
Group B: Round 10 - Wed. Jan. 28th |
R. Kasimdzhanov - Francisco Vallejo |
Erwin l'Ami - Jan Werle |
Hou Yifan - Fabiano Caruana |
Krishnan Sasikiran - Zahar Efimenko |
Dimitri Reinderman - David Navara |
Nigel Short - Alexander Motylev |
Andrei Volokitin - Henrique Mecking |
Thursday, January 29th –
Free day |
Group B: Round 11 - Fri. Jan. 30th |
Henrique Mecking - R. Kasimdzhanov |
Alexander Motylev - Andrei Volokitin |
David Navara - Nigel Short |
Zahar Efimenko - Dimitri Reinderman |
Fabiano Caruana - Krishnan Sasikiran |
Jan Werle - Hou Yifan |
Francisco Vallejo - Erwin l'Ami |
Group B: Round 12 - Sat. Jan. 31st |
R. Kasimdzhanov - Erwin l'Ami |
Hou Yifan - Francisco Vallejo |
Krishnan Sasikiran - Jan Werle |
Dimitri Reinderman - Fabiano Caruana |
Nigel Short - Zahar Efimenko |
Andrei Volokitin - David Navara |
Henrique Mecking - Alexander Motylev |
Group B: Round 13 - Sun. Feb. 1st |
Alexander Motylev - R. Kasimdzhanov |
David Navara - Henrique Mecking |
Zahar Efimenko - Andrei Volokitin |
Fabiano Caruana - Nigel Short |
Jan Werle - Dimitri Reinderman |
Francisco Vallejo - Krishnan Sasikiran |
Erwin l'Ami - Hou Yifan |
Schedule and results of Grandmaster Group C
Group C: Round 1 - Sat. Jan. 17th |
T. Hillarp Persson - Roeland Pruijssers |
½-½ |
David Howell - Manuel Bosboom |
0-1 |
Friso Nijboer - Wesley So |
0-1 |
Oleg Romanishin - Ali Bitalzadeh |
1-0 |
Anish Giri - Frank Holzke |
½-½ |
Abhijeet Gupta - Dronavalli Harika |
0-1 |
Eduardo Iturrizaga - M. Leon Hoyos |
1-0 |
Group C: Round 2 - Sun. Jan. 18th |
Roeland Pruijssers - M. Leon Hoyos |
1-0 |
Dronavalli Harika - Eduardo Iturrizaga |
½-½ |
Frank Holzke - Abhijeet Gupta |
0-1 |
Ali Bitalzadeh - Anish Giri |
½-½ |
Wesley So - Oleg Romanishin |
½-½ |
Manuel Bosboom - Friso Nijboer |
1-0 |
T. Hillarp Persson - David Howell |
1-0 |
Group C: Round 3 - Mon. Jan. 19th |
David Howell - Roeland Pruijssers |
1-0 |
Friso Nijboer - T. Hillarp Persson |
½-½ |
Oleg Romanishin - Manuel Bosboom |
½-½ |
Anish Giri - Wesley So |
½-½ |
Abhijeet Gupta - Ali Bitalzadeh |
0-1 |
Eduardo Iturrizaga - Frank Holzke |
1-0 |
M. Leon Hoyos - Dronavalli Harika |
1-0 |
Group C: Round 4 - Tues. Jan. 20th |
Roeland Pruijssers - Dronavalli Harika |
½-½ |
Frank Holzke - M. Leon Hoyos |
1-0 |
Ali Bitalzadeh - Eduardo Iturrizaga |
1-0 |
Wesley So - Abhijeet Gupta |
½-½ |
Manuel Bosboom - Anish Giri |
½-½ |
T. Hillarp Persson - Oleg Romanishin |
1-0 |
David Howell - Friso Nijboer |
1-0 |
Wednesday, January 21st –
Free day |
Group C: Round 5 - Thurs. Jan. 22nd |
Friso Nijboer - Roeland Pruijssers |
Oleg Romanishin - David Howell |
Anish Giri - T. Hillarp Persson |
Abhijeet Gupta - Manuel Bosboom |
Eduardo Iturrizaga - Wesley So |
M. Leon Hoyos - Ali Bitalzadeh |
Dronavalli Harika - Frank Holzke |
Group C: Round 6 - Fri. Jan. 23rd |
Roeland Pruijssers - Frank Holzke |
Ali Bitalzadeh - Dronavalli Harika |
Wesley So - M. Leon Hoyos |
Manuel Bosboom - Eduardo Iturrizaga |
T. Hillarp Persson - Abhijeet Gupta |
David Howell - Anish Giri |
Friso Nijboer - Oleg Romanishin |
Group C: Round 7 - Sat. Jan. 24th |
Oleg Romanishin - Roeland Pruijssers |
Anish Giri - Friso Nijboer |
Abhijeet Gupta - David Howell |
Eduardo Iturrizaga - T. Hillarp Persson |
M. Leon Hoyos - Manuel Bosboom |
Dronavalli Harika - Wesley So |
Frank Holzke - Ali Bitalzadeh |
Group C: Round 8 - Sun. Jan. 25th |
Roeland Pruijssers - Ali Bitalzadeh |
Wesley So - Frank Holzke |
Manuel Bosboom - Dronavalli Harika |
T. Hillarp Persson - M. Leon Hoyos |
David Howell - Eduardo Iturrizaga |
Friso Nijboer - Abhijeet Gupta |
Oleg Romanishin - Anish Giri |
Monday, January 26th –
Free day |
Group C: Round 9 - Tues. Jan. 27th |
Anish Giri - Roeland Pruijssers |
Abhijeet Gupta - Oleg Romanishin |
Eduardo Iturrizaga - Friso Nijboer |
M. Leon Hoyos - David Howell |
Dronavalli Harika - T. Hillarp Persson |
Frank Holzke - Manuel Bosboom |
Ali Bitalzadeh - Wesley So |
Group C: Round 10 - Wed. Jan. 28th |
Roeland Pruijssers - Wesley So |
Manuel Bosboom - Ali Bitalzadeh |
T. Hillarp Persson - Frank Holzke |
David Howell - Dronavalli Harika |
Friso Nijboer - M. Leon Hoyos |
Oleg Romanishin - Eduardo Iturrizaga |
Anish Giri - Abhijeet Gupta |
Thursday, January 29th –
Free day |
Group C: Round 11 - Fri. Jan. 30th |
Abhijeet Gupta - Roeland Pruijssers |
Eduardo Iturrizaga - Anish Giri |
M. Leon Hoyos - Oleg Romanishin |
Dronavalli Harika - Friso Nijboer |
Frank Holzke - David Howell |
Ali Bitalzadeh - T. Hillarp Persson |
Wesley So - Manuel Bosboom |
Group C: Round 12 - Sat. Jan. 31st |
Roeland Pruijssers - Manuel Bosboom |
T. Hillarp Persson - Wesley So |
David Howell - Ali Bitalzadeh |
Friso Nijboer - Frank Holzke |
Oleg Romanishin - Dronavalli Harika |
Anish Giri - M. Leon Hoyos |
Abhijeet Gupta - Eduardo Iturrizaga |
Group C: Round 13 - Sun. Feb. 1st |
Eduardo Iturrizaga - Roeland Pruijssers |
M. Leon Hoyos - Abhijeet Gupta |
Dronavalli Harika - Anish Giri |
Frank Holzke - Oleg Romanishin |
Ali Bitalzadeh - Friso Nijboer |
Wesley So - David Howell |
Manuel Bosboom - T. Hillarp Persson |
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