Results of round three
Group A: Round 3 - Mon. Jan. 14th |
Teimour Radjabov - Loek van Wely |
½-½ |
Shak. Mamedyarov - Vladimir Kramnik |
½-½ |
Pavel Eljanov - Vishy Anand |
½-½ |
Michael Adams - Magnus Carlsen |
½-½ |
Levon Aronian - Peter Leko |
½-½ |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Boris Gelfand |
½-½ |
Judit Polgar - Veselin Topalov |
½-½ |
Group B: Round 3 - Mon. Jan. 14th |
Hou Yifan - Nigel Short |
1-0 |
Daniël Stellwagen - P. Harikrishna |
½-½ |
Wouter Spoelman - Etienne Bacrot |
0-1 |
Sergei Movsesian - Michal Krasenkow |
1-0 |
Jan Smeets - Ivan Cheparinov |
1-0 |
Ian Nepomniachtchi - Gabriel Sargissian |
1-0 |
Erwin L’Ami - Koneru Humpy |
1-0 |
Group C: Round 3 - Mon. Jan. 14th |
Anna Ushenina - Irina Krush |
½-½ |
Friso Nijboer - Li Shilong |
1-0 |
Parimarjan Negi - John van der Wiel |
1-0 |
Peng Zhaoqin - Arik Braun |
0-1 |
Mark van der Werf - Pontus Carlsson |
½-½ |
Dennis Ruijgrok - Fabiano Caruana |
0-1 |
Dimitri Reinderman - Efstratios Grivas |
½-½ |
Group A standings

As you can see two players have won two games and drawn one, and lead the field.
Teimour Radjabov has won two and drawn one. Then come a group of six players
who have drawn all their games so far. And at the bottom of the table we find
five players who have lost one and drawn two. Naturally it is unusual to see
one of the two top-rated players at the end of the table, but that is a quirk
that will soon be amended. That we guarantee.
Report from Wijk aan Zee by Steve Giddins
Corus is about more than just the A Group. Wonderful though that is, it remains
just the top of a vast pyramid of tournaments, both professional and amateur
– including numerous events such as four and ten-player all-play-all tournaments,
plus rapid events, junior simuls on the rest day, etc. The total numbers expected
to participate in this year's festival could well top 1,800.
At the professional level, the B and C Groups are both strong and highly interesting
tournaments in their own right, and since Mihail Marin is doing such a splendid
job of commentating on the A Group games, these reports will henceforth focus
rather more on events in the other two groups.
As far as the A Group is concerned, I will content myself with telling you
that it was largely a day of opposite-coloured bishops. The seven games yielded
no fewer than four positions with polychromatic prelates, all of which were
The B Group is category 15, with an average FIDE rating of 2618, but perhaps
a more telling indicator of its strength is that former world title challenger
Nigel Short is playing – and he is only rated sixth out of the 14 participants!
He also seems to be on a mission to break away from the 21st century stereotype
opening theory, of wall-to-wall Marshalls and Moscow gambits, and instead to
revive some of those lines so beloved of the 19th century. Yesterday, he increased
his personal plus score on the White side of the Evans Gambit to +6, by beating
Erwin L'Ami in a fine effort. Today, against young Chinese girl sensation Hou
Yifan, he revived the "old" Berlin Defence to the Spanish, forsaking
the popular Berlin Wall line in favour of Emanuel Lasker's favourite, 5...Be7.
He later explained his opening choice by a desire to mark the 100th anniversary
of the 1908 Lasker-Tarrasch match, in which the line was played three times!
However, the result today was catastrophic, as a grossly over-optimistic g5-thrust
saw his position demolished in just 23 moves.

Hou is she? The 13-year-old Chinese super-talent Hou Yifan (above in round
Hou Yifan (2527) - Short,N (2645) [C67]
Corus B Wijk aan Zee NED (3), 14.01.2008
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6 4.0–0 Nxe4 5.d4 Be7 6.Qe2 Nd6 7.Bxc6 bxc6 8.dxe5
Nb7 9.c4 0–0 10.Nc3 Re8 11.Rd1 Bf8 12.Bg5 f6 13.Bh4
13...g5 14.Bg3 d6 15.Ne4 Bg4 16.exf6 Bh5 17.Qe3 Bh6 18.Ne5 Rxe5 19.Bxe5
Bxd1 20.Rxd1 Qe8 21.Bc3 Nd8
22.f7+ Qxf7 23.Nf6+ 1–0
After the game, a rueful Short blamed this disaster on inadequate preparation,
adding that it was "especially embarrassing to lose to an opponent who
is three years younger than my daughter!" This was one of five (!) decisive
results in the group.

Nigel Short (left) ananlying his first-round draw with Pentala Harikrishna
"I blundered a piece and was about to resign when my oppenent gave up
his queen and I decided to hang on for a while to see if I could save it,"
Nigel said. And save it he did, in a splendid defensive effort.
Etienne Bacrot took the lead by beating bottom-marker Spoelman with Black,
whilst 17-year-old Ian Nepomniashi scored an important victory over Aronian's
second, Sargissian.

Just 17 and already so strong: Russian grandmaster Ian Nepomniachtchi [photo
Nepomniachtchi,I (2600) - Sargissian,G (2676) [C65]
Corus B Wijk aan Zee NED (3), 14.01.2008
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6 4.d3 Bc5 5.0–0 Nd4 6.Nxd4 Bxd4 7.Nd2 c6 8.Ba4
d6 9.c3 Bb6 10.Bb3 h6 11.Nc4 Bc7 12.Ne3 0–0 13.Qf3 g6 14.g4 h5 15.h3 hxg4 16.hxg4
Kg7 17.Kg2 Nh7 18.Rh1 Ng5 19.Qg3 Rg8 20.Kf1 Bd7
21.Nf5+ Kf8 22.Qh4 gxf5 23.Qh6+ Ke8 24.gxf5 d5 25.Qxg5 Rxg5 26.Rh8+ Ke7
27.Bxg5+ f6 28.Rxd8 Rxd8 29.Be3 Bb6 30.Ke2 Be8 31.Rh1 Bf7 32.Rh7 Bxe3 33.fxe3
Kf8 34.exd5 cxd5 35.Rh8+ Bg8 36.e4 Kg7 37.Rh4 Bf7 38.exd5 Bxd5 39.Bxd5 Rxd5
40.Rc4 Kh6
41.Rg4 Kh5 42.Rg7 a5 43.Ke3 b5 44.Ke4 Rd8 45.Rg6 Rd6 46.d4 exd4 47.cxd4
Rc6 48.Rg2 Rc1 49.Kd5 Re1 50.Kc6 b4 51.b3 1–0.
Group B standings

The C Group has been the most bloodthirsty of all the GM sections, with the
first two rounds producing only two draws. Today's third round added only three
more, as German IM Arik Braun moved onto 3/3 by beating multiple Dutch ladies
champion Peng.

Perfect score: German IM Arik Braun

Chinese-born Dutch grandmaster Peng Zhaoqin
Peng Zhaoqin (2461) - Braun,A (2536) [A57]
Corus C Wijk aan Zee NED (3), 14.01.2008
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.a4 bxc4 5.Nc3 d6 6.e4 g6 7.Bxc4 Bg7 8.Bb5+ Bd7
9.Nf3 0–0 10.h3 Bxb5 11.axb5 Ne8 12.0–0 Nc7 13.Qe2 Nd7 14.Bf4 Nb6 15.Rfd1 Qd7
16.Ra5 Rfb8 17.e5 Rb7 18.Bg3 Rd8 19.Qe4 Nc8 20.b4 cxb4 21.Qxb4 Nb6 22.Qb3
dxe5 23.Bxe5 Ncxd5 24.Bxg7 Kxg7 25.Ne5 Qf5 26.Nc6 Rd6 27.Nxd5 Nxd5 28.Rxa7 Rxa7
29.Nxa7 Rf6 30.Qb2 Nf4 31.f3
31...Nxh3+ 32.gxh3 Qxf3 33.Ra1 Qg3+ 34.Qg2 Qe3+ 35.Kh1 Rf2 36.Qg4 Qe5 0–1.
The top seed in the C Group is Italian sensation Fabiano Caruana, who also
won his third straight game.
Ruijgrok,D (2329) - Caruana,F (2598) [B40]
Corus C Wijk aan Zee NED (3), 14.01.2008
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.b3 b6 4.c4 Bb7 5.Nc3 Nf6 6.Qe2 Nc6 7.e5 Ng4 8.Bb2 Qb8
9.Nb5 a6 10.Na3 Be7 11.h3 Nh6 12.Nc2 0–0 13.0–0–0 a5 14.a4 f6 15.exf6 Bxf6 16.Qd3
Bxb2+ 17.Kxb2 Qc7 18.Re1 Nf5 19.Rg1 Nb4 20.Nxb4 Bxf3 21.Qxf3 axb4 22.Bd3 Rad8
23.h4 Rf6 24.g3 Qd6 25.Qe4 Qd4+ 26.Qxd4 Nxd4
27.Rg2 Rf3 28.Re3 Rdf8 29.Rxf3 Rxf3 30.Bc2 e5 31.Bd1 Rd3 32.f4 d6 33.fxe5
dxe5 34.Bc2 Rf3 35.Bd1 Rf1 36.Bc2 g6 37.Be4 Kg7 38.Bd3 Rf3 39.Bc2 Nxc2 40.Kxc2
Kf6 41.d3 Kf5 42.g4+ Kf4 43.Re2 Kxg4 44.Rxe5 Rf2+ 45.Kb1 Kxh4 46.Re6 g5 47.Rh6+
Kg3 48.Rxh7 g4 49.a5 bxa5 50.Rh5 Kf4
Group C standings

Photos by Jeroen van den Belt and Frits Agterdenbos (ChessVista)
Schedule and results of Grandmaster Group A
Group A: Round 1 - Sat. Jan. 12th |
Vladimir Kramnik - Loek van Wely |
½-½ |
Teimour Radjabov - Vishy Anand |
1-0 |
Shak. Mamedyarov - Magnus Carlsen |
0-1 |
Pavel Eljanov - Peter Leko |
½-½ |
Michael Adams - Boris Gelfand |
½-½ |
Levon Aronian - Veselin Topalov |
1-0 |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Judit Polgar |
½-½ |
Group A: Round 2 - Sun. Jan. 13th |
Loek van Wely - Judit Polgar |
½-½ |
Veselin Topalov - Vassily Ivanchuk |
½-½ |
Boris Gelfand - Levon Aronian |
0-1 |
Peter Leko - Michael Adams |
½-½ |
Magnus Carlsen - Pavel Eljanov |
1-0 |
Vishy Anand - Shak. Mamedyarov |
½-½ |
Vladimir Kramnik - Teimour Radjabov |
½-½ |
Group A: Round 3 - Mon. Jan. 14th |
Teimour Radjabov - Loek van Wely |
½-½ |
Shak. Mamedyarov - Vladimir Kramnik |
½-½ |
Pavel Eljanov - Vishy Anand |
½-½ |
Michael Adams - Magnus Carlsen |
½-½ |
Levon Aronian - Peter Leko |
½-½ |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Boris Gelfand |
½-½ |
Judit Polgar - Veselin Topalov |
½-½ |
Group A: Round 4 - Tues. Jan. 15th |
Loek van Wely - Veselin Topalov |
Boris Gelfand - Judit Polgar |
Peter Leko - Vassily Ivanchuk |
Magnus Carlsen - Levon Aronian |
Vishy Anand - Michael Adams |
Vladimir Kramnik - Pavel Eljanov |
Teimour Radjabov - Shak. Mamedyarov |
Wednesday, January 16th –
Free day |
Group A: Round 5 - Thurs. Jan. 17th |
Shak. Mamedyarov - Loek van Wely |
Pavel Eljanov - Teimour Radjabov |
Michael Adams - Vladimir Kramnik |
Levon Aronian - Vishy Anand |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Magnus Carlsen |
Judit Polgar - Peter Leko |
Veselin Topalov - Boris Gelfand |
Group A: Round 6 - Fri. Jan. 18th |
Loek van Wely - Boris Gelfand |
Peter Leko - Veselin Topalov |
Magnus Carlsen - Judit Polgar |
Vishy Anand - Vassily Ivanchuk |
Vladimir Kramnik - Levon Aronian |
Teimour Radjabov - Michael Adams |
Shak. Mamedyarov - Pavel Eljanov |
Group A: Round 7 - Sat. Jan. 19st |
Pavel Eljanov - Loek van Wely |
Michael Adams - Shak. Mamedyarov |
Levon Aronian - Teimour Radjabov |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Vladimir Kramnik |
Judit Polgar - Vishy Anand |
Veselin Topalov - Magnus Carlsen |
Boris Gelfand - Peter Leko |
Group A: Round 8 - Sun. Jan. 20nd |
Loek van Wely - Peter Leko |
Magnus Carlsen - Boris Gelfand |
Vishy Anand - Veselin Topalov |
Vladimir Kramnik - Judit Polgar |
Teimour Radjabov - Vassily Ivanchuk |
Shak. Mamedyarov - Levon Aronian |
Pavel Eljanov - Michael Adams |
Monday, January 21st –
Free day |
Group A: Round 9 - Tues. Jan. 22th |
Michael Adams - Loek van Wely |
Levon Aronian - Pavel Eljanov |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Shak. Mamedyarov |
Judit Polgar - Teimour Radjabov |
Veselin Topalov - Vladimir Kramnik |
Boris Gelfand - Vishy Anand |
Peter Leko - Magnus Carlsen |
Group A: Round 10 - Wed. Jan. 23th |
Loek van Wely - Magnus Carlsen |
Vishy Anand - Peter Leko |
Vladimir Kramnik - Boris Gelfand |
Teimour Radjabov - Veselin Topalov |
Shak. Mamedyarov - Judit Polgar |
Pavel Eljanov - Vassily Ivanchuk |
Michael Adams - Levon Aronian |
Thursday, January 24th –
Free day |
Group A: Round 11 - Fri. Jan. 25th |
Levon Aronian - Loek van Wely |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Michael Adams |
Judit Polgar - Pavel Eljanov |
Veselin Topalov - Shak. Mamedyarov |
Boris Gelfand - Teimour Radjabov |
Peter Leko - Vladimir Kramnik |
Magnus Carlsen - Vishy Anand |
Group A: Round 12 - Sat. Jan. 26th |
Loek van Wely - Vishy Anand |
Vladimir Kramnik - Magnus Carlsen |
Teimour Radjabov - Peter Leko |
Shak. Mamedyarov - Boris Gelfand |
Pavel Eljanov - Veselin Topalov |
Michael Adams - Judit Polgar |
Levon Aronian - Vassily Ivanchuk |
Group A: Round 13 - Sun. Jan. 27th |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Loek van Wely |
Judit Polgar - Levon Aronian |
Veselin Topalov - Michael Adams |
Boris Gelfand - Pavel Eljanov |
Peter Leko - Shak. Mamedyarov |
Magnus Carlsen - Teimour Radjabov |
Vishy Anand - Vladimir Kramnik |
Schedule and results of Grandmaster Group B
Group B: Round 1 - Sat. Jan. 12th |
P. Harikrishna - Nigel Short |
½-½ |
Hou Yifan - Etienne Bacrot |
0-1 |
Daniël Stellwagen - Michal Krasenkow |
1-0 |
Wouter Spoelman - Ivan Cheparinov |
0-1 |
Sergei Movsesian - Gabriel Sargissian |
½-½ |
Jan Smeets - Koneru Humpy |
1-0 |
Ian Nepomniachtchi - Erwin L’Ami |
½-½ |
Group B: Round 2 - Sun. Jan. 13th |
Nigel Short - Erwin L’Ami |
1-0 |
Koneru Humpy - Ian Nepomniachtchi |
½-½ |
Gabriel Sargissian - Jan Smeets |
½-½ |
Ivan Cheparinov - Sergei Movsesian |
½-½ |
Michal Krasenkow - Wouter Spoelman |
1-0 |
Etienne Bacrot - Daniël Stellwagen |
½-½ |
P. Harikrishna - Hou Yifan |
1-0 |
Group B: Round 3 - Mon. Jan. 14th |
Hou Yifan - Nigel Short |
1-0 |
Daniël Stellwagen - P. Harikrishna |
½-½ |
Wouter Spoelman - Etienne Bacrot |
0-1 |
Sergei Movsesian - Michal Krasenkow |
1-0 |
Jan Smeets - Ivan Cheparinov |
1-0 |
Ian Nepomniachtchi - Gabriel Sargissian |
1-0 |
Erwin L’Ami - Koneru Humpy |
1-0 |
Group B: Round 4 - Tues. Jan. 15th |
Nigel Short - Koneru Humpy |
Gabriel Sargissian - Erwin L’Ami |
Ivan Cheparinov - Ian Nepomniachtchi |
Michal Krasenkow - Jan Smeets |
Etienne Bacrot - Sergei Movsesian |
P. Harikrishna - Wouter Spoelman |
Hou Yifan - Daniël Stellwagen |
Wednesday, January 16th –
Free day |
Group B: Round 5 - Thurs. Jan. 17th |
Daniël Stellwagen - Nigel Short |
Wouter Spoelman - Hou Yifan |
Sergei Movsesian - P. Harikrishna |
Jan Smeets - Etienne Bacrot |
Ian Nepomniachtchi - Michal Krasenkow |
Erwin L’Ami - Ivan Cheparinov |
Koneru Humpy - Gabriel Sargissian |
Group B: Round 6 - Fri. Jan. 18th |
Nigel Short - Gabriel Sargissian |
Ivan Cheparinov - Koneru Humpy |
Michal Krasenkow - Erwin L’Ami |
Etienne Bacrot - Ian Nepomniachtchi |
P. Harikrishna - Jan Smeets |
Hou Yifan - Sergei Movsesian |
Daniël Stellwagen - Wouter Spoelman |
Group B: Round 7 - Sat. Jan. 29st |
Wouter Spoelman - Nigel Short |
Sergei Movsesian - Daniël Stellwagen |
Jan Smeets - Hou Yifan |
Ian Nepomniachtchi - P. Harikrishna |
Erwin L’Ami - Etienne Bacrot |
Koneru Humpy - Michal Krasenkow |
Gabriel Sargissian - Ivan Cheparinov |
Group B: Round 8 - Sun. Jan. 20nd |
Nigel Short - Ivan Cheparinov |
Michal Krasenkow - Gabriel Sargissian |
Etienne Bacrot - Koneru Humpy |
P. Harikrishna - Erwin L’Ami |
Hou Yifan - Ian Nepomniachtchi |
Daniël Stellwagen - Jan Smeets |
Wouter Spoelman - Sergei Movsesian |
Monday, January 21st –
Free day |
Group B: Round 9 - Tues. Jan. 22th |
Sergei Movsesian - Nigel Short |
Jan Smeets - Wouter Spoelman |
Ian Nepomniachtchi - Daniël Stellwagen |
Erwin L’Ami - Hou Yifan |
Koneru Humpy - P. Harikrishna |
Gabriel Sargissian - Etienne Bacrot |
Ivan Cheparinov - Michal Krasenkow |
Group B: Round 10 - Wed. Jan. 23th |
Nigel Short - Michal Krasenkow |
Etienne Bacrot - Ivan Cheparinov |
P. Harikrishna - Gabriel Sargissian |
Hou Yifan - Koneru Humpy |
Daniël Stellwagen - Erwin L’Ami |
Wouter Spoelman - Ian Nepomniachtchi |
Sergei Movsesian - Jan Smeets |
Thursday, January 24th –
Free day |
Group B: Round 11 - Fri. Jan. 25th |
Jan Smeets - Nigel Short |
Ian Nepomniachtchi - Sergei Movsesian |
Erwin L’Ami - Wouter Spoelman |
Koneru Humpy - Daniël Stellwagen |
Gabriel Sargissian - Hou Yifan |
Ivan Cheparinov - P. Harikrishna |
Michal Krasenkow - Etienne Bacrot |
Group B: Round 12 - Sat. Jan. 26th |
Nigel Short - Etienne Bacrot |
P. Harikrishna - Michal Krasenkow |
Hou Yifan - Ivan Cheparinov |
Daniël Stellwagen - Gabriel Sargissian |
Wouter Spoelman - Koneru Humpy |
Sergei Movsesian - Erwin L’Ami |
Jan Smeets - Ian Nepomniachtchi |
Group B: Round 13 - Sun. Jan. 27th |
Ian Nepomniachtchi - Nigel Short |
Erwin L’Ami - Jan Smeets |
Koneru Humpy - Sergei Movsesian |
Gabriel Sargissian - Wouter Spoelman |
Ivan Cheparinov - Daniël Stellwagen |
Michal Krasenkow - Hou Yifan |
Etienne Bacrot - P. Harikrishna |
Schedule and results of Grandmaster Group C
Group C: Round 1 - Sat. Jan. 12th |
Li Shilong - Irina Krush |
1-0 |
Anna Ushenina - John van der Wiel |
0-1 |
Friso Nijboer - Arik Braun |
0-1 |
Parimarjan Negi - Pontus Carlsson |
0-1 |
Peng Zhaoqin - Fabiano Caruana |
0-1 |
Mark van der Werf - Efstratios Grivas |
1-0 |
Dennis Ruijgrok - Dimitri Reinderman |
0-1 |
Group C: Round 2 - Sun. Jan. 13th |
Irina Krush - Dimitri Reinderman |
½-½ |
Efstratios Grivas - Dennis Ruijgrok |
1-0 |
Fabiano Caruana - Mark van der Werf |
1-0 |
Pontus Carlsson - Peng Zhaoqin |
½-½ |
Arik Braun - Parimarjan Negi |
1-0 |
John van der Wiel - Friso Nijboer |
1-0 |
Li Shilong - Anna Ushenina |
1-0 |
Group C: Round 3 - Mon. Jan. 14th |
Anna Ushenina - Irina Krush |
½-½ |
Friso Nijboer - Li Shilong |
1-0 |
Parimarjan Negi - John van der Wiel |
1-0 |
Peng Zhaoqin - Arik Braun |
0-1 |
Mark van der Werf - Pontus Carlsson |
½-½ |
Dennis Ruijgrok - Fabiano Caruana |
0-1 |
Dimitri Reinderman - Efstratios Grivas |
½-½ |
Group C: Round 4 - Tues. Jan. 15th |
Irina Krush - Efstratios Grivas |
Fabiano Caruana - Dimitri Reinderman |
Pontus Carlsson - Dennis Ruijgrok |
Arik Braun - Mark van der Werf |
John van der Wiel - Peng Zhaoqin |
Li Shilong - Parimarjan Negi |
Anna Ushenina - Friso Nijboer |
Wednesday, January 16th –
Free day |
Group C: Round 5 - Thurs. Jan. 17th |
Friso Nijboer - Irina Krush |
Parimarjan Negi - Anna Ushenina |
Peng Zhaoqin - Li Shilong |
Mark van der Werf - John van der Wiel |
Dennis Ruijgrok - Arik Braun |
Dimitri Reinderman - Pontus Carlsson |
Efstratios Grivas - Fabiano Caruana |
Group C: Round 6 - Fri. Jan. 18th |
Irina Krush - Fabiano Caruana |
Pontus Carlsson - Efstratios Grivas |
Arik Braun - Dimitri Reinderman |
John van der Wiel - Dennis Ruijgrok |
Li Shilong - Mark van der Werf |
Anna Ushenina - Peng Zhaoqin |
Friso Nijboer - Parimarjan Negi |
Group C: Round 7 - Sat. Jan. 19st |
Parimarjan Negi - Irina Krush |
Peng Zhaoqin - Friso Nijboer |
Mark van der Werf - Anna Ushenina |
Dennis Ruijgrok - Li Shilong |
Dimitri Reinderman - John van der Wiel |
Efstratios Grivas - Arik Braun |
Fabiano Caruana - Pontus Carlsson |
Group C: Round 8 - Sun. Jan. 20nd |
Irina Krush - Pontus Carlsson |
Arik Braun - Fabiano Caruana |
John van der Wiel - Efstratios Grivas |
Li Shilong - Dimitri Reinderman |
Anna Ushenina - Dennis Ruijgrok |
Friso Nijboer - Mark van der Werf |
Parimarjan Negi - Peng Zhaoqin |
Monday, January 21st –
Free day |
Group C: Round 9 - Tues. Jan. 22th |
Peng Zhaoqin - Irina Krush |
Mark van der Werf - Parimarjan Negi |
Dennis Ruijgrok - Friso Nijboer |
Dimitri Reinderman - Anna Ushenina |
Efstratios Grivas - Li Shilong |
Fabiano Caruana - John van der Wiel |
Pontus Carlsson - Arik Braun |
Group C: Round 10 - Wed. Jan. 23th |
Irina Krush - Arik Braun |
John van der Wiel - Pontus Carlsson |
Li Shilong - Fabiano Caruana |
Anna Ushenina - Efstratios Grivas |
Friso Nijboer - Dimitri Reinderman |
Parimarjan Negi - Dennis Ruijgrok |
Peng Zhaoqin - Mark van der Werf |
Thursday, January 24th –
Free day |
Group C: Round 11 - Fri. Jan. 25th |
Mark van der Werf - Irina Krush |
Dennis Ruijgrok - Peng Zhaoqin |
Dimitri Reinderman - Parimarjan Negi |
Efstratios Grivas - Friso Nijboer |
Fabiano Caruana - Anna Ushenina |
Pontus Carlsson - Li Shilong |
Arik Braun - John van der Wiel |
Group C: Round 12 - Sat. Jan. 26th |
Irina Krush - John van der Wiel |
Li Shilong - Arik Braun |
Anna Ushenina - Pontus Carlsson |
Friso Nijboer - Fabiano Caruana |
Parimarjan Negi - Efstratios Grivas |
Peng Zhaoqin - Dimitri Reinderman |
Mark van der Werf - Dennis Ruijgrok |
Group C: Round 13 - Sun. Jan. 27th |
Dennis Ruijgrok - Irina Krush |
Dimitri Reinderman - Mark van der Werf |
Efstratios Grivas - Peng Zhaoqin |
Fabiano Caruana - Parimarjan Negi |
Pontus Carlsson - Friso Nijboer |
Arik Braun - Anna Ushenina |
John van der Wiel - Li Shilong |