Results of round two
Group A: Round 2 - Sun. Jan. 18th |
Sergei Movsesian - Michael Adams |
1-0 |
Leinier Dominguez - Gata Kamsky |
½-½ |
Alexander Morozevich - Loek van Wely |
1-0 |
Jan Smeets - Sergei Karjakin |
½-½ |
Wang Yue - Vassily Ivanchuk |
0-1 |
Teymour Radjabov - Levon Aronian |
½-½ |
Daniël Stellwagen - Magnus Carlsen |
½-½ |
Group B: Round 2 - Sun. Jan. 18th |
Rustam Kasimdzhanov - David Navara |
½-½ |
Zahar Efimenko - Alexander Motylev |
½-½ |
Fabiano Caruana - Henrique Mecking |
1-0 |
Jan Werle - Andrei Volokitin |
½-½ |
Francisco Vallejo - Nigel Short |
0-1 |
Erwin l'Ami - Dimitri Reinderman |
½-½ |
Hou Yifan - Krishnan Sasikiran |
1-0 |
Group C: Round 2 - Sun. Jan. 18th |
Roeland Pruijssers - M. Leon Hoyos |
1-0 |
Dronavalli Harika - Eduardo Iturrizaga |
½-½ |
Frank Holzke - Abhijeet Gupta |
0-1 |
Ali Bitalzadeh - Anish Giri |
½-½ |
Wesley So - Oleg Romanishin |
½-½ |
Manuel Bosboom - Friso Nijboer |
1-0 |
T. Hillarp Persson - David Howell |
1-0 |
GM Group A

GM Group B

GM Group C

Arbitrarial Tribulations
Round two report by Steve Giddins
"A policeman's lot is not a happy one", the old music
hall song informs us. The chess world's equivalent of the bobby on the beat
is the arbiter, and I fear that his lot is also less than deliriously happy
nowadays. Not only has he the normal day-to-day chess rules to contend with,
but the 21st-century arbiter also needs a degree in electronics, in order to
cope with all the gadgetry to be found at the modern chess tournament.
In days gone by, setting the clocks was a fairly basic task, and the only special
quality the arbiter needed was a supply of those little metal winders, which
the Law of Sod declared
should be missing from every chess clock in the kingdom of Caissa. These days,
however, setting one of the modern digital clocks is more akin to programming
the computers on an Apollo space ship. And then there is the mobile phone, surely
the invention of Satan himself. The draconian rules which apply (quite rightly,
I should add) to players whose phones ring during play mean that many have taken
to handing in their mobile to the arbiter, at the start of the game. Certainly
a wise precaution, but it can create one or two problems for the technologically-challenged
chess official.

The arbiter starting the clock in Wang Yue vs Ivanchuk round two in Wijk
A few months ago, I witnessed a hilarious scene, involving one of the England's
most senior arbiters, at a weekend tournament. At the start of the final round,
he collected a number of mobiles, all of which, he was assured, were turned
off. But half an hour later, the silence was shattered by a burst of "Rule
Britannia", from one of the handsets on his desk. A few seconds' fumbling
identified the culprit, and a few more seconds' fumbling left the arbiter convinced
that he had now turned the thing off. Alas, no. Moments later, it rang again.
A more prolonged period of fumbling and button-pushing seemed to do the trick,
and he put the phone back down again, only to pick it up rather sharply, when
voices began emerging from it. An embarrassed whispered conversation revealed
that the unfortunate arbiter, in attempting to switch the phone off, had accidentally
dialed the emergency services, and he was last seen whispering profuse, red-faced
apologies down the line!
Happily, the arbiters at Wijk aan Zee have not, to my knowledge, ever had to
contend with such problems. Indeed, at last year's tournament, one of the arbiters
had his computers skills to thank, when his knowledge of the laws of chess proved
deficient. When Nigel Short's pre-game handshake was declined by Cheparinov,
and Short claimed the game, the arbiter proved to be totally unaware of the
relevant FIDE rule! Luckily, he proved not to be totally unfamiliar with the
Internet, and a few minutes' surfing duly uncovered the document in question.
Cynics might suggest that, given the speed with which FIDE change their own
rules nowadays, a real-time connection is the only hope one has of keeping up
to date...

The Azeri-Armenian encounter Radjabov-Aronian ended peacefully after fifteen
Be that as it may, there is no doubt that the best use of real-time internet
connections is to broadcast live games, and today's round two efforts at Wijk
did not disappoint. Admittedly, the game Radjabov-Aronian was an anti-climix,
ending in a draw after just 15 moves (if only all Azeri-Armenian conflicts in
recent years had been so peaceful...). The other encounter between two of the
pre-tournament favourites looked to have been decided almost as quickly, after
Wang Yue's opening preparation went catastrophically wrong, and he was losing
a knight after just nine moves – not so much a Chinese takeaway, as a
Chinese giveaway. However, after being presented with the point on a plate,
Ivanchuk suddenly proved rather clumsy with his chopsticks.

Opening disaster: Chinese GM Wang Yue
Wang Yue (2739) - Ivanchuk,V (2779) [D30]
Corus A Wijk aan Zee NED (2), 18.01.2009
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Bg5 dxc4 5.Qa4+ Nbd7 6.Nc3 a6 7.g3. Apparently
a novelty, 7.e4 being the usual move. 7...b5 8.Nxb5 Rb8
9.Na7?? Clearly based on a miscalculation, this move effectively loses
a piece, as Fritz will confirm in slightly less then two seconds. 9...Rb4
10.Bxf6 gxf6 11.Qa5 Bb7 12.Bh3 Qb8 13.Qh5 Ke7?! The computer suggests 13...Rb6
as a more natural way to defend e6. 14.d5 Qxa7?! 14...Rxb2 is answered
in the same fashion as in the game, whilst 14...Bxd5 15.Qxd5 exd5 16.Nc6+ is
the point of White's play. However, this last variation may actually be the
best for Black, as after 16...Kd6 17.Nxb8 Rxb8 he retains a clear advantage
in the ending. 15.dxe6 fxe6 16.Bxe6! Kxe6 17.Qe8+ Be7 18.Qxh8 Nf8 19.Qg8+
Kd7 20.0–0–0+? Now Black seizes the advantage again. Instead, after 20.Qg4+
Black can probably not avoid a perpetual, eg. 20...Kc6 21.Qe4+ Kd7 22.Qf5+ etc.
20...Ke8 21.Qg4 Qc5 22.a3
22...Rxb2! 23.Kxb2 Qxa3+ 24.Kb1 Qb3+ 25.Ka1 c3 0–1. [Click
to replay]

Glad to be back in the tournament...

Vassily Ivanchuk talking about his win over Wang Yue
The games Dominguez-Kamsky and Smeets-Kariakin were both drawn, without the
balance ever being seriously disturbed. Movsesian, on the other hand, unearthed
a 19th century opening surprise, to hand Adams a painful defeat.

Servey Movsevsian at the start of his round two games against Michael Adams
Movsesian,S (2751) - Adams,Mi (2712) [C50]
Corus A Wijk aan Zee NED (2), 18.01.2009
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.0–0 Nf6 5.d4!? A move which
has been recommended to club players, in one or two repertoire books of the
"Win with White by force in 20 moves" variety, but it has never been
taken very seriously at GM level. Maybe the present game will force a change
in attitude. 5...Bxd4. 5...exd4 leads to the infamous Max Lange Attack
after 6.e5 d5 7.exf6 dxc4 etc. Adams prefers to avoid such heavily-analysed
byways. 6.Nxd4 Nxd4 7.f4 d6 8.fxe5 dxe5 9.Bg5 Be6 10.Na3 Qe7 11.c3 Nc6 12.Kh1

12...Rd8. Megabase 2009 deems this move a novelty, with the immediate
12...h6 having been played previously. However, this is not a position which
has been tested very extensively (to say the least!) amongst super-GMs, so theory's
conclusions must be treated with some caution. 13.Qe2 h6 14.Bxf6 gxf6 15.Rf2
Rg8 16.Raf1 Rg6 17.Nc2. By simple means, White has achieved at least adequate
compensation for his pawn. 17...Kf8 18.Ne3 Nb8 19.Qh5 Kg7 20.Qf3 Kh7 21.Nd5
Bxd5 22.exd5 e4 23.Qf4 Rd6?! Fritz 11 advocates 23...b5 24.Bb3 Na6 so as
to defend the e4-pawn. 24.Re2 Nd7 25.Rxe4 Ne5 26.Bb3 Kg8 27.c4 White
has recovered his pawn, whilst retaining his positional advantages. 27...b6
28.Bc2 Qf8 29.Re3 Rg5 30.Bf5 Kh8 31.Rfe1 a5 32.b3 c6. Hastening the end,
but Black is very short of constructive moves. 33.dxc6 Rxc6 34.h4 Rg8 35.Rd1
36.Rd8! Qg7 37.Rxg8+ Kxg8 38.Rg3 1–0. [Click
to replay]
Carlsen's choice of the Berlin wall against Stellwagen came as a slight surprise
to many, who expected a more ambitious line from the world number four. He equalized
without any great trouble, but the confines of equality were never really stretched,
and the game simplified to a drawn rook and pawn ending.

Daniël Stellwagen and Magnus Carlsen analysing their game

The second seed in this event didn't get anything from his Berlin Defence
Loek van Wely's defeat against Morozevich was the first suffered by a Dutchman
in this year's tournament, and leaves "KingLoek" languishing behind
his two young compatriots. He equalised after an early queen exchange, but later
allowed his knight to be pushed from the centre for no apparent reason, and
soon found himself in difficulties.

Alexander Morozevich vs Loek van Wely in round two
Morozevich,A (2771) - Van Wely,L (2625) [D97]
Corus A Wijk aan Zee NED (2), 18.01.2009
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.Qb3 dxc4 6.Qxc4 0–0 7.e4 a6 8.Qb3 c5
9.dxc5 Qc7 10.Qb6 Qxb6 11.cxb6 Nbd7 12.Be2 Nxb6 13.Be3 Nbd7 14.Nd4 b6 15.f3
Bb7 16.0–0–0 h5 17.Nb3 Kh7 18.Rd4 Rfc8 19.Rhd1 Rc7 20.Kb1 Bh6 21.Bxh6 Kxh6 22.Nd2
g5 23.a4 Ne5 24.Nc4 Nxc4 25.Rxc4 Rac8 26.Rcd4
26...Kg7?! [26...Rc5!] 27.e5 Ne8 28.g3 f6 29.f4 fxe5 30.fxe5 g4 31.Rb4
Rc6 32.Nd5 Rc2 33.Nf4 b5?! 33...Bf3 34.Re1 Bxe2 35.Rxe2 Rxe2 36.Nxe2 Rc5
is more stubborn. 34.axb5 axb5 35.Nxh5+ Kh6 36.Bxg4 R8c5 37.Nf4 Rxh2 38.Nd3
Rcc2 39.Bf5 Bf3 40.Rf1 Be2 41.Kxc2 Bxf1+ 42.Kc3 Nc7 43.Rg4 1–0. [Click
to replay]

King Loek behind his younger colleagues: top Dutch GM Loek van Wely
All pictures by Jeroen van den Belt
Schedule and results of Grandmaster Group A
Group A: Round 1 - Sat. Jan. 17th |
Daniël Stellwagen - Sergei Movsesian |
½-½ |
Magnus Carlsen - Teymour Radjabov |
½-½ |
Levon Aronian - Wang Yue |
½-½ |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Jan Smeets |
0-1 |
Sergei Karjakin - Alex. Morozevich |
1-0 |
Loek van Wely - Leinier Dominguez |
½-½ |
Gata Kamsky - Michael Adams |
½-½ |
Group A: Round 2 - Sun. Jan. 18th |
Sergei Movsesian - Michael Adams |
1-0 |
Leinier Dominguez - Gata Kamsky |
½-½ |
Alexander Morozevich - Loek van Wely |
1-0 |
Jan Smeets - Sergei Karjakin |
½-½ |
Wang Yue - Vassily Ivanchuk |
0-1 |
Teymour Radjabov - Levon Aronian |
½-½ |
Daniël Stellwagen - Magnus Carlsen |
½-½ |
Group A: Round 3 - Mon. Jan. 19th |
Magnus Carlsen - Sergei Movsesian |
Levon Aronian - Daniël Stellwagen |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Teymour Radjabov |
Sergei Karjakin - Wang Yue |
Loek van Wely - Jan Smeets |
Gata Kamsky - Alex. Morozevich |
Michael Adams - Leinier Dominguez |
Group A: Round 4 - Tues. Jan. 20th |
Sergei Movsesian - Leinier Dominguez |
Alex. Morozevich - Michael Adams |
Jan Smeets - Gata Kamsky |
Wang Yue - Loek van Wely |
Teymour Radjabov - Sergei Karjakin |
Daniël Stellwagen - Vassily Ivanchuk |
Magnus Carlsen - Levon Aronian |
Wednesday, January 21st –
Free day |
Group A: Round 5 - Thurs. Jan. 22nd |
Levon Aronian - Sergei Movsesian |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Magnus Carlsen |
Sergei Karjakin - Daniël Stellwagen |
Loek van Wely - Teymour Radjabov |
Gata Kamsky - Wang Yue |
Michael Adams - Jan Smeets |
Leinier Dominguez - Alex. Morozevich |
Group A: Round 6 - Fri. Jan. 23rd |
Sergei Movsesian - Alex. Morozevich |
Jan Smeets - Leinier Dominguez |
Wang Yue - Michael Adams |
Teymour Radjabov - Gata Kamsky |
Daniël Stellwagen - Loek van Wely |
Magnus Carlsen - Sergei Karjakin |
Levon Aronian - Vassily Ivanchuk |
Group A: Round 7 - Sat. Jan. 24th |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Sergei Movsesian |
Sergei Karjakin - Levon Aronian |
Loek van Wely - Magnus Carlsen |
Gata Kamsky - Daniël Stellwagen |
Michael Adams - Teymour Radjabov |
Leinier Dominguez - Wang Yue |
Alex. Morozevich - Jan Smeets |
Group A: Round 8 - Sun. Jan. 25th |
Sergei Movsesian - Jan Smeets |
Wang Yue - Alex. Morozevich |
Teymour Radjabov - Leinier Dominguez |
Daniël Stellwagen - Michael Adams |
Magnus Carlsen - Gata Kamsky |
Levon Aronian - Loek van Wely |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Sergei Karjakin |
Monday, January 26th –
Free day |
Group A: Round 7 - Tues. Jan. 27th |
Sergei Karjakin - Sergei Movsesian |
Loek van Wely - Vassily Ivanchuk |
Gata Kamsky - Levon Aronian |
Michael Adams - Magnus Carlsen |
Leinier Dominguez - Daniël Stellwagen |
Alex. Morozevich - Teymour Radjabov |
Jan Smeets - Wang Yue |
Group A: Round 10 - Wed. Jan. 28th |
Sergei Movsesian - Wang Yue |
Teymour Radjabov - Jan Smeets |
Daniël Stellwagen - Alex. Morozevich |
Magnus Carlsen - Leinier Dominguez |
Levon Aronian - Michael Adams |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Gata Kamsky |
Sergei Karjakin - Loek van Wely |
Thursday, January 29th –
Free day |
Group A: Round 11 - Fri. Jan. 30th |
Loek van Wely - Sergei Movsesian |
Gata Kamsky - Sergei Karjakin |
Michael Adams - Vassily Ivanchuk |
Leinier Dominguez - Levon Aronian |
Alex. Morozevich - Magnus Carlsen |
Jan Smeets - Daniël Stellwagen |
Wang Yue - Teymour Radjabov |
Group A: Round 12 - Sat. Jan. 31st |
Sergei Movsesian - Teymour Radjabov |
Daniël Stellwagen - Wang Yue |
Magnus Carlsen - Jan Smeets |
Levon Aronian - Alex. Morozevich |
Vassily Ivanchuk - Leinier Dominguez |
Sergei Karjakin - Michael Adams |
Loek van Wely - Gata Kamsky |
Group A: Round 13 - Sun. Feb. 1st |
Gata Kamsky - Sergei Movsesian |
Michael Adams - Loek van Wely |
Leinier Dominguez - Sergei Karjakin |
Alex. Morozevich - Vassily Ivanchuk |
Jan Smeets - Levon Aronian |
Wang Yue - Magnus Carlsen |
Teymour Radjabov - Daniël Stellwagen |
Schedule and results of Grandmaster Group B
Group B: Round 1 - Sat. Jan. 17th |
Hou Yifan - Rustam Kasimdzhanov |
0-1 |
Krishnan Sasikiran - Erwin l'Ami |
½-½ |
Dimitri Reinderman - Francisco Vallejo |
0-1 |
Nigel Short - Jan Werle |
½-½ |
Andrei Volokitin - Fabiano Caruana |
½-½ |
Henrique Mecking - Zahar Efimenko |
0-1 |
Alexander Motylev - David Navara |
0-1 |
Group B: Round 2 - Sun. Jan. 18th |
Rustam Kasimdzhanov - David Navara |
½-½ |
Zahar Efimenko - Alexander Motylev |
½-½ |
Fabiano Caruana - Henrique Mecking |
1-0 |
Jan Werle - Andrei Volokitin |
½-½ |
Francisco Vallejo - Nigel Short |
0-1 |
Erwin l'Ami - Dimitri Reinderman |
½-½ |
Hou Yifan - Krishnan Sasikiran |
1-0 |
Group B: Round 3 - Mon. Jan. 19th |
Krishnan Sasikiran - R. Kasimdzhanov |
Dimitri Reinderman - Hou Yifan |
Nigel Short - Erwin l'Ami |
Andrei Volokitin - Francisco Vallejo |
Henrique Mecking - Jan Werle |
Alexander Motylev - Fabiano Caruana |
David Navara - Zahar Efimenko |
Group B: Round 4 - Tues. Jan. 29th |
R. Kasimdzhanov - Zahar Efimenko |
Fabiano Caruana - David Navara |
Jan Werle - Alexander Motylev |
Francisco Vallejo - Henrique Mecking |
Erwin l'Ami - Andrei Volokitin |
Hou Yifan - Nigel Short |
Krishnan Sasikiran - Dimitri Reinderman |
Wednesday, January 21st –
Free day |
Group B: Round 5 - Thurs. Jan. 22nd |
Dimitri Reinderman - R. Kasimdzhanov |
Nigel Short - Krishnan Sasikiran |
Andrei Volokitin - Hou Yifan |
Henrique Mecking - Erwin l'Ami |
Alexander Motylev - Francisco Vallejo |
David Navara - Jan Werle |
Zahar Efimenko - Fabiano Caruana |
Group B: Round 6 - Fri. Jan. 23rd |
R. Kasimdzhanov - Fabiano Caruana |
Jan Werle - Zahar Efimenko |
Francisco Vallejo - David Navara |
Erwin l'Ami - Alexander Motylev |
Hou Yifan - Henrique Mecking |
Krishnan Sasikiran - Andrei Volokitin |
Dimitri Reinderman - Nigel Short |
Group B: Round 7 - Sat. Jan. 24th |
Nigel Short - R. Kasimdzhanov |
Andrei Volokitin - Dimitri Reinderman |
Henrique Mecking - Krishnan Sasikiran |
Alexander Motylev - Hou Yifan |
David Navara - Erwin l'Ami |
Zahar Efimenko - Francisco Vallejo |
Fabiano Caruana - Jan Werle |
Group B: Round 8 - Sun. Jan. 25th |
R. Kasimdzhanov - Jan Werle |
Francisco Vallejo - Fabiano Caruana |
Erwin l'Ami - Zahar Efimenko |
Hou Yifan - David Navara |
Krishnan Sasikiran - Alexander Motylev |
Dimitri Reinderman - Henrique Mecking |
Nigel Short - Andrei Volokitin |
Monday, January 26th –
Free day |
Group B: Round 9 - Tues. Jan. 27th |
Andrei Volokitin - R. Kasimdzhanov |
Henrique Mecking - Nigel Short |
Alexander Motylev - Dimitri Reinderman |
David Navara - Krishnan Sasikiran |
Zahar Efimenko - Hou Yifan |
Fabiano Caruana - Erwin l'Ami |
Jan Werle - Francisco Vallejo |
Group B: Round 10 - Wed. Jan. 28th |
R. Kasimdzhanov - Francisco Vallejo |
Erwin l'Ami - Jan Werle |
Hou Yifan - Fabiano Caruana |
Krishnan Sasikiran - Zahar Efimenko |
Dimitri Reinderman - David Navara |
Nigel Short - Alexander Motylev |
Andrei Volokitin - Henrique Mecking |
Thursday, January 29th –
Free day |
Group B: Round 11 - Fri. Jan. 30th |
Henrique Mecking - R. Kasimdzhanov |
Alexander Motylev - Andrei Volokitin |
David Navara - Nigel Short |
Zahar Efimenko - Dimitri Reinderman |
Fabiano Caruana - Krishnan Sasikiran |
Jan Werle - Hou Yifan |
Francisco Vallejo - Erwin l'Ami |
Group B: Round 12 - Sat. Jan. 31st |
R. Kasimdzhanov - Erwin l'Ami |
Hou Yifan - Francisco Vallejo |
Krishnan Sasikiran - Jan Werle |
Dimitri Reinderman - Fabiano Caruana |
Nigel Short - Zahar Efimenko |
Andrei Volokitin - David Navara |
Henrique Mecking - Alexander Motylev |
Group B: Round 13 - Sun. Feb. 1st |
Alexander Motylev - R. Kasimdzhanov |
David Navara - Henrique Mecking |
Zahar Efimenko - Andrei Volokitin |
Fabiano Caruana - Nigel Short |
Jan Werle - Dimitri Reinderman |
Francisco Vallejo - Krishnan Sasikiran |
Erwin l'Ami - Hou Yifan |
Schedule and results of Grandmaster Group C
Group C: Round 1 - Sat. Jan. 17th |
T. Hillarp Persson - Roeland Pruijssers |
½-½ |
David Howell - Manuel Bosboom |
0-1 |
Friso Nijboer - Wesley So |
0-1 |
Oleg Romanishin - Ali Bitalzadeh |
1-0 |
Anish Giri - Frank Holzke |
½-½ |
Abhijeet Gupta - Dronavalli Harika |
0-1 |
Eduardo Iturrizaga - M. Leon Hoyos |
1-0 |
Group C: Round 2 - Sun. Jan. 18th |
Roeland Pruijssers - M. Leon Hoyos |
1-0 |
Dronavalli Harika - Eduardo Iturrizaga |
½-½ |
Frank Holzke - Abhijeet Gupta |
0-1 |
Ali Bitalzadeh - Anish Giri |
½-½ |
Wesley So - Oleg Romanishin |
½-½ |
Manuel Bosboom - Friso Nijboer |
1-0 |
T. Hillarp Persson - David Howell |
1-0 |
Group C: Round 3 - Mon. Jan. 19th |
David Howell - Roeland Pruijssers |
Friso Nijboer - T. Hillarp Persson |
Oleg Romanishin - Manuel Bosboom |
Anish Giri - Wesley So |
Abhijeet Gupta - Ali Bitalzadeh |
Eduardo Iturrizaga - Frank Holzke |
M. Leon Hoyos - Dronavalli Harika |
Group C: Round 4 - Tues. Jan. 20th |
Roeland Pruijssers - Dronavalli Harika |
Frank Holzke - M. Leon Hoyos |
Ali Bitalzadeh - Eduardo Iturrizaga |
Wesley So - Abhijeet Gupta |
Manuel Bosboom - Anish Giri |
T. Hillarp Persson - Oleg Romanishin |
David Howell - Friso Nijboer |
Wednesday, January 21st –
Free day |
Group C: Round 5 - Thurs. Jan. 22nd |
Friso Nijboer - Roeland Pruijssers |
Oleg Romanishin - David Howell |
Anish Giri - T. Hillarp Persson |
Abhijeet Gupta - Manuel Bosboom |
Eduardo Iturrizaga - Wesley So |
M. Leon Hoyos - Ali Bitalzadeh |
Dronavalli Harika - Frank Holzke |
Group C: Round 6 - Fri. Jan. 23rd |
Roeland Pruijssers - Frank Holzke |
Ali Bitalzadeh - Dronavalli Harika |
Wesley So - M. Leon Hoyos |
Manuel Bosboom - Eduardo Iturrizaga |
T. Hillarp Persson - Abhijeet Gupta |
David Howell - Anish Giri |
Friso Nijboer - Oleg Romanishin |
Group C: Round 7 - Sat. Jan. 24th |
Oleg Romanishin - Roeland Pruijssers |
Anish Giri - Friso Nijboer |
Abhijeet Gupta - David Howell |
Eduardo Iturrizaga - T. Hillarp Persson |
M. Leon Hoyos - Manuel Bosboom |
Dronavalli Harika - Wesley So |
Frank Holzke - Ali Bitalzadeh |
Group C: Round 8 - Sun. Jan. 25th |
Roeland Pruijssers - Ali Bitalzadeh |
Wesley So - Frank Holzke |
Manuel Bosboom - Dronavalli Harika |
T. Hillarp Persson - M. Leon Hoyos |
David Howell - Eduardo Iturrizaga |
Friso Nijboer - Abhijeet Gupta |
Oleg Romanishin - Anish Giri |
Monday, January 26th –
Free day |
Group C: Round 9 - Tues. Jan. 27th |
Anish Giri - Roeland Pruijssers |
Abhijeet Gupta - Oleg Romanishin |
Eduardo Iturrizaga - Friso Nijboer |
M. Leon Hoyos - David Howell |
Dronavalli Harika - T. Hillarp Persson |
Frank Holzke - Manuel Bosboom |
Ali Bitalzadeh - Wesley So |
Group C: Round 10 - Wed. Jan. 28th |
Roeland Pruijssers - Wesley So |
Manuel Bosboom - Ali Bitalzadeh |
T. Hillarp Persson - Frank Holzke |
David Howell - Dronavalli Harika |
Friso Nijboer - M. Leon Hoyos |
Oleg Romanishin - Eduardo Iturrizaga |
Anish Giri - Abhijeet Gupta |
Thursday, January 29th –
Free day |
Group C: Round 11 - Fri. Jan. 30th |
Abhijeet Gupta - Roeland Pruijssers |
Eduardo Iturrizaga - Anish Giri |
M. Leon Hoyos - Oleg Romanishin |
Dronavalli Harika - Friso Nijboer |
Frank Holzke - David Howell |
Ali Bitalzadeh - T. Hillarp Persson |
Wesley So - Manuel Bosboom |
Group C: Round 12 - Sat. Jan. 31st |
Roeland Pruijssers - Manuel Bosboom |
T. Hillarp Persson - Wesley So |
David Howell - Ali Bitalzadeh |
Friso Nijboer - Frank Holzke |
Oleg Romanishin - Dronavalli Harika |
Anish Giri - M. Leon Hoyos |
Abhijeet Gupta - Eduardo Iturrizaga |
Group C: Round 13 - Sun. Feb. 1st |
Eduardo Iturrizaga - Roeland Pruijssers |
M. Leon Hoyos - Abhijeet Gupta |
Dronavalli Harika - Anish Giri |
Frank Holzke - Oleg Romanishin |
Ali Bitalzadeh - Friso Nijboer |
Wesley So - David Howell |
Manuel Bosboom - T. Hillarp Persson |
The games are being broadcast live on the official web site and on the
chess server
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PGN reader ChessBase Light, which gives you immediate access. You
can also use it to read, replay and analyse the PGN games. |