Werder Bremen catches Baden-Baden in the Bundesliga

by ChessBase
3/3/2010 – The German Bundesliga is the strongest team championship in the world. Just look at the names: Anand, Svidler, Gashimov, Mamedayrov, Shirov, Adams (playing on board six!). In round ten the champions OSG Baden-Baden faced the ambitious team of Werder Bremen, who snatched a surprise victory to catch the leaders on match points. There are four rounds left to play. Report and games.

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Werder Bremen catches Baden-Baden in the Bundesliga

Before the weekend OSG Baden-Baden was in the lead with 18 match points, two more than their nearest rivals SG Solingen and Werder Bremen. Before the start of rounds ten and eleven the organisers said: "In the tenth round the German champion OSG Baden-Baden faces the most serious contender Werder Bremen. It will be the most exciting match in the history of the Schachbundesliga and Viswanathan Anand will join the party. Both teams will play with their nearly best possible lineup. The Elo average of Baden-Baden is 2717 and of Bremen 2679. Both teams will have only Top-100 players from the current world rankings at their disposal. Bremen will play on the first two boards with the "Azerbaijani guys" Vugar Gashimov and Shakhriyar Mamedayrov, both known for their uncompromising style."

The venue in Heidelberg before the start of round ten

Top board for Baden-Baden: World Champion Vishy Anand

On board two: Peter Svidler from Russia

Board one for Werder Bremen: Azeri GM Vugar Gashimov

On board two: Shakhriyar Mamedayrov

The Azerbaijani guys drew their games against Vishy Anand and Peter Svidler, and four other games were drawn. But then on board seven Arkadij Naiditsch of Baden OSG was in trouble against Michael Roiz of Werder Bremen:

Israeli GM (of Russian extraction) Michael Roiz defeated...

... top German GM Arkadij Naiditsch

Roiz,M (2658) - Naiditsch,A (2685) [A13]
Bundesliga 2009-10 Heidelberg GER (10), 27.02.2010
1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4.Bg2 dxc4 5.Qa4+ Nbd7 6.Qxc4 c5 7.Qb3 Bd6 8.0-0 0-0 9.Nc3 a6 10.a4 Qc7 11.d3 b6 12.Ne5 Bb7 13.Nxd7 Nxd7 14.Bxb7 Qxb7 15.Be3 Rfc8 16.Rfc1 Be5 17.Ne4 Qd5 18.Qc2 f5 19.Nd2 Bf6 20.Rab1 b5 21.axb5 axb5 22.b4 Ne5 23.bxc5 Ra2 24.Qd1 Ng4 25.Nf1 Bd4 26.Rxb5 f4 27.gxf4 Bxe3 28.fxe3 Nxe3 29.Nxe3 Qd4 30.Kg2 Qxe3 31.Rc2 Rxc2 32.Qxc2 Rf8 33.Rb1 Rxf4 34.Rf1 Rg4+ 35.Kh1 Qh3 36.Rg1 Rh4 37.e4 Rh5 38.d4 Qe3 39.c6

After 39...g6 40.Rf1 Qh3 41.Qf2 Black resigned. 1-0. Unfortunately Naiditsch had missed the saving idea (in the diagram position) of 39...Qf4 40.c7 Rxh2+! 41.Qxh2 Qxe4+ and perpetual check on e4, h4 and e1.

Meanwhile Michael Adams was facing a drawn game against Alexander Areshchenko.

British GM Michael Adams came under tremendous pressure against...

... Ukrainian GM Alexander Areshchenko

Adams,Mi (2682) - Areshchenko,A (2667) [B90]
Bundesliga 2009-10 Heidelberg GER (10), 27.02.2010
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.a4 e5 7.Nf3 Qc7 8.Be2 Nbd7 9.Be3 Nc5 10.Nd2 Be6 11.0-0 Be7 12.a5 d5 13.exd5 Bxd5 14.Bf3 Be6 15.Nde4 Ncxe4 16.Nxe4 Nxe4 17.Bxe4 f5 18.Bb6 Qc8 19.Bd5 Qd7 20.Re1 Bf6 21.Bxe6 Qxe6 22.Qh5+ g6 23.Qh6 Kf7 24.Rad1 Bg7 25.Qh3 Rhe8 26.Rd2 Kg8 27.Red1 Rac8 28.b3 e4 29.Rd6 Qf7 30.c4 Re6 31.Rd7 Re7 32.R7d2 Rce8 33.Bd8 e3 34.Bxe7 exd2 35.Bb4 Qd7 36.Qf3 Re4 37.g3 Bh6 38.Bc3 Qd6 39.h3 Qd7 40.Kg2 Qd6 41.Kf1 Bg5 42.h4 Bh6 43.Kg2 Kf7 44.Kf1 Ke6 45.Kg2 Kd7 46.Kf1 Kc8 47.Kg2 Kb8 48.Kf1 Ka7 49.Kg2 Ka8 50.Kf1 Qc6

Areshchenko, who had a small advantaged, had moved his king from g8 to a8 (on the path indicated), while Adams had shuffled his king between f1 and g2. The last move was ...Qd6-c6. We can only speculate: Adams had seen that Naditsch had lost and that the final result of the entire round depended on his winning this position. So he deviated – catastrophically. What other explanation is there for 51.Qd3?? (allowing mate in five) Re1+ 0-1 because of 52.Rxe1 Qh1+ 53.Ke2 Qxe1+ 54.Kf3 d1Q+ 55.Qxd1 Qe4 mate.

So Werder Bremen, who had the nominally weaker player on each of the eight boards, had defeated the top team OSG Baden-Baden by 5.0-3.0 and caught their rivals on match points. In the eleventh round Bremen crushed Heidelberg 7.5-0-5 while OSG Baden defeated Hamburg 6.5:1.5. Now both teams lead with 20 match points each, whit Baden ahead on board points by 64 to 56. Four rounds remain in the season.

Standings after eleven rounds

Rnk Team
1 OSG Baden-Baden
2 Werder Bremen
3 SG Solingen
4 SV Mülheim Nord
5 SV Wattenscheid 1930
6 Hamburger SK
7 SC 1950 Remagen
8 SF Katernberg
9 SC Eppingen
10 SK Turm Emsdetten
11 SG Trier
12 SF Berlin 1903
13 FC Bayern München
14 Heidelberg-Handschuhsheim
15 SK König Tegel
16 Erfurter SK

Results of rounds ten and eleven

10th round: February 27, 2010
11th round: February 27, 2010
OSG Baden Baden  3 - 5 Werder Bremen   
 1 Anand,Viswana ½ : ½ Gashimov,Vuga  1
 3 Svidler,Peter ½ : ½ Mamedyarov,Sh  2
 4 Shirov,Alexei ½ : ½ Eljanov,Pavel  4
 5 Bacrot,Etienn ½ : ½ Efimenko,Zaha  5
 6 Movsesian,Ser ½ : ½ Fressinet,Lau  6
 7 Adams,Michael 0 : 1 Areshchenko,A  8
 8 Naiditsch,Ark 0 : 1 Roiz,Michael   9
10 Nielsen,Peter ½ : ½ Nyback,Tomi   10
SK Heidelberg Ha 3 - 5 Hamburger SK    
 1 Ikonnikov,Via 0 : 1 Kempinski,Rob  2
 2 Svetushkin,Dm 0 : 1 Ghaem Maghami  3
 3 Ginsburg,Genn ½ : ½ Baramidze,Dav  4
 4 Gurevic,Vladi ½ : ½ Rogozenco,Dor  6
 5 Chernov,Vadim ½ : ½ Heinemann,Thi 11
 7 Gerigk,Erasmu ½ : ½ Reeh,Oliver   13
 8 Schwalfenberg ½ : ½ Huschenbeth,N 14
10 Vatter,Hans-J ½ : ½ Sebastian,Dir 15
SV Mülheim Nord  4 - 4 FC Bayern Münche
 5 Landa,Konstan ½ : ½ Bromberger,St  2
 6 Fridman,Danie ½ : ½ Schenk,Andrea  3
10 Berelovich,Al ½ : ½ Marcelin,Cyri  4
11 Levin,Felix   ½ : ½ Belezky,Alexa  9
12 Hausrath,Dani ½ : ½ Meissner,Bern 10
13 Saltaev,Mihai 1 : 0 Meister,Peter 11
14 Schebler,Gerh ½ : ½ Reich,Thomas  12
17 Wittenberg,An 0 : 1 Jorczik,Julia 17
SF Katernberg    5 - 3 Erfurter SK     
 2 Chuchelov,Vla ½ : ½ Romanov,Evgen  1
 3 Firman,Nazar  0 : 1 Michiels,Bart  3
 4 Seel,Christia 0 : 1 Casper,Thomas  5
 5 Bischoff,Klau ½ : ½ Enders,Peter   7
 7 Glek,Igor V   1 : 0 Mueller,Matth  8
 8 Zaragatski,Il 1 : 0 Schoene,Maria 10
12 Siebrecht,Seb 1 : 0 Troyke,Christ 11
13 Scholz,Christ 1 : 0 Schuetze,Norm 12
SG Solingen      5 - 3 SV Wattenscheid 
 3 Nikolic,Predr ½ : ½ Najer,Evgeniy  2
 4 Buhmann,Raine ½ : ½ Macieja,Bartl  3
 5 Werle,Jan     0 : 1 Johannessen,L  7
 7 Jussupow,Artu 1 : 0 Appel,Ralf     8
 9 Ragger,Markus 1 : 0 Handke,Floria 10
10 Ernst,Sipke   0 : 1 Straeter,Timo 14
11 Naumann,Alexa 1 : 0 Thiel,Thomas  15
12 Hoffmann,Mich 1 : 0 Koerber,Matth 17
SC Remagen       5½-2½ SK Turm Emsdette
 5 Parligras,Mir ½ : ½ Giri,Anish     2
 6 Huebner,Rober 1 : 0 Janssen,Ruud   6
 8 Dgebuadze,Ale 0 : 1 Brandenburg,D  9
10 Swinkels,Robi 1 : 0 Breder,Dennis 10
11 Teske,Henrik  ½ : ½ Fiebig,Thomas 11
12 Popovic,Petar ½ : ½ Pruijssers,Ro 12
15 Schulz,Klaus- 1 : 0 Richter,Chris 14
16 Bok,Benjamin  1 : 0 Zumsande,Mart 15
SC Eppingen      6 - 2 SK König Tegel  
 3 Berkes,Ferenc 1 : 0 Rabiega,Rober  1
 5 Gyimesi,Zolta 1 : 0 Stern,Rene     2
 8 Braun,Arik    ½ : ½ Muse,Mladen    3
 9 Bindrich,Falk 1 : 0 Von Herman,Ul  4
10 Medvegy,Zolta ½ : ½ Fruebing,Stef  6
12 Muzychuk,Anna ½ : ½ Sarbok,Torste  9
13 Paehtz,Elisab 1 : 0 Breier,Andrea 10
15 Vogt,Lothar   ½ : ½ Kachibadze,Ge 17
SG Trier         5 - 3 Schachfreunde Be
 1 Lupulescu,Con ½ : ½ Lauber,Arnd    4
 3 Cyborowski,Lu ½ : ½ Polzin,Rainer  5
 4 Haslinger,Ste 0 : 1 Schneider,Ilj  7
 5 Gordon,Stephe 1 : 0 Agopov,Mikail  9
 6 Jaracz,Pawel  ½ : ½ Thiede,Lars   11
 8 Flumbort,Andr 1 : 0 Degtiarev,Evg 13
11 Seger,Ruedige ½ : ½ Wintzer,Joach 15
13 Cioara,Andrei 1 : 0 Abel,Dennes   17
FC Bayern Münche 2½-5½ SF Katernberg   
 3 Schenk,Andrea ½ : ½ Chuchelov,Vla  2
 4 Marcelin,Cyri 0 : 1 Firman,Nazar   3
 8 Renner,Christ 1 : 0 Seel,Christia  4
 9 Belezky,Alexa ½ : ½ Bischoff,Klau  5
10 Meissner,Bern 0 : 1 Glek,Igor V    7
11 Meister,Peter ½ : ½ Zaragatski,Il  8
12 Reich,Thomas  0 : 1 Siebrecht,Seb 12
17 Jorczik,Julia 0 : 1 Scholz,Christ 13
Erfurter SK      1½-6½ SV Mülheim Nord 
 1 Romanov,Evgen ½ : ½ Landa,Konstan  5
 3 Michiels,Bart ½ : ½ Fridman,Danie  6
 5 Casper,Thomas 0 : 1 Berelovich,Al 10
 7 Enders,Peter  ½ : ½ Levin,Felix   11
 8 Mueller,Matth 0 : 1 Hausrath,Dani 12
10 Schoene,Maria 0 : 1 Saltaev,Mihai 13
11 Troyke,Christ 0 : 1 Schebler,Gerh 14
12 Schuetze,Norm 0 : 1 Kaufeld,Juerg 16
Hamburger SK     1½-6½ OSG Baden Baden 
 2 Kempinski,Rob 0 : 1 Anand,Viswana  1
 3 Ghaem Maghami ½ : ½ Svidler,Peter  3
 4 Baramidze,Dav 0 : 1 Shirov,Alexei  4
 6 Rogozenco,Dor ½ : ½ Bacrot,Etienn  5
11 Heinemann,Thi 0 : 1 Movsesian,Ser  6
13 Reeh,Oliver   ½ : ½ Adams,Michael  7
14 Huschenbeth,N 0 : 1 Naiditsch,Ark  8
15 Sebastian,Dir 0 : 1 Nielsen,Peter 10
Werder Bremen    7½-½ SK Heidelberg Ha
 1 Gashimov,Vuga 1 : 0 Ikonnikov,Via  1
 2 Mamedyarov,Sh 1 : 0 Svetushkin,Dm  2
 4 Eljanov,Pavel 1 : 0 Ginsburg,Genn  3
 5 Efimenko,Zaha ½ : ½ Gurevic,Vladi  4
 6 Fressinet,Lau 1 : 0 Chernov,Vadim  5
 8 Areshchenko,A 1 : 0 Gerigk,Erasmu  7
 9 Roiz,Michael  1 : 0 Schwalfenberg  8
10 Nyback,Tomi   1 : 0 Vatter,Hans-J 10

SV Wattenscheid  5 - 3 SC Remagen      
 2 Najer,Evgeniy ½ : ½ Parligras,Mir  5
 3 Macieja,Bartl 1 : 0 Huebner,Rober  6
 7 Johannessen,L ½ : ½ Dgebuadze,Ale  8
 8 Appel,Ralf    1 : 0 Swinkels,Robi 10
10 Handke,Floria 1 : 0 Teske,Henrik  11
14 Straeter,Timo ½ : ½ Popovic,Petar 12
16 Gohla,Ulf     ½ : ½ Schulz,Klaus- 15
17 Koerber,Matth 0 : 1 Bok,Benjamin  16
SK Turm Emsdette 2½-5½ SG Solingen     
 2 Giri,Anish    ½ : ½ Nikolic,Predr  3
 6 Janssen,Ruud  ½ : ½ Buhmann,Raine  4
 9 Brandenburg,D ½ : ½ Werle,Jan      5
10 Breder,Dennis 0 : 1 Jussupow,Artu  7
11 Fiebig,Thomas 0 : 1 Ragger,Markus  9
12 Pruijssers,Ro 0 : 1 Ernst,Sipke   10
14 Richter,Chris ½ : ½ Naumann,Alexa 11
15 Zumsande,Mart ½ : ½ Hoffmann,Mich 12
Schachfreunde Be 3½-4½ SC Eppingen     
 4 Lauber,Arnd   0 : 1 Berkes,Ferenc  3
 5 Polzin,Rainer 1 : 0 Gyimesi,Zolta  5
 7 Schneider,Ilj 0 : 1 Braun,Arik     8
 9 Agopov,Mikail 0 : 1 Bindrich,Falk  9
11 Thiede,Lars   1 : 0 Medvegy,Zolta 10
13 Degtiarev,Evg 0 : 1 Muzychuk,Anna 12
15 Wintzer,Joach ½ : ½ Paehtz,Elisab 13
17 Abel,Dennes   1 : 0 Vogt,Lothar   15
SK König Tegel   2½-5½ SG Trier        
 1 Rabiega,Rober ½ : ½ Lupulescu,Con  1
 2 Stern,Rene    ½ : ½ Cyborowski,Lu  3
 3 Muse,Mladen   ½ : ½ Haslinger,Ste  4
 4 Von Herman,Ul ½ : ½ Gordon,Stephe  5
 6 Fruebing,Stef 0 : 1 Jaracz,Pawel   6
 9 Sarbok,Torste ½ : ½ Flumbort,Andr  8
10 Breier,Andrea 0 : 1 Seger,Ruedige 11
17 Kachibadze,Ge 0 : 1 Cioara,Andrei 13


A selection of games from the Bundesliga were broadcast live on the official web site and on the chess server Playchess.com. If you are not a member you can download the free PGN reader ChessBase Light, which gives you immediate access. You can also use the program to read, replay and analyse PGN games. New and enhanced: CB Light 2009!

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