Winning starts with what you know
The new version 18 offers completely new possibilities for chess training and analysis: playing style analysis, search for strategic themes, access to 6 billion Lichess games, player preparation by matching Lichess games, download Chess.com games with built-in API, built-in cloud engine and much more.
Click a piece and its target squares will light up in a color related to the strength of the move to that square. Green moves are strong, yellow moves are mediocre, red moves are mistakes, blue moves are book moves, and black moves are mating.
Assisted Analysis is a new approach to interactive chess analysis:
Tactical Analysis is the most comprehensive full game analysis available today. It annotates games by looking at:
Games are annotated with variations, natural language text, chess annotation symbols and diagrams.
A note about thinking times. On a very fast modern computer you can get away with 0 or 1 seconds per move (0 seconds will be 500ms per move, which is an eternity for a modern chess engine). To be on the safe side, we recommend five seconds per move. For a single game you can of course go much higher, but in general fast searches will already yield interesting results.
CBase 14 can be switched to a special “Game Input Mode”. There are differences in behavior:
In more densely annotated games, like opening analysis, the structure of variations can quickly become difficult to read. ChessBase 14 gives you instant orientation in in deep variations by marking the current variation and its siblings in equivalent colors. Also you immediately recognize all alternative moves in the same hierarchy level, because they have the same color.
A diagram is a powerful annotation device. It strongly emphasizes an interesting position in a game. Diagrams can now be embedded in the game notation. Click the diagram symbol in the annotation toolbar to toggle a diagram.
With diagrams, the training questions are now handled much smoother: a training question consists of a diagram and clickable links for solution, as well as help embedded in the notation.
All previous ChessBase versions distinguished between saving games and replacing games. Saving in earlier versions meant to append a new version of the game at the end of a database list. Replacing changed the game itself without duplicating it. This is not equivalent to what people are used from other programs.
So from ChessBase 14 onwards, there is a radical change: “Saving” a game means replacing its existing version. However with “Save Game As”, you can append it to any database, with a shortcut to recently used databases. In connection with this, the database format has been optimized for very fast saving (=Replacing) games in huge databases like the Mega.
There is a new cloud database, called “Cloud Clip”. It automatically stores games from ChessBase.com, fritz.chessbase.com and tactics.chessbase.com if you are logged in with your ChessBase Account. This is especially useful for our news page: the instant you click on a game while reading an article on Chessbase.com, it is available in ChessBase 14. Just Alt-Tab the programs to work with it. No more downloads necessary.
If you install ChessBase 14 together with Powerbook 2017 and Mega Database 2017 on your notebook you will have the same basic equipment to keep up with chess theory as the World Champion.
Order ChessBase 14 + Fritz Powerbook 2017 + Mega Database 2017 now!