Tomashevsky leads Superfinals

by Eteri Kublashvili
8/12/2015 – With a fine mix of quiet and aggressive play Evgeny Tomashevsky won against reigning champion Igor Lysyj in round three of the Russian Superfinals. He now leads the field with 2.5/3, half-a-point ahead of four players. In the women's tournament top seed Valentina Gunina showed her tactical skills and won her second game in a row. Report and analyses.

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Tomashevsky Leads in the Men's Russian Championship Superfinal. Girya and Goriachkina ahead in the Women's Contest

The 68th Men's Russian Chess Championship and the 65th Women's Russian Chess Championship is played in Chita from 9. to 21. August. The competition is held by the Russian Chess Federation, the Elena and Gennady Timchenko Charitable Foundation and the Zabaykalsky Krai Chess Federation, with support from the government of the Zabaykalsky Krai. The competition partners are Norilsk Nickel and the Baikalsk Mining Company.

Round 3 - Results (Men)
D. Khairullin ½-½ P. Svidler
I. Bukavshin ½-½ D. Dubov
S. Karjakin ½-½ N. Vitiugov
V. Artemiev 1-0 A. Motylev
D. Jakovenko ½-½ D. Khismatullin
E. Tomashevsky 1-0 I. Lysyj

Vladislav Artemiev, the Superfinal's youngest participant, scored his first win at the Superfinal. The Omsk player was in a very combative mood and sacrificed a piece for two pawns to get an attack. Alexander Motylev thwarted the first wave of the attack but had too little time left for pondering. In a position that was objectively better for Black, but still very sharp and tense, Motylev made a blunder, overlooking a powerful tactical blow from his opponent. After a few moves Black had to acknowledge defeat.


After three rounds Evgeny Tomashevsky leads the field with 2.5/3.

Evgeny Tomashevsky again demonstrated the depth of his home preparation which helped him to win against reigning champion Igor Lysyj.


The four other games were drawn but had interested moments. Here's one example.


Standings after three rounds


Round 1 - Results (Women)
A. Kosteniuk ½-½ M. Guseva
K. Lagno 1-0 E. Ovod
A. Savina 0-1 V. Gunina
O. Girya ½-½ N. Pogonina
E. Kovalevskaya ½-½ A. Bodnaruk
A. Kashlinskaya ½-½ A. Goryachkina

Valentina Gunina, who played against Anastasia Savina committed a few gaffes at the end of the opening, giving White an opportunity to mount an aggressive onslaught in the center. Obviously, Valentina had underestimated her opponent's attacking possibilities but Anastasia failed to find a clear path to victory and missed a strong counterstrike by Black. The position became much sharper and led to a the tactical complications Gunina handles so well. Soon White's position became hopeless.

Valentina Gunina


Ekaterina Lagno and Evgenija Ovod played a rare line of the Scotch. White secured a long-term initiative, and Lagno gradually outplayed her opponent.

Kateryna Lagno


The women's tournament

Olga Girya

The other games were drawn. But some players missed good chances and Ekaterina Kovalevskays even agreed to a draw in a winning position against Anastasia Bodnaruk:


Standings after three rounds

Photos: Vladimir Barsky and Eteri Kublashvili


The games will be broadcast live on the official web site and on the chess server If you are not a member you can download a free Playchess client there and get immediate access. You can also use ChessBase 13 or any of our Fritz compatible chess programs.

Eteri Kublashvili is a chessplayer and reports and photographs from all official tournaments for the Russian Chess Federation.


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zincendorf zincendorf 8/12/2015 03:31
Yes.... I wish I would know how to use engine in such an instructive way....
hektor93 hektor93 8/12/2015 01:40
Sagar Shah is a great commentator of games. I really hope he will be bringing us explaination of games for years. He is my favorite one.

Greetings from hot Slovenia, Petar Duric
Van Phanel Van Phanel 8/12/2015 12:20
Khairullin - Svidler is an extremely instructive example.