‘Catastrophe in the Opening’ is a study of how the games of contemporary players go awry the initial stages of the game and as such, will prove instructive at all levels. It’s designed to help you avoid disaster in your own games.
Guildford Chess Club invites you to come and play in our FREE Chess spectacular!
Guildford High Street, 10.30-16.00, Saturday 11th September
We are staging a 125 Board Simultaneous display given by some of the top Chess players in England!
Amongst the Masters are Grandmaster Gawain Jones, former British Champion and current European Online Blitz Champion and Grandmaster Nick Pert, former World Under 18 Champion!
This is your chance to play against them and others for FREE!
How do I enter?
There will be three playing sessions, starting at 10.30, 12.30 and 14.30 and you can book your place for any or all of these sessions, each of which is anticipated to last up to 1½ hours. It is of course possible that your game finishes quite quickly, in which case you can either depart or choose to play another game in one of the other Simultaneous displays, space permitting.
For more details and to register go to:
Free gifts for every participant and prizes to be won!
The Guildford Chess Club also runs a video channel on YouTube. In the following video IM Andrew Martin talks about the upcoming simul, the history of the club and presents a game by Gawain Jones, one of Guildford's strongest players.