The 76th edition of the Tata Steel Chess Tournament will take place from 10 to 26 January 2014. The top players will compete in two groups (previously there were three), with twelve players in each, instead of fourteen. The structure of the amateur tournaments remains unchanged. Both groups start on January 11th 2014, with all rounds starting at 13:30h (1:30 p.m.) local time, except for the last round on January 26th, which begins at 12:00h. Two rounds will be played in Amsterdam and Eindhoven and will start at 14:00. The time controls are 100 minutes for 40 moves, followed by 50 minutes for 20 moves, then 15 minutes for the remaining moves with 30 seconds cumulative increment for each move starting from the first move.
Opening ceremony
Impressions by Alina l'Ami
In most areas of our dynamic modern World change is not only a probable phenomenon; in most cases it is also inevitable. Just because some things looked different doesn't mean that anything has changed essentially in Wijk aan Zee!
True, the format of the Tata Steel Chess Tournament is slightly different than before. The famous well known tent has vanished as if touched by a spell. Among the new features, the online commentary and the three different locations which are going to host the event clearly stand out. And there are rumours that many more surprises are still to come...
Having been used for years to the Zeeduin hotel, I do have the impression we are all facing a dilemma in the roller coaster called 21st century; or at least this is my case: I love change but I am also a bit reluctant towards it; probably what I really want is that things remain the same and yet, to get better.
No matter how difficult (or impossible) it may seem to fulfil such a contradictory and paradoxical wish, there is a place in The Netherlands where people managed to accomplish it. One can feel that at Wijk aan Zee the traditional chess fever is very much the same as for the past (already countless) decades, but some things did get better!
There is no secret I feel like home here and nothing can alter that unique feeling. There may be cold head winds coming from the West or the North, or in an abstract sense from the hardships of the times we are living in and from the constant adaptive measures we all have to take; but no matter the challenges, one thing never changes in the Tata Steel Chess Tournament: its wonderful atmosphere.

Unfortunately I was not able to stay for the full opening: I had to attend, together with my husband, the Sports Gala in Woerden, my husband's native city. We were both nominated for the Sports Woman/Man of the year 2013. Eventually none of us won the title, but we had a very good evening. So I can only provide some brief impressions.

Can you count the rating points? Players at the opening ceremony. Eagle eyes will recognize
Nakamura, Caruana, Naiditsch, Harikrishna, Giri, van Wely, Karjakin, Gelfand and Dominguez

The organisers staged the Night Watch painting by Rembrand on the stage
The above video, posted on YouTube, shows performers taking part in a large-scale flashmob recreation of Rembrandt's famous painting "The Night Watch" – to celebrate the return of the painting, one of the Dutch artist's greatest works, to Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum.

Rembrandt's "Night Watch" or "or The Shooting Company of Frans Banning Cocq" (full size image can be views at Wikipedia) was completed in 1642, is one of the most famous paintings in the world. It is renowned for three characteristics: its colossal size (363 cm × 437 cm (11.91 ft × 14.34 ft)), the effective use of light and shadow (chiaroscuro), and the perception of motion in what would have traditionally been a static military portrait.

The players of the Master Group A – above Caruana, Karjakin, Giri and Aronian –
joined the actors on the stage for the drawing of colours

Dutch chess legend (what else can you call him) Jan Timman being interviewed

Dimitri Reinderman, the current Dutch Champion, is well known for his daring
hair colours: red, blue, green etc. "This one? It is a new colour indeed"

Sergey Karjakin with his girlfriend Galiya Kamalova

The van Wely family: Lorena and Loek

Arianne Caoili and her porte-bonheur: a beautiful piece of jewelry made of
jade, brought all the way from China by her boyfriend Levon Aronian.

Loek van Wely, Levon Aronian and Boris Gelfand, who looks like he is telling them the two
most important secrets of success in life: (1) Don't tell people everything you know.

Schedule and results
Group A: Round 1 - Saturday Jan. 11 |
Leinier Dominguez - Anish Giri |
Loek van Wely - Sergey Karjakin |
Pentala Harikrishna - Levon Aronian |
Fabiano Caruana - Boris Gelfand |
Richard Rapport - Wesley So |
Hikaru Nakamura - Arkadij Naiditsch |
Group A: Round 2 - Sunday Jan. 12 |
Anish Giri - Arkadij Naiditsch |
Wesley So - Hikaru Nakamura |
Boris Gelfand - Richard Rapport |
Levon Aronian - Fabiano Caruana |
Sergey Karjakin - Pentala Harikrishna |
Leinier Dominguez - Loek van Wely |
Group A: Round 3 - Monday Jan. 13 |
Loek van Wely - Anish Giri |
Pentala Harikrishna - Leinier Dominguez |
Fabiano Caruana - Sergey Karjakin |
Richard Rapport - Levon Aronian |
Hikaru Nakamura - Boris Gelfand |
Arkadij Naiditsch - Wesley So |
Group A: Round 4 - Wednesday Jan. 15 |
Anish Giri - Wesley So |
Boris Gelfand - Arkadij Naiditsch |
Levon Aronian - Hikaru Nakamura |
Sergey Karjakin - Richard Rapport |
Leinier Dominguez - Fabiano Caruana |
Loek van Wely - Pentala Harikrishna |
Group A: Round 5 - Friday Jan. 17 |
Pentala Harikrishna - Anish Giri |
Fabiano Caruana - Loek van Wely |
Richard Rapport - Leinier Dominguez |
Hikaru Nakamura - Sergey Karjakin |
Arkadij Naiditsch - Levon Aronian |
Wesley So - Boris Gelfand |
Group A: Round 6 - Saturday Jan. 18 |
Anish Giri - Boris Gelfand |
Levon Aronian - Wesley So |
Sergey Karjakin - Arkadij Naiditsch |
Leinier Dominguez - Hikaru Nakamura |
Loek van Wely - Richard Rapport |
Pentala Harikrishna - Fabiano Caruana |
Group A: Round 7 - Sunday Jan. 19 |
Fabiano Caruana - Anish Giri |
Richard Rapport - Pentala Harikrishna |
Hikaru Nakamura - Loek van Wely |
Arkadij Naiditsch - Leinier Dominguez |
Wesley So - Sergey Karjakin |
Boris Gelfand - Levon Aronian |
Group A: Round 8 - Tuesday Jan. 21 |
Anish Giri - Levon Aronian |
Sergey Karjakin - Boris Gelfand |
Leinier Dominguez - Wesley So |
Loek van Wely - Arkadij Naiditsch |
Pentala Harikrishna - Hikaru Nakamura |
Fabiano Caruana - Richard Rapport |
Group A: Round 9 - Thursday Jan. 23 |
Richard Rapport - Anish Giri |
Hikaru Nakamura - Fabiano Caruana |
Arkadij Naiditsch - Pentala Harikrishna |
Boris Gelfand - Leinier Dominguez |
Wesley So - Loek van Wely |
Levon Aronian - Sergey Karjakin |
Group A: Round 10 - Saturday Jan. 25 |
Anish Giri - Sergey Karjakin |
Leinier Dominguez - Levon Aronian |
Loek van Wely - Boris Gelfand |
Pentala Harikrishna - Wesley So |
Fabiano Caruana - Arkadij Naiditsch |
Richard Rapport - Hikaru Nakamura |
Group A: Round 11 - Sunday Jan. 26 |
Hikaru Nakamura - Anish Giri |
Arkadij Naiditsch - Richard Rapport |
Wesley So - Fabiano Caruana |
Boris Gelfand - Pentala Harikrishna |
Levon Aronian - Loek van Wely |
Sergey Karjakin - Leinier Dominguez |
Schedule of Grandmaster Group B
Group B: Round 1 - Saturday Jan. 11 |
Etienne Goudriaan - Zhao Xue |
Baadur Jobava - Jan-Krzysztof Duda |
Merijn van Delft - Kayden Troff |
Radek Wojtaszek - Dimitri Reinderman |
Anna Muzychuk - Jan Timman |
Ivan Saric - Benjamin Bok |
Yu Yangyi - Sabino Brunello |
Group B: Round 2 - Sunday Jan. 12 |
Zhao Xue - Sabino Brunello |
Benjamin Bok - Yu Yangyi |
Jan Timman - Ivan Saric |
Dimitri Reinderman - Anna Muzychuk |
Kayden Troff - Radek Wojtaszek |
Jan-Krzysztof Duda - Merijn van Delft |
Etienne Goudriaan - Baadur Jobava |
Group B: Round 3 - Monday Jan. 13 |
Baadur Jobava - Zhao Xue |
Merijn van Delft - Etienne Goudriaan |
Radek Wojtaszek - Jan-Krzysztof Duda |
Anna Muzychuk - Kayden Troff |
Ivan Saric - Dimitri Reinderman |
Yu Yangyi - Jan Timman |
Sabino Brunello - Benjamin Bok |
Group B: Round 4 - Tuesday Jan. 14 |
Zhao Xue - Benjamin Bok |
Jan Timman - Sabino Brunello |
Dimitri Reinderman - Yu Yangyi |
Kayden Troff - Ivan Saric |
Jan-Krzysztof Duda - Anna Muzychuk |
Etienne Goudriaan - Radek Wojtaszek |
Baadur Jobava - Merijn van Delft |
Wednesday, Jan. 15 – Free day
Group B: Round 5 - Thursday Jan. 16 |
Merijn van Delft - Zhao Xue |
Radek Wojtaszek - Baadur Jobava |
Anna Muzychuk - Etienne Goudriaan |
Ivan Saric - Jan-Krzysztof Duda |
Yu Yangyi - Kayden Troff |
Sabino Brunello - Dimitri Reinderman |
Benjamin Bok - Jan Timman |
Group B: Round 6 - Friday Jan. 17 |
Zhao Xue - Jan Timman |
Dimitri Reinderman - Benjamin Bok |
Kayden Troff - Sabino Brunello |
Jan-Krzysztof Duda - Yu Yangyi |
Etienne Goudriaan - Ivan Saric |
Baadur Jobava - Anna Muzychuk |
Merijn van Delft - Radek Wojtaszek |
Group B: Round 7 - Saturday Jan. 18 |
Radek Wojtaszek - Zhao Xue |
Anna Muzychuk - Merijn van Delft |
Ivan Saric - Baadur Jobava |
Yu Yangyi - Etienne Goudriaan |
Sabino Brunello - Jan-Krzysztof Duda |
Benjamin Bok - Kayden Troff |
Jan Timman - Dimitri Reinderman |
Group B: Round 8 - Sunday Jan. 19 |
Zhao Xue - Dimitri Reinderman |
Kayden Troff - Jan Timman |
Jan-Krzysztof Duda - Benjamin Bok |
Etienne Goudriaan - Sabino Brunello |
Baadur Jobava - Yu Yangyi |
Merijn van Delft - Ivan Saric |
Radek Wojtaszek - Anna Muzychuk |
Monday, Jan. 20 – Free day
Group B: Round 9 - Tuesday Jan. 21 |
Anna Muzychuk - Zhao Xue |
Ivan Saric - Radek Wojtaszek |
Yu Yangyi - Merijn van Delft |
Sabino Brunello - Baadur Jobava |
Benjamin Bok - Etienne Goudriaan |
Jan Timman - Jan-Krzysztof Duda |
Dimitri Reinderman - Kayden Troff |
Group B: Round 10 - Wednesday Jan. 22 |
Zhao Xue - Kayden Troff |
Jan-Krzysztof Duda - Dimitri Reinderman |
Etienne Goudriaan - Jan Timman |
Baadur Jobava - Benjamin Bok |
Merijn van Delft - Sabino Brunello |
Radek Wojtaszek - Yu Yangyi |
Anna Muzychuk - Ivan Saric |
Thursday, Jan. 23 – Free day
Group B: Round 11 - Friday Jan. 24 |
Ivan Saric - Zhao Xue |
Yu Yangyi - Anna Muzychuk |
Sabino Brunello - Radek Wojtaszek |
Benjamin Bok - Merijn van Delft |
Jan Timman - Baadur Jobava |
Dimitri Reinderman - Etienne Goudriaan |
Kayden Troff - Jan-Krzysztof Duda |
Group B: Round 12 - Saturday Jan. 25 |
Zhao Xue - Jan-Krzysztof Duda |
Etienne Goudriaan - Kayden Troff |
Baadur Jobava - Dimitri Reinderman |
Merijn van Delft - Jan Timman |
Radek Wojtaszek - Benjamin Bok |
Anna Muzychuk - Sabino Brunello |
Ivan Saric - Yu Yangyi |
Group B: Round 13 - Sunday Jan. 26 |
Yu Yangyi - Zhao Xue |
Sabino Brunello - Ivan Saric |
Benjamin Bok - Anna Muzychuk |
Jan Timman - Radek Wojtaszek |
Dimitri Reinderman - Merijn van Delft |
Kayden Troff - Baadur Jobava |
Jan-Krzysztof Duda - Etienne Goudriaan |
Commentary schedule on Playchess
Day |
Date |
Round |
English |
German |
Saturday |
January 11 |
Round 1 |
Lawrence Trent |
Klaus Bischoff |
Sunday |
January 12 |
Round 2 |
Chris Ward |
Klaus Bischoff |
Monday |
January 13 |
Round 3 |
Yasser Seirawan |
Klaus Bischoff |
Tuesday |
January 14 |
Free |
Wednesday |
January 15 |
Round 4 |
Daniel King |
Klaus Bischoff |
Thursday |
January 16 |
Free |
Friday |
January 17 |
Round 5 |
Simon Williams |
Oliver Reeh |
Saturday |
January 18 |
Round 6 |
Yasser Seirawan |
Klaus Bischoff |
Sunday |
January 19 |
Round 7 |
Daniel King |
Klaus Bischoff |
Monday |
January 20 |
Free |
Tuesday |
January 21 |
Round 8 |
Lawrence Trent |
Klaus Bischoff |
Wednesday |
January 22 |
Free |
Thursday |
January 23 |
Round 9 |
Daniel King |
Klaus Bischoff |
Friday |
January 24 |
Free |
Saturday |
January 25 |
Round 10 |
Simon Williams |
Klaus Bischoff |
Sunday |
January 26 |
Round 11 |
Daniel King |
Klaus Bischoff |