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The second stage of the 2012-2013 FIDE Grand Prix Series is taking place from November 21 to December 5th in the Gallery of Fine Art in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The games start at 14:00h local time (= 10:00h CET, 13:00h Moscow, 04:00 a.m. New York). The tournament has a prize fund of 240,000 Euros.
Round 5 on Tuesday
27.11.2012 at 14:00 |
Gelfand Boris | 2751 |
0-1 |
Kamsky Gata | 2762 |
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar | 2764 | ½-½ |
Caruana Fabiano | 2786 |
Ponomariov Ruslan | 2741 | 1-0 |
Morozevich Alexander | 2748 |
Dominguez Perez Leinier | 2726 | ½-½ |
Svidler Peter | 2747 |
Karjakin Sergey | 2775 | ½-½ |
Leko Peter | 2732 |
Wang Hao | 2737 | 0-1 |
Kasimdzhanov Rustam | 2696 |
Gelfand-Kamsky: Gata Kamsky chose the Leningrad Dutch after noticing that Boris Gelfand didn’t play it quite successfully and lost against Nakamura in this particular line. Kamsky was not sure why everyone gives away the light squared bishop and preferred to keep it (12…Bd7). Black got reasonable position and White’s slightly inaccurate 20. Qc2 break let Black get the initiative after d5. Gelfand’s try to solve White’s problems by tactical means with 22.Nd5 (22.Bc5 offered more resistance according to the chess engines) was convincingly refuted by the American player.
[Event "FIDE Grand Prix-Tashkent 2012"] [Site "Tashkent"] [Date "2012.11.27"] [Round "5"] [White "Gelfand, Boris"] [Black "Kamsky, Gata"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A88"] [WhiteElo "2751"] [BlackElo "2762"] [Annotator "Romain Edouard"] [PlyCount "66"] [EventDate "2012.??.??"] [EventCountry "UZB"] 1. d4 f5 {Looks like Boris Gelfand has some problems against the Dutch Defense, since he already lost recently to English GM Simon Williams in European Club Cup.} 2. g3 Nf6 3. Bg2 d6 4. Nf3 g6 5. O-O Bg7 6. c4 O-O 7. Nc3 c6 8. d5 e5 9. dxe6 Bxe6 10. b3 Na6 11. Bb2 Qe7 12. Ng5 Bd7 13. Qd2 h6 14. Nh3 Be6 $5 $146 { Not sure Black is worse at all already. Maybe White should look for something different before.} 15. Rad1 Rad8 16. Ba3 Nc5 17. f4 $6 {Probably all this plan is wrong.} Qc7 18. Nf2 Rfe8 19. Kh1 Qb6 20. Qc2 d5 $1 {White is facing quite important problems already.} 21. cxd5 cxd5 22. Nxd5 Nxd5 23. Bxc5 Qc7 24. Rd2 $6 (24. Rd3 $5 b6 25. Rfd1 Nxf4 26. Rxd8 Rxd8 27. Rxd8+ Qxd8 28. gxf4 bxc5 29. e3 {might be White's best chance to hold, though Black is of course better.}) 24... Bc3 25. Nd3 (25. Rxd5 $142 Rxd5 26. Bb4 Be5 27. Rc1 Qxc2 28. Rxc2 Rb5 $17 ) 25... b6 $19 26. Bf2 Bxd2 27. Qxd2 Qc3 28. Qc1 Qxc1 29. Rxc1 Rc8 30. Ra1 Nc3 31. Bf3 Nxe2 32. Re1 Nc3 33. Nb4 Ne4 0-1
Ponomariov-Morozevich: As Ponomariov put it during the press conference, "a logical game until he (Morozevich) blundered". The French Defence with 3.Nd2 was played in this game and even though Ruslan expected this variation, White barely got anything from the opening. According to Ponomariov,18…Nb6 wasn't really needed as he wasn't sure what to do against 18…0-0. The former world champion had some doubts about Black’s decision f5, e5. Anyway, the position was balanced until Morozevich's unlucky 27…Nc8. The original idea of Black was logical – to bring the knight on d4 but Ruslan found nice tactical idea, Bxf5, which gave White a huge advantage. The Ukrainian player was not quite sure how to improve White’s position if Black just plays 27…Ref8 and keeps holding the position.
[Event "FIDE Grand Prix-Tashkent 2012"] [Site "Tashkent"] [Date "2012.11.27"] [Round "5"] [White "Ponomariov, Ruslan"] [Black "Morozevich, Alaxander"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C07"] [WhiteElo "2741"] [Annotator "Romain Edouard"] [PlyCount "83"] [EventDate "2012.??.??"] [EventCountry "UZB"] 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nd2 c5 4. Ngf3 cxd4 5. Nxd4 Nc6 6. Bb5 Bd7 7. Nxc6 bxc6 8. Bd3 Bd6 9. Qe2 Qc7 10. Nf3 dxe4 11. Qxe4 Nf6 12. Qh4 h6 13. O-O c5 14. Nd2 $5 $146 (14. Bg5 Nd5 15. Be4 Rb8 16. c4 Nf4 $13 {1-0 (44) Guseinov,G (2625)-So Wesley,- (2640) Khanty-Mansiysk RUS 2009}) 14... Nd5 (14... Bf4 $5 {with the idea of exchanging the dark squared bishops immediatly after Nc4, should be better. After the text move Black has small problems already.}) 15. Nc4 Bf4 16. Re1 Rb8 17. Be4 Bxc1 18. Raxc1 Nb6 19. Ne3 O-O 20. b3 f5 21. Bd3 e5 22. f3 Rbe8 23. Rcd1 Kh8 24. c3 Rf6 25. Bc2 Be6 26. Rd2 a5 27. c4 $16 Nc8 $2 28. Bxf5 $1 $16 Rxf5 (28... Bxf5 29. Nd5 Qc6 30. Nxf6 Qxf6 31. Qxf6 gxf6 32. Rd5 {is crushing.}) 29. Nxf5 Bxf5 30. Qh5 Rf8 31. Rd5 (31. g4 $5 Bh7 32. Qxe5 Qc6 33. Qd5 {looks even stronger.}) 31... Kh7 32. Rdxe5 Bg6 33. Qh4 Rd8 34. Qg3 $16 { Typical position where a rook and two pawns are much stronger than two pieces. Black has many weak pawns and White has a very solid pawn structure, preventing Black from attacking anything.} Bf7 35. Qf4 Bg6 36. h4 Rd4 $6 37. Qf8 Qd7 38. h5 Bf7 39. Qxc5 a4 40. Re7 $1 Nxe7 41. Rxe7 Rd1+ 42. Kh2 1-0
Wang Hao-Kasimdzhanov: The game turns to be rather one-sided as the Chinese player seem to mix two different plans in the Scotch with 4...Nf6 (normally Rc1 is played with White's queen being on h4, which makes Black's long castling impossible). As Rustam said during his first solo press-conference, "I just was brave enough to play 0-0-0 – it was the most difficult move in the game". Black got a big advantage after 26.Rc4, and later on the Chinese player didn't put up the most stubborn defence, as White could have played 31.Rc5 (after Black’s 30…c5) to complicate matters. Later on Black found 32…Nb2 and the position of White became absolutely hopeless.
In the press conference Kasimdzhanov (above with his wife Firuza) said: “I feel the support here, of course, and I’m gald to win a game [applause]. The Grand Prix tournaments are very strong, I managed to win only one game in London. I was not sure I could please the spectators here in Uzbekistan and I’m glad that I managed to do so!"
[Event "FIDE Grand Prix-Tashkent 2012"] [Site "Tashkent"] [Date "2012.11.27"] [Round "5"] [White "Wang, Hao"] [Black "Kasimdzhanov, Rustam"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "C45"] [WhiteElo "2737"] [BlackElo "2696"] [Annotator "Romain Edouard"] [PlyCount "80"] [EventDate "2012.??.??"] [EventCountry "UZB"] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4 exd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5. Nxc6 bxc6 6. e5 Qe7 7. Qe2 Nd5 8. c4 Nb6 $5 9. Nc3 Qe6 10. Qe4 Bb4 11. Bd2 Ba6 12. b3 Bxc3 13. Bxc3 d5 14. Qf3 ( 14. Qh4 {is supposed to be the main move, and was played by several of the strongest players ever, including Kasparov and Carlsen.}) 14... dxc4 15. Rc1 O-O-O 16. Be2 Kb7 17. O-O cxb3 $1 18. Bxa6+ Kxa6 19. axb3 Kb7 20. Ra1 Rd5 21. Qe2 Rb5 {Black is doing very well, though White is probably still not really worse.} 22. b4 Ra8 23. Rfc1 a6 24. h3 $6 Nd5 25. Bd2 Nxb4 26. Rc4 $6 (26. Bxb4 Rxb4 27. Rc5 Rb5 $15) 26... a5 $17 {White is not only much worse, but also have difficulties to find moves.} 27. f4 $6 Qd5 28. Rac1 Rd8 29. Be3 Nd3 $19 30. R1c2 c5 $6 (30... g5 $1 31. Rd4 Nxf4 $1 32. Qd1 Qxe5 33. Rxd8 Qxe3+ 34. Kh2 Rb3 35. Qg4 Ne6 $19) 31. Ra4 $2 (31. Rxc5 $8 Rxc5 32. Bxc5 {would give White some chances, though Black is still clearly better.}) 31... Kb6 32. Rca2 Nb2 33. Qxb2 Qd1+ (33... Rxb2 34. Rxb2+ Ka6 {is enough.}) 34. Kh2 Qxa4 $1 35. Bxc5+ Kb7 $6 36. Qf2 (36. Qe2 {was an option thanks to Black's move 35, but anyway after} Qb3 $8 (36... Qxf4+ $4 37. g3 $18) 37. Ra3 Qb1 {Black is winning.}) 36... Qb3 37. Ra3 Qc4 {White has no more control of the light squares and the game is over.} 38. Be3 g6 39. Qe1 Rd3 40. Qe2 Rbd5 0-1
Sergey Karjakin at the start of his game against Peter Leko
Karjakin-Leko: “I’ve already asked Sergey a few questions in the Queen's Indian playing with white, so I didn’t want to be asked those questions in return by him”, pointed out Peter Leko, explaining why he preferred to go for the Ragozin Defense, which he had never played before. It came as a surprise for Sergey and he “wanted to check the main lines which might be prepared by the opponent, but try to get playable position”. 7.g3 is by far not the most popular plan for White, connected with a pawn sacrifice, which was accepted by Leko (8…dc4). During whole game Black wanted to push e5, but at the moment he did there was another interesting opportunity – to sacrifice the bishop after 32…Bd2 33.R1ce Be3 and 34…Qg3. White should keep the balance, but has to play precisely. In the game the opponents kept playing solidly, and the three-fold repetition seemed logical, as none of opponents could make a progress in final position.
Mamedyarov-Caruana: Once again a surprise in the opening, as Fabiano Caruana (above right) went for the Meran Slav with 8…Bd6 instead of his main choice – the Grunfeld Defense. The players followed the game Lupulescu-Inarkiev, Plovdiv 2012, which also finished in a draw, and Caruana’s first independent move seems to be an improvement on Black’s play, as the endgame with opposite colored bishops doesn’t offer White many chances for a win. Fabiano could have chosen to go into another endgame after 17…Rfd8 but as he pointed out “the version in the game after 17…Be7 looked better”. Black’s nice idea left behind the curtain – 29.Rc7 Rxc7 30.Bxc7 Bxb3!, forcing an exchange of queenside pawns as 31. axb3 a4 loses for White. Mamedyarov managed to win the second pawn but an awkward position of White’s rook was just enough for Black to hold the balance.
Dominguez-Svidler: Another Spanish with 5.d3 was played by Leinier Dominguez. Peter Sivdler developed his bishop on c5 in style of the Archangelsk Variation. 14…c5 indicated an intention to complicate the position, as Peter pointed out “I could have exchanged the bishops, but it looked too boring”. The same applies to his 17…bxc4 – “17…b4 was okay for Black but once again too boring”. Nevertheless the game remained balanced and both players agreeing to a three times repetition would’ve been a logical final of the game. Leinier’s spirited decision to play on (32.Rg3) in fact just led him into trouble. During the press conference the Cuban player said he was in the time trouble and didn’t have time to regret his decision but just to find moves. Svidler dropped his advantage with 39…Kh8 (instead after 39…c4 that would be a hard task for White to save the game), hoping to catch White in a nice trap – 40.g3 is met with a stunning 40…Be3!!, and after 41.fe3 Raf8 White’s position collapses. But he completely forgot about the same knight’s pawn move on the opposite wing. "I have no explanation for what I did," said the Russian player. "I was walking around shaking my head. Of course the most obvious and most natural move in this position is c4." After 40.b3 he understood that Black had lost his advantage and found the way to a forced draw.
Photos by Anastasiya Karlovich
Round 1 on Thursday
22.11.2012 at 14:00 |
Morozevich Alexander | 2748 | 1-0 |
Kamsky Gata | 2762 |
Caruana Fabiano | 2786 | ½-½ |
Svidler Peter | 2747 |
Gelfand Boris | 2751 | ½-½ |
Leko Peter | 2732 |
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar | 2764 | ½-½ |
Kasimdzhanov Rustam | 2696 |
Ponomariov Ruslan | 2741 | ½-½ |
Wang Hao | 2737 |
Dominguez Perez Leinier | 2726 | 0-1 |
Karjakin Sergey | 2775 |
Round 2 on Friday,
23.11.2012 at 14:00 |
Kamsky Gata | 2762 | ½-½ |
Karjakin Sergey | 2775 |
Wang Hao | 2737 | ½-½ |
Dominguez Perez Leinier | 2726 |
Kasimdzhanov Rustam | 2696 | ½-½ |
Ponomariov Ruslan | 2741 |
Leko Peter | 2732 | ½-½ |
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar | 2764 |
Svidler Peter | 2747 | ½-½ |
Gelfand Boris | 2751 |
Morozevich Alexander | 2748 | 1-0 |
Caruana Fabiano | 2786 |
Round 3 on Saturday
24.11.2012 at 14:00 |
Caruana Fabiano | 2786 | 1-0 |
Kamsky Gata | 2762 |
Gelfand Boris | 2751 | ½-½ |
Morozevich Alexander | 2748 |
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar | 2764 | 1-0 |
Svidler Peter | 2747 |
Ponomariov Ruslan | 2741 | ½-½ |
Leko Peter | 2732 |
Dominguez Perez Leinier | 2726 | ½-½ |
Kasimdzhanov Rustam | 2696 |
Karjakin Sergey | 2775 | ½-½ |
Wang Hao | 2737 |
Round 4 on Sunday
25.11.2012 at 14:00 |
Kamsky Gata | 2762 | 0-1 |
Wang Hao | 2737 |
Kasimdzhanov Rustam | 2696 | ½-½ |
Karjakin Sergey | 2775 |
Leko Peter | 2732 | ½-½ |
Dominguez Perez Leinier | 2726 |
Svidler Peter | 2747 | 1-0 |
Ponomariov Ruslan | 2741 |
Morozevich Alexander | 2748 | ½-½ |
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar | 2764 |
Caruana Fabiano | 2786 | 1-0 |
Gelfand Boris | 2751 |
Round 5 on Tuesday
27.11.2012 at 14:00 |
Gelfand Boris | 2751 | 0-1 |
Kamsky Gata | 2762 |
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar | 2764 | ½-½ |
Caruana Fabiano | 2786 |
Ponomariov Ruslan | 2741 | 1-0 |
Morozevich Alexander | 2748 |
Dominguez Perez Leinier | 2726 | ½-½ |
Svidler Peter | 2747 |
Karjakin Sergey | 2775 | ½-½ |
Leko Peter | 2732 |
Wang Hao | 2737 | 0-1 |
Kasimdzhanov Rustam | 2696 |
Round 6 on Wednesday
28.11.2012 at 14:00 |
Kamsky Gata | 2762 | - |
Kasimdzhanov Rustam | 2696 |
Leko Peter | 2732 | - |
Wang Hao | 2737 |
Svidler Peter | 2747 | - |
Karjakin Sergey | 2775 |
Morozevich Alexander | 2748 | - |
Dominguez Perez Leinier | 2726 |
Caruana Fabiano | 2786 | - |
Ponomariov Ruslan | 2741 |
Gelfand Boris | 2751 | - |
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar | 2764 |
Round 7 on Thursday
29.11.2012 at 14:00 |
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar | 2764 | - |
Kamsky Gata | 2762 |
Ponomariov Ruslan | 2741 | - |
Gelfand Boris | 2751 |
Dominguez Perez Leinier | 2726 | - |
Caruana Fabiano | 2786 |
Karjakin Sergey | 2775 | - |
Morozevich Alexander | 2748 |
Wang Hao | 2737 | - |
Svidler Peter | 2747 |
Kasimdzhanov Rustam | 2696 | - |
Leko Peter | 2732 |
Round 8 on Friday
30.11.2012 at 14:00 |
Kamsky Gata | 2762 | - |
Leko Peter | 2732 |
Svidler Peter | 2747 | - |
Kasimdzhanov Rustam | 2696 |
Morozevich Alexander | 2748 | - |
Wang Hao | 2737 |
Caruana Fabiano | 2786 | - |
Karjakin Sergey | 2775 |
Gelfand Boris | 2751 | - |
Dominguez Perez Leinier | 2726 |
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar | 2764 | - |
Ponomariov Ruslan | 2741 |
Round 9 on Sunday
2.12.2012 at 14:00 |
Ponomariov Ruslan | 2741 | - |
Kamsky Gata | 2762 |
Dominguez Perez Leinier | 2726 | - |
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar | 2764 |
Karjakin Sergey | 2775 | - |
Gelfand Boris | 2751 |
Wang Hao | 2737 | - |
Caruana Fabiano | 2786 |
Kasimdzhanov Rustam | 2696 | - |
Morozevich Alexander | 2748 |
Leko Peter | 2732 | - |
Svidler Peter | 2747 |
Round 10 on Monday
3.12.2012 at 14:00 |
Kamsky Gata | 2762 | - |
Svidler Peter | 2747 |
Morozevich Alexander | 2748 | - |
Leko Peter | 2732 |
Caruana Fabiano | 2786 | - |
Kasimdzhanov Rustam | 2696 |
Gelfand Boris | 2751 | - |
Wang Hao | 2737 |
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar | 2764 | - |
Karjakin Sergey | 2775 |
Ponomariov Ruslan | 2741 | - |
Dominguez Perez Leinier | 2726 |
Round 11 on Tuesday 4.12.2012 at 12:00 |
Dominguez Perez Leinier | 2726 | - |
Kamsky Gata | 2762 |
Karjakin Sergey | 2775 | - |
Ponomariov Ruslan | 2741 |
Wang Hao | 2737 | - |
Mamedyarov Shakhriyar | 2764 |
Kasimdzhanov Rustam | 2696 | - |
Gelfand Boris | 2751 |
Leko Peter | 2732 | - |
Caruana Fabiano | 2786 |
Svidler Peter | 2747 | - |
Morozevich Alexander | 2748 |
Live video coverage with English language commentary is available on the player above. There is also Russian commentary on the video page of the tournament site.
LinksThe games are being broadcast live on the official web site and on the chess server Playchess.com. If you are not a member you can download a free Playchess client there and get immediate access. You can also use ChessBase 11 or any of our Fritz compatible chess programs. |