Routes for the king in Wijk

by ChessBase
2/2/2011 – In the endgame the king takes on a very special role. Not only is its intervention necessary, often the whole outcome of the game depends on it. But in many cases it is not an easy decision as to exactly which route the king should take. GM Karsten Müller has annotated two endings from Wijk for ChessBase Magazine Online in which everything depends on the correct choice of route.

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Routes for the king in Wijk

In the endgame the king takes on a very special role. Not only is its intervention necessary, often the whole outcome of the game depends on it. But in many cases it is not an easy decision as to exactly which route the king should take. GM Karsten Müller has annotated two endings from Wijk in which everything depends on the correct choice of route.

Ganguly - Tkachiev, Wijk aan Zee 2011, Black to move

Should the black king draw closer to the white kingside pawns with 58...Ke5 or is the waiting move 58...Bd3 better?

Van Kampen - Ivanisevic, Wijk aan Zee 2011, White to move

White wants to clear the way for his h-pawn. Which is the better choice - 58.Kg5 or 58.Kg6?

Analysis by GM Dr. Karsten Müller...

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