In this video course, twenty-nine examples with multiple questions are presented in the interactive format, which is ideal for a range of playing strengths. Step by step you will be taken through the complex positions.
Alexandr Predke was a rating underdog in pool C of the Grand Prix series’ third leg in Berlin, but that did not prevent him from beating Maxime Vachier-Lagrave in the first round of the preliminary stage.
The Russian GM quickly punished the Frenchman’s imprecise handling of a Symmetrical English opening by launching a powerful kingside attack. Predke took advantage of the hook on g5, which helped White to open files towards the black king.
Exercise: Black has just castled. How should White start his attack on the kingside?
You can move the pieces on the live diagram!
Strategy Training: How to Make a Plan
In every game of chess, there comes a moment when one is confronted with the question: what should I do now?
Many more Fast and Furious episodes are available in ChessBase Videos