Reykjavik Open – Kuzubov leads, Nyzhnyk in hot pursuit

by ChessBase
3/15/2011 – In our previous report on the MP Reykjavik Open, which is taking place from March 9th to 16th, we showed you nice win by a Belarusian WGM over a much stronger GM. This time it is our esteemed friend Jan Gustafsson, 2647, who got mated by a player knee high to a grasshopper: Illya Nyzhnyk, who at 14 is already a 2563 rated GM. Report from Iceland.

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The MP Reykjavik Open is taking place from March 9th to 16th, 2011, with players like Luke McShane, Evgenij Miroshnichenko, Jan Gustafsson, Ivan Sokolov, Ahmed Adly, Yuriy Kuzubov, Jon Ludvig Hammer and – not to be forgotten – Ukrainian GM Illya Nyzhnyk, who is just fourteen. There are a total of 166 participants from 30 countries, including 29 GMs. This year's tournament is co-sponsored by Deloitte which honors the memory of ex-partner and Icelandic IM Ingi R. Johannsson. The tournament is also the Nordic Championship.

Standings after seven rounds

Rk. Ti. Name FED Rtng Pts. Perf
1 GM Kuzubov Yuriy UKR 2627 6.0 2782
2 GM McShane Luke J ENG 2683 5.5 2711
3 GM Williams Simon K ENG 2507 5.5 2657
4 GM Hammer Jon Ludvig NOR 2606 5.5 2640
5 GM Halkias Stelios GRE 2579 5.5 2692
6 GM Baklan Vladimir UKR 2602 5.5 2638
7 GM Sokolov Ivan NED 2643 5.5 2676
8 GM Miton Kamil POL 2600 5.5 2627
9 GM Nyzhnyk Illya UKR 2563 5.5 2644
10 GM Chatalbashev Boris BUL 2602 5.5 2609
11 GM Fier Alexandr BRA 2586 5.5 2548
12 GM Hess Robert L USA 2565 5.0 2634
13 GM Hillarp Persson Tiger SWE 2524 5.0 2615
14 GM Jones Gawain C B ENG 2578 5.0 2601
15 GM Miroshnichenko Ev. UKR 2670 5.0 2622
16 GM Hansen Sune Berg DEN 2603 5.0 2594
17 GM Gupta Abhijeet IND 2580 5.0 2553
18 GM Adly Ahmed EGY 2640 5.0 2574
19 FM Sveshnikov Vladimir LAT 2379 5.0 2469
20 GM Kveinys Aloyzas LTU 2506 5.0 2505
21 GM Pelletier Yannick SUI 2593 5.0 2524
22 GM Stefansson Hannes ISL 2557 5.0 2378
23 FM Sigfusson Sigurdur ISL 2336 5.0 2343
24 FM Getz Nicolai NOR 2333 5.0 2423
25 IM Berbatov Kiprian BUL 2454 4.5 2568
26 GM Gustafsson Jan GER 2647 4.5 2476
27 GM Danielsen Henrik ISL 2533 4.5 2468
28 FM Carstensen Jacob DEN 2332 4.5 2421
29 IM Grover Sahaj IND 2495 4.5 2431
IM Dearing Eddie SCO 2412 4.5 2392
31 GM Friedel Joshua E USA 2529 4.5 2495
32 IM D'amore Carlo ITA 2505 4.5 2456
33 IM Milliet Sophie FRA 2369 4.5 2404
34 IM Dronavalli Harika IND 2524 4.5 2417
35 IM Gunnarsson Jon ISL 2428 4.5 2414
36 GM Sveshnikov Evgeny LAT 2527 4.5 2432
37 IM Thorfinnsson Bragi ISL 2417 4.5 2377
38 IM Henrichs Thomas GER 2480 4.5 2367
39 Mack Wolfgang GER 2282 4.5 2392
40 GM Mekhitarian Krikor BRA 2529 4.5 2279
41 FM Sipila Vilka FIN 2347 4.5 2201
42 FM Forsaa Espen NOR 2340 4.5 2268
43 Gretarsson Hjorvar ISL 2444 4.5 2303
44 FM Johannesson Ingvar ISL 2338 4.5 2332
45 FM Lagerman Robert ISL 2320 4.5 2204

Evgeny Sveshnikov (yes, the one!) on move 62 in his win against Anna Sharevich

Jan Gustafsson, rated 2647, got nicely mated by this kid – let us show you how...

Nyzhnyk,Illya (2563) - Gustafsson,Jan (2647) [D48]
MP Reykjavik Open 2011 Reykjavik City Hall (7.5), 14.03.2011
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 e6 5.e3 Nbd7 6.Bd3 dxc4 7.Bxc4 b5 8.Bd3 Bb7 9.0-0 a6 10.e4 c5 11.e5 cxd4 12.Nxb5 Bxf3 13.Qxf3 Nd5 14.Nxd4 Nxe5 15.Qg3 Nxd3 16.Qxd3 Bc5 17.Qc4 Qd6 18.Nb3 Bb6 19.Qa4+ Qd7 20.Qa3 Qe7 21.Qa4+ Qd7 22.Qa3 a5 23.Bd2 a4 24.Rac1 Qe7 25.Nc5 0-0 26.Rc4 Bxc5 27.Rxc5 Rfb8 28.Rfc1 h6 29.h3 Qf6 30.R1c2 Qg6 31.R2c4 Kh7 32.Bc1 Qb1 33.Kh2 Qf5 34.f4 g5 35.fxg5 hxg5 36.Qg3 Rg8 37.Rg4 f6 38.h4 Qe5 39.Qxe5 fxe5 40.Bxg5 a3 41.Rc2 Rgc8 42.Re2 axb2 43.Rxb2 Nc3 44.Rb7+ Kg6 45.Kh3 Nd1

46.h5+ Kxh5 47.Be3 Rh8 48.Rbg7 and the mate can only be delayed by spite checks: 48...Nf2+ 49.Bxf2 Ra3+ 50.g3 Ra4 51.Rxa4 Kh6 52.Rag4 Rb8 53.Be3+ Kh5 54.Rh4#. 1-0.

Photos: Helgi Árnason, Einar S Einarsson, Calle Erlendsson, Þórir Benediktsson


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