Qatar 2015 Rd9: Carlsen takes title in thrilling final round

by ChessBase
12/29/2015 – After an edge-of-your-seat final round in which Yu Yangyi defeated Wesley So to try to snatch the title in a playoff, World Champion Magnus Carlsen added another feather to his cap by clinching the Qatar Masters 2015 title after outclassing his Chinese rival in tie break blitz games. Express Report.

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Qatar Masters 2015

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Round nine (final)

By Nisha Mohota and Albert Silver

Photos by Amruta Mokal of ChessBase India

What a fantastic finale to the Qatar Masters! After beating drums and tooting horns in anticipation of a Carlsen-Kramnik showdown, the actual game was a bit of a letdown as the two settled for an uneventful draw. However, that only served to set up the most dramatic game of the day.

Magnus Carlsen checks the action on the nieghboring boards as he starts his game against Kramnik

Last year’s winner Yu Yangyi put in a heroic performance as he showed that he can win on demand when he beat Wesley So in the ninth and final round to tie for first place. It was a long and exciting battle as both players gave it their all, but in the end, the Chinese took the full point to take the fight for the title to a playoff.

The two players put it all out on the table, and Yu Yangyi once more showed his ability in must-win situations

All eyes were set to watch the tie break games and the fans waited to see if Yu Yangyi could repeat his feat of 2014, when he magically won the title after traling half a point behind entering the last round.

Unfortunately for him and his fans, those dreams of glory were quashed with extreme finality, as the world champion completely dominated the blitz playoff, winning two straight games and thus the coveted Qatar Masters title and the winner’s purse of US$27 thousand! In spite of the slightly disappointing finale, Yu Yangyi finished second and can walk home with his head high after a truly magnificent performance overall.

After staring at the blunder in disbelief, shaking his head, Yu Yangyi extends his hand in resignation

Replay the playoff games here

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1.d4 (0) Nf6 (0) 2.Bf4 (01) d5 (08) 3.e3 (02) e6 (16) 4.Nf3 ( 02) a6 (05) 5.Bd3 (13) c5 (10) 6.c3 (01) Bd6 (10) 7.Bg3 (04) Nc6 ( 09) 8.Nbd2 (03) 0-0 (02) 9.Ne5 (26) Ne7 (06) 10.0-0 (15) b6 (02) 11.Bh4 ( 00:16) Nf5 (50) 12.Bg5 (01:20) h6 (21) 13.Bf4 (30) Bb7 (49) 14.h3 (05) Be7 ( 00:55) 15.a4 (10) Nd6 (05) 16.f3 (09) Nd7 (09) 17.Qe2 (06) Nf6 (54) 18.Bh2 (07) Qc8 (06) 19.Rac1 (19) a5 ( 10) 20.g4 (17) Qd8 (09) 21.Qg2 (04) Nd7 (03) 22.f4 (09) Rc8 (12) 23.Rce1 (15) cxd4 (03) 24.exd4 (01) Ba8 ( 00:05) 25.g5 (09) hxg5 (04) 26.fxg5 (01) Nxe5 (03) 27.Bxe5 (01) Nc4 (04) 28.Nf3 (12) Nxe5 (03) 29.Rxe5 (03) Bd6 ( 00:06) 30.Re2 (17) g6 (03) 31.Qg4 (03) Kg7 (0) 32.h4 (22) Rh8 (01) 33.Rxe6 (14) fxe6 (12) 34.Qxe6 (03) Qe8 ( 00:02) 35.Qxd6 (04) Rc6 (02) 36.Qe5+ (04] Qxe5 (01) 37.Nxe5 (01) Rxh4 (04) 38.Rf7+ (09) Kg8 (01) 39.Ra7 (07) Rc8 (0) 40.Bxg6 (02) Bc6 (05) 41.Bf7+ (01) Kf8 (04) 42.Ng6+ (01) 1–0
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Carlsen,M2834Yu,Y27361–02015A45Qatar Masters 2015, tiebreak1

With last round victories, Serjey Karjakin, Sjugirov Sanan, Vassily Ivanchuk and Ni Hua joined Kramnik to tie for third place.

Five players achieved grandmaster norms : IMs Shardul Gagare and Vignesh N.R. of India, IM Daniil Yuffa of Russia, IM Lin Chen and untitled Xu Yinglun of China, who did so with an astounding 2800 FIDE performance.

The brightest female player in the world, Hou Yifan, clinched the best woman prize with a last round win against Li Di of China. She went home richer by 8000 dollars.

Twelve-year-old Firouzja Alireza of Iran, who had already secured his IM norm yesterday, ended the tournament on a winning note by accounting for GM Neelotpal Das of India. He finished the tournament with a whooping rating performance of 2534.

Replay all games of round nine (with times per move)

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1.e4 (0) e6 (0) 2.d4 (0) d5 ( 00:00) 3.Nc3 (0) Nf6 (0) 4.e5 (0) Nfd7 (04) 5.f4 (0) c5 (04) 6.Nf3 (0) Be7 (01:05) 7.Be3 (0) 0-0 ( 05) 8.Qd2 (29) b6 (04) 9.Nd1 (09) cxd4 (05) 10.Nxd4 (05) Bb7 (04) 11.Be2 (49) Nc6 (07) 12.0-0 (51) Nc5 ( 04) 13.Nf2 (04) Qd7 (04) 14.c3 (04:10) Rfc8 (30) 15.Rad1 (02:42) Nxd4 (05:27) 16.Bxd4 (09) Qa4 (06:55) 17.b3 (14:11) Qa3 (11: 55) 18.Bg4 (07:35) Rc7 (12:25) 19.f5 (10:03) exf5 (01:12) 20.Bxf5 (02) Bc8 (04:25) 21.Ng4 (09:12) Bxf5 (06:52) 22.Rxf5 (02) Ne6 ( 07:40) 23.Rdf1 (38) Bc5 (01:31) 24.Rh5 (08:14) Bxd4+ (10:06) 25.cxd4 (01) Rac8 (15) 26.Ne3 (12:40) Rc1 (07:55) 27.Rhf5 (20) Rxf1+ ( 00:33) 28.Rxf1 (03) Qa5 (03:53) 29.Qf2 (04:49) Rc7 (01:20) 30.Nf5 (01:42) Qc3 (01:30) 31.Qh4 (01:32) Qd2 (04:51) 32.h3 (12:24) Rc2 (05: 39) 33.Qg4 (02:09) Rc1 (05:03) 34.Rxc1 (42) Qxc1+ (03) 35.Kh2 (03) Kf8 (53) 36.Nd6 (45) a6 (03:45) 37.a4 (03:49) g6 (01:03) 38.b4 (26) Qe3 (55) 39.b5 (49) axb5 (16) 40.Nxb5 (0) Qb3 (0) 41.Qf3 (03:48) Qxf3 (05:42) 42.gxf3 (04) f6 (02: 12) 43.Kg3 (12:31) fxe5 (03:01) 44.dxe5 (01) Nc5 (01:01) 45.f4 (01:52) Nxa4 (01:46) 46.f5 (17) gxf5 (49) 47.Kf4 (07) Nc5 ( 30) 48.Kxf5 (17) Ke7 (04:01) 49.Nd4 (02:21) b5 (01:24) 50.e6 (02:56) b4 (01:19) 51.Nc6+ ( 01:07) Kd6 (01:25) 52.e7 (07) Kd7 (02) 53.Nxb4 (05:35) Kxe7 (19) 54.Nxd5+ (01) Kf7 (08) 55.Nf6 (29) h6 (06) 56.Ng4 ( 00:27) Kg7 (01:21) 57.Ne5 (16) Nb7 (01:41) 58.h4 (01:00) Nd6+ (53) 59.Ke6 (02) Ne4 (28) 60.Kf5 (01) Nd6+ (08) 61.Ke6 (03) Ne4 (06) 62.Kf5 (04) ½–½
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Adhiban,B2669Bluebaum,M2590½–½2015C11Qatar Masters Open 20159
Akopian,V2648Giri,A2784½–½2015D71Qatar Masters Open 20159
Ali Marandi,C2454Seyb,A2425½–½2015A45Qatar Masters Open 20159
Aryan Chopra2436Bromberger,S2521½–½2015B90Qatar Masters Open 20159
Bartel,M2620Venkatesh,M24511–02015C60Qatar Masters Open 20159
Batsiashvili,N2498Abdusattorov,N2429½–½2015D85Qatar Masters Open 20159
Bologan,V2654Kosteniuk,A25421–02015C78Qatar Masters Open 20159
Carlsen,M2834Kramnik,V2796½–½2015C67Qatar Masters Open 20159
Christiansen,J2385Goriatchkin,J23181–02015A13Qatar Masters Open 20159
Derakhshani,D2307Vogel,R24390–12015B43Qatar Masters Open 20159
Dubov,D2655Karavade,E23791–02015D78Qatar Masters Open 20159
Duda,J2663Lenderman,A26261–02015A90Qatar Masters Open 20159
Dzagnidze,N2559Pham,L23191–02015A14Qatar Masters Open 20159
Esen,B2562Moroni,L2466½–½2015E00Qatar Masters Open 20159
Fang,Y2438Li,R2372½–½2015A13Qatar Masters Open 20159
Firat,B2446Abdumalik,Z23901–02015C45Qatar Masters Open 20159
Firouzja,A2372Neelotpal,D24751–02015A08Qatar Masters Open 20159
Goryachkina,A2493Sasikiran,K26380–12015C07Qatar Masters Open 20159
Haria,R2416Lorparizangeneh,S24540–12015D78Qatar Masters Open 20159
Harika,D2513Rohan,A2426½–½2015D94Qatar Masters Open 20159
Harikrishna,P2743Nguyen,N2642½–½2015C65Qatar Masters Open 20159
Howell,D2688Grandelius,N2632½–½2015A06Qatar Masters Open 20159
Ipatov,A2619Saduakassova,D24071–02015E21Qatar Masters Open 20159
Karjakin,S2766Zhang,Z26191–02015C92Qatar Masters Open 20159
Khademalsharieh,S2380Sundararajan,K2513½–½2015D69Qatar Masters Open 20159
Khairullin,I2647Gagare,S24700–12015C11Qatar Masters Open 20159
Khismatullin,D2654Li,C2750½–½2015A06Qatar Masters Open 20159
Khotenashvili,B2496Raja Harshit23251–02015A22Qatar Masters Open 20159
Korobov,A2713Aravindh,C24861–02015D58Qatar Masters Open 20159
Krush,I2468Mohammad Nubairshah Shaikh2414½–½2015D10Qatar Masters Open 20159
Li,D2389Hou,Y26830–12015A50Qatar Masters Open 20159
Lin,C2532Ni,H26930–12015B47Qatar Masters Open 20159
Lu,S2618Wei,Y27301–02015B31Qatar Masters Open 20159
Ly,M2462Hamdouchi,H25971–02015B31Qatar Masters Open 20159
Matlakov,M2684Bok,B25941–02015A32Qatar Masters Open 20159
Moiseenko,A2689Zhukova,N24881–02015D47Qatar Masters Open 20159
Naroditsky,D2628Fedoseev,V2664½–½2015D70Qatar Masters Open 20159
Padmini,R2437Bartel,M22711–02015B60Qatar Masters Open 20159
Piasetski,L2287Konguvel,P2377½–½2015A05Qatar Masters Open 20159
Piorun,K2637Wojtaszek,R2723½–½2015A18Qatar Masters Open 20159
Ponomariov,R2710Xu,Y2470½–½2015B90Qatar Masters Open 20159
Pratyusha,B2260Ezat,M24901–02015E73Qatar Masters Open 20159
Puranik,A2442Guramishvili,S23681–02015B22Qatar Masters Open 20159
Roy,P2370Sunilduth Lyna,N2494½–½2015E46Qatar Masters Open 20159
Sagar,S2441Dai,C23280–12015B23Qatar Masters Open 20159
Saiyn,Z2394Yuffa,D2504½–½2015D20Qatar Masters Open 20159
Salem,A2622AL-Sayed,M2520½–½2015C54Qatar Masters Open 20159
Sanal,V2487Abhishek,K23931–02015B04Qatar Masters Open 20159
Schroeder,J2511Carlsson,P24331–02015A46Qatar Masters Open 20159
Shoker,S2489Vaishali R23131–02015A05Qatar Masters Open 20159
Siva Mahadevan2400Bivol,A23440–12015A50Qatar Masters Open 20159
Sjugirov,S2646Mamedyarov,S27481–02015C72Qatar Masters Open 20159
Slavin,A2388Pourkashiyan,A23220–12015A15Qatar Masters Open 20159
Stefanova,A2521Ma,Z24631–02015D05Qatar Masters Open 20159
Swiercz,D2646Ivanchuk,V27100–12015B08Qatar Masters Open 20159
Tabatabaei,M2482Nezad,H24251–02015C78Qatar Masters Open 20159
Tomashevsky,E2744Sethuraman,S26390–12015D44Qatar Masters Open 20159
Tregubov,P2589Basso,P2438½–½2015A11Qatar Masters Open 20159
Vidit,S2644Jakovenko,D2737½–½2015E14Qatar Masters Open 20159
Vignesh N R2422Rambaldi,F2560½–½2015A40Qatar Masters Open 20159
Vitiugov,N2724Ganguly,S2648½–½2015E21Qatar Masters Open 20159
Vocaturo,D2597Kashlinskaya,A24480–12015A05Qatar Masters Open 20159
Wang,Y2438Svane,R2529½–½2015E10Qatar Masters Open 20159
Xu,J2526Tissir,M23461–02015E94Qatar Masters Open 20159
Yu,Y2736So,W27751–02015E21Qatar Masters Open 20159
Carlsen,M2834Yu,Y27361–02015A45Qatar Masters 2015, tiebreak1
Yu,Y2736Carlsen,M28340–12015E21Qatar Masters 2015, tiebreak2

Complete pairings for round nine on 29.12.2015 at 12:00

Bo. No. Title Name Rtg Pts.
Pts. Title Name Rtg No.
1 1 GM Carlsen Magnus 2834
6 GM Kramnik Vladimir 2796 2
2 11 GM Yu Yangyi 2736 6
GM So Wesley 2775 4
3 29 GM Akopian Vladimir 2648
GM Giri Anish 2784 3
4 5 GM Karjakin Sergey 2766
GM Zhang Zhong 2619 46
5 33 GM Sjugirov Sanan 2646
GM Mamedyarov Shakhriyar 2748 7
6 9 GM Harikrishna P. 2743
GM Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son 2642 36
7 13 GM Vitiugov Nikita 2724
GM Ganguly Surya Shekhar 2648 30
8 34 GM Swiercz Dariusz 2646
GM Ivanchuk Vassily 2710 16
9 17 GM Ponomariov Ruslan 2710
  Xu Yinglun 2470 79
10 57 IM Lin Chen 2532
GM Ni Hua 2693 18
11 28 GM Khismatullin Denis 2654 5
5 GM Li Chao B 2750 6
12 8 GM Tomashevsky Evgeny 2744 5
5 GM Sethuraman S.P. 2639 37
13 35 GM Vidit Santosh Gujrathi 2644 5
5 GM Jakovenko Dmitry 2737 10
14 39 GM Piorun Kacper 2637 5
5 GM Wojtaszek Radoslaw 2723 14
15 20 GM Howell David W L 2688 5
5 GM Grandelius Nils 2632 40
16 41 GM Naroditsky Daniel 2628 5
5 GM Fedoseev Vladimir 2664 24
17 25 GM Duda Jan-Krzysztof 2663 5
5 GM Lenderman Aleksandr 2626 42
18 15 GM Korobov Anton 2713
5 GM Aravindh Chithambaram Vr. 2486 75
19 47 GM Lu Shanglei 2618
GM Wei Yi 2730 12
20 21 GM Matlakov Maxim 2684
GM Bok Benjamin 2594 50
21 111 FM Li Di 2389
GM Hou Yifan 2683 22
22 23 GM Adhiban B. 2669
GM Bluebaum Matthias 2590 51
23 27 GM Bologan Viktor 2654
GM Kosteniuk Alexandra 2542 56
24 70 WGM Goryachkina Aleksandra 2493
GM Sasikiran Krishnan 2638 38
25 43 GM Salem A.R. Saleh 2622
GM Al-Sayed Mohammed 2520 62
26 45 GM Ipatov Alexander 2619
WGM Saduakassova Dinara 2407 106
27 26 GM Dubov Daniil 2655 4
IM Karavade Eesha 2379 115
28 19 GM Moiseenko Alexander 2689 4
4 GM Zhukova Natalia 2488 73
29 31 GM Khairullin Ildar 2647 4
4 IM Gagare Shardul 2470 78
30 44 GM Bartel Mateusz 2620 4
4 GM Venkatesh M.R. 2451 86
31 83 IM Ly Moulthun 2462 4
4 GM Hamdouchi Hicham 2597 48
32 49 GM Vocaturo Daniele 2597 4
4 IM Kashlinskaya Alina 2448 87
33 52 GM Tregubov Pavel V. 2589 4
4 FM Basso Pier Luigi 2438 93
34 102 IM Vignesh N R 2422 4
4 GM Rambaldi Francesco 2560 54
35 59 GM Xu Jun 2526 4
4 IM Tissir Mohamed 2346 121
36 96 IM Aryan Chopra 2436 4
4 GM Bromberger Stefan 2521 60
37 63 GM Harika Dronavalli 2513 4
4 FM Rohan Ahuja 2426 99
38 108 IM Saiyn Zhanat 2394 4
4 IM Yuffa Daniil 2504 66
39 68 GM Khotenashvili Bela 2496 4
4   Raja Harshit 2325 124
40 119   Roy Prantik 2370 4
4 IM Sunilduth Lyna Narayanan 2494 69
41 72 GM Shoker Samy 2489 4
4 WFM Vaishali R 2313 128
42 53 GM Esen Baris 2562
FM Moroni Luca Jr 2466 81
43 92 IM Wang Yiye 2438
IM Svane Rasmus 2529 58
44 61 GM Stefanova Antoaneta 2521
IM Ma Zhonghan 2463 82
45 114 IM Khademalsharieh Sarasadat 2380
GM Sundararajan Kidambi 2513 64
46 65 GM Schroeder Jan-Christian 2511
GM Carlsson Pontus 2433 97
47 74 IM Sanal Vahap 2487
IM Abhishek Kelkar 2393 109
48 118   Firouzja Alireza 2372
GM Neelotpal Das 2475 77
49 80 GM Krush Irina 2468
  Mohammad Nubairshah Shaikh 2414 105
50 55 GM Dzagnidze Nana 2559 3
IM Pham Le Thao Nguyen 2319 126
51 67 IM Batsiashvili Nino 2498 3
3 FM Abdusattorov Nodirbek 2429 98
52 76 IM Tabatabaei M.Amin 2482 3
3 IM Nezad Husein Aziz 2425 100
53 84 IM Ali Marandi Cemil Can 2454 3
3 IM Seyb Alexander 2425 101
54 104 FM Haria Ravi 2416 3
3 IM Lorparizangeneh Shahin 2454 85
55 88 IM Firat Burak 2446 3
3 WGM Abdumalik Zhansaya 2390 110
56 89 IM Puranik Abhimanyu 2442 3
3 IM Guramishvili Sopiko 2368 120
57 129 WIM Derakhshani Dorsa 2307 3
3 IM Vogel Roven 2439 91
58 90 IM Sagar Shah 2441
3   Dai Changren 2328 123
59 94   Fang Yuxiang 2438
IM Li Ruofan 2372 117
60 95 IM Padmini Rout 2437
WGM Bartel Marta 2271 131
61 112 IM Slavin Alexey 2388
WGM Pourkashiyan Atousa 2322 125
62 132 WIM Pratyusha Bodda 2260 2
2 IM Ezat Mohamed 2490 71
63 107   Siva Mahadevan 2400 2
2 WIM Bivol Alina 2344 122
64 130 IM Piasetski Leon 2287 2
2 IM Konguvel Ponnuswamy 2377 116
65 113 IM Christiansen Johan-Sebastian 2385
2 FM Goriatchkin Jouri 2318 127
66 103 FM Gholami Aryan 2422
67 32 GM Shankland Samuel L 2646 2
    not paired    

Final standings (after nine rounds)

Rk SNo Ti. Name FED Rtg Pts  TB  rtg+/-
1 1 GM Carlsen Magnus NOR 2834 7,0 2887 6,8
2 11 GM Yu Yangyi CHN 2736 7,0 2863 14,4
3 2 GM Kramnik Vladimir RUS 2796 6,5 2833 5,1
4 5 GM Karjakin Sergey RUS 2766 6,5 2793 3,6
5 33 GM Sjugirov Sanan RUS 2646 6,5 2791 18,3
6 18 GM Ni Hua CHN 2693 6,5 2762 8,7
7 16 GM Ivanchuk Vassily UKR 2710 6,5 2700 -0,2
8 3 GM Giri Anish NED 2784 6,0 2815 4,3
9 79   Xu Yinglun CHN 2470 6,0 2800 38,4
10 30 GM Ganguly Surya Shekhar IND 2648 6,0 2743 12,0
11 9 GM Harikrishna P. IND 2743 6,0 2736 -0,5
12 17 GM Ponomariov Ruslan UKR 2710 6,0 2720 1,8
13 29 GM Akopian Vladimir ARM 2648 6,0 2713 8,2
14 25 GM Duda Jan-Krzysztof POL 2663 6,0 2697 4,4
15 36 GM Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son VIE 2642 6,0 2691 6,7
16 13 GM Vitiugov Nikita RUS 2724 6,0 2687 -3,4
17 37 GM Sethuraman S.P. IND 2639 6,0 2634 0,3
18 4 GM So Wesley USA 2775 5,5 2753 -1,8
19 6 GM Li Chao B CHN 2750 5,5 2750 0,6
20 7 GM Mamedyarov Shakhriyar AZE 2748 5,5 2743 -0,1
21 34 GM Swiercz Dariusz POL 2646 5,5 2733 11,5
22 46 GM Zhang Zhong SIN 2619 5,5 2730 14,0
23 14 GM Wojtaszek Radoslaw POL 2723 5,5 2697 -2,6
24 39 GM Piorun Kacper POL 2637 5,5 2677 5,5
25 20 GM Howell David W L ENG 2688 5,5 2676 -0,9
26 45 GM Ipatov Alexander TUR 2619 5,5 2675 7,7
27 41 GM Naroditsky Daniel USA 2628 5,5 2670 6,4
28 21 GM Matlakov Maxim RUS 2684 5,5 2666 -1,8
29 10 GM Jakovenko Dmitry RUS 2737 5,5 2663 -7,9
30 40 GM Grandelius Nils SWE 2632 5,5 2661 4,9
31 15 GM Korobov Anton UKR 2713 5,5 2661 -5,6
32 27 GM Bologan Viktor MDA 2654 5,5 2649 0,1
33 57 IM Lin Chen CHN 2532 5,5 2632 12,3
34 47 GM Lu Shanglei CHN 2618 5,5 2617 1,1
35 35 GM Vidit Santosh Gujrathi IND 2644 5,5 2615 -2,1
36 24 GM Fedoseev Vladimir RUS 2664 5,5 2614 -5,0
37 28 GM Khismatullin Denis RUS 2654 5,5 2605 -4,8
38 22 GM Hou Yifan CHN 2683 5,5 2591 -9,6
39 38 GM Sasikiran Krishnan IND 2638 5,5 2571 -6,3
40 78 IM Gagare Shardul IND 2470 5,0 2706 27,4
41 43 GM Salem A.R. Saleh UAE 2622 5,0 2658 4,9
42 51 GM Bluebaum Matthias GER 2590 5,0 2654 7,8
43 8 GM Tomashevsky Evgeny RUS 2744 5,0 2626 -14,0
44 75 GM Aravindh Chithambaram Vr. IND 2486 5,0 2612 13,7
45 62 GM Al-Sayed Mohammed QAT 2520 5,0 2606 10,2
46 42 GM Lenderman Aleksandr USA 2626 5,0 2570 -6,0
47 83 IM Ly Moulthun AUS 2462 5,0 2569 12,0
48 44 GM Bartel Mateusz POL 2620 5,0 2565 -6,2
49 26 GM Dubov Daniil RUS 2655 5,0 2562 -10,4
50 19 GM Moiseenko Alexander UKR 2689 5,0 2551 -16,0
51 23 GM Adhiban B. IND 2669 5,0 2536 -15,6
52 59 GM Xu Jun CHN 2526 5,0 2531 0,8
53 87 IM Kashlinskaya Alina RUS 2448 5,0 2500 5,8
54 68 GM Khotenashvili Bela GEO 2496 5,0 2491 -1,5
55 72 GM Shoker Samy EGY 2489 5,0 2489 -0,5
56 102 IM Vignesh N R IND 2422 4,5 2655 26,1
57 66 IM Yuffa Daniil RUS 2504 4,5 2606 11,7
58 56 GM Kosteniuk Alexandra RUS 2542 4,5 2604 7,5
59 111 FM Li Di CHN 2389 4,5 2568 40,6
60 50 GM Bok Benjamin NED 2594 4,5 2561 -3,6
61 115 IM Karavade Eesha IND 2379 4,5 2559 20,6
62 99 FM Rohan Ahuja IND 2426 4,5 2546 13,9
63 106 WGM Saduakassova Dinara KAZ 2407 4,5 2538 15,5
64 108 IM Saiyn Zhanat KAZ 2394 4,5 2537 16,9
65 118   Firouzja Alireza IRI 2372 4,5 2534 38,2
66 96 IM Aryan Chopra IND 2436 4,5 2533 11,4
67 52 GM Tregubov Pavel V. RUS 2589 4,5 2526 -7,2
68 93 FM Basso Pier Luigi ITA 2438 4,5 2523 9,7
69 12 GM Wei Yi CHN 2730 4,5 2516 -24,0
70 70 WGM Goryachkina Aleksandra RUS 2493 4,5 2513 1,8
71 119   Roy Prantik IND 2370 4,5 2509 33,6
72 61 GM Stefanova Antoaneta BUL 2521 4,5 2492 -3,5
73 63 GM Harika Dronavalli IND 2513 4,5 2479 -4,1
74 69 IM Sunilduth Lyna Narayanan IND 2494 4,5 2473 -3,4
75 54 GM Rambaldi Francesco ITA 2560 4,5 2471 -10,6
76 60 GM Bromberger Stefan GER 2521 4,5 2459 -7,6
77 74 IM Sanal Vahap TUR 2487 4,5 2414 -9,1
78 65 GM Schroeder Jan-Christian GER 2511 4,5 2404 -12,7
79 92 IM Wang Yiye CHN 2438 4,0 2532 10,8
80 89 IM Puranik Abhimanyu IND 2442 4,0 2532 10,1
81 124   Raja Harshit IND 2325 4,0 2503 39,4
82 48 GM Hamdouchi Hicham FRA 2597 4,0 2492 -11,9
83 121 IM Tissir Mohamed MAR 2346 4,0 2491 16,5
84 114 IM Khademalsharieh Sarasadat IRI 2380 4,0 2482 12,2
85 105   Mohammad Nubairshah Shaikh IND 2414 4,0 2481 8,0
86 81 FM Moroni Luca Jr ITA 2466 4,0 2468 -0,3
87 64 GM Sundararajan Kidambi IND 2513 4,0 2465 -5,5
88 73 GM Zhukova Natalia UKR 2488 4,0 2460 -3,9
89 76 IM Tabatabaei M.Amin IRI 2482 4,0 2455 -3,9
90 49 GM Vocaturo Daniele ITA 2597 4,0 2447 -17,4
91 123   Dai Changren CHN 2328 4,0 2432 24,8
92 31 GM Khairullin Ildar RUS 2647 4,0 2427 -25,6
93 53 GM Esen Baris TUR 2562 4,0 2416 -17,0
94 128 WFM Vaishali R IND 2313 4,0 2391 19,2
95 88 IM Firat Burak TUR 2446 4,0 2387 -7,3
96 85 IM Lorparizangeneh Shahin IRI 2454 4,0 2387 -8,1
97 80 GM Krush Irina USA 2468 4,0 2387 -10,0
98 86 GM Venkatesh M.R. IND 2451 4,0 2387 -7,9
99 91 IM Vogel Roven GER 2439 4,0 2377 -7,8
100 55 GM Dzagnidze Nana GEO 2559 4,0 2357 -23,7
101 58 IM Svane Rasmus GER 2529 4,0 2347 -21,6
102 82 IM Ma Zhonghan CHN 2463 3,5 2501 3,4
103 126 IM Pham Le Thao Nguyen VIE 2319 3,5 2477 16,3
104 109 IM Abhishek Kelkar IND 2393 3,5 2465 7,8
105 98 FM Abdusattorov Nodirbek UZB 2429 3,5 2440 0,5
106 84 IM Ali Marandi Cemil Can TUR 2454 3,5 2430 -3,7
107 97 GM Carlsson Pontus SWE 2433 3,5 2424 -1,6
108 101 IM Seyb Alexander GER 2425 3,5 2422 -0,8
109 67 IM Batsiashvili Nino GEO 2498 3,5 2398 -13,4
110 125 WGM Pourkashiyan Atousa IRI 2322 3,5 2393 15,8
111 95 IM Padmini Rout IND 2437 3,5 2361 -10,0
112 77 GM Neelotpal Das IND 2475 3,5 2336 -17,6
113 110 WGM Abdumalik Zhansaya KAZ 2390 3,0 2430 4,2
114 94   Fang Yuxiang CHN 2438 3,0 2417 -2,7
115 100 IM Nezad Husein Aziz QAT 2425 3,0 2397 -3,3
116 120 IM Guramishvili Sopiko GEO 2368 3,0 2353 -1,6
117 132 WIM Pratyusha Bodda IND 2260 3,0 2350 18,2
118 104 FM Haria Ravi ENG 2416 3,0 2335 -10,0
119 122 WIM Bivol Alina RUS 2344 3,0 2332 -2,2
120 117 IM Li Ruofan SIN 2372 3,0 2325 -5,6
121 129 WIM Derakhshani Dorsa IRI 2307 3,0 2308 0,0
122 90 IM Sagar Shah IND 2441 2,5 2356 -10,8
123 113 IM Christiansen Johan-Sebastian NOR 2385 2,5 2294 -11,4
124 131 WGM Bartel Marta POL 2271 2,5 2292 3,4
125 116 IM Konguvel Ponnuswamy IND 2377 2,5 2292 -10,3
126 103 FM Gholami Aryan IRI 2422 2,5 2218 -20,0
127 112 IM Slavin Alexey RUS 2388 2,5 2193 -19,1
128 130 IM Piasetski Leon CAN 2287 2,5 2165 -11,4
129 32 GM Shankland Samuel L USA 2646 2,0 2387 -12,4
130 127 FM Goriatchkin Jouri RUS 2318 2,0 2235 -17,6
131 71 IM Ezat Mohamed EGY 2490 2,0 2186 -35,3
132 107   Siva Mahadevan IND 2400 2,0 2082 -29,8

Schedule for Playchess Commentary

Day Round Time English German
Tue 29 December  Round 9 12 PM Yasser Seirawan Sebastian Siebrecht


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