Two attacking wins
Good preparation, strong nerves and reticence to take unnecessary risks led to five draws in the Masters section of the Prague Chess Festival. Thus, Vincent Keymer, the only player who scored a win on the first day of action in the main event, continues to lead the standings.
Meanwhile, in the Challengers, Mateusz Bartel and Benjamin Gledura both grabbed nice wins with white to join Vaclav Finek in the lead.
Facing Richard Stalmach’s French Defence, Bartel followed theory until move 13, giving up a pawn early in the game to keep the initiative against Black’s uncastled king.
14.Qg4 Nf5 15.Bd3 swiftly shifted the focus to the kingside. Black could have castled short on move 14 according to the engines — but of course, for a human, it is very tough to make such a decision in this setup.
A few moves later, Stalmach lost his right to castle by placing his king on f8. By then, the Czech IM was already in deep trouble, since there was no effective way to prevent the dark-squared bishop from reaching a strong outpost on opposite camp.
The bishop immediately infiltrated to d6 via b4, and things only went from bad to worse for Black. By move 25, there was no way to find a way out for the local player.
Stalmach tried 25...f5, which failed to the forcing 26.exf6 gxf6 27.Rxf6+ Rxf6 and the devastating 28.Nh7+
Black resigned.

Mateusz Bartel and Benjamin Gledura drew their direct encounter in the first round — they both won with white in round 2 | Photo: Petr Vrabec
Similarly, Benjamin Gledura employed a strong dark-squared bishop to break through Erwin l’Ami’s defences in a position with opposite-side castling.
Both kings are vulnerable, but White is definitely the one with the stronger, more coordinated army, as Black’s dark-squared complex around the king is extremely weakened.
There followed 30.Rxg6, since 30...hxg6 fails to 31.Rh8#.
L’Ami replied by the tactical 30...Nd4, but after the quiet and precise 31.Qb2 White remained in the driver’s seat. Gledura kept up the pressure, and eventually forced a queen swap to enter a winning endgame. Resignation came immediately afterwards.
Results - Round 2
| Name | Rtg. | Nt. | Pts. | | Pts. | | Name | Rtg | Nt. |
| | 2530 | | ½ | ½-½ | 1 | | | 2409 | |
| | 2645 | | ½ | 1-0 | ½ | | | 2645 | |
| | 2609 | | ½ | 1-0 | ½ | | | 2436 | |
| | 2467 | | ½ | ½-½ | ½ | | | 2597 | |
| | 2483 | | 0 | ½-½ | ½ | | | 2611 | |
Standings - Round 2
Rk. | | Name | Rtg. | Nt. | Pts. | n | | | | | | | | | | | TB | Perf. |
1 | | | 2645 | | 1.5 | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | 1.25 | 2820 |
2 | | | 2609 | | 1.5 | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | 1.25 | 2734 |
3 | | | 2409 | | 1.5 | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | 1.00 | 2700 |
4 | | | 2530 | | 1.0 | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | 1.00 | 2423 |
5 | | | 2467 | | 1.0 | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | 1.00 | 2604 |
6 | | | 2611 | | 1.0 | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | 0.75 | 2475 |
7 | | | 2597 | | 1.0 | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | 0.75 | 2556 |
8 | | | 2645 | | 0.5 | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | 0.50 | 2428 |
9 | | | 2483 | | 0.5 | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | 0.50 | 2317 |
10 | | | 2436 | | 0.5 | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | 0.50 | 2377 |
TBs: Sonneborn-Berger |
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1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Nf3 Nbd7 5.Bf4 Bb4 6.e3 Ne4 7.Nd2N 7.Qb3 c5 8.Bd3 8.cxd5 exd5 9.Rc1 Qa5= 7.Qc2 g5 8.Bg3 h5 9.h3 Nxg3 10.fxg3 c6 11.Bd3 Qe7 12.0-0-0 dxc4 13.Bxc4 Nb6 14.Bd3 7...Nxc3= 8.bxc3 Bxc3 9.Rc1 Ba5 10.Bd3 10...e5! 11.Bg3 e4 11...exd4 12.cxd5 dxe3 13.fxe3 Qg5 12.Be2 Nb6 13.0-0 Bxd2 14.Qxd2 dxc4 15.Bxc4 0-0 16.d5 16.Bb3= 16...c6 17.d6 Nxc4 18.Rxc4 f5 19.f3 exf3 20.Rxf3 Be6 21.Rb4 Rf7 22.Be5 22.e4 22...Qa5 23.Qb2 Qxa2 23...Rd8 24.Rg3 Rdd7 25.a4 Bc4 24.Rxb7 24...Qxb2 25.Rxb2 a5 25...Rd7!? 26.Rf4 a5 26.e4 Re8 26...a4!? 27.exf5 Bd5 27.Bc3 a4 27...fxe4 28.Rxf7 Kxf7 29.Rb7+ Kg6 30.Rxg7+ Kf5 31.Bxa5± 28.exf5 Bxf5 28...Rxf5 29.Rb7 29.Rb4 Bc2 30.Rxf7 Kxf7= 31.Rb7+ Ke6 32.Bb4 Rd8 33.Rxg7 Kd5 34.Kf2 Bf5 35.Ba3 Rd7 ½–½ - Start an analysis engine:
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Bartel,M | 2609 | Gledura,B | 2645 | ½–½ | 2023 | D37 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 1.1 |
Stalmach,R | 2436 | Pultinevicius,P | 2530 | ½–½ | 2023 | D50 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 1.2 |
Finek,V | 2409 | Akash G | 2483 | 1–0 | 2023 | D02 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 1.3 |
Pechac,J | 2611 | Vykouk,J | 2467 | ½–½ | 2023 | E32 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 1.4 |
Motylev,A | 2597 | L'Ami,E | 2645 | ½–½ | 2023 | C02 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 1.5 |
Gledura,B | 2645 | L'Ami,E | 2645 | 1–0 | 2023 | A13 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 2.1 |
Vykouk,J | 2467 | Motylev,A | 2597 | ½–½ | 2023 | C54 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 2.2 |
Akash G | 2483 | Pechac,J | 2611 | ½–½ | 2023 | C70 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 2.3 |
Pultinevicius,P | 2530 | Finek,V | 2409 | ½–½ | 2023 | D35 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 2.4 |
Bartel,M | 2609 | Stalmach,R | 2436 | 1–0 | 2023 | C02 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 2.5 |
Stalmach,R | 2436 | Gledura,B | 2645 | ½–½ | 2023 | D66 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 3.1 |
Finek,V | 2409 | Bartel,M | 2609 | 0–1 | 2023 | A46 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 3.2 |
Pechac,J | 2611 | Pultinevicius,P | 2530 | 0–1 | 2023 | D50 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 3.3 |
Motylev,A | 2597 | Akash G | 2483 | ½–½ | 2023 | C90 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 3.4 |
L'Ami,E | 2645 | Vykouk,J | 2467 | 0–1 | 2023 | E12 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 3.5 |
Gledura,B | 2645 | Vykouk,J | 2467 | 1–0 | 2023 | E28 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 4.1 |
Akash G | 2483 | L'Ami,E | 2645 | 0–1 | 2023 | C84 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 4.2 |
Pultinevicius,P | 2530 | Motylev,A | 2597 | ½–½ | 2023 | D15 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 4.3 |
Bartel,M | 2609 | Pechac,J | 2611 | ½–½ | 2023 | C60 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 4.4 |
Stalmach,R | 2436 | Finek,V | 2409 | 1–0 | 2023 | D11 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 4.5 |
Finek,V | 2409 | Gledura,B | 2645 | 0–1 | 2023 | E06 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 5.1 |
Pechac,J | 2611 | Stalmach,R | 2436 | 1–0 | 2023 | C00 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 5.2 |
Motylev,A | 2597 | Bartel,M | 2609 | ½–½ | 2023 | C84 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 5.3 |
L'Ami,E | 2645 | Pultinevicius,P | 2530 | 1–0 | 2023 | B12 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 5.4 |
Vykouk,J | 2467 | Akash G | 2483 | 1–0 | 2023 | C54 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 5.5 |
Gledura,B | 2645 | Akash G | 2483 | ½–½ | 2023 | A46 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 6.1 |
Pultinevicius,P | 2530 | Vykouk,J | 2467 | ½–½ | 2023 | A30 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 6.2 |
Bartel,M | 2609 | L'Ami,E | 2645 | ½–½ | 2023 | C73 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 6.3 |
Stalmach,R | 2436 | Motylev,A | 2597 | 0–1 | 2023 | D15 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 6.4 |
Finek,V | 2409 | Pechac,J | 2611 | 1–0 | 2023 | E04 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 6.5 |
Pechac,J | 2611 | Gledura,B | 2645 | ½–½ | 2023 | A00 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 7.1 |
Motylev,A | 2597 | Finek,V | 2409 | 1–0 | 2023 | A06 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 7.2 |
L'Ami,E | 2645 | Stalmach,R | 2436 | 1–0 | 2023 | E18 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 7.3 |
Vykouk,J | 2467 | Bartel,M | 2609 | ½–½ | 2023 | C02 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 7.4 |
Akash G | 2483 | Pultinevicius,P | 2530 | 0–1 | 2023 | B12 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 7.5 |
Gledura,B | 2645 | Pultinevicius,P | 2530 | 0–1 | 2023 | B10 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 8.1 |
Bartel,M | 2609 | Akash G | 2483 | 1–0 | 2023 | C70 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 8.2 |
Stalmach,R | 2436 | Vykouk,J | 2467 | 1–0 | 2023 | E16 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 8.3 |
Finek,V | 2409 | L'Ami,E | 2645 | 1–0 | 2023 | E11 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 8.4 |
Pechac,J | 2611 | Motylev,A | 2597 | ½–½ | 2023 | A00 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 8.5 |
Motylev,A | 2597 | Gledura,B | 2645 | 1–0 | 2023 | C43 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 9.1 |
L'Ami,E | 2645 | Pechac,J | 2611 | ½–½ | 2023 | E08 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 9.2 |
Vykouk,J | 2467 | Finek,V | 2409 | 1–0 | 2023 | A20 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 9.3 |
Akash G | 2483 | Stalmach,R | 2436 | 1–0 | 2023 | C11 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 9.4 |
Pultinevicius,P | 2530 | Bartel,M | 2609 | 0–1 | 2023 | D20 | Prague Festival Challengers 2023 | 9.5 |
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Keymer keeps the lead
A draw with black against Thai Dai Van Nguyen helped Vincent Keymer to remain in the lead of the Masters. The 18-year-old from Mainz will get two whites in a row in the following two rounds, when he will face two crucial contenders for the title: defending champion Pentala Harikrishna and Czech star David Navara.
Middlegame Secrets Vol.1 + Vol.2

Let us learn together how to find the best spot for the queen in the early middlegame, how to navigate this piece around the board, how to time the queen attack, how to decide whether to exchange it or not, and much more!
Thursday was children’s day at the Festival in Prague. Special guest Karel Janeček was actively involved in the day’s activities.
Results - Round 2
| Name | Rtg. | Nt. | Pts. | | Pts. | | Name | Rtg | Nt. |
| | 2653 | | ½ | ½-½ | 1 | | | 2690 | |
| | 2693 | | ½ | ½-½ | ½ | | | 2711 | |
| | 2704 | | ½ | ½-½ | ½ | | | 2689 | |
| | 2668 | | ½ | ½-½ | ½ | | | 2685 | |
| | 2722 | | 0 | ½-½ | ½ | | | 2689 | |
Standings - Round 2
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