Prague Chess Festival: Three decisions in round 2

by André Schulz
6/16/2021 – In round 2 of the Masters at the Prague Chess Festival David Navara played against Radoslaw Wojtaszek and suffered his second loss in a row. Sam Shankland won against Jan-Krzysztof Duda and Nihat Abasov defeated Nils Grandelius. After two rounds Sam Shankland, Radoslav Wojtaszek and Nijat Abasov share the lead with 1.5/2 each. | Picture: The hotel Don Giovanni, the host of the event

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The Prague Chess Festival Masters has quickly gathered pace. After Jan-Krzysztof Duda's victory over David Navara in round one, three of the four games in round 2 ended with a decision.

The Czech number one, David Navara, lost again, this time against Radoslaw Wojtaszek. In a Catalan the game was equal for a long time but then White got the better endgame.


Jan-Krzysztof Duda, who had won against David Navara in round 1, lost a sharp Najdorf Sicilian against US grandmaster Sam Shankland.


The third winner of the day was Nihat Abasov, who played against Nils Grandelius. The game looked like a Sicilian Dragon and was sharp and double-edged. However, when Black overestimated his chances White struck in the centre and won.


Standings Masters


Games Masters



In the Open a large group of players started with 2.0/2.

Games Open



André Schulz started working for ChessBase in 1991 and is an editor of ChessBase News.


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