Prague Chess Festival: Navara loses again

by André Schulz
6/18/2021 – In this year's Prague Chess Festival things do not go well for David Navara. In round 4 of the Masters he played against Nijat Abasov (pictured) and suffered his fourth loss in a row. Navara had an excellent position but first gave his advantage away and then lost on time. The other three games of the round ended in a draw. After four rounds Sam Shankland and Abasov now share the lead with 3.0/4 each. | Photo: Nijat Abasov (Vladimir Jagr)

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Prague Chess Festival, Masters, Round 4

Three draws, one win – that was the score of round 4 in the Masters Tournament at Prague Chess Festival. David Navara was again involved in the decisive game but unfortunately again on the "wrong" side.

Navara played with the black pieces against Nijat Abasov and the Azeri Grandmaster chose an aggressive set-up in the London System. With an early g4 and a subsequent piece sacrifice he energetically played for a win but after an inaccuracy by White it was Black who gained the upper hand, but...


Standings Masters


Games Masters



In the Open, the Polish Grandmaster Grzegorz Nasuta and Felix Blohberger from Austria are leading after 5 rounds with 4.5 points each.

Standings Open

Rk. Name Pts.  TB1 
1 Nasuta Grzegorz 4,5 14,5
2 Blohberger Felix 4,5 13,0
3 Petr Martin 4,0 15,0
4 Krzyzanowski Marcin 4,0 14,0
5 Kraus Tomas 4,0 13,0
6 Hrabusa Matej 4,0 12,5
7 Neuman Petr 4,0 12,5
8 Greenfeld Alon 3,5 15,0
9 Plat Vojtech 3,5 15,0
10 Hollan Petr 3,5 14,5
11 Sorm Daniel 3,5 14,0
12 Finek Vaclav 3,5 13,5
13 Pavlidis Anastasios 3,5 13,5
14 Kulhanek Tomas 3,5 13,5
15 Wachinger Nikolas 3,5 13,0

Games Open



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André Schulz started working for ChessBase in 1991 and is an editor of ChessBase News.


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