The Chess Player's Mating Guide Vol. 1: The King in the Centre
One of the first lessons you learn in chess is to bring your king into safety by castling – be it on the kingside or the queenside - after having developed your minor pieces. By ignoring this rule of thumb, not only may your king end up in trouble, but your other pieces and in particular, your rooks, may never end up playing much of a role, and before you know it, things are looking grim. Even at the highest level, the consequences of neglecting this basic element of opening theory has been frequently underestimated. In this first volume of the new Mating Guide series, the emphasis will be on how to exploit a vulnerably placed king in the centre. A must-have for ambitious chess players who want to improve their own attacking skills.
In the first volume of the The Chess Players Mating Guide series typical ideas have been shown how to exploit the uncastled king. In the second volume attention will be paid to the castled king and in particular on ways of exploiting the weakened kingside. Several well-known themes, pawnformations and other attacking weapons are covered in 8 chapters with the goal to challenge the viewer determining and exploiting the weaknesses.
IM Robert Ris has made an interesting selection of famous games as well as games from his own practice to demonstrate the typical ideas exploiting the weaknesses in the pawnformation in front of the castled king.
The selected material is a good warm-up for the exercises which are presented at the end to test your knowledge on this topic. By then you at least will have the confidence to claim you have become a dangerous attacking player as Tal, Aljechin, Fischer or any of your other favorites. Watch, learn & enjoy!
• Video running time: 5 hours (English)
• With interactive training including video feedback
• Extra: Exclusive database with more examples
• Including CB 12 Reader
€25.13 without VAT (for Customers outside the EU)
$27.14 (without VAT)
Languages: English
ISBN: 978-3-86681-606-0
Delivery: Download, Post
Level: Advanced, Tournament player, Professional
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