New and exciting, and still essential

by ChessBase
4/10/2019 – There's a new edition of our very popular compilation of opening knowledge — but it's more than an update. Naturally, the Opening Encyclopaedia 2019 has been extended to include all the latest lines and trends, but it has also been redesigned to enhance its usability for fast and easy access to your favourite openings. It has hundreds of opening articles by leading experts, and high-class opening videos to enhance your understanding. Is there a better way to keep abreast of openings theory?

Opening Encyclopaedia 2019 Opening Encyclopaedia 2019

Over 1,100 special theoretical databases, 180 new opening surveys, a large number revised — in total 6,680 surveys — and over 38,000 illustrative games.


Opening Encyclopaedia 2019

Be as prepared as you can be with the new Opening Encyclopaedia 2019! Whether you would like to build up a reliable and powerful opening repertoire or you want to find new opening ideas for your existing repertoire, the Opening Encyclopaedia covers the entirety of opening theory on one DVD or download. It is the optimal start for your opening training. Many new articles enrich current theory with new or revisited ideas.

The Encyclopaedia can help you learn openings rapidly, giving you a head start against your next opponents. Each article includes explanations and annotated games, which illustrate typical plans that help deepen your understanding.

The concept of the opening article: a grandmaster or International Master presents a repertoire idea. He shows you all important variations and his analyses, explains typical plans and shows all the critical lines. Every article includes annotated model games selected by the author to illustrate the ideas in tournament practice. 


ECO C11: The French Defence — click or tap to enlarge

New layout, improved usability, exciting videos

The new Opening Encyclopaedia 2019 was completely revamped to enhance usability, with features such as a new design, new menu, and opening name sorting for fast and easy access to your favourite openings. Under the Menu “Ideas for your Repertoire” you can find all articles classified according to the opening names: “Open games”, “Semi-open games”, “Closed games”, “Half -closed game”, “Flank-Openings” or “English Opening and Reti”. 

For example in the popular Najdorf Variation, the Opening Encyclopaedia offers 41 opening articles. Each of them is easily accessible via “Semi-open games” — Sicilian Defence — Najdorf Variation. The user can easily switch from one article to another to absorb all the important manoeuvres and typical plans related to the variation. That way finding your favourite openings becomes easy and fast!

Also new: 20 high-class opening videos are included in the Encyclopaedia 2019, from our popular ChessBase authors. You will find Daniel King, Simon Williams, Yannick Pelletier, Mihail Marin, Erwin l’Ami, all presenting new opening ideas clearly and vividly. 


Videos from our popular authors are another way to learn


Note that the new Encyclopaedia also offers traditional access to finding openings from the “ECO-list” (see right) as an alternative way to access to all opening articles, hearkening back to the old days when tournament players carried heavy opening encyclopaedia tomes with them in their luggage.

The number of articles in the Opening Encyclopaedia is growing — it now contains more than 1,100, and the included games database contains all games from all the opening articles. This makes the new Opening Encyclopaedia 2019 an indispensable reference for every tournament player.

All innovations at a glance:

  • Over 1,100 special theoretical databases
  • 180 new opening surveys, a large number revised — in total 6,680 surveys
  • Over 38,000 illustrative games
  • Much improved usability: new design, new menus, new sorting of openings according to names for fast and comfortable access
  • 20 opening videos (total duration: seven hours) of the most popular ChessBase authors

Order the Opening Encyclopaedia 2019 in the ChessBase Shop

Price: €99.90
€83.95 without VAT (outside the EU)
$94.86 (without VAT)

Upgrade from Opening Encyclopaedia 2018

Price: €59.90 – €50.34 without VAT (outside the EU) – $56.88 (without VAT)

Opening Encyclopaedia 2019

Over 1,100 special theoretical databases, 180 new opening surveys, a large number revised — in total 6,680 surveys — and over 38,000 illustrative games.

About Arne Bracker

The new format and design for the Opening Encyclopaedia was created by Arne Bracker, a graduate in business administration from the University of Hamburg. Arne is 29 and joined the ChessBase staff in 2018. His responsibilities range from customer support, order placement and product development. We put him in charge of a complete revamp the Encyclopaedia, with the goal of enhancing the usability of this product, giving chess players easy access to high-quality opening analyses and training.

Arne is a strong chess player himself, with an Elo rating of 2200. In 2009, he once won the Hamburg Individual Youth Championship, and currently plays in the Third National Chess League for the Hamburg Chess Club of 1830 e.V. As an active tournament player he understands better than most the needs of his colleagues and the best way for them to access openings knowledge.

Reports about chess: tournaments, championships, portraits, interviews, World Championships, product launches and more.


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basler88 basler88 4/10/2019 08:16
Great stuff! No comparison to the old one. Easy to use I'm very impressed. Thanks Arne wonderful work!