Winning starts with what you know
The new version 18 offers completely new possibilities for chess training and analysis: playing style analysis, search for strategic themes, access to 6 billion Lichess games, player preparation by matching Lichess games, download games with built-in API, built-in cloud engine and much more.
With Mega Database 2022 you have the whole history of chess in your hand, starting from the earliest records in the 16th century to now.
All the World Championship games, the Chess Olympiads, all the major tournaments and many, many local competitions in which your nearest opponent may have played. And of course you can also look up all the openings.
Hundreds of thousands of new games played in 2021 were added to the new Mega Database 2022. A lot of these games were played by renowned grandmasters and are annotated by well-known ChessBase authors.
The improved Mega Database menu makes it easy to prepare for your games, to search for tournaments, to find annotated games or to access all the games from particular players.
All World Championship matches, Women’s, Juniors and Senior’s World Championships tournaments were added, and numerous top tournaments can be directly accessed via the menu — with tables, all games, and texts about the tournaments which give you additional information and insights.
Tournament information, e.g. Tournament text to the World Chess Championship Match Carlsen vs. Caruana 2018.
All the games and tournament tables of the recent top tournaments as Wijk aan Zee 2021, Biel Masters 2021 or Norway Chess 2021 or online rapid tournament of the world Elite players like the Meltwater Champions Chess Tour. You can find all games from the World Champion matches from epic matches from Classical to shorter time controls, matches alike of tournaments. A lot of them with annotations and analysis by top grandmasters offer insights to the games.
The ChessBase Mega Database 2022 is the premiere chess database with over 9.2 million games from 1560 to 2021 in high quality. Packing more than 100,000 annotated games, Mega 2022 contains the world‘s largest collection of high-class analysed games. Train like a pro! Prepare for your opponents with ChessBase and the Mega Database. Let grandmasters explain how to best handle your favourite variations, improve your repertoire and much more.
With the Mega Database it just takes seconds to find the games of your next opponent! The repertoire overview shows you which lines your opponent likes to play and statistics reveal weaknesses in his repertoire. The reference search allows you to find critical opening positions easily: put the position on the board and click the reference-button. You can filter games e.g. according to date or start your research to look for annotated games to deepen your understanding of particular opening positions.
Prepare for your next opponent or find your own games, just enter his name to get to the games or enter the name of your favorite Chess legend, e.g. Magnus Carlsen to get to all his games:
e.g. the top tournament in Norway 2021:
Or take a look at all games from Tata Steel in Wijk aan Zee 2021, many commented by world class players & Grandmasters: