Marin's English Love Vol.1 and 2 - A complete repertoire for White after 1.c4
The aim of these Dvd's is to build a repertoire after 1.c4 and 2.g3 for White. The first DVD includes the systems 1...e5, the Dutch and Indian setups. The second DVD includes the systems with 1...c5, 1...c6 and 1...e6.
The English opening is consistent enough to offer no lesser chances for an advantage (or just adequate play in positions one masters well) than 1.e4 and 1.d4, but also very flexible, allowing White to put the focus on understanding instead of concrete analysis, a common syndrome today. The practically unlimited flexibility of this opening has allowed me to examine different variations for White than in my earlier book trilogy on this opening published at Quality Chess against roughly 75% of Black’s systems. This is especially visible from an early stage after 1...e5 while in other systems the deviation from the book lines occurs a few moves later (for instance after 1...e6). In those lines where I had to stick to the book recommendations I have made the due updates.
The first DVD includes the systems 1...e5, the Dutch and Indian setups.
The “Reversed Sicilian” arising after 1...e5 is one of the main challenges for White. But his extra tempo is likely to offer him at least the slightly more pleasant position even after Black’s best play. The Dutch poses no problems if White intends to keep play within English territory. The King’s Indian is more challenging from this point of view and I usually transpose to the fianchetto system with d2-d4. But in the videos I have examined a double fianchetto move order, which is also entirely sound.
Marin's English Love Vol.1 and 2 - A complete repertoire for White after 1.c4
The aim of these Dvd's is to build a repertoire after 1.c4 and 2.g3 for White. The first DVD includes the systems 1...e5, the Dutch and Indian setups. The second DVD includes the systems with 1...c5, 1...c6 and 1...e6.
The second DVD includes the systems with 1...c5, 1...c6 and 1...e6.
Even though the so called Symmetrical English main tabiya arising after four moves is perfectly symmetrical indeed, play remains rich in possibilities and White’s extra tempo allows him maintaining at least some light middlegame pressure. The Slav and Queen’s Gambit setups are very sound strategically, as they challenge White in the fight for the d5-square and the light squares in general. In both cases the best plan for White is to ignore the threat ...dxc4 and to refrain from making efforts to retrieve the pawn at once.
Marin's English Love - A complete repertoire for White after 1.c4 Vol.1
The first DVD includes the systems 1...e5, the Dutch and Indian setups.
Marin's English Love - A complete repertoire for White after 1.c4 Vol.2
The second DVD includes the systems with 1...c5, 1...c6 and 1...e6.
This series is also available as a two-volume bundle! €59.80 €54.90
€46.13 without VAT (for Customers outside the EU)
$52.13 (without VAT)