More Fischer-Spassky memorabilia on sale

by ChessBase
6/30/2009 – We recently reported on a large Fischer collenction that was snapped up for US $61,000 by Rex and Jeanne Sinquefield. Collectors – and especially philatelists – have an opportunity to get some new items from the 1972 Fischer vs Spassky World Chess Championship, with postcards, envelopes, a signed admittance ticket. They are from a private Icelandic collection.

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Spassky vs Fischer in Reykjavik 1972 (photo Wikipedia)

We received the following letter:

You, or somebody you know, may be interested in my private collection of items from the 1972 Fischer/Spassky World Chess Championship, with postcards, envelopes, a signed admittance ticket (by John W. Collins) and autographs, including Grandmaster Friðrik Ólafsson's autograph.

I have kept this on a shelf in the closet for over 30 years, and I think it's time to put it on the market. At a time, there were so many of these items on the market, especially here in Iceland, but I think that they have grown fewer and fewer, and this collection contains some rare items. I admit, I don't know much about either chess or stamps, so please excuse my ignorance if I make some mistakes in my statements!

To view the items, please go to: You may just enjoy browsing through the items, with nostalgia, and I hope you enjoy it.

Anna H. Pálsdóttir, Reykjavík, Iceland

Numbered (1-5000) envelopes

Stamped postcards by Halldór Pétursson (1916-1977), one of Iceland's most famous caricature artists

Three types of stamped postcards, like the above one by Gísli Sigurðsson

In Icelandic:

Safnið hefur verið í skápnum á fjórða áratug, þar sem offramboð var á munum frá einvíginu fyrst um sinn. Nú held ég hins vegar að þeim hafi fækkað og ég tel líka nokkra af þessum hlutum vera einstaka, vegna undirskrifta og annars. Það sakar alla vega ekki að láta reyna á það. Ég er háskólamenntuð en hef hvorki vit á skák né frímerkjum, þannig að ef þú sérð rangar staðhæfingar á síðunni, bið ég þig endilega að leiðrétta málið!

Þú, eða einhver sem þú þekkir til, gæti haft áhuga á safninu mínu af hlutum frá skákeinvígi Fischers og Spassky 1972, þ.á.m. póstkort, fyrstadagsumslög, umslög, áritaður aðgöngumiði (John W. Collins - ég vissi ekkert hver það var en hann er hetja í skákheiminum) og eiginhandaráritanir framámanna í skáklistinni á Íslandi á þeim tíma (Friðriks Ólafssonar, Guðmundar G. Þórarinssonar o.fl.). Ég kynni líka að meta ef þú þekkir áritanir sem ég get ekki lesið!

Ég setti upp síðu um munina, sjá hér:
Kannski hefurðu bara ánægju af því að skoða hlutina sem safnmuni, og ég vona að þú njótir þess í botn.

Anna H. Pálsdóttir, Reykjavík, Iceland

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