Melody Amber: Anand, Ivanchuk, Aronian lead

by ChessBase
3/16/2008 – After three rounds of this annual tournament in Nice, France Ivanchuk, Karjakin and Morozevich lead in the blindfold scores (1.5/3), Anand and Aronian in the rapid section (2.0/3), and Anand, Ivanchuk and Aronian in the combined scoring (3.0/6). We bring you results, games and video reports from the tournament site.

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The seventeenth Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament is taking place from March 15 to 27 in the Palais de la Mediterranée, Nice, France. Twelve leading grandmasters play blindfold and rapid chess games against each other. The prize fund is a massive 216,000 Euro (currently US $336,000). The sponsor is Dutch billionaire Joop Van Oosterom.

Report after round three

Round two: Blindfold Chess   Round two: Rapid Chess
Ivanchuk-Gelfand 1/2   Gelfand-Ivanchuk 0-1
Van Wely-Carlsen 0-1   Carlsen-Van Wely 1-0
Karjakin-Aronian 1/2   Aronian-Karjakin 1-0
Kramnik-Leko 1/2   Leko-Kramnik 0-1
Morozevich -Topalov 1-0   Topalov-Morozevich 1-0
Anand-Mamedyarov 1/2   Mamedyarov-Anand 0-1

Magnus Carlsen scored 2-0 against Loek van Wely in round two

Round three: Blindfold Chess   Round three: Rapid Chess
Mamedyarov-Kramnik 1/2   Kramnik-Mamedyarov 0-1
Topalov-Anand 1/2   Anand - Topalov 1/2
Leko-Morozevich 1/2   Morozevich-Leko 0-1
Aronian-Gelfand 1/2   Gelfand-Aronian 1-0
Carlsen-Karjakin 1-0   Karjakin-Carlsen 1-0
Van Wely-Ivanchuk 1/2   Ivanchuk-Van Wely 0-1

Veselin Topalov and Vishy Anand drew both games in round three

Vladimir Kramnik lost his rapid chess game against Shakhriyar Mamedyarov


1. Ivanchuk   1½
Karjakin 1½
Morozevich 1½
2. Anand 1
Aronian 1
Carlsen 1
Kramnik 1
Mamedyarov 1
Topalov 1
3. Gelfand ½
Leko ½
Van Wely ½
1. Anand      2
Aronian 2
2. Carlsen 1½
Ivanchuk 1½
Topalov 1½
3. Kramnik 1
4. Gelfand ½
Karjakin ½
Leko ½
Mamedyarov ½
Morozevich ½
5. Van Wely 0
1. Anand      3
Aronian 3
Ivanchuk 3
2. Carlsen 2½
Topalov 2½
3. Karjakin 2
Kramnik 2
Morozevich 2
4. Mamedyarov 1½
5. Gelfand 1
Leko 1
6. Van Wely ½

Video reports from the tournament site


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