Master Class Vol.8 - Magnus Carlsen 2nd Edition
Let our authors show you how Carlsen tailored his openings to be able to outplay his opponents strategically in the middlegame or to obtain an enduring advantage into the endgame.
Press release from 22.11.21
As well as the ‘Chess Fun Days’ for 100 children from CSC school classes from around the UK, the centrepiece of the 2021 Classic will be the England v. the Rest of the World match, taking place over six days (December 3-5 & December 7-9, with matches starting at 4pm UK time).
England’s Michael Adams, Luke McShane and Gawain Jones will take on the Rest of the World team of former World Championship Challenger Boris Gelfand, 2021 Russian Champion Nikita Vitiugov and France’s Maxime Lagarde in a Scheveningen Team Tournament.
England's team will be led by Mickey Adams
Ticket holders at the Cavendish Centre will be treated to a ringside seat to Live Interactive Commentary led by England’s World Championship Challenger, Nigel Short, of the England v Rest of the World match and the eagerly-awaited Magnus Carlsen v. Ian Nepomniatchi World Championship match in Dubai. As a member of the studio audience, you will be able to ask your questions directly to Nigel and his fellow commentators, Matthew Sadler, Stuart Conquest and Natasha Regan.
Nigel Short is a popular guest at the London Classic
On Monday 6 December, the London Classic Pro-Biz Cup will take place at its traditional venue, the RAC Club on Pall Mall, featuring leading business personalities playing in tandem with GM superstars to raise funds for Chess in Schools and Communities.
For more information about how to take part, please contact: info@chessinschools.co.uk
Magnus Carlsen and Demis Hassabis (right) team up against David Howell and Rajko Vujatovic (left) at the 2019 Pro-Biz Cup
Throughout the London Chess Classic schedule, there will be plenty of action at the Cavendish Centre for Commentary, Blitz and Simul ticket holders to take part in and watch:
To book your LCC 2021 Commentary, Blitz & Simul tickets go to: https://www.londonchessclassic.com/tickets.html
Cavendish Conference Centre, located in the heart of the West End (Duchess Mews, London W1G 9DT - nearest Tube: Oxford Circus), has a long established reputation for customer service, hospitality and superb conference facilities. The Cavendish Conference Centre has been voted Best Conference Venue Customer Service on many occasions.
Cavendish Conference Centre
Chess in Schools and Communities (CSC) is a UK charity whose mission is to improve children’s educational outcomes and social development by introducing them to the game of chess. Founded in 2009, CSC now runs over 1,000 projects across the UK and a world-class tournament, the London Chess Classic, each December. Chess is a low-cost, high-impact educational intervention. It knows no boundaries of age, gender, faith, ethnicity or disability, and can be played anywhere at any time. The game fosters intellectual and emotional skills crucial to a child’s wider development; CSC teaches chess in disadvantaged communities to give every child the chance to realise their full potential and has expanded its programme to include libraries and prisons.