Light-squared issue

by ChessBase
10/17/2011 – White threatens 37.Qh5. After the sequence 36...Be6 37.Bxa6 Bxb3 (intending 38.cxb3 Qxa6) Black ... A) equalizes the game;  B) gets a slight edge due to White's misplaced rook;  C) loses a piece The solution is here, but first ponder over it with a larger version of the diagram.

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ChessBase Magazine

Light-squared issue

White threatens 37.Qh5. After the sequence 36...Be6 37.Bxa6 Bxb3 (intending 38.cxb3 Qxa6) Black ...

A) equalizes the game; 
B) gets a slight edge due to White's misplaced rook; 
C) loses a piece


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