6/20/2018 – The Kasparov Chess Foundation (KCF) and Saint Louis Chess Club have been running the very successful Young Stars – Team USA program for the past six years. Team USA’s program has helped develop several American chess prodigies from across the country, including the likes of GM Jeffery Xiong and GM Sam Sevian. Young Stars has been capped off with individualized training sessions with Garry Kasparov’s coaching staff and special training sessions with Kasparov himself. | Photo: Andrew Tsay
Fritz has fascinated the chess world for 30 years. And the success story continues. In Vienna, the most popular chess program ever was once again able to underline its premier position: the newly developed neural engine with NNUE technology won the official Chess Software World Championship!
On this DVD a team of experts gets to the bottom of Kasparov's play. In over 8 hours of video running time the authors Rogozenko, Marin, Reeh and Müller cast light on four important aspects of Kasparov's play: opening, strategy, tactics and endgame.
Mastering piece setups in various pawn structures and transitioning to a dominant middlegame, this course equips you with the insight and flexibility to outmanoeuvre your opponents in the Closed Catalan.
Top American prospects
The latest of the Young Stars camp was held at the Saint Louis Chess Club, and it brings forward a talented new generation. The players attending this camp already have several World titles between them:
Rochelle Wu — u10 World Girls Cadet Chess Champion 2016
Vincent Tsay — u12 World Cadet Chess Champion 2017
Andrew Hong — u12 Silver Medal World Cadet Chess Championship 2016
Liran Zhou — u10 World Cadet Chess Champion 2017
Christopher Yoo — 2nd ranked u12 player in the World
The camp was three days long and was focused on evaluating the players' current skills and providing guidance towards future improvement. The attendees presented some of their games against top-level competition: six annotated games, all within the last six-month period. Garry went through every game, providing his insights and analyses as well as recommendations for improvement.
Students also were tasked with absolutely top-notch tactical and strategical problems to solve — after all, a back-and-forth banter with Garry Kasparov is difficult to follow even for an in-form GM! Garry was in charge of reviewing the players' games, offering feedback and giving his evaluation of each player’s strengths and weaknesses. He was assisted by FIDE Senior Trainer and KCF President Michael Khodarkovsky.
Rochelle Wu kindly answered a few questions about the camp:
What did you feel was different about this chess camp compared to others?
I think this camp is tougher and at a much higher level than others. People here take chess more seriously and it feels like I’m with the best.
How is Garry as a teacher?
Garry is an interesting teacher. He’s world-class, unlike me, and sometimes he is too advanced, but at the end of the day, I feel like I learned something.
Can you share a couple of your favourite examples from this camp?
I like how during presentations, he would come up with entertaining ideas. He gives interesting studies and it feels great when I get them correct. I felt really good when I solved the knight and pawn ending.
Tigran Gorgiev study, 1928
White to move
Rochelle Wu solved this study — can you? Move the pieces on the live diagram to play against an engine!
Garry Kasparov's rise to the top was meteoric and at his very first attempt he managed to become World Champion, the youngest of all time. In over six hours of video, he gives a first hand account of crucial events from recent chess history, you can improve your chess understanding and enjoy explanations and comments from a unique and outstanding personality on and off the chess board.
Parents are invaluable in the process of achieving success. Seven talents, seven parents!
The highest rated player of the camp was Andrew Hong, a talented and hard-working player that is only one point shy of breaking the 2400 mark. Here is a sample game he presented to the class, his win against GM Gabuzyan:
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another try for Black13.g40-014.a514.Be3Qa515.Qd3was betterNc516.Qd214.Nd5!?was also interestingBxd515.exd5Nh716.a516.c4a516...Bg517.Ba3Nc518.a518.Nc3a516...Bg517.Ba3Nc518.c414...Rc515.Na4Rc615...Rxa5!?16.Bd2Rb517.c4Nc5!18.Nc118.Qc2Rxb319.Nxc5dxc520.Qxb3Qxd221.Nc3Rb818...Nxb318...Ra519.Bxa5Qxa520.Nd3Nxa421.Rxa4Qb622.Qc219.Nxb3Bxc420.Rb1Bxf121.Qxf1Qd722.Nc3Rb623.Bf316.Be3Nh716...Qxa517.Nb617.Nb6?!I
underestimated the exchange sacrifice. I thought I would still be better, but
it seems like it's not so easy17.Qd2!was strongerBg518.f4exf419.Nxf4Re820.c417...Nxb617...Bg518.Nxd7Bxd719.f4exf420.Nxf4Re821.c418.Bxb6Rxb6!19.axb6Qxb620.Qd3Rc821.c4Nf822.Qe322.Rfd1Ng6=position is about equal22...Qc7I didn't like to play a
little bit passive, so I tried to open up the position a little.22...Qxe323.fxe3Nd7=23.f4!?23.Nc3Ng624.Rfd1Nf425.Bf123...exf423...d5!was more accurate. Here White is forced to play Kh1, because Qf3
is not good24.Kh124.Qf3?!dxc425.f5Bd726.bxc4Qxc424...d424...exf425.Nxf4dxc426.Nd5Qd827.bxc4Rxc428.Nxe7+Qxe729.e5=25.Qf2Bc526.Qf3f627.f5Bf728.Nc1Nd729.Nd3Be730.Rfc1=24.Nxf424.Qxf4wasn't my plan, although maybe it is fine24...d525.Qf325.Kh1
cf725...Bc5+25...dxc426.Nxe6Qb6+27.Nd4Qxd4+28.Kh1Qf629.bxc4Qxf330.Bxf3Rxc431.e5=26.Kh1dxc427.Nxe627.e5is also possibleBd4?!I have28.Ra427...Nxe628.e5This was my plan when I played Qe3
and f4cxb328...Bd429.Ra4!was my plancxb330.Rc4!Bc530...Qxc431.Qxf7+Kh832.Qh5+32.Be4?Be332...Kg833.Qf7+Kh8=31.g5!g631...Nxg532.Qh5Qxe533.Re433.Rxh4?g633...Nxe434.Qxe5Ng3+35.Kh2Nxf1+36.Bxf1Bb6I think Black can hold31...Nd432.Qg4g633.Bd533.Rxd4Bxd434.e634.Qxd4Qc434...Ba735.exf7+Kf836.Qxh4Qe537.Qh6+Qg733...b234.Rxf7Qxf735.Bxf7+Kxf736.Qd7+Be737.Rb4Rc1+38.Kg2Rc2+39.Kf1Rc1+40.Kf2b1Q41.Rxb1Rxb142.Qxd431...Qe732.g6Rf833.Qxb3fxg634.Rxf8+Kxf835.Qf3+32.Rxh4Ng733.e633.Qxb3Nf533...fxe634.Qxb3∞28...Nd429.Qxb7cxb330.Rxa630.Rfb1Qxb731.Bxb7Re832.Bxa6Rxe530...Ne231.Rxf7!Ng3+31...Kxf732.Qxb3+Kf832...Ke7?33.Qe6+Kf834.Bd5Nd435.Qg8+Ke736.Qxg7+Ke837.Qg6+Kd838.Qg8+Ke739.Qh7+Ke840.Qh5+Kd841.Qh8+Ke742.Qxh4+Ke843.Qh5+Kd844.Qh8+Ke745.Qf6+Ke846.Qg6+Kd847.Qg8+Ke748.Qg5+Ke849.Be433.Qf3+Qf734.Qxe2Qf435.Qf3Qxf336.Bxf3=32.Kh2Kxf733.Qxb3+Kf833...Ke734.Qe6+Kf835.Rc635.Bd5??Bg1+35...Nf1+36.Kh1Ng3+37.Kh2=34.Rc6Nf1+35.Kh1Ng3+36.Kh2=Qd736...Qb837.Qxb8Rxb838.Rxc536...Qd837.Qf3+Ke837...Ke738.Rg6Qf838...Ke839.Rxg7Bg1+40.Kxg1Qd4+41.Kh2Nf1+=39.Qb7+Kd840.Qd5+Ke841.Qe6+Kd842.Qd5+=38.e6Rc739.Rxc5Nf1+40.Kh1Ng3+=37.Qf3+Ke737...Ke838.e638.e6Qe839.Rxc8Qxc840.Qf7+Kd841.Qg8+Kc742.Qf7+=29.Qxb3b629...Bd430.Rad1Bxe531.Qxb7Qxb732.Bxb7Rc2=30.Bd5I decided to
add more pressure to his position30.Rxa6Qxe530...Re831.Rae131.Rxa6!?Qxe532.Qf3Kh832...Ng533.Bxf7+Kh734.Qd3+Qe4+35.Qxe4+Rxe4=33.g5Qxg534.Ra431.Rf5g631...a532.Rf532.g5g633.Qa433.Rf6Be733...Qc834.Qxh4Qd835.Qe4Qxg536.h4Qh532...g632...Rd833.Ref1Qd734.Bg2Nd435.Qxf7+Qxf736.Rxf7Ne237.Kh2Ng338.R1f4Rd139.Bf3Rd2+40.Bg2=33.Rf6Kg7I was in time trouble, so I took on e633...Be734.Rf334.Bxe6Rxe635.Rxe6fxe636.Qxe6Qb7+37.Kh2Qf7?37...Qf338.Qd7+Kh639.Qd2+39.g5+!?Kh539...Kxg540.Qd8+=40.Qd1Qxd141.Rxd1Kxg542.Rf1!and in my calculations, I thought this
should be a drawa443.e6a344.Rf7a2White trades e pawn for a pawn, and
it is a draw44...b545.e739...g540.Qg2Qc341.Qc6+=38.Qxf7+Kxf739.Kg2a439...Ke640.Kf3Bd4!40...Bb4!41.Re241.Rc1Kxe542.Rc6Bc543.Rxg6a444.Rg8a345.Ra8b546.Ke2Ke447.g5b448.g6Bd449.Ra4Kf550.Kd3b351.Rxa3b252.Kc2Kxg653.Ra4Bf6=41.Re3b542.Ke4a443.Rf3Be7=41...b542.Ke4Bc343.Rf2Bxe544.Rf8Bc345.Ra8Kf646.Ra6+Kg547.Rb6b448.Rb5+Kh649.Rxa5b350.Rb5b2=40...a441.Ke4a341...b542.Rc1Be743.Rc6+Kf744.e6+Kf645.Kd5a346.Rc1g547.Rf1+Kg648.Rf2b449.Kc4Bd650.Kb3Be751.Rf7Bd652.Rd7Bc553.Rc7Bd654.Rf7Bc555.Kc4a255...Bd656.Kd556.Rf1Bd657.Kb3Bf458.Kxa2+-42.Rb1!g543.Rc1!Zugzwang for BlackBf244.Rc2Bc545.Rc4Bf246.Ra4Bc547.Ra640...b541.Ke4b442.Rc1Be743.Rc6+Kd744.Ra641.Ke4Bxe542.Rc1Kd643.g543.Rb1g544.Rxb6+Kc5it looks like Black
can hold a draw43...a444.Rb1a345.Rxb6+Kc746.Ra6Bb247.Kd547.Kd3Bc148.Kc4Kb749.Kb5Bb250.Ra4Kc750...Bc151.Rxh4Bxg552.Rg4Bf653.Ra4Kc754.Rxa3Kd655.Rg3!51.Kb4Kd652.Kb3Ke553.Rxh4Kf554.Rg4Bc1=47...Kb748.Ra4Kc749.Kc4Kd650.Kb3Ke551.Rxh4Bc152.Ra4Bxg5=40.Kf3b5?40...Ke6!41.Ke4cf740...a341.Ke4Bb442.Rf1+Ke743.Kd4Bc5+44.Kd5Bb445.Kc4Bc546.Kb3Ke647.Rf6+Kxe548.Rxg6Kf449.Rc6Be350.Rc3Bc551.Rc4+Kg552.Ra4+-41.e6+Ke741...Kf642.g5+Ke743.Re5Bd644.Rxb5Kxe645.Ra5a346.Kg4Kd747.Kxh4Kc748.Ra6Bc549.Rxg6Bb650.Rg8Kb751.Rf8a252.Rf1+-42.Re5Bd642...a343.Rxc5a244.Rc7+!+-is probably what he missed43.Rxb5Kxe644.Ke4+-Bf845.Rb6+Kf746.Kf4a347.Ra6Bb448.g5Bd2+49.Kg4Bc150.Kxh4Bb251.Kg4Kg752.h4Kf753.h5gxh5+54.Kxh5Ke755.Kg6Bc156.Ra51–0
The Najdorf Powerbook 2018 is based on an incredible 3.2 million games! The lion's share is provided by the engine room on playchess.com, with the addition of 72,000 games from human experts.
Andrew also had the following to say about the camp:
“I enjoyed the great environment, and the studies were nice, and even though they were 'tests', I still enjoyed them a lot. I learned a lot, especially how to think in the right way. Of course, working with Garry was such an honour for me. It was really helpful to have him work with me and help me understand some things, and I also tried to understand his thinking process and how he comes to the right move. I thank all the people involved in making the camp possible, and I hope I will get another opportunity.”
The camp finished, but of course, these kids could not get enough chess and played a strong blitz tournament held at the Saint Louis Chess Club to round off the weekend!
On this DVD a team of experts gets to the bottom of Kasparov's play. In over 8 hours of video running time the authors Rogozenko, Marin, Reeh and Müller cast light on four important aspects of Kasparov's play: opening, strategy, tactics and endgame.
The Young Stars program has also gone global and is currently accepting applications worldwide. If you are — or know of — a talented youth that could immensely benefit from the expertise of Garry Kasparov, please check out the information and submission forms.
Solution to Gorgiev’s endgame composition:
1.Ng7+ Kg5 2.Nge6+ Kh6 3.g7 Nf5+ 4.Kg4
Solution to Gorgiev study
Position after 4.Kg4
4...Nxg7 5.Nd4, and black is in a surprising zugzwang! (Black can make it tough with 4...Ne7, but after 5.Kf4 it's still mate in 17!)
Kasparov Chess FoundationThe vision of the Kasparov Chess Foundation is primarily to use the many benefits of chess to help children worldwide. KCF does this through a variety of different programs, which you can find at KasparovChessFoundation.org
If you're looking to revamp your opening repertoire and surprise your opponents with powerful, modern ideas, The Ultimate Scotch Gambit is the perfect choice.
Tata Steel 2025 with game analyses by Praggnanandhaa, Abdusattorov, Giri and many others. Opening videos by Ganguly, Blohberger and King. 10 opening articles with new ideas for your repertoire. Special on Korttschnoj and much more!
A cutting-edge Sicilian weapon, this variation has only gained traction since 2021, yet it has already caught the attention of elite players, including Magnus Carlsen.
If you're looking to expand your opening knowledge with a modern, cutting-edge approach, the Ragozin Carlsbad is a must-have addition to your repertoire.
The Modern Steinitz (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 d6!?) is an uncompromising weapon that lets Black put White under pressure from the very start.
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