Kasparov live in ChessBase India!

by Frederic Friedel
8/25/2021 – The legend, the 13th World Champion, and arguably the greatest chess player ever, Garry Kasparov, is coming to ChessBase India for the 18th episode of Grandmaster Chess. The livestream will take place on the 25th of August at 6.45 p.m. (3:15 p.m. European time, 9 a.m. New York). Dont't miss it – you can see Garry in relaxed banter with chess amateurs. And he is doing this for a second time! Take a look at how the first session went.

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Watch Garry Kasparov in ChessBase India

In today's live stream Garry is going to show one of his games which was just 25 moves long, and in which he beat a world class opponent! Any guesses on who the opponent was? The encounter will be streamed at 6.45 p.m. Indian time (3:15 p.m. European time, 9 a.m. New York – here are the event times around the world), and will take place in Grandmaster Chess:

The stream was great fun – you  can watch it in the YouTube video above.

About Grandmaster Chess

IM Sagar Shah is the host of the show, in which he invites different GMs from all across the world to show their best game of chess. Each game has ten critical questions that the pose attending chess-loving stand-up comedians. Right answer earn them a full point, wrong answer get them zero. If their answer is fine, but not the best, the grandmaster can decide to give half a point. At the end of the show there is a winner. 

It's a wonderful learning experience! And pure delight to see Garry in a relaxed mood, bantering with the guests and showing them the subtleties of chess. You don't believe that is possible? Well, take a look at the previous Grandmaster Chess stream:

Starting from 1 hour 21 min Garry tells us about his venture Kasparovchess, and how he intends to take on the fairly intense competition he faces. "I think it is what we could add: the sense of community, and the combination of entertainment and education – making the process of learning fun.

One highlight: at 1 hour 25 min the participants discuss an example of a puzzle from Kasparovchess with Garry:


You can move the pieces on the board to analyse – try to find the solution before you listen to Garry explaining what White must do to win. Prepare for a remarkable surprise on move four.

Another key passage comes at 1 hour 41 min 30 sec., where Garry makes an important point in a critical position he played against Anand in 1996. In the following position


he spent a lot of time considering the winning move: 20.g4!, but after 40 minutes decided that the outcome was not clear, and decided to go for 20.Bd5. Anand managed to hold out for a draw. It is interesting to hear Garry analyse the situation, not just the moves. "If you know there is a winning move, that's half the job done," he says. If he had known there was a win in the above position – not the specific move, but just the fact that there was a win – he would have easily worked it all out. His description of the process is most illuminating.

Some more highlights? At 49:10 min he talks about training the rising Magnus Carlsen; and from 51:49 min on you get to see vivid proof of his truly phenomenal memory. At 1:18:18 he recognizes a position in half a second! Bet you have never seen anything like it.


Garry Kasparov has recently launched his website for chess learning. The URL is www.kasparovchess.com. It has superb content, with trainers like Anish Giri, Vidit Gujrathi, Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, Tania Sachdev, and many others. There are also many training lessons by Kasparov himself. You can become a free member here.

If you like what you see then you should consider becoming a premium member! And if you go for a full yearly membership, then you get a signed copy of "How life Imitates Chess" by Garry Kasparov. 


Editor-in-Chief emeritus of the ChessBase News page. Studied Philosophy and Linguistics at the University of Hamburg and Oxford, graduating with a thesis on speech act theory and moral language. He started a university career but switched to science journalism, producing documentaries for German TV. In 1986 he co-founded ChessBase.


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