Kasparov and NFT

by ChessBase
1/19/2022 – "It was special for me to present my journey with 1Kind [Crypto portal] in a series of NFTs that traced my life from childhood through my ever-busy ‘retirement,’" writes Garry Kasparov. "The project was all the more meaningful for me because 10% of the proceeds will go toward setting up a scholarship fund at the Kasparov Chess Foundation, dedicated to my late mother Klara, that will support all the great talents raised by single mothers like her." Read his interview in CoinDesk.

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CoinDesk is one of the most influential, trusted media platform for a global community engaged in the transformation of the financial system and the emerging crypto economy. CoinDesk is an integrated platform for news, events, data and research for the next generation of investing and the future of money. They interviewed Garry Kasparov on his foray into the NFT world. In the introduction Jeff Wilser writes:

It will delight many in the blockchain industry to learn that Kasparov, easily one of the smartest people alive, is now a champion of cryptocurrency. And it’s partly because of math. Kasparov has spent his “retirement” opposing Russian President Vladimir Putin (a defiance that once got him tossed in jail), fighting for humanitarian causes and serving as chairman of the Human Rights Foundation (a nonprofit that strongly supports bitcoin as a freedom-giving tool). Now he views crypto as a way to check government power. Bitcoin offers protection against rampant government spending, says Kasparov, “because you’re protected by math” – by the logic of the code itself.

Kasparov also sees merit in non-fungible tokens. In December, in partnership with 1Kind, he dropped a series of 32 NFTs that showcase iconic moments from his life: the 1985 match that crowned him as the youngest world chess champion, the epic battle against International Business Machines’ artificial intelligence-powered “Deep Blue” and speeches against totalitarian governments.

It’s this battle against totalitarianism that has defined the current chapter of his life, and Kasparov sees crypto as part of that struggle. Or as the grandmaster puts it, “I believe that supporting crypto is an important part of my contribution to the future of humanity.”

Kasparov also sees merit in non-fungible tokens. In December, in partnership with 1Kind, he dropped a series of 32 NFTs that showcase iconic moments from his life: the 1985 match that crowned him as the youngest world chess champion, the epic battle against International Business Machines’ artificial intelligence-powered “Deep Blue” and speeches against totalitarian governments.

The top four NTFs sold for $14,342, $14,342, $11,439 and $11,439

It’s this battle against totalitarianism that has defined the current chapter of his life, and Kasparov sees crypto as part of that struggle. Or as the grandmaster puts it, “I believe that supporting crypto is an important part of my contribution to the future of humanity.”

Read the full CoinDesk interview with Garry Kasparov here.


I was first introduced to cryptocurrencies through my work at the Human Rights Foundation. At HRF, we support dissidents from all around the world, which means we often have to find innovative ways to get them material aid. But what currency can a dissident in Venezuela use? A few experts in our network advocated for crypto early on, and the more I learned, the more interested I became.

As our world becomes more digital, crypto and Web 3.0 are inevitable parts of our progress. That’s why I took up the opportunity to get involved with 1Kind, and to tell my story through one of the emerging media of the future. Blockchain technologies are a tool; like any other tool, humans can use them for good or bad, but they are becoming an inseparable part of the flow of progress.

In Cointelegraph Garry writes:

"My NFT venture with 1Kind reflects my lifelong desire to take on new challenges and work with exciting new technologies," says Kasparov. "From artificial intelligence to cryptocurrencies and the blockchain, I've always believed that innovation is the only way forward. We've worked together closely from the start to create not just unique items, but a completely new way of using NFTs to tell a story, one with real history behind it. "

One of the interesting things about Kasparov is his interest in human-machine interfaces. Kasparov is perhaps the most famous chess player of all time, the youngest to win the world championship as well as the longest-reigning world chess champion of all time.

But, in fact, his matches against supercomputers bought him his worldwide fame. Kasparov has repeatedly won state-of-the-art chess computers, but his loss, in 1997, to IBM's Deep Blue computer marked the watershed and symbolized the fact that artificial intelligence manages to match and even achieve human intelligence. On the symbolic level, it was precisely this loss that linked Kasparov's fate to the development of the digital age."

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EdithS EdithS 1/3/2024 06:15
I would like a follow up on this article detailing how much they are now.
startstek startstek 1/21/2022 09:02
Fide also engaged in this ridiculous bisiness => https://chessnft.com/
duvvurioct65 duvvurioct65 1/21/2022 01:18
I was just thinking I am missing the train by not investing in crypto. But thanks for below comments I will be more cautious about crypto.
Leavenfish Leavenfish 1/20/2022 02:46
NFT = No Fool Takes...that is to say, just another inventive way to try to separate the gullible masses from their money. So, of course, you know Kaspy is jumping on that train to fleece town!
visitor visitor 1/20/2022 02:40
The quality of Chessbase products has in my opinion significantly decreased over the last few years. The articles also getting worse and worse. This site has been such a large part of my life and recently it brings only sadness. I miss my youth and simpler times, when Chessbase was king. :(
Jack Nayer Jack Nayer 1/20/2022 01:31
Easily one of the smartest people alive? The nonsense never stops. Kasparov used to be a chess player. He has no degree in anything. He doesn't understand the most elementary things about economics. Does anyone remember the nonsense the sprouted around about the Greek crisis in 2015? Gary understands nothing about macroeconomic imbalances. He is 100% wrong about crypto. If you don't believe me - why should you? - go read what Stiglitz for example writes about it. It might not be the best source either, but Stiglitz has a Nobel prize. He is a professional economist. He worked for the IMF. He is prof at Columbia. Garry is show.
Bezim Bezim 1/19/2022 11:52
He may not be the best chess player ever but he is certainly the most obnoxious chess player ever.
Mr TambourineMan Mr TambourineMan 1/19/2022 11:39
Who wrote this?
Pancasila Pancasila 1/19/2022 11:21
"The longest-reigning world chess champion of all time." The whole article is pure nonsense, and this statement is simply incorrect, please don't forget Lasker... "My contribution to the future of humanity" - wow - what a joke. This article made my day.
erikerik erikerik 1/19/2022 09:54
“I believe that supporting crypto is an important part of my contribution to the future of humanity.” My Goodness. The nerve. He supported invading Iraq. He wanted to make the greek people pay with their health for what their goverment had done, see https://www.kingpinchess.net/?s=we+need+to+talk+
"Easily one of the smartest people alive".pfff
Sampru Sampru 1/19/2022 09:33
"Who controls the kill switch for Bitcoin? For Ethereum?" - the kill switch does not have to emanate from those NFTs, it can be applied to the terminals processing transactions. For example, you could be tethered to your neighbourhood with transactions occurring, say, 5 km from your home being "killed". Check out Catherine Austin Fitts and her Solari Report for her analysis.
wannad wannad 1/19/2022 07:54
Did you forget to put #ad in the beginning?
Ajeeb007 Ajeeb007 1/19/2022 07:40
"Kasparov, easily one of the smartest people alive" ...I'll toss this piece of unsubstantiated nonsense into the same drawer with Bobby Fischer's unsubstantiated IQ of 180. Why do people continue to equate the ability to move little wooden figures around a board with super genius intelligence?
Eine-Welt-Staat Eine-Welt-Staat 1/19/2022 07:14
He may not be as smart as he'd like to be, but he knows what he's talking about here. Because he is serving the ruling powers. He loves the sphere of the higher circles of power and has long since proven himself for them, acting as "opposition against Putin". Better not to say more here about this guy, who clearly shows his true colors in this time of absolute evil that is taking over.
The Lord Jesus Christ saves everyone who comes to Him!
Cizia Cizia 1/19/2022 07:11
after Mr Garry great strategist in politics , here is Mister Garry great stategist in economics
EdithS EdithS 1/19/2022 07:02
Stop promoting these energy wasting scams. We are here to learn about chess, not to learn about pathetic 'get rich' quick schemes.
ConwyCastle ConwyCastle 1/19/2022 07:02
NFTs are a brilliant scam. Shame to see them on this site.
amishhacker amishhacker 1/19/2022 06:56
Freedom for companies to drain the wallets of the gullible. NFT owners are at the mercy of the server companies that host their little "receipt". This just proves that being smart on the board doesn't always translate to life off the board.
chessgod0 chessgod0 1/19/2022 06:15
Who controls the kill switch for Bitcoin? For Ethereum?
Sampru Sampru 1/19/2022 05:27
Crypto means freedom? Not if someone controls a kill switch.