Karthikeyan and Sachdev are Commonwealth Champions

by Sagar Shah
7/5/2018 – It was an exciting final day at the Commonwealth Championships 2018. At the end of penultimate round we had four leaders with a score of 6½ / 8. P. Karthikeyan was the only one who won his game. With 7½ / 9, he became the Commonwealth Champion. Tania Sachdev scored 6.0 / 9 and took the women's title. Report by SAGAR SHAH, for ChessBase India. | Photo: Amruta Mokal

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Silver & bronze to Vaibhav Suri & Debashis Das

P. Karthikeyan won the Commonwealth Championships hosted by the Delhi Chess Association in New Delhi from June 26th to July 3rd. The championship tournament was held as an open tournament, with over 160 players participating. Before the final round, Akash G, Debashis Das, Lalith Babu and Karthikeyan P. were equal with 6½ points. Lalith and Debashis drew in the final round, while Karthikeyan defeated Akash G. in the second major game, earning the title of Commonwealth Champion. 

the top three

The top three: P. Karthikeyan - gold, Vaibhav Suri - silver (left), Debashis Das - bronze (right) | Photo: Amruta Mokal

Tania Sachdev took 23rd place with 6 points and was awarded the title of Commonwealth Champion as the best woman in the field.

The vast majority of the participants came from the host country, which provided 134 players. South Africa was the second largest contingent with 8 players. One participant who played under the English flag: Manoj Arora.

Karthikeyan's last round win came in a fine game from the black side of the Sicilian Najdorf:

Akash 0-1 Karthikeyan (annotated by IM Sagar Shah)
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1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 In a must-win situation, of course you go for the Najdorf. 6.a4 e6 7.Be2 Qc7 8.0-0 b6 9.f4 Bb7 10.Bf3 Nbd7 11.g4 e5 12.Nf5 g6 13.Ng3 exf4 14.Bxf4 Ne5 15.g5 Nfd7 16.Bg2 Bg7 17.Nd5 Bxd5 18.exd5 0-0 It already seems like Black has a very good advantage in this position. He is solid, he has the control of the e5 square and in general, he is much better. 19.c3 Rae8 20.Rf2 f5! 21.gxf6 Nxf6 In general Whie cannot do much. He is overextended and there are weak squares everywhere in his position. 22.Rf1 Nc4 23.Rf2 h5!? A typical Karthikeyan move where he is trying to do something. The idea is to push on with h4. 24.Bh3 Qc5 25.b4 Qxd5 26.Bg2 Qxd1+ 27.Rxd1 h4 28.Nf1 Ne4 Black is a pawn up and has a completely dominant position. 29.Bxe4 Rxe4 30.Bg5 30.Bxd6 Rd8-+ 30...Bxc3 31.Rg2 Bxb4 32.h3 Bc5+ 33.Kh1 Rf3 34.Nh2 Rxh3 35.Rf1 Ne5 36.Bf4 Kh7 37.a5 bxa5 38.Bxe5 Rxe5 39.Rb2 Re7 40.Rb8 Kg7 41.Ra8 a4 42.Rxa6 a3 43.Ra8 Ra7 44.Re8 a2 45.Ra1 Rb3 46.Ree1 Bd4 47.Rxa2 Rxa2 48.Re7+ Kf8 49.Re8+ Kxe8 Very nearly a stalemate! If only White could have sacrificed his knight somehow! 0–1
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Akash,G2391Karthikeyan,P24560–12018B90Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OP9.2

The complex Najdorf

When choosing an opening repertoire, there are days when you want to play for a win with Black, when you want to bear down on your opponent’s position with a potentially crushing attack. The Najdorf is perfect for just such occasions. Strategy, combinations, attack and defence, sacrifices and marvellous manoeuvres — exciting chess is all about the Najdorf!

It can be said that Karthikeyan was a tad lucky with the pairing. With a score of 4½ / 6 he was one point behind the leaders at that point. However, he zoomed ahead in the last three rounds beating three IMs — Watu Kobese, S. Nitin and G. Akash. I would say that last two — Nitin and Akash were in great form in the tournament and had beaten many GMs. To outplay them with ease, showed that Karthikeyan was the deserving champion. After the event, we spoke to Karthikeyan about how he felt.

"What I understood recently is that these GM norms, rating, titles will spoil your game. It is for commercial purposes only. If you improve your game, everything will follow...I practised calmness before the tournament and that is the reason why I am still in the zone, it seems. If you would have interviewed me tomorrow, perhaps I would be more excited!", says Karthikeyan, who could be seen with his eyes closed trying to focus and meditate before each game.


Karthikeyan's usual pose at the start of the round, and sometimes even in between the rounds! | Photo: Sagar Shah

It comes as no surprise that which such a calm and clear head, Karthikeyan is able to calculate much better. Here's a position from his game against South African IM Watu Kobese.

P. Karthikeyan vs Watu Kobese
Position after 20...Kh8

Watu Kobese has just moved his king to h8. White to play. What did Karthikeyan do here? Check the answer in the video below:

Interview with the Commonwealth Champion 2018 - P. Karthikeyan

The women's prize was keenly contested as well. It was not a separate event — the top three finishers in the open section would win the gold, silver and bronze medals. Tania Sachdev won the gold, M. Mahalakshmi the silver (the only one to win two medals — Open and under-20) and Kiran Manisha Mohanty went back home with the bronze!

Top women

(Women L to R) M. Mahalakshmi, Tania Sachdev and Kiran Manisha Mohanty | Photo: Amruta Mokal

After her first-round loss to V.S. Negi Tania recovered admirably and finished with 6.0/9 to take home the gold. For Sachdev, this was the second consecutive Commonwealth title. Adding to her growing list of achievements, Tania was extremely pleased with the trophy.

"You never get tired of winning", says Tania showing off her trophy, adding that it is about the size of her nephew.

On the Indian team for the Olympiad:

"I've been part of the national team since 2008 and it's always very special to play for India at the Olympiad, but this year is even more special...Jacob's our trainer [Jabob Aagaard -Ed.]. We've got the best team ever: Humpy, Harika, we've got a great trainer and I think that just having this great support system has really motivated all of us to give our best. Of course, what happens there — there's no guarantee, but I know that each one of us is very inspired to play for India in Batumi."

Tania with family

What better way to celebrate your success! Tania's family: Her husband Viraj Kataria (right), brother in law and mother in law | Photo: Amruta Mokal

For many more photos and results from all the age categories visit ChessBase India!

Final standings (top 30)

Rk. Name Pts.  TB1 
1 Karthikeyan P. 7,5 0,0
2 Vaibhav Suri 7,0 0,0
3 Debashis Das 7,0 0,0
4 Lalith Babu M R 7,0 0,0
5 Sengupta Deep 7,0 0,0
6 Deepan Chakkravarthy J. 7,0 0,0
7 Akash G 6,5 0,0
8 Nitin S. 6,5 0,0
9 Laxman R.R. 6,5 0,0
10 Jubin Jimmy 6,5 0,0
11 Sundararajan Kidambi 6,5 0,0
12 Rathnakaran K. 6,5 0,0
13 Swapnil S. Dhopade 6,5 0,0
14 Kunte Abhijit 6,5 0,0
15 Bakre Tejas 6,5 0,0
16 Thipsay Praveen M 6,0 0,0
17 Mohammad Nubairshah Shaikh 6,0 0,0
18 Visakh N R 6,0 0,0
19 Vishnu Prasanna. V 6,0 0,0
20 Karthik Venkataraman 6,0 0,0
21 Navalgund Niranjan 6,0 0,0
22 Siva Mahadevan 6,0 0,0
23 Tania Sachdev 6,0 0,0
24 Kushagra Mohan 6,0 0,0
25 Sharma Dinesh K. 6,0 0,0
26 Mahalakshmi M 6,0 0,0
27 Kiran Manisha Mohanty 6,0 0,0
28 Alahakoon Isuru 6,0 0,0
29 Klaasen Calvin John 6,0 0,0
30 Vantika Agrawal 6,0 0,0

...165 Players

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1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.g3 Nc6 4.Bg2 d5 5.exd5 exd5 6.0-0 Bd6 7.d4 Nge7 8.dxc5 Bxc5 9.Nbd2 0-0 10.Nb3 Bb6 11.c3 Bg4 12.h3 Bh5 13.Re1 a5 14.Be3 Bxe3 15.Rxe3 Qb6 16.g4 Bg6 17.Ne5 Rfd8 18.Qe2 a4 19.Nd4 Nxd4 20.cxd4 Nc6 21.Nxc6 bxc6 22.Re1 f6 23.Re7 Qxd4 24.Qe6+ Kh8 25.Qxc6 Rab8 26.Qc7 Rdc8 27.Qa7 Qxa7 28.Rxa7 d4 29.Rd1 Rd8 30.f4 Bc2 31.Rd2 d3 32.b3 axb3 33.axb3 Rxb3 34.Bd5 Rb4 35.f5 h5 36.Bf3 h4 37.Ra3 Kh7 38.Kf2 Kh6 39.Ke3 Re8+ 40.Kf2 Rb1 41.Rc3 Ree1 42.Bg2 Red1 43.Rxd1 Rxd1 44.Be4 Rd2+ 45.Ke3 Re2+ 46.Kf3 0–1
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Naipal,H1941Sengupta,D25650–12018B40Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Vaibhav,S2556Vinay,T19381–02018B01Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Divya,L1934Deepan,C25310–12018B49Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Lalith,B2529Joy,P19291–02018A04Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Trivedi,K1924Vishnu,P25250–12018B00Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Debashis,D2522Gluckman,P19221–02018A05Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Samal,A1922Swapnil,S24950–12018A45Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Thejkumar,M2495Hamid,R19181–02018E16Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Saranya,Y1908Kunte,A24940–12018B40Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Karthik,V2475Bhagyashree,P19061–02018C97Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Choubey,S1899Visakh,N24670–12018D02Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Karthikeyan,P2456Sanskriti,G18981–02018A61Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Huidrom,B1893Mohammad,N24410–12018A48Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Nitin,S2441Sudarshan,M18921–02018C48Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Klevansky,A1889Bakre,T2439½–½2018A06Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Laxman,R2438Arora,M18871–02018D02Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Thipsay,P2405Toshali,V18751–02018C95Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Negi,V1868Tania,S23931–02018A13Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Akash,G2391Sambarta,B18651–02018B12Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Shetye,S1865Rathnakaran,K23860–12018A60Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Sammed Jaykumar,S2375Das,S18641–02018B12Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Adarsh,T1858Koustav,C23650–12018B03Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Sankalp,G2365Sooraj,M1854½–½2018A81Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN1
Sengupta,D2565Bhambure,S21831–02018A46Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Panda,S2187Vaibhav,S2556½–½2018D37Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Deepan,C2531Chitlange,S21621–02018A45Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Baivab,M2156Lalith,B25290–12018A05Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Vishnu,P2525Magana,B21531–02018C55Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Singh,A2129Debashis,D25220–12018B90Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Swapnil,S2495Alahakoon,I21331–02018B51Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Jubin,J2113Thejkumar,M2495½–½2018A57Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Kunte,A2494Mohite,R2089½–½2018D71Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Arpan,D2079Karthik,V24750–12018B90Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Visakh,N2467Arpita,M2076½–½2018B90Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Joshi,G2078Karthikeyan,P24560–12018B51Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Mohammad,N2441Bala,K20631–02018E97Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Sreeshwan,M2064Nitin,S24410–12018A48Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Thipsay,B2061Laxman,R24380–12018C49Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Sundararajan,K2425Priyanka,K2052½–½2018A00Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Rathnakaran,K2386Venkata,K20201–02018C77Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Jain,N2015Sammed Jaykumar,S23750–12018C47Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Koustav,C2365Polakhare,A20081–02018A20Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Kobese,W2349Sinha,S19871–02018C91Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Wagh,S2289Arun,R1973½–½2018A05Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN2
Akash,G2391Sengupta,D2565½–½2018C78Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Sammed Jaykumar,S2375Deepan,C2531½–½2018B10Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Lalith,B2529Rathnakaran,K2386½–½2018A10Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Navalgund,N2282Vishnu,P25250–12018A37Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Debashis,D2522Koustav,C23651–02018E21Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Aaryan,V2210Swapnil,S2495½–½2018D37Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Karthik,V2475Kobese,W23491–02018B33Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Karthikeyan,P2456Gomes,M2285½–½2018E11Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Nitin,S2441Nandhidhaa,P22701–02018B48Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Laxman,R2438Thilakarathne,G21881–02018D11Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Thipsay,P2405Lakshmi,C19541–02018B74Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Meghna,C1955Kunte,A24941–02018B42Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Vaibhav,S2556Nayak,R21951–02018E68Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Thejkumar,M2495Panda,S2187½–½2018A46Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Mahitosh,D2115Visakh,N24670–12018B92Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Mohite,R2089Bakre,T24390–12018C60Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Arpita,M2076Sundararajan,K2425½–½2018C77Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Sankalp,G2365Divya,D21391–02018A16Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Siva,M2346Jubin,J21130–12018B12Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Priyanka,K2052Kushagra,M23070–12018B08Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Makhija,A2037Wagh,S22890–12018B91Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Sharma,D2283Arya,B20051–02018B47Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Mohota,N2265Tarini,G1973½–½2018A40Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN3
Vishnu,P2525Nitin,S24410–12018B51Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Laxman,R2438Debashis,D2522½–½2018B06Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Meghna,C1955Karthik,V2475½–½2018B96Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Sengupta,D2565Thipsay,P2405½–½2018C97Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Kushagra,M2307Vaibhav,S25560–12018C15Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Deepan,C2531Sankalp,G23650–12018A10Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Wagh,S2289Lalith,B2529½–½2018A28Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Swapnil,S2495Sammed Jaykumar,S2375½–½2018C50Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Visakh,N2467Sharma,D22831–02018C03Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Dixit,N2252Karthikeyan,P2456½–½2018B47Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Mohammad,N2441Aaryan,V22101–02018A05Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Bakre,T2439Moksh,A22031–02018A20Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Gomes,M2285Akash,G23910–12018E67Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Rathnakaran,K2386Arun,R19731–02018B10Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Jubin,J2113Sundararajan,K24250–12018A50Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Joshi,G2078Thejkumar,M24951–02018B14Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Tania,S2393Arpita,M2076½–½2018E90Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Koustav,C2365Bala,K20630–12018A30Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Kobese,W2349Venkata,K20201–02018C91Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Sreeshwan,M2064Klaasen,C23011–02018B08Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Jain,N2015Navalgund,N22820–12018B31Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Nandhidhaa,P2270Polakhare,A20081–02018C07Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Shubham1968Mohota,N2265½–½2018A05Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Tarini,G1973Mahalakshmi,M2238½–½2018A40Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN4
Nitin,S2441Visakh,N24671–02018B90Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Vaibhav,S2556Laxman,R24381–02018E36Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Debashis,D2522Meghna,C19551–02018D31Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Karthik,V2475Rathnakaran,K23861–02018C05Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Thipsay,P2405Mohammad,N2441½–½2018C67Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Akash,G2391Bakre,T24391–02018C77Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Sankalp,G2365Vishnu,P25251–02018A43Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Dixit,N2252Sengupta,D25650–12018C11Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Lalith,B2529Gluckman,D22071–02018A92Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Thilakarathne,G2188Swapnil,S24951–02018B12Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Karthikeyan,P2456Panda,S21871–02018E06Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Sundararajan,K2425Pujari,R21811–02018C90Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Sammed Jaykumar,S2375Joshi,G2078½–½2018C54Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Bhambure,S2183Kobese,W2349½–½2018E81Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Alahakoon,I2133Wagh,S22890–12018C47Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Navalgund,N2282Sreeshwan,M20641–02018D45Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Bala,K2063Nandhidhaa,P2270½–½2018A05Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Deepan,C2531Joy,P19291–02018A05Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Arpita,M2076Kunte,A24940–12018B43Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Mohite,R2089Tania,S23930–12018B43Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Siva,M2346Singh,A21291–02018B61Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Makhija,A2037Kushagra,M2307½–½2018B08Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Priyanka,K2052Gomes,M22851–02018B06Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Sharma,D2283Jubin,J21130–12018E11Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Arun,R1973Vantika,A2282½–½2018A05Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Mohota,N2265Kiran,M20441–02018A49Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Mahalakshmi,M2238Ghosh,S20341–02018D02Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Klevansky,A1889Gajwa,A22370–12018C86Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Aaryan,V2210Arya,B20050–12018A89Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Moksh,A2203Tarini,G19731–02018B12Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN5
Vaibhav,S2556Nitin,S24411–02018E63Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Akash,G2391Debashis,D25221–02018B90Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Sankalp,G2365Karthik,V24751–02018A48Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Sengupta,D2565Navalgund,N2282½–½2018C54Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Mohammad,N2441Lalith,B2529½–½2018A65Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Wagh,S2289Karthikeyan,P2456½–½2018A34Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Sundararajan,K2425Thipsay,P2405½–½2018A05Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Kunte,A2494Thilakarathne,G21881–02018A05Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Gajwa,A2237Deepan,C25310–12018C16Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Visakh,N2467Moksh,A2203½–½2018D71Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Bakre,T2439Bhambure,S2183½–½2018A46Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Baivab,M2156Laxman,R2438½–½2018A05Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Tania,S2393Chitlange,S21621–02018E11Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Rathnakaran,K2386Bala,K20631–02018B28Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Divya,D2139Sammed Jaykumar,S23750–12018A45Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Kobese,W2349Priyanka,K20521–02018B90Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Joshi,G2078Siva,M2346½–½2018B51Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Nandhidhaa,P2270Meghna,C19551–02018C07Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Jubin,J2113Mohota,N2265½–½2018D59Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Arya,B2005Mahalakshmi,M2238½–½2018A45Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Vishnu,P2525Makhija,A20371–02018D37Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Swapnil,S2495Polakhare,A20081–02018D02Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Koustav,C2365Arun,R19731–02018A41Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Kushagra,M2307Bhatt,J19661–02018B36Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Thipsay,B2061Paiva,D2288½–½2018B85Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Vantika,A2282Gluckman,P1922½–½2018A05Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Lakshmi,C1954Dixit,N2252½–½2018B06Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Gluckman,D2207Negi,V18681–02018B51Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Panda,S2187Premanath,D1807½–½2018E15Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN6
Nitin,S2441Sankalp,G23651–02018C12Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Sengupta,D2565Vaibhav,S2556½–½2018B12Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Lalith,B2529Akash,G23911–02018E69Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Deepan,C2531Tania,S2393½–½2018A28Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Debashis,D2522Rathnakaran,K23861–02018C14Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Thipsay,P2405Kunte,A2494½–½2018B42Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Karthik,V2475Wagh,S2289½–½2018C44Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Karthikeyan,P2456Kobese,W23491–02018E92Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Sammed Jaykumar,S2375Mohammad,N24410–12018B12Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Navalgund,N2282Sundararajan,K2425½–½2018A04Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Swapnil,S2495Nandhidhaa,P22701–02018A05Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Thilakarathne,G2188Visakh,N24670–12018B92Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Pujari,R2181Bakre,T2439½–½2018A46Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Bhambure,S2183Koustav,C23650–12018D38Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Siva,M2346Baivab,M21561–02018B36Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Mohota,N2265Joshi,G2078½–½2018E04Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Mahalakshmi,M2238Joy,P19291–02018E62Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Arya,B2005Gluckman,D22071–02018A40Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Thejkumar,M2495Mohite,R2089½–½2018D80Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Klaasen,C2301Arpita,M2076½–½2018E97Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Paiva,D2288Sreeshwan,M2064½–½2018D47Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN7
Vaibhav,S2556Debashis,D25220–12018E62Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Karthikeyan,P2456Nitin,S24411–02018E63Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Sankalp,G2365Lalith,B25290–12018A46Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Mohammad,N2441Akash,G23910–12018E46Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Tania,S2393Sengupta,D25650–12018A41Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Koustav,C2365Deepan,C25310–12018A11Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Vishnu,P2525Thipsay,P24051–02018A45Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Wagh,S2289Swapnil,S2495½–½2018A21Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Kunte,A2494Siva,M23461–02018A05Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Kushagra,M2307Karthik,V24750–12018B90Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Visakh,N2467Navalgund,N22821–02018D07Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Sundararajan,K2425Mahalakshmi,M22381–02018A50Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Bakre,T2439Arya,B20051–02018A10Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Gajwa,A2237Laxman,R24380–12018C65Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Rathnakaran,K2386Pujari,R21811–02018C77Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Jubin,J2113Sammed Jaykumar,S23751–02018D70Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Kobese,W2349Chitlange,S21621–02018B14Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Joshi,G2078Sharma,D2283½–½2018B33Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Nandhidhaa,P2270Magana,B21531–02018C77Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Nayak,R2195Mohota,N22650–12018C56Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Klaasen,C2301Gluckman,P19221–02018A10Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Kiran,M2044Paiva,D22881–02018B95Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Vantika,A2282Sinha,S19871–02018D30Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Tarini,G1973Dixit,N2252½–½2018E67Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN8
Lalith,B2529Debashis,D2522½–½2018A88Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Akash,G2391Karthikeyan,P24560–12018B90Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Sengupta,D2565Vishnu,P25251–02018B69Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Karthik,V2475Vaibhav,S25560–12018C18Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Deepan,C2531Visakh,N24671–02018C92Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Nitin,S2441Kunte,A2494½–½2018C49Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Mohammad,N2441Sundararajan,K2425½–½2018A40Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Swapnil,S2495Kobese,W23491–02018E76Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Wagh,S2289Bakre,T24390–12018D02Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Laxman,R2438Nandhidhaa,P22701–02018D38Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Mohota,N2265Rathnakaran,K23860–12018C00Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Jubin,J2113Sankalp,G23651–02018D70Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Thipsay,P2405Divya,D21391–02018B85Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Bhambure,S2183Tania,S23930–12018D16Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Alahakoon,I2133Koustav,C23651–02018E32Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Siva,M2346Mohite,R20891–02018D86Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Arya,B2005Kushagra,M23070–12018A45Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Chudasama,A1771Klaasen,C23010–12018B07Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Sharma,D2283Singh,A21291–02018B61Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Mahitosh,D2115Vantika,A22820–12018B33Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Navalgund,N2282Joshi,G20781–02018E04Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Mahalakshmi,M2238Arpita,M20761–02018A48Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Aaryan,V2210Kiran,M20440–12018A48Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9
Sammed Jaykumar,S2375Vinay,T1938½–½2018A04Commonwealth Chess Championships 2018 OPEN9

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Andre Schulz contributed reporting to this story


Sagar is an International Master from India with two GM norms. He loves to cover chess tournaments, as that helps him understand and improve at the game he loves so much. He is the co-founder and CEO of ChessBase India, the biggest chess news portal in the country. His YouTube channel has over a million subscribers, and to date close to a billion views. ChessBase India is the sole distributor of ChessBase products in India and seven adjoining countries, where the software is available at a 60% discount. compared to International prices.


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