Commonwealth 2018: A wealth of chess improvement

by Sagar Shah
6/29/2018 – Chess reports are filled with news and updates, but this report from Commonwealth 2018 is different. It is filled with high level of instructional content. IM SAGAR SHAH, says, "To go through this entire report will take two hours of your time. But if you do it carefully, it is bound to teach you a lot about chess." Games, training, video and, to add more flavour to it, you have some world class photography by Amruta Mokal. | Pictured: Standing out from the crowd - GM Deepan Chakkravarthy!

Learn from the Classics Learn from the Classics

Sagar Shah shows you on this DVD how you can use typical patterns used by the Master of the past in your own games. From opening play to middlegame themes.


Lessons from Delhi

The Commonwealth of Nations, often known as simply the Commonwealth, is an intergovernmental organisation of 53 member states that are mostly former territories of the British Empire. The Commonwealth covers more than 29,958,050 km2, equivalent to 20% of the world's land area and spans all six inhabited continents. With an estimated population of over 2.4 billion people, nearly a third of the world population lives in Commonwealth countries!

This year the Commonwealth Championships — just like the last year — is divided into 15 categories. We have 14 age categories and one open event. Earlier, the age category prizes used to be given based on the open tournament itself, but since the last year, the Commonwealth Association have wanted to pit the youngsters against players of their age category in order to determine the medals. This is the reason why you have under-8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 in both open and girls section, which comes to 14 age category events.

Deep Sengupta

Deep Sengupta is the top seed of the tournament | Photo: Amruta Mokal

In the absolute Open section, we find a very good turnout of Indian GMs, but the tournament lacks International Grandmasters.

Starting rank (top 10)

No. Name Rtg
1 Sengupta Deep 2565
2 Vaibhav Suri 2556
3 Deepan Chakkravarthy J. 2531
4 Lalith Babu M R 2529
5 Vishnu Prasanna. V 2525
6 Debashis Das 2522
7 Swapnil S. Dhopade 2495
8 Thejkumar M. S. 2495
9 Kunte Abhijit 2494
10 Karthik Venkataraman 2475

In the first round, Lalith Babu played a very nice game from the white side of the King's Indian and won against Karan Trivedi.

Lalith Babu vs Karan Trivedi
White has just taken the pawn on e5. How should Black recapture?

It's positions like these that Jacob Aagaard explains in the chapter "Comparison" of his book Grand Master Preparation - Calculation. What Jacob essentially mentions is that you go ahead with one line, for example, Bxe5 Bg5 Qxh3 Qd2 f4 and now in this position replace the bishop on e5 with pawn on e5, assuming that if you took dxe5 this position would have arisen! You have to compare both the positions in this particular manner and when that is done, you have to choose which move is better. It is quite apparent that the bishop on e5 works much better than one on g7 hemmed in by his own pawn on e5. Karan's decision to take on e5 with the pawn was wrong and he lost the game. ...Bxe5! would have given Black a good position.

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1.Nf3 0 g6 4 2.c4 0 This is what young Lalith used to play all the time. Bg7 15 3.Nc3 0 d6 32 4.e4 0 Nf6 30 5.d4 10 0-0 17 6.h3 4 e5 61 7.d5 22 Nh5 177 The most uncompromising line from Black. He wants to ensure that g4 is met with the active Nf4. 8.g3 65 Na6 540 8...f5 is the main move. 9.exf5 gxf5 10.Nxe5 Qe8!-+ 9.Be2 152 f5 95 10.exf5 36 gxf5 41 11.Nh4 51 11.Nxe5 Nxg3 12.fxg3 dxe5= 11...Nf4 351 All of this looks tremendously complicated, but Lalith kept it simple. 12.gxf4 449 Qxh4 0 13.Rg1 153 Kh8 1222 14.fxe5 408 dxe5 135 14...Bxe5 And I have a feeling that Black is doing excellently here. 15.Bg5 Qxh3 16.Qd2 f4!= 15.Bg5 69 Qd4 345 15...Qxh3 16.Qd2 f4 17.0-0-0± and somehow the knight getting the e4 square and the bishop hemmed on g7, gives White a clear advantage. 16.Qb3 484 16.Qxd4 exd4 17.Nb5± was better for White, but Lalith wants more. 16...f4 947 17.Rd1 275 Qb6 0 18.Qxb6 133 axb6 12 19.d6! 9 After this it is White all the way. cxd6 226 20.Rxd6 11 Bxh3 194 21.Rxb6 76 Rf7 160 22.Ne4 76 Rc7 0 23.a3 310 Nb8 165 24.Bd8 182 Rd7 330 25.Bf6 12 Ra7 302 26.Rd6 109 b5 54 27.Bxg7+ 10 1–0
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Lalith Babu M R2529Joy Pankaj Shah19291–02018E90Commonwealth-Ch GM Open 20181

Lalith Babu

Lalith Babu, number 23 in India | Photo: Amruta Mokal

The biggest casualty of day one was IM Tania Sachdev who blundered in a completely winning position against V.S. Negi.

V.S. Negi vs Tania Sachdev
Position after 43.Qd1

Tania, in this position, played 43...Ra8. Can you see how White can come back into the game?


Tania's don't mess with me look! After her first-round loss, she was back with a win! | Photo: Amruta Mokal

Even after Negi played 44.Ne2, the game would not have ended had Tania played Qc4, as Nxd4 is met with Rd8. But in the game, Tania played 44...Qc5 and after 45.Nxd4 Rd8 46.Qb3+, the game was all but over!

Abhijit Kunte

Abhijit Kunte won a nice game against talented J Saranya | Photo: Amruta Mokal

Saranya vs Kunte, after 22.d4
What should black play?

Try to assess the consequences of Nxd4. Kunte calculates the complexities well.

Strategy University Vol. 5: Winning Methods of great Players

Using ideas and games of great masters from the past, the famous Ukrainian trainer GM Adrian Mikhalchishin deals with various themes.

The art of winning won positions!

A lot of people complain that they are unable to win winning positions. Often they reach winning positions, and then blunder, or make inaccuracies and the game either ends in a draw or a loss. What exactly happens there? Why are we not able to finish a winning position? Well, apart from distractions, lack of concentration and getting really excited or scared, the main reason often comes down to lack of calculation. I think it is extremely important to keep your emotions aside and calculate with the same energy and resoluteness when you are winning, as you do at the start of a game. Here's a very good example that I would like to share with you to make my point clear:

Pranavananda vs Nubairshah Shaikh, under-20 championship
White to play

White is just winning here. He has excellently placed pieces, black king is weak and to add insult to injury, black is a pawn down! But it is very important to calculate accurately and finish off the game in the next few moves. Look how Pranavananda goes wrong and very nearly makes a draw from this completely winning position.

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1.c4 g6 2.Nc3 Bg7 3.d4 c5 4.d5 Nf6 5.e4 d6 6.Nf3 0-0 7.h3 b5 8.cxb5 a6 9.a4 Nbd7 10.Qc2 Ne8 11.Be2 axb5 12.Nxb5 f5 13.Ng5 Ndf6 14.exf5 Bxf5 15.Qb3 Nc7 16.0-0 Qb8 17.Re1 h6 18.Nf3 Be4 19.Ra3 Nxb5 20.Bxb5 Bxd5 21.Qc2 Qb7 22.Qxg6 Be4 23.Qg3 Kh7 24.Qh4 Bxf3 25.Rxf3 Ng8 26.Bd3+ Kh8 White is completely winning. Not only does he have pieces excellently posted. He also has an extra pawn. It is important now to finish off the game in the best possible way. 27.Rg3! When you are attacking, it makes complete sense to keep the pieces on the board. Rg3 is an excellent move by Pranavananda. The idea is now to take on e7. Qd5 Nubair makes the most natural move. He brings his queen into the action. But now White has many ways to win. 27...e5 seems to be an alternative. The idea is to defend along the second rank. 28.Bxh6! To make a move like this needs tactical awareness of highest order. Nxh6 28...Bxh6 29.Rg6! Black is just helpless. Qh7 30.Rxg8+! Kxg8 30...Qxg8 31.Qxh6+ 31.Bxh7++- 29.Rg6 Rf4 30.Rxh6+ Kg8 31.Qg5+- 28.Qg4? This is a typical lazy move when you are winning. Of course White is still clearly winning, but it was important to seize the moment. 28.Rxg7! Kxg7 29.Rxe7+ Rf7 29...Nxe7 30.Bxh6+ Kf7 30...Kg8 31.Bc4+- 31.Bc4+- 30.Qg4+! An important check to control the d1 square. Kh8 31.Be4+- 28.Rxe7! I think this move is the easiest to calculate. Nxe7 29.Bxh6+- And there is absolutely no good move that Black has. 28...Qf7 29.Rf3 Nf6 30.Qf5 30.Qh4 Why not attack the h6 pawn? Qh5 31.Qxh5 Nxh5 32.Rxf8+ Bxf8 33.b3+- And White should be confident about converting this position. 30...Rxa4! Nubair snaps the pawn and restores the material balance. Of course, Black is still worse, but now materially you are doing fine. 31.Bd2! White keeps his calm and develops the bishop. Rd4 32.Bc3 Rd5 33.Qf4 Rg5 I would say that Black has been able to get some order in his position. His pieces seem to be working together. 34.Bc2 I have no idea, what is the point of this move. But perhaps Pranavananda wanted to avoid e5-e4 and a pawn fork. e5 35.Qd2 Qd5! Tricky tricky! Against tactically sharp players like Nubair you always have to be careful. 36.Qe2! 36.Rxf6 falls to Qxg2#! That would be cruel! 36...Qg8 Black is also unable to come up with something concrete. 37.Bd2?! 37.Rd1± White keeps all of his advantages and is better. 37...e4! 38.Rxf6 Bxf6 39.Bxg5 hxg5 39...Qxg5 40.Qxe4 Qg7 I think Black would have had excellent chances to draw the game now. 40.Bxe4± Black's task in this opposite coloured bishop is not easy as his king is exposed. But from where it all started, he can be very happy that he is still alive! Qf7 41.Kh1! Smart move. Moving the king out of any immediate checks. Be5 42.Qg4 Rg8 43.Rd1 Qf4? Ambitious! 43...Rb8± Black is clinging on. 44.Qh5+! Pranavananda is not afraid and goes for the black king. Kg7 45.Qh7+ Kf8 46.g3 Qxf2 47.Ra1! White has activated all his pieces. His bishop on e4 ensures that there are no checks on the light squares! Black is helpless. Rg7 48.Qh8+ Rg8 49.Qh6+? 49.Ra8+ Ke7 50.Ra7+ 50.Qxg8? Qe1+ 51.Kg2 Qe2+ 52.Kh1 Qxe4+-+ 50...Kf8 51.Qh6+ Rg7 52.Ra1 Such a retreat is nearly impossible to find. But White is now winning! Qf6 52...Qe2 53.Qh8+ Rg8 54.Ra8+ Ke7 55.Qh7+ Rg7 56.Ra7+ Kf8 57.Qf5+ Kg8 58.Ra8# 53.Qh8+ Rg8 54.Ra8+ Ke7 55.Qxf6+ Kxf6 56.Rxg8+- 49...Ke7 50.Bd5 Rh8? Nubair makes the final mistake. 50...Qf5! Not an easy move to find, but after this the game ends in a draw. 51.Ra7+ Kd8 52.Rf7 Qg6 53.Qxg6 Rxg6= This would have been a brilliant defensive effort. 51.Qe6+ Kd8 52.Ra8+ Kc7 53.Qe7+ A typical struggle and this happens with us very often in our games. It is important to finish off your opponent when the chance is offered. Otherwise like in this game, the battle goes on and the defender is more often than not able to survive. Kudos to Pranavananda for maintaining his cool. 1–0
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Pranavananda,V2184Mohammad Nubairshah Shaikh24411–02018A10Commonwealth-ch Youth 20182

Under-20 starting rank (top 10)

No. Name Rtg
1 Karthik Venkataraman 2475
2 Mohammad Nubairshah Shaikh 2441
3 Krishna Teja N 2389
4 Sidhant Mohapatra 2369
5 Wagh Suyog 2289
6 Dixit Nikhil 2252
7 Pranavananda V 2184
8 Barath Kalyan M 2079
9 Dubey Sanchay 1900
10 Nagare Akhilesh 1883

Complete list via Chess-Results

In the Open section, Shantanu Bhambure fought really hard, but once he had a positionally lost situation out of the opening against a player of Deep Sengupta's calibre, it was not going to be easy to survive! Yet, the game was quite complex and there is a lot to learn from it.

I have analyzed the opening phase because I think Deep's idea is very interesting for white players who go for the London:

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1.d4 0 Nf6 24 2.Nf3 0 e6 79 3.Bf4 37 d5 75 4.e3 5 c5 58 5.c3 5 Bd6 105 6.Bb5+!? 1010 6.Bg3 0-0 7.Nbd2 Qc7 8.Bd3 Nbd7 Black is doing very well in this line. 6...Nc6 259 7.Qa4!? 1029 7.Bg3 Bxg3 7...0-0 8.Nbd2 Transposes to the Carlsen Anand game from World Blitz 2016. I like White's chances here. 8.hxg3 Qb6 9.Qa4 0-0 10.Nbd2 10.Bxc6 Qxb2 10...Bd7= Black should be doing well here. 7...Bxf4 847 8.exf4 11 Qb6 207 8...0-0 9.Bxc6 bxc6 10.Qxc6 10.dxc5 Ne4∞ 10...Rb8 9.Nbd2 558 0-0 301 10.Bxc6 405 bxc6 118 11.dxc5 54 Qxc5 457 12.Ne5 25 Bb7 357 13.Nb3 214 Qb6 352 14.Qd4 8 Rad8 962 14...Rac8 The threat now is to play c5. 15.Nc5 15.Qc5!? This is a compromise because a knight would stand well here, but it seems like an interesting position nonetheless Ba6!?∞ 15...Qxb2 16.0-0 I have a feeling that Deep was aiming for this position. I have to say that White is doing really well with this complete dark square clamp. 15.Nc5 168 Ba6 565 15...Ne4!? Why not? 16.b4 Nxc5 17.bxc5 Qc7 18.0-0 I would Prefer White here, but the computer thinks it's just equal. 16.0-0-0!± 565 White is now just positionally better. Rb8 236 17.Rd2 460 Rfd8 102 18.Rhd1 215 Bc8 131 19.Re2 531 Ne8 165 20.Qb4 381 Qc7 187 21.Qa4 5 Rb5 79 22.Nb3 6 Rb6 191 23.Qa5 147 Nd6 82 24.Nc5 127 f6 88 25.Ned3 1 Nc4 43 26.Qa4 6 Re8 93 27.Rde1 84 Qf7 13 28.h3 79 Rb5 50 29.g4 38 a5 33 30.b3 63 Nd6 31 31.f3 52 h6 29 32.Qa3 29 Nb7 27 33.Na4 36 Qc7 39 34.c4 19 dxc4 18 35.bxc4 1 Rb4 39 36.Nxb4 31 Qxf4+ 6 37.Re3 60 axb4 17 38.Qxb4 5 e5 29 39.Nb2 35 Rd8 64 40.Kb1 26 c5 36 41.Qb6 16 Rd4 17 42.Rd3 77 Rxd3 36 43.Nxd3 2 Qd2 7 43...Qxf3! 44.Nxc5 Nxc5 45.Qxc5 Qd3+ 46.Kb2 Qd2+ 47.Kb3 Qxe1 48.Qxc8+= 44.Qb3 51 Be6 38 45.Rd1 32 Qe2 31 46.Nc1 16 Qxc4 47.Qxb7 14 Qa4 80 48.Rd8+ 11 1–0
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Sengupta,D2565Bhambure,S21831–02018A46Commonwealth-ch GM 20182


Shantanu Bhambure | Photo: Amruta Mokal

Vishnu Prasanna played a fine game out of a sedate opening to beat his top Kenyan opponent Ben Magana.

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1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d3 Be7 5.Nc3 0-0 6.a3 d6 7.Be3 Be6 8.Nd5 Bxd5 9.exd5 Nb8 10.h3 Nbd7 11.Ba2 Ne8 12.g4 f5 13.Qe2 g6 14.0-0-0 Ng7 15.Rdg1 a5 16.Bh6 Rf7 17.d4 e4 18.Nd2 Bg5 19.Bxg5 Qxg5 20.h4 Qf4 21.h5 fxg4 22.hxg6 hxg6 23.Rxg4 Qxf2 24.Qxf2 Rxf2 25.Nxe4 Rf5 26.Rxg6 Raf8 27.Bc4 Kf7 28.Rg2 Nf6 29.Nxf6 Rxf6 30.Bd3 Kg8 31.Kb1 Rf2 32.Bh7+ Kh8 33.Bf5+ Kg8 34.Be6+ 1–0
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Vishnu Prasanna V2525Magana,B21531–02018C55Commonwealth-ch GM 20182

Vishnu Prasanna

Vishnu Prasanna (click or tap to expand) | Photo: Amruta Mokal

Debashis Das showed why a GM is a dangerous beast! 

Singh vs Debashis
Position after 18.b3

First, he made a great positional decision and then followed it up with tactical brilliance!

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1.e4 0 c5 23 2.Nf3 0 d6 7 3.d4 0 cxd4 26 4.Nxd4 14 Nf6 4 5.Nc3 4 a6 4 6.Be3 12 e5 8 7.Nb3 3 Be6 7 8.f3 10 h5 4 9.Nd5 22 Bxd5 7 10.exd5 4 Nbd7 4 11.Qd2 60 Qc7 9 12.c4 431 a5 154 13.a4 185 g6 140 14.Be2 368 b6 598 15.0-0 239 Bg7 27 16.Rab1 792 0-0 60 17.Nc1 394 Nc5 297 18.b3 136 Kh7! 87 Black intends to play Ng8, Bh6 and exchange his bishop which is supposed to be bad! 19.Na2 145 Ng8 40 20.Nc3 413 Bh6 27 Mission accomplished. 21.f4 473 exf4 364 22.Bxf4 25 Rae8 211 23.Bf3 1047 Nxb3! 721 Tacically very sharp! 24.Rxb3 120 Qc5+ 6 25.Qf2 429 25.Kh1 Qxc4-+ Everything is hanging! 25...Qxf2+ 126 26.Kxf2 18 Bxf4 8 The b6 pawn is not hanging because of Be3+ 27.Ne2 17 Bg5 47 28.Rfb1 139 28.Rxb6 Be3+ 28...Nf6 48 29.Kf1 59 Nd7 310 The knight comes in just in time! Black is a pawn up and Debashis went on to win with ease! 30.Nd4 116 Be3 193 31.Nb5 370 Bc5 177 32.g4 140 hxg4 79 33.Bxg4 1 Ne5 324 34.Be2 3 Re7 19 35.Rd1 123 Kg7 64 36.Nd4 54 Rh8 48 37.h3 103 Rh4 94 38.Nc6 27 Rf4+ 54 39.Rf3 39 Nxf3 27 40.Nxe7 9 Nd4+ 30 0–1
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Singh,A2127Debashis,D25220–12018B90Commonwealth-ch GM 20182


Debashis Das | Photo: Amruta Mokal

Learning the Ruy Lopez, Exchange variation

Here is a very popular position of the exchange variation of the Ruy Lopez:

Ruy Lopez, Exchange variation
White to play

Do you have a problem playing it from the black side? Well, you should definitely spare 20 minutes and listen to GM Pravin Thipsay's fine analysis.

GM Pravin Thipsay explains the intricacies of his game against Kiran Manisha Mohanty

Deepan won a fine game with a rook sacrifice towards the end. Here's a small task for you:

Deepan Chakkravarthy vs Sakshi Chitlange
White to move

Calculate the consequences of Rxg6 in this video and then check what Deepan has to say:

Always something to learn from Deepan!

G.B. Joshi vs P. Karthikeyan
Position after 29.Bxd6

White has just taken on d6. How do you defend as Black?

P. Karthikeyan shares his analysis with us

Final thoughts

We hope you got a bit wiser from the lessons above, though perhaps not as wise as IM Wazeer Khan from Uttar Pradesh, possibly the oldest active IM from India.


Wazeer looking wise | Photo: Amruta Mokal

Open standings after three rounds (top 10)

Rk. Name Pts.  TB1 
1 Vishnu Prasanna. V 3,0 0,0
2 Debashis Das 3,0 0,0
  Nitin S. 3,0 0,0
4 Thipsay Praveen M 3,0 0,0
5 Karthik Venkataraman 3,0 0,0
6 Laxman R.R. 3,0 0,0
  Meghna C H 3,0 0,0
8 Lalith Babu M R 2,5 0,0
9 Swapnil S. Dhopade 2,5 0,0
  Mohammad Nubairshah Shaikh 2,5 0,0

All available games

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1.e4 10 e6 8 2.d4 1:28 d5 58 3.exd5 2:16 exd5 1:32 4.Bd3 1:17 Bd6 53 5.Nf3 3:05 Nc6 3:39 6.0-0 6:46 Bg4 1:09 7.c3 3:29 Nge7 43 8.Bg5 1:11 f6 12 9.Be3 3:06 Qd7 12 10.Nbd2 1:50 0-0-0 1:50 11.Qc2 2:28 g5 1:58 12.b4 16:53 Ng6 3:29 13.Qb3 1:48 Nh4 1:20 14.Nxh4 8:25 gxh4 1:34 15.Rfb1 3:24 Rdg8 3:12 16.Kh1 2:10 Bh3 2:37 17.Bf1 13:45 Qg7 8:40 18.Qxd5 3:59 Ne7 1:18 19.Qf3 1:16 Bg4 47 20.Qe4 1:05 Bf5 31 21.Qf3 22 Bxb1 28 22.Rxb1 10 f5 1:31 23.Nc4 1:06 Qg6 4:21 24.Na5 32 c6 1:37 25.Nc4 1:06 Bc7 1:18 26.Bf4 37 Nd5 5:37 27.Bxc7 53 Kxc7 24 28.Ne5 56 Qf6 2:52 29.Bc4 2:17 Rd8 2:08 30.Rc1 2:27 Qg5 1:24 31.Rb1 50 Rhf8 2:25 32.h3 1:37 f4 4:02 33.Re1 1:36 Rfe8 49 34.Rd1 52 Re7 3:38 35.Kg1 24 Nxc3 50 36.Qxc3 52 Rxe5 11 37.Qf3 1:32 Re7 1:28 38.Kh1 36 Red7 1:10 39.Qe4 35 Qf6 3:58 40.d5 56 Re7 2:31 41.Qf3 54 Qd6 2:48 42.a3 41 Re5 24 43.Kh2 56 cxd5 1:02 44.Bd3 32 Re7 42 45.Kg1 34 Rde8 42 46.Kh2 19 Rf8 18 47.Bc4 41 d4 32 48.Bd3 51 Re3 1:00 49.Qg4 1:28 f3+ 1:01 50.Kg1 52 Rf4 1:05 51.Qg7+ 18 Re7 5 52.Qg8 43 Rff7 5:18 53.Qg4 56 Qf4 2:15 54.Qxf4+ 33 Rxf4 9 55.gxf3 36 Rxf3 12 56.Kg2 17 Rf6 51 57.Bc4 29 Rg7+ 29 58.Kf1 17 Rf3 12 59.Rxd4 42 Rxh3 13 60.a4 31 Rh1+ 11 61.Ke2 8 Re7+ 4 62.Kd2 33 Rh2 3 63.Rf4 2:07 h3 52 64.Bd5 54 Rd7 1:06 65.Rf5 16 Rg2 1:27 66.Ke3 41 Rg1 7 67.Rh5 1:03 Rxd5 29 68.Rxd5 17 h2 30 69.Rh5 16 h1Q 12 70.Rxh1 10 Rxh1 27 71.f4 19 Rf1 11 72.Ke4 8 h5 5 73.f5 20 h4 6 74.Ke5 22 h3 17 75.Ke6 8 h2 8 76.f6 5 h1Q 9 77.f7 22 Qe4# 5 0–1
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Jivitesh Singh Sethi1119Aakash G15010–12018C01Commonwealth-ch GM 20182
Sengupta,D2565Thipsay,P2405½–½2018C97Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Deepan,C2531Sankalp,G23650–12018A10Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Vishnu,P2525Nitin,S24410–12018B51Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Swapnil,S2495Sammed Jaykumar,S2375½–½2018C50Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Visakh,N2467Sharma,D22831–02018C03Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Mohammad,N2441Aaryan,V22101–02018A05Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Bakre,T2439Moksh,A22031–02018A20Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Laxman,R2438Debashis,D2522½–½2018B06Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Tania,S2393Arpita,M2076½–½2018E90Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Rathnakaran,K2386Arun,R19731–02018B10Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Koustav,C2365Bala,K20630–12018A30Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Kobese,W2349Venkata,K20201–02018C91Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Kushagra,M2307Vaibhav,S25560–12018C15Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Wagh,S2289Lalith,B2529½–½2018A28Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Gomes,M2285Akash,G23910–12018E67Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Nandhidhaa,P2270Polakhare,A20081–02018C07Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Dixit,N2252Karthikeyan,P2456½–½2018B47Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Jubin,J2113Sundararajan,K24250–12018A50Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Joshi,G2078Thejkumar,M2495½–½2018B14Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Sreeshwan,M2064Klaasen,C23011–02018B08Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Jain,N2015Navalgund,N22820–12018B31Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Tarini,G1973Mahalakshmi,M2238½–½2018A40Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Shubham1968Mohota,N2265½–½2018A05Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Meghna,C1955Karthik,V2475½–½2018B96Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Mrinmoy,R1277Rosh,J10950–12018B22Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Sneha,H1197Sani,D11090–12018A00Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Divitt,A1103Mitul,K11450–12018C58Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Sri,H1073Asudani,R10391–02018B92Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Falak,J1063Anupam,M13760–12018A05Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Shah,H-Aggarwal,T-½–½2018D31Commonwealth-ch GM 20184
Vaibhav,S2556Laxman,R24381–02018E36Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Deepan Chakkravarthy J.2531Joy Pankaj Shah19291–02018A05Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Lalith Babu M R2529Gluckman,D22071–02018A93Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Debashis,D2522Meghna,C19551–02018D31Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Karthik Venkataraman2475Rathnakaran,K23851–02018C03Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Karthikeyan,P2456Panda Sambit21871–02018E06Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Nitin,S2441Visakh N R24671–02018B90Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Sundararajan,K2425Pujari,R21811–02018C90Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Thipsay,P2405Mohammad Nubairshah Shaikh2441½–½2018C67Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Thipsay,P2405Mohammad,N2441½–½2018C67Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Akash G2391Bakre,T24391–02018C77Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Sammed Jaykumar,S2375Joshi,G2078½–½2018C54Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Sankalp Gupta2365Vishnu Prasanna. V25251–02018A46Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Siva Mahadevan2346Singh,A21291–02018B61Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Sharma,D2283Jubin Jimmy21130–12018E11Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Navalgund,N2282Sreeshwan Maralakshikari20641–02018D45Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Mohota,N2265Kiran,M20441–02018A49Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Dixit,N2252Sengupta,D25650–12018C11Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Mahalakshmi,M2238Ghosh Samriddhaa20341–02018D02Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Aaryan Varshney2209Arya Bhakta20050–12018A89Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Moksh Amit Doshi2203Tarini Goyal19731–02018B12Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Thilakarathne,G2188Swapnil,S24951–02018B12Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Bhambure,S2183Kobese,W2349½–½2018E81Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Alahakoon,I2133Wagh Suyog22890–12018C47Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Alahakoon,I2133Wagh Suyog22892018C47Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Mohite,R2089Tania,S23930–12018B43Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Arpita,M2076Kunte,A24940–12018B43Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Bala Kannamma P2063Nandhidhaa,P2270½–½2018A38Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Priyanka,K2052Gomes,M22841–02018B06Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Makhija,A2037Kushagra Mohan2307½–½2018B07Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Arun Rathi1973Vantika Agrawal2282½–½2018A05Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Klevansky,A1889Gajwa Ankit22370–12018C60Commonwealth-ch GM 20185
Sengupta,D2565Navalgund,N2282½–½2018C54Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Vaibhav,S2556Nitin,S24411–02018E63Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Vishnu Prasanna. V2525Makhija,A20371–02018D37Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Swapnil,S2495Polakhare Aryan20081–02018D02Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Kunte,A2494Thilakarathne,G21881–02018A05Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Visakh N R2467Moksh Amit Doshi2203½–½2018D71Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Mohammad Nubairshah Shaikh2441Lalith Babu M R2529½–½2018A60Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Bakre,T2439Bhambure,S2183½–½2018A46Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Sundararajan,K2425Thipsay,P2405½–½2018A05Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Tania,S2393Chitlange Sakshi21621–02018E11Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Akash G2391Debashis,D25221–02018B90Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Rathnakaran,K2386Bala Kannamma P20631–02018B28Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Koustav Chatterjee2365Arun Rathi19731–02018A41Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Sankalp Gupta2365Karthik Venkataraman24751–02018A48Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Kobese,W2349Priyanka,K20521–02018B90Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Kushagra Mohan2307Bhatt,J19661–02018B36Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Wagh Suyog2289Karthikeyan,P2456½–½2018A34Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Vantika Agrawal2282Gluckman,P1922½–½2018D78Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Nandhidhaa,P2270Meghna,C19551–02018C07Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Gajwa Ankit2237Deepan Chakkravarthy J.25310–12018C16Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Gluckman,D2207Negi,V18681–02018B51Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Panda Sambit2187Premanath,D1807½–½2018E15Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Baivab Mishra2156Laxman,R2438½–½2018A05Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Divya Deshmukh2139Sammed Jaykumar,S23750–12018A45Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Jubin Jimmy2113Mohota,N2265½–½2018D56Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Joshi,G2078Siva Mahadevan2346½–½2018B51Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Sreeshwan Maralakshikari2064Thejkumar,M2495½–½2018A46Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Thipsay,B2061Paiva,D2288½–½2018B85Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Arya Bhakta2005Mahalakshmi,M2238½–½2018A45Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Lakshmi C1954Dixit,N2252½–½2018B06Commonwealth-ch GM 20186
Sengupta,D2565Vaibhav,S2556½–½2018B12Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Deepan,C2531Tania,S2393½–½2018A28Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Lalith,B2529Akash,G18471–02018E69Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Debashis,D2522Rathnakaran,K23861–02018C14Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Swapnil,S2495Nandhidhaa,P22701–02018A05Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Thejkumar,M2495Mohite,R2089½–½2018D80Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Karthik,V2475Wagh,S22891–02018C44Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Karthikeyan,P2456Kobese,W23491–02018E92Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Nitin,S2441Sankalp,G23651–02018C12Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Laxman,R2438Jubin,J2113½–½2018E16Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Thipsay,P2405Kunte,A2494½–½2018B42Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Sammed Jaykumar,S2375Mohammad,N24410–12018B12Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Siva,M2346Baivab,M21561–02018B36Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Klaasen,C2301Arpita,M2076½–½2018E97Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Paiva,D2288Sreeshwan,M2064½–½2018D47Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Navalgund,N2282Sundararajan,K2425½–½2018A04Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Mohota,N2265Joshi,G2078½–½2018E04Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Mahalakshmi,M2238Joy,P19291–02018E62Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Moksh,A2203Vishnu,P25250–12018A45Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Thilakarathne,G2188Visakh,N24670–12018B92Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Bhambure,S2183Koustav,C23650–12018D38Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Pujari,R2181Bakre,T2439½–½2018A46Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Mahitosh,D2115Kushagra,M23070–12018B08Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Arya,B2005Gluckman,D22071–02018A40Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Anupam,M1376Stuti,A11501–02018C02Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Mitul,K1145Archisman,P11381–02018B43Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Sani,D1109Mrittika,M1124½–½2018B21Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Rosh,J1095Manon,R16180–12018B42Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Shriyana,S1005Devaki,N1128½–½2018B90Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Aggarwal,T-Sri,H10730–12018D45Commonwealth-ch GM 20187
Vaibhav,S2556Debashis,D25220–12018E62Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Vishnu,P2525Thipsay,P24051–02018A45Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Kunte,A2494Siva,M23461–02018A05Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Visakh,N2467Navalgund,N22821–02018D07Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Karthikeyan,P2456Nitin,S24411–02018E63Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Mohammad,N2441Akash,G18470–12018E46Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Bakre,T2439Arya,B20051–02018A10Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Sundararajan,K2425Mahalakshmi,M22381–02018A50Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Tania,S2393Sengupta,D25650–12018A41Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Rathnakaran,K2386Pujari,R21811–02018C77Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Koustav,C2365Deepan,C25310–12018A11Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Sankalp,G2365Lalith,B25290–12018A46Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Kobese,W2349Chitlange,S21621–02018B14Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Kushagra,M2307Karthik,V24750–12018B90Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Klaasen,C2301Gluckman,P19221–02018A10Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Wagh,S2289Swapnil,S2495½–½2018A21Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Vantika,A2282Sinha,S19871–02018D30Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Nandhidhaa,P2270Magana,B21531–02018C77Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Gajwa,A2237Laxman,R24380–12018C65Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Nayak,R2195Mohota,N22650–12018C56Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Jubin,J2113Sammed Jaykumar,S23751–02018D70Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Joshi,G2078Sharma,D2283½–½2018B33Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Kiran,M2044Paiva,D22881–02018B95Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Tarini,G1973Dixit,N2252½–½2018E67Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Manon,R1618Mitul,K11450–12018C01Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Manon,R1618Mitul,K11451–02018C30Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Adireddy,A1440Aakash,G23971–02018D53Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Rout,Y1333Mrittika,M11241–02018B43Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Mitul,K1145Archisman,P11382018C30Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Sani,D1109Anupam,M13760–12018C44Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Rosh,J1095Manon,R16182018B23Commonwealth-ch GM 20188
Sengupta,D2565Vishnu,P25251–02018B69Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Deepan,C2531Visakh,N24671–02018C92Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Lalith,B2529Debashis,D2522½–½2018A88Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Swapnil,S2495Kobese,W23491–02018E76Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Karthik,V2475Vaibhav,S25560–12018C18Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Mohammad,N2441Sundararajan,K2425½–½2018A40Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Nitin,S2441Kunte,A2494½–½2018C49Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Laxman,R2438Nandhidhaa,P22701–02018D38Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Thipsay,P2405Divya,D21391–02018B85Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Thipsay,P2405Divya,D21392018B85Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Aakash,G2397Manon,R1618½–½2018E38Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Sammed Jaykumar,S2375Vinay,T1938½–½2018A04Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Siva,M2346Mohite,R20891–02018D86Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Wagh,S2289Bakre,T24390–12018D02Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Sharma,D2283Singh,A21291–02018B61Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Navalgund,N2282Joshi,G20781–02018E04Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Mohota,N2265Rathnakaran,K23860–12018C00Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Mahalakshmi,M2238Arpita,M20761–02018A48Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Aaryan,V2210Kiran,M20440–12018A48Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Bhambure,S2183Tania,S23930–12018D16Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Alahakoon,I2133Koustav,C2365½–½2018E32Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Mahitosh,D2115Vantika,A22820–12018B33Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Jubin,J2113Sankalp,G23651–02018D70Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Arya,B2005Kushagra,M23070–12018A45Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Akash,G1847Karthikeyan,P24560–12018B90Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Chudasama,A1771Klaasen,C23010–12018B07Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Anupam,M1376Rout,Y13331–02018C45Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Sneha,H1197Shefali,A12481–02018A28Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Mitul,K1145Rosh,J10950–12018B48Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Shreya,G1057Shah,H-0–12018C45Commonwealth-ch GM 20189
Shriyana,S-Sri,H10731–02018B76Commonwealth-ch GM 20189


Sagar is an International Master from India with two GM norms. He loves to cover chess tournaments, as that helps him understand and improve at the game he loves so much. He is the co-founder and CEO of ChessBase India, the biggest chess news portal in the country. His YouTube channel has over a million subscribers, and to date close to a billion views. ChessBase India is the sole distributor of ChessBase products in India and seven adjoining countries, where the software is available at a 60% discount. compared to International prices.


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