Italian National Scholastic Team Championship set a new record

by ChessBase
5/28/2011 – This year the annual event attracted 1480 players from 286 schools from all over Italy. It was staged from May 12-15 in the beautiful city of Spoleto in Umbria, the center of the country. The large number of participants relied to a great degree on support from the FIDE Chess in Schools initiative and its Chairman Ali Nihat Yazici, as we learn from this illustrated report by IM Martha Fierro.

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The Italian National Scholastic Team Championship set a new record in 2011! The qualified teams from each region came together to the big final held from May 12-15 in the beautiful city of Spoleto, and attracted 1480 players representing 286 different teams from schools all over Italy. The event was held in the Palatenda, and visitors had the chance to tour around one of the most beautiful cities of Umbria. Spoleto has many attractions, like il Duomo, Ponte delle Torri, Teatro Lirico, Rocca Albornoziana, and more!

The organiser was the "Accademia Internazionale di Scacchi" that worked hard, together with the Italian Chess Federation (FSI), Italian Olympic Committee (CONI), Scacchirandagi, Regione Umbria, Provincia di Perugia, APT Umbria, Umbria Mobilità, and ConfCommercio e ConSpoleto, to host almost 3000 people including players, parents, teachers and coaches. An special applause to the arbiters for the work they did during and after each round – it is not an easy task to control 1480 energetic young players!

The record-breaking event relied to a great degree on support from the Chairman of Chess in the Schools initiative (and FIDE Vice President) Ali NihatYazici, who was present during all the events, motivating the children. Together with FSI President Gianpietro Pagnoncelli and FSI Consigliere Marcello Perrone there was an exchange of valuable information of how to initiate and promote chess in schools all through Italy.

Now I am happy to announce the winners!

  1. Scuola Ricci Curbastro, from Padova (Andrea e Alessio Simonetto, Antonio Kolosov, Andrei Florei, Raul Marciano)
  2. Scuola Sant’Ambrogio , from Valpolicella
  3. Scuola Tacito-Guareschi from Roma
Girls Elementari
  1. Collegio Arcivescovile, from Trento (Camilla Gislimberti, Arianna Fiocco, Giulia Baccilieri, Sofia Muck, Chiara Battocletti, Federica Chizzola)
  2. 75’ Circolo Didattico EUR from Roma
  3. Scuola Salesiana Infanzia Lieta, from Cagliari
  1. Scuola Tacito-Guareschi, Roma (Andrea Manfroi, Valerio Rossi, Emanuele Baiuocchi, Marco Moriconi, Alessio Imperi Galli)
  2. ICS 11, from Vicenza
  3. Scuola Manzoni, from Barletta
Medie Girls
  1. Scuola Donatello, from Ancona (Giulia e Chiara Scognamiglio, Michela Laureti, Elena Marcelli, Federica Volpi, Camilla Agana)
  2. Scuola A.Ciccone, from Saviano
  3. Omnicomprensivo Da Guardia, from Giardiagrele
  1. Lic.Sc. C.Cafiero, Barletta (Antonio Distaso, Domenico Santeramo, Benedetto e Angelo Lombardi,Silvano Quarto, Michele Doronzo)
  2. IIS Levi, fom Montebelluna
  3. Lic.Cla. Porporato , from Pinerolo
Allievi Girls
  1. Lic.Sc. C.Cafiero, from Barletta (Eliana Doronzo, Isabella Fiumarulo, Emanuela Rizzi, Chiara Daloisio)
  2. Lic.Sc. Cannizzaro, from Palermo
  3. Isis Peano, from Marsico Nuovo
  1. IIS P.Levi, from Montebelluna (Enrico Forato, Giulia Polin, Piergiorgio Basso, Giacomo Campagnola)
  2. Lic.Sc. Mascheroni, from Bergamo
  3. Scuola Europea Spinelli, from Torino
Juniores Girls
  1. Lic.Cla. Casardi, Barletta (Chiara Palmitessa, Veronica Fiorella, Irene Cristallo, Cristina Santeramo, Claudia Diella)
  2. Lic.Sc. Benedetti, from Venezia
  3. Lic.Sc. France Preseren, from Trieste

This tournament is a confirmation that chess in Italy is becoming more and more popular, all the time!

Picture gallery

Rosi De Luca, Martha Fierro, Gian Pietro Pagnoncelli, Ali Nihat Yacizi, Roberto
Mogranzini, Antonio Sanchirico, Ezio Montabini preparing for the event

The tourist train that took the players all around the city

Exhibition car: In the center of Spoleto there was a parade of amazing vehicles

Il Duomo – the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta (photo Wiki)

Ponte delle Torri – 236 m long and 90 m high, is a huge ten-arcade work that
connects Colle Sant' Elia with Monteluco. It is constituted of a road and a water
canal supported by ogival arcades and stone pillars.

Outisde the playing hall – Palatenda

Inside: the playing hall before one round

Italian rising talent Laura Gueci leading her team

Winners on the stage at the closing ceremony

Media Nicola da Guardiagrele, Rosmary DiSipio, Camilla Lupiani, coach Eugenia DiPrimio, Linda DiCrescenzo, coach Andrea Rebeggiani, Marianna Colasante, FSI Consigliere Marcelo Perrone, Francesca Alimonti, Eleonora Canzano-Professor Marina Gentile


Martha Lorena Fierro Baquero from Ecuador is the highest rated Panamerican female chess player. Born in Kingston, Rhode Island, USA, Martica holds the FIDE titles of International Master and Woman Grandmaster and the FIDE training title of FIDE Trainer. She has represented her country in several Chess Olympiads. Visit her web site.

Copyright Fierro/ChessBase

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