It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

by ChessBase
12/20/2018 – To celebrate the festival we are offering you a €10 ChessBase voucher for the ChessBase online shop. It is valid for all product groups. One is of particular topical interest: the London System. We have started a new product series: Powerbase. It gives you high-quality edited games, many annotated — perfect for getting to know an opening system and the ideas behind it thoroughly. Take a look and get yourself the Christmas gift best suited to your needs. You have 48 hours to retrieve the voucher!

ChessBase 18 - Mega package ChessBase 18 - Mega package

Winning starts with what you know
The new version 18 offers completely new possibilities for chess training and analysis: playing style analysis, search for strategic themes, access to 6 billion Lichess games, player preparation by matching Lichess games, download games with built-in API, built-in cloud engine and much more.


How to use the gift voucher: it's simple. If you have a ChessBase Shop account, log in. Then click on the red Christmas banner at the top, and the €10 voucher will be added to your downloads. OR: if you don't have a Shop account yet you can create one. When the account is verified, click on the red Christmas banner and the voucher will be added to your downloads.

Please note: you need to retrieve the voucher before midnight on Friday, December 21st. It will be credited to your account. You can then decide what to purchase until December 31st, 2018. Minimum order value: €25.

Your ChessBase team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

So what to get for Christmas this year? As Johnny Mathis suggests in this famous song:

A pair of hop-along boots and a pistol that shoots
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again.

On the other hand, you can check out the...

Latest ChessBase products

ChessBase 15 — if you are feeling really generous!

ChessBase is a personal, stand-alone chess database that has become the international standard for top players, from the World Champion to the amateur next door. The latest version, ChessBase 15, has been released today, brings you spectacular new training features, all geared to improve your playing strength in the most enjoyable way possible. The program also generates beautiful ray-trace chess movies you can post on social media. Start your personal success story with ChessBase and enjoy your chess even more.

CB 15 box

All the new functions and features of ChessBase 15 were described in detail a separate report.

London System Powerbase 2019

The London System PowerBase 2019 is a database and contains 9105 games of which 113 are annotated. Half of these games have been played in the last four-and-half years. Only games with a minimum rating average of 2350 were selected to ensure that they are theoretically highly relevant.

The player with the most games (187) is Gata Kamsky. But World Champion Magnus Carlsen is also a fan of the London System – he has 45 games in the database. Replaying the games of the greatest devotees of this system will bring a lot of rewards. Also notable are, for example, the games by Nikola Sedlak and Ferenc Berkes.

London System Powerbase 2019: €9.90

Simon Williams: The London System with 2.Bf4

English grandmaster GM Simon Williams: "Why bother learning hundreds of complex variations and keeping up with the latest theory when you can play a simple yet deadly opening – the London System with 2.Bf4. In this DVD I take you through all the main ideas and setups that you need in order to gain a very exciting yet well founded opening game with the white pieces. This DVD concentrates on plans that will help you gain victory quickly. A perfect opening for the player with little time on his hands. Carlsen has started to play this opening regularly, now I share his secrets with you."

Order Williams: The London system with 2.Bf4 : €29.90

London System Powerbook 2019

The completely new Powerbook London System 2019 is based on games which start in different ways and belong to different ECO codes, but where in each case White plays d4 and Bf4 and also does without c4. This way of starting the game has long since cast off its image as purely an opening for amateurs; world class players such as Carlsen, So, Kramnik, Grischuk, Vachier-Lagrave, Aronian and Karjakin play the opening with both colours. The basis for the Powerbook consists of 205 000 engine games as well as 11 800 games from Mega 2019 + Correspondence Database 2018.

London System Powerbook 2019: €9.90

Fritz Powerbook 2019

The Fritz Powerbook 2019 contains 25 millions opening positions, derived from 1.7 million high-class tournament games. Together with each position all relevant information is stored: all moves that were played in the position, by players of what average rating, with what success and performance results. The games from which the Fritz Powerbook 2019 were derived are also included on the DVD. This means that in any position of the openings tree you can load and replay the games in which the position occurred.

Fritz Powerbook 2019: €69.90

Opening Encyclopaedia 2018

In chess, braving the gap often leads to disaster after a few moves. We should be able to avoid things going so far. The ChessBase Opening Encyclopaedia offers you an effective remedy against all sorts of semi-digested knowledge and a means of building up a comprehensive and powerful repertoire.

Opening Encyclopaedia 2018: €99.90

Komodo 12

Komodo gets going! The new version of the multiple world champion program not only plays stronger than ever. What‘s more, the additionally supplied „Monte Carlo“ version of Komodo 12 uses the analysis technology employed by the AI project „AlphaZero“ in its recent sensational match triumph. In computer ches,s there is no getting past the triple TCEC Champion. Last year Komodo won the computer rapid chess world championship with an incredible score of 96%! Will the “Monte Carlo” process win through, working with huge numbers of games and statistical evaluations?

Order Komodo 12 now: €89.90

ChessBase Account Membership

You have surely noticed the ChessBase Account column on the right side of our news page. It gives you quick access to the various services that the Account offers – functions that will run on any browser and on any device: PC notebooks, iPads, Android tablets, smartphones. The Starter account provides limited access to the Live Database and to Live Tournaments and videos; the Premium subscriptions is unlimited in all services.

Incidentally, you try it out: simply click one of the services you will be taken to it. If you have not registered for an account some of the services will not have the full scope, e.g. the Training page will give you access to 1000 positions, not the 60,000 you get when you are properly registered.

If you visit the (newly designed) ChessBase Shop you have many tools that help you find the things you need. And there are many was to find them.

For instance, you can search for a specific trainer or author

Or you can search for FritzTrainers on an opening line — by simply entering a few moves. You can use filters to narrow the search (language, topic, level of play, etc.)

In the ChessBase Shop, there are hundreds of ChessBase training DVDs

For beginners and little 'uns

Reports about chess: tournaments, championships, portraits, interviews, World Championships, product launches and more.


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