GRENKE Chess Open 2020 is cancelled

by ChessBase
3/14/2020 – After the flood of cancellations in the sports and chess world due to the Corona crisis, it is no longer a surprise: The GRENKE Chess Open 2020 is canceled. We have attached the statement by the tournament director, Sven Noppes. The organisiers are still trying to save the elite round-robin tournament that started in Baden-Baden in 2014, but it remains an open question whether it can be held. | Photo: Eric van Reem

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The fate of the Classic supertournament still TBD

Due to the "General decree of the city of Karlsruhe on the prohibition of events and closure of facilities to prevent the spread of the corona virus (SARS-CoV 2)" published Friday (in German), the GRENKE Chess Open 2020, which had record pre-registration figures up to now, unfortunately cannot take place.

The organization team of the organizing club Schachzentrum Baden-Baden e.V. has already invested a lot of energy and financial commitment in the preparation of the event. As we can hardly predict further developments in connection with the coronavirus, we do not see any possibilities for a replacement date this year at the moment.

All participants who have already paid the entry fee now have the following possibilities:

  1. Use of the entry fee for the GRENKE Chess Classic 2021 from 1st to 5th April 2021, thus securing the start at the entry fee prices for the year 2020, even if there should be an increase in the entry fee for the year 2021, which has not yet been determined today.
  2. You will become a member of the Schachförderverein Schachzentrum Baden-Baden e.V. and the first annual fee will be deducted from the entry fee. You can donate the remaining amount and, if you wish, receive a donation receipt or have it refunded. You can find the membership application form here.
  3. Conversion of the entry fee into a donation to the Schachzentrum Baden-Baden e.V. and on request you will receive a donation receipt.
  4. Refund of the entry fee.

To use the already paid entry fee please use the following e-mail address: Please give us a few weeks time to process your request. Thanks a lot.

The team of the GRENKE Chess Open hopes to see you all healthy again at the latest at the GRENKE Chess Open 2021.


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adbennet adbennet 3/16/2020 12:08
Think harder. The question is not whether the majority will contract the virus, but when. Will we get it soon and all at once? Thus overwhelming the medical facilities and other public services... Or will the infection proceed at a slower pace? Thus giving our fragile public systems a chance to cope... THAT is what the cancellations are about. Prudence, not madness.
Masquer Masquer 3/14/2020 10:03
Right, abdekker, can we let panic and hysteria rule our lives and shut down society? Is that a way to live/survive? Of course, it's better to take all necessary precautions, within reason, until it becomes counter-productive.
abdekker abdekker 3/14/2020 02:40
This Coronavirus panic is crazy. Yes, its serious, but just tell people to be extra cautious and self-isolate. Smart commentators are saying 60+% of us all will get the virus anyway, so use sensible precautions but don't mad...we have to keep living life. I think its the uncertainty that's the problem. People are fearful...because people are fearful. The madness of crowds. Reminds me of the Tulipomania of the 1600s.
Astolfo Correa Astolfo Correa 3/14/2020 02:17
including the candidate tournament

it is not enough to avoid compliance by the players.
They spend hours breathing face to face.
They touch the same pieces.
Today chess platforms can replace face-to-face meetings.
Where the superintelligences are located, they need to have smart decisions.

não basta evitar o cumprimento pelos jogadores.
Ficam horas respirando frente a frente.
Tocam nas mesmas peças.
Hoje as plataformas de xadrez podem substituir os encontros presenciais.
Em local onde estão as superinteligencias precisam ter decisoes inteligentes.
the druge the druge 3/14/2020 01:16
A sensible decision. In my view, it becomes more and more difficult to envisage a fair Candidates tournament as well.