Improve your chess with Tania Sachdev
On this DVD, well-known Indian WGM Tania Sachdev shows you how to evaluate certain positions and then find the right concepts and plans on the basis of her own games.
US Chess Federation
CROSSVILLE, TN: The US Chess Federation is proud to share the 3.5-minute video Girls in Chess by Jenny Schweitzer, a New York-based director. In this inspiring film, young female chess players explain the emotional and intellectual impact of chess in their lives and the challenges they’ve faced in the game.
The New Yorker magazine hosted a highly-visible premier on August 8th and included a personal essay by Schweitzer depicting her daughters’ experiences.
Schweitzer wrote, “Even at their young ages, the female chess players in my video are keenly aware of being stereotyped. And their ability to articulate their frustration is startling. When I asked them what a chess player most needs, they didn’t talk about strategic thinking or rules of the game; they mentioned determination and the ability to face a challenge without being intimidated.”
Hard to read about the challenges some girls face playing in chess clubs with boys. We must continue to encourage girls of all ages to pursue their passions, including chess:https://t.co/JQpDUyvCgJ
— Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) August 14, 2018
The number of girls in US Chess are trending upward in overall percentage, excellence, and absolute numbers. Despite the uptick, girls are still outnumbered — only one in five players in National Scholastic tournaments are female in what should be a gender-neutral pursuit.
The US Chess Women initiative aims to bring female membership to 50%, with a short-term goal of 25%. Currently, the number is 14%, up from 10% nine years ago. Progress is being made, but it can be more dramatic.
Presented by the Kasparov Chess Foundation (KCF), Renaissance Knights Chess Foundation, and US Chess, Girls in Chess was filmed at the 2018 KCF All-Girls Nationals in Chicago, Illinois.
US Chess is building upon the video’s momentum to attract more girls to the game via our US Chess Women initiative, which includes hosting girls’ clubs at mixed-gender tournaments, celebrating female accomplishment in the game in our print and digital publications, and setting up networks for girls and women.
Fritz and Chesster - Learn to Play Chess
Learn to think strategically, try out tricky mental exercises and master fun and exciting challenges – all with a generous helping of chess knowledge.