For a plus pawn...

by ChessBase
11/22/2010 – ... one must be able to take something, the second player had thought here liquidating White's passed pawn with 25...Bb5xc6, which was of course followed by 26.Rb1-e1 whereupon all black pieces were directly or indirectly attacked. How would you assess the position now? A) Black can favourably unpin; B) no advantage, but the strong b-pawn guarantees Black the draw; C) Black ultimately loses a pieces. The solution is here, but first ponder over it with a larger version of the diagram.

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For a plus pawn one must be able to take something, the second player had thought here liquidating White's passed pawn with 25...Bb5xc6, which was of course followed by 26.Rb1-e1 whereupon all black pieces were directly or indirectly attacked. How would you assess the position now?

A) Black can favourably unpin;
B) no advantage, but the strong b-pawn guarantees Black the draw;
C) Black ultimately loses a pieces.


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