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On February 26 and 27 there was a FIDE Presidential Board meeting in Tbilisi (or Tiflis, the capital of Georgia). One of the results was to appoint Ignatius Leong of Singapore as FIDE General Secretary, replacing Noureddine Tabbane who earlier replaced the controversial Emmanuel Omuku. The second was that FIDE issued a statement criticizing the organisation of the Chess Olympiad in Calvia, Mallorca, in November last year. The World Chess Federation has lost confidence in the leadership of the Spanish and will no longer award official FIDE events to Spain.
This short document is obviously a reaction to the arrest and beating of FIDE vice president Zurab Azmaiparashvili during the closing ceremony of the Olympiad (Azmaiparashvili is Georgian and the host of the FIDE Presidential Board meeting last week). Here is some background information on the events at closing ceremony. The second article contains links to more material.
The Spanish Chess Federation sent us a rejoinder to the FIDE announcement, stating that the general opinion of the participating delegations was that the organisation of the Chess Olympiad in Calviá had been excellent – with the exception of certain FIDE delegates whose extravagant wishes were not fulfilled. For this reason, and due to "a regrettable show by a FIDE Vice-President – who by the way was one of the hosts at Tbilisi, who currently is awaiting trial for injuries and attack to the authority", FIDE had decided to adopt a boycott attitude.
Spain is one of the most active chess nations in the world.
Tbilisi, 27 February 2005
The FIDE Presidential Board at its 1st quarter 2005 meeting in Tbilisi, 26-27 February 2005 reviewed several reports regarding the 36th Chess Olympiad in Calvia, Mallorca, Spain. After considering these reports and the personal experiences of the Presidential Board members, FIDE staff and other officials involved, the Board concluded that preparations and final conditions by the Organisers and the Spanish Chess Federation were far from satisfactory.
The Presidential Board unanimously expressed the view that it no longer has confidence in the leadership of the Spanish Chess Federation. The Presidential Board is also of the view that it can no longer endorse with confidence the awarding of official FIDE events to Spain under the current leadership of the Spanish Chess Federation.
27-02-2005, Federation Internationale des Echecs
With regard to the press release dated February 27th 2.005 emitted at Tbilisi
(Georgia) by the International Chess Federation (FIDE), the
Spanish Chess Federation (FEDA) would like to make the following
1. Since 1.998, the FEDA Directive Board, under the leadership of the current President, has organised the following FIDE and ECU (European Chess Union) official Events:
2. The organising capacity of both the FEDA and other private entities that have collaborated in the management of these events has been clearly demonstrated. We have received many praises, both from participants, arbiters, and directives and, in definite, from the delegations of the countries that have visited us. Proof of this is that during the different sessions of the FIDE General Assembly (the body that adjudicates FIDE international events) most of the events that the FEDA has asked for, if not practically all of them, have been admitted.
3. If we take into account the general opinion of the participating delegations, the 36th Chess Olympiad, held in Calviá, has not been an exception. Frankly, the FEDA is very satisfied with the work of the Organising Committee, and we would like to thank them again for their efficient professional fulfilment. We are also very pleased with the development of the event, with the exception of the attitude of certain FIDE directives. When these persons found out that certain extravagant and privileged wishes (published in the mass media) would not be provided by the organisation, they decided to adopt a boycott attitude . This attitude culminated with a regrettable show by a FIDE Vice-President – who by the way was one of the hosts at Tbilisi, who currently is awaiting trial for injuries and attack to the authority.
4. The FEDA is absolutely sure that the FIDE press release dated February 27th 2.005, is motivated by the events exposed previously. Therefore, the FEDA regrets the decision taken by the FIDE Executive Board. Nevertheless, we advise that, under appropriate circumstances, we shall still apply for the organisation of official events. We shall also demand to FIDE and, if necessary, to superior organisms, the submission of the applications that we make before competent organisms – in this case the General Assembly. We shall persecute this legitimate right, until the last consequences foreseen by applicable judicial rules, in defence of our own interest and the interest of all the potential Spanish organisers, in the case of any rules infringement by FIDE as a such or any of its members.
Madrid, March 1st 2.005.
A la vista del comunicado de fecha 27 de febrero de 2.005 emitido en Tbilisi (Georgia) por la FEDERACIÓN INTERNACIONAL DE AJEDREZ (FIDE), la Junta Directiva de la FEDERACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE AJEDREZ (FEDA) desea realizar las siguientes puntualizaciones:
1. Desde el año 1.998, el equipo directivo de la FEDA, bajo el mandato del actual Presidente, ha realizado las siguientes pruebas oficiales de la FIDE y de la ECU (Unión Europea de Ajedrez):
2. En todas estas pruebas se ha demostrado sobradamente la capacidad organizativa, tanto de la FEDA, como de las entidades particulares que han colaborado en la gestión de dichos eventos, habiendo recibido numerosos elogios, tanto de participantes, como de árbitros, directivos y, en definitiva, de las delegaciones de los países que nos han visitado. Prueba de ello es que en las diferentes sesiones de la Asamblea General de la FIDE (organismo en el que se adjudican las pruebas internacionales) se nos han concedido la gran mayoría, por no decir todas, de las competiciones cuya organización ha solicitado la FEDA.
3. La 36ª Olimpiada de Ajedrez, celebrada en Calviá, no ha sido una excepción, corroborada por la opinión generalizada de las delegaciones participantes. De hecho, la FEDA está muy satisfecha de la labor del Comité Organizador, a quien reitera su agradecimiento por su eficiente desempeño profesional, y, por supuesto del desarrollo de la prueba, con la única excepción de la actitud mostrada por determinados directivos de la FIDE que, al no ver satisfechas algunas de sus pretensiones, de cuyo contenido –por extravagante y privilegiado- ya se han hecho eco los medios de comunicación, adoptaron una actitud próxima al boicot, culminada con un lamentable espectáculo que tuvo como principal protagonista a un VicePresidente de la FIDE –por otra parte, anfitrión en la reunión de Tbilisi- que, en la actualidad, está pendiente de juicio como presunto autor de un delito de lesiones y de atentado a la autoridad.
4. De hecho, no le cabe ninguna duda a esta FEDA que el comunicado de la FIDE de fecha 27 de febrero de 2.005, está motivado por los acontecimientos anteriormente expuestos. Por todo ello, la FEDA lamenta la decisión tomada por la cúpula ejecutiva de la FIDE, aunque advierte que, si se dan las circunstancias, seguirá optando a la organización de eventos oficiales y exigirá ante la propia FIDE y, en su caso, ante instancias superiores, el sometimiento de las solicitudes que efectúe ante los organismos competentes –en este caso la Asamblea General-, haciendo valer este legítimo derecho en defensa de su propio interés y en el de todos los potenciales organizadores españoles y llegando, si se produjera alguna vulneración de las normas por parte de la FIDE como tal o de alguno de sus miembros, hasta las últimas consecuencias que permita el ordenamiento jurídico que resulte de aplicación.
En Madrid, a 1 de marzo de 2.005.