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The Finals of the Candidates Matches for the 2007 World Chess Championship Tournament are being held in Elista, Russia, from June 6th to June 14, 2007. Eight candidates advanced from the first stage and are now playing six-game matches to fill four places in the 2007 World Championship in Mexico City.
The following express commentary was provided by Romanian GM Mihail Marin, who is the author of a number of very popular ChessBase training CDs and articles for ChessBase Magazine. GM Marin will study the games of the Candidates Finals in greater detail and provide the full results of his analysis in the next issue of ChessBase Magazine.
Starting with today, my comments will become less comprehensive. I have a good reason for that: quite soon, I will participate in the Spanish team championship, where the expected rating average of my opponents corresponds ‚to the 18th cathegory. One does not play against Svidler and Ivanchuk every day, and I feel I should be doing some preparation for this special occasion. However, I will analyze the most interesting games from the remaining rounds in Elista in greater detail for the next issue of ChessBase Magazine.
Bareev,E (2643) - Leko,P (2738) [E32]
WCh Candidates Finals Elista RUS (4), 10.06.2007 [Mihail Marin]
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3. Against Judit, Bareev displayed excellent preparation in the Quen's Indian. For some reason, he applies another treatment to Judit's countryman. 3...Bb4 4.Qc2 0-0 5.a3 Bxc3+ 6.Qxc3 b6 7.Bg5 Bb7 8.e3. Leko's play against Gurevich in the lines starting with 8.f3 was quite convincing. Besides, Bareev is a specalist of the system introduced by the text move. 8...d6 9.Ne2 Nbd7 10.Qd3 Ba6 11.Qc2 Qc8 12.b4 c5 13.dxc5 bxc5
The permanent possibility of creating a far advanced passed pawn offers White reasonable saving chances. 40...Rc3 41.Kf2 Rec8 42.Ra1 Rc2+ 43.Kg3 R2c5 44.Reb1 Kg7 45.b6 axb6 46.Rxb6 R5c7 47.Rd6 Rc1 48.Ra5 R8c5 49.Ra4 R1c4 50.Ra1 Rc1 51.Ra4 R1c4 52.Ra1 Rc1. With the intention of eternally pursuing the white rook or, in case of exchange, place his own rook behind the passed pawn. 1/2-1/2. [Click to replay]
Evgeny Bareev, speaking after game four
Peter Leko listening intently to the remarks of his opponent
Rublevsky,S (2680) - Grischuk,A (2717) [C45]
WCh Candidates Finals Elista RUS (4), 10.06.2007 [Mihail Marin]
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Nxd4 Bc5 5.Nxc6. Rublevsky wisely deviates from 5.Be3, which led to plain equality in the second game. Generally, he is known for having a stable and narrow repertoire. However, just as in the third game, he proves that he can display flexibility in choosing his opening variations for such an important event as the Candidates' Matches. 5...Qf6
White has the pair of bishops and the better pawn structure. Rublevsky is not the kind of player to let such a chance slip away. 17...Be6 18.Ba6 Nd6 19.Bxd6 cxd6 20.Rxd6 Rab8 21.Rxc6 Bxa2 22.Kd2 Rfd8+ 23.Bd3 Be6 24.Ra1 Rd7 25.Rc5 f5 26.Ke3 Re7 27.Kf4 Rb2 28.g3 Kg7 29.Kg5 Rd7 30.Ra3 Rb1 31.Rca5 Re1 32.Rxa7 Rd8 33.Ra1 Re5 34.R1a5 Re1 35.Bxf5 Bd5 36.Kf4 Rf1 37.Be4 Bxe4 38.Kxe4 Re1+ 39.Kf4 Rc8 40.Rg5+ Kf6 41.Ra6+ Ke7 42.Re5+ Rxe5 43.Kxe5 Rxc3 44.Ke4 Rxc2 45.Ra5 Rc4+ 46.Kd3 Rc1 47.Rxh5 Rg1 48.g4 Rh1 49.Re5+ Kf6 50.Rf5+ Kg7 51.h5 Re1 52.Rf4 Ra1 53.Ke3 Ra3+ 54.Kf2 Ra2+ 55.Kg3 Ra1 56.Rf5 Rh1 57.Kf4 Rh3 58.Kg5 Rh1 59.f4 Rh2 60.Rd5 Ra2 61.h6+ Kg8 62.Rd8+ Kh7 63.Rd7 Kg8 64.h7+ Kh8 65.Rxf7 Ra7 66.Rf8+ 1-0. [Click to replay]
Sergei Rublevsky and Alexander Grischuk in the post match press conference
Grischuk quite devastated by the unexpected defeat
Julia Parterikina, press officer in charge of translating the press conferences
Gelfand,B (2733) - Kamsky,G (2705) [D94]
WCh Candidates Finals Elista RUS (4), 10.06.2007 [Mihail Marin]
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3 a6 5.e3 g6 6.Be2 Bg7 7.0-0 0-0 8.a4
Both sides have accomplished the aforementioned plans and it will soon appear that White cannot win this ending. 47.Kf2 f5 48.R4e2 Bc7 49.Rd2 Rd8 50.Rxd8 Bxd8 51.Rd1 Bd5 52.f4 g4 53.Ke3 Bf6 54.Re1 Be4 1/2-1/2. [Click to replay]
Boris Gelfand, 39, Israeli grandmaster, born in Minsk, Belarus
Gata (Gataulla) Kamsky, 33, top US grandmaster, born in Siberia
Shirov,A (2699) - Aronian,L (2759) [C88]
WCh Candidates Finals Elista RUS (4), 10.06.2007 [Mihail Marin]
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Be7 6.Re1 b5 7.Bb3 0-0 8.h3 Bb7 9.d3 d6 10.a3 Na5 11.Ba2 c5 12.Nbd2 Nc6 13.Nf1 Bc8 14.c3 Be6 15.Bxe6 fxe6
White has managed to consolidate his material advantage, but Black's activity will make the technical part quite difficult. 34.Rd1 h5 35.Rd3 Ra1 36.g3 f5 37.Ke2 Ra2+ 38.Bd2 Nb6 39.Kf1 Nd5 40.Rd4 Nf6 41.Be1 Rc2 42.Rd8 Ne4 43.Rh8
43...Kf6!! After a long thought, Aronian finds an excellent practical chance. In case of 43...Kg6 44.Rb8 Nd6 45.Rb6 it wold be all over. 44.Rxh5 Ng5! 45.f4. White has no time to activate his rook with 45.Rh8 because of 45...Nf3 when he would have to part with the bishop. 45...Nf7 46.g4 Kg6
69.g5. Finally Shirov loses his temper. Blocking the kingside will offer Black the possibility to more-or-less force a draw. Now (or at some previous point) he should have considered 69.c4 bxc4 70.Bd4 , when the b-pawn could still cause Black troubles. 69...Ra2+ 70.Kd3 e5 71.fxe5 Nxe5+ 72.Ke3 Kxg5 73.Be7+ Kg6 74.Rh8 Kg7 75.Rc8 f4+ 76.Ke4 Re2+ 77.Kf5 f3 78.Bc5 Nd3 79.Bd4+ Kf7 80.Rb8 f2 81.Rb7+ Re7 82.Rxe7+ Kxe7 83.Bxf2 Nxf2 1/2-1/2. [Click to replay]
So close... Alexei Shirov still needs a win to catch Levon Aronian
Photos by Frederic Friedel in Elista