Combining attack with defence...

by ChessBase
7/12/2010 – ... is always a good idea was White's reasoning here when he played 37.Re1-e3, covering the threat against f2 while getting the rook into position on the third rank. How is the position to be assessed after this? A) White wins, his king is safe and there is nothing against the threats 38.d6 and Qh8+; B) Black can land an immediate counterstrike; C) Black gets the advantage by also combining attack with defence. The solution is here, but first ponder over it with a larger version of the diagram.

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How is the position to be assessed after 37.Re1-e3?
A) White wins, his king is safe and there is nothing against the threats 38.d6 and Qh8+;
B) Black can land an immediate counterstrike;
C) Black gets the advantage by also combining attack with defence.


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