Clash of the Kings: Karpov vs Seirawan

by ChessBase
6/11/2012 – Anatoly Karpov is of course the legendary World Champion – 1975-1985, and FIDE Champion 1993-1999. Yasser Seirawan, a former world junior champion and four-time US champion, is today a respected author and commentator. Both are theoretically in retirement, but have come out for a match against each other from June 9 to 13 in the Saint Louis Chess Club. You can watch it live.

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The Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis is hosting a special match between former World Champion Anatoly Karpov and legendary US GM Yasser Seirawan. The two face off from June 9 to 13 in a unique competition that will test their classical chess skills along with their abilities at both blitz and rapid play.

Tourney Format:

  • Two Classical: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game with an addition of a 30-second increment per move starting from move one. Each Classical game is worth two points.
  • Two Rapid: 25 minutes plus a five-second increment. Each Rapid game is worth two points.
  • Ten Blitz: Five minutes plus a two-second increment. Each Blitz game is worth one point.


Sunday, June 10, 1:00 PM Classical Round 1
Monday, June 11. 1:00 PM Classical Round 2
Tuesday, June 12, 1:00 PM Two Rapid games
Wednesday, June 13, 1:00–5:30 PM    Ten Blitz games

Prize Fund: 1st Place: $10,000, 2nd Place: $7,000. The Opening Ceremony for the event took place on June 9 and featured a special book signing event for fans and spectators.

Live video coverage: with commentary by GM Ben Finegold and WGM Jennifer Shahade:

Watch live streaming video from uschess at

In the first classical game, a Grünfeld, it was Seirawan with Black who held the advantage, but in spite of pressing for 67 moves he was unable to break Karpov's defences.

[Event "Classical Exhibition Match"] [Site "Saint Louis USA"] [Date "2012.06.10"] [Round "1"] [White "Karpov, Anatoly"] [Black "Seirawan, Yasser"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "D11"] [PlyCount "134"] [EventDate "2012.06.10"] 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Nf3 Nf6 4. e3 Bg4 5. h3 Bxf3 6. Qxf3 e6 7. Nc3 Nbd7 8. Bd3 g6 9. O-O Bg7 10. Rd1 O-O 11. Qe2 Re8 12. Bd2 a6 13. Rac1 Qe7 14. Be1 Rad8 15. Qc2 Qd6 16. Bf1 Qb8 17. Qb1 Nb6 18. b3 Nc8 19. Bd3 Nd6 20. a4 Nd7 21. c5 Nc8 22. Bf1 Ne7 23. b4 e5 24. dxe5 Bxe5 25. Ne2 Nf5 26. b5 axb5 27. axb5 Qc7 28. Rd3 Ra8 29. Qc2 Ng7 30. Nd4 Ne6 31. Nxe6 Rxe6 32. Rb3 Bg7 33. Bb4 Ree8 34. Rcb1 Ra4 35. Ra3 Rxa3 36. Bxa3 Ra8 37. Bb4 Qe5 38. g3 Nf8 39. Rb3 Qa1 40. Rb1 Qa2 41. Qxa2 Rxa2 42. Be1 Bb2 43. bxc6 bxc6 44. Rd1 Ba3 45. Rb1 Bb2 46. Rd1 Ba3 47. Rb1 Bxc5 48. Rb8 Rc2 49. Bd3 Rc1 50. Kf1 Bd6 51. Rb1 Rxb1 52. Bxb1 Ne6 53. Bc2 Kf8 54. Ba4 c5 55. Bc6 d4 56. exd4 Nxd4 57. Bd5 Ke7 58. Bc3 Nb5 59. Bb2 Nc7 60. Bb3 f6 61. f4 h5 62. h4 Ne6 63. Kg2 Bc7 64. Bc3 Nd4 65. Bxd4 cxd4 66. Bc4 Ba5 67. Kf2 Bd2 1/2-1/2


The games are being broadcast live on the official web site and on the chess server If you are not a member you can download a free Playchess client there and get immediate access. You can also use ChessBase 11 or any of our Fritz compatible chess programs.

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