Bundesliga Championship, Round 3: Baden-Baden dominates

by André Schulz
9/18/2020 – The OSG Baden-Baden is the clear favourite to win the Bundesliga Championship 2020, and they score better and better: in round 1 they won 6½-1½ against Deizisau, in round 2 they scored a 7-1 win against Bavaria Munich, which they followed up with a 7½-½ victory against SF Berlin in round 3. The only other team that could win all three matches is the SC Viernheim. | Photos: Christian Bossert

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Bundesliga Championship, Round 3

On board one, the young Polish IM Szymon Gumularz (Elo 2518) had to play with Black against Fabiano Caruana, the world's number two – not an easy task.

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1.e4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.Nc3 d6 4.Be3 a6 5.g4 b5 6.Bg2 Bb7 7.h4 h5 8.gxh5 Rxh5 9.Bf3 9.Nge2 Nf6 10.Ng3 Rh7 11.h5 b4 12.Nd5 Nxd5 13.exd5 Nd7 14.hxg6 Rxh1+ 15.Bxh1 fxg6 16.Be4 1-0 (47) Caruana,F (2835)-Kobo,O (2449) chess.com INT 2020 9...Rh8 10.h5 e5 11.dxe5 Bxe5 12.hxg6 fxg6 13.Rxh8 Bxh8 14.e5 Nc6 15.Be4 Nge7 16.Qg4 Bxe5 17.Bxg6+ Nxg6 18.Qxg6+ Kd7 19.Qg4+ Ke8 Black's king is too exposed to survive. 20.0-0-0 Qf6 21.Nd5 Qf7 22.Nf3 Bc8 23.Qe4 Rb8 24.Ng5 Bf5 24...Qg7 25.f4 25.Nxc7+ Kd7 26.Nxf7 Bxe4 27.Nxa6 1–0
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Caruana,F2835Gumularz,S25181–02020B06ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.1

Marco Baldauf was the only player from the Berlin team who could salvage half a point by drawing against Radoslaw Wojtaszek on board two.

In the first three rounds Baden-Baden scored 20½ from 24 possible point and is now clear first. However, in the end team points are more important than board points and thus the team of Viernheim, which also won its first three matches, is still in the race.

Shakhriyar Mamedyarov plays on board one for Viernheim but did not play in the first two rounds. However, in Viernheim's match against Solingen in round three he had to content himself with a draw against Erwin l'Ami.

Viernheim still won the match – Kryvoruchko, Dr. Amin and Kovalenko scored for Viernheim,  Loek Van Wely scored for Solingen.

Gata Kamsky (left) successfully attacked Niclas Huschenbeth's king.

Jorden van Foreest suffered a surprisingly quick defeat against Yuriy Kryvoruchko.

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1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 g6 3.e4 d6 4.d4 Bg7 5.Be2 0-0 6.Bg5 c5 7.d5 e6 8.Qd2 exd5 9.exd5 Bf5 10.Nf3 Qb6 11.Nh4 Ne4 12.Nxe4 Bxe4 13.f3 h6 14.Bxh6 Bxh6 15.Qxh6 Qxb2 16.Rc1 Bc2 17.0-0 Nd7 17...Re8 18.Rf2 Ba4 would have been okay for Black. 18.Rf2 Ba4 19.Bd1 Qa3 20.Bxa4 Qxa4 21.f4 Black resigned. White wants to sacrifice on g6 and then he will mate Black by bringing the rook into the attack. This threat is obvious but Black is helpless against it. 1–0
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Kryvoruchko,Y2682Van Foreest,J26821–02020E75ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.3

Bavaria Munich narrowly lost 3½-4½ against Deizisau. Vincent Keymer, who plays for Deizisau, won a fine game against the Swiss Grandmaster Noel Studer.

Interview with Vincent Keymer

Vincent Keymer analyses his game against Noel Studer

Werder Bremen defeated the Aachener SV 6:2 but Laurent Fressinet, Bremen's board one, took a break. In the round 2 match Bremen vs Deizisau, which was played in the morning, Fressinet had to face against Kamsky. In the video below he shares his thoughts about this game.

Laurent Fressinet analyses his game against Gata Kamsky

Impressions of day 2

Results of round 3

FC Bayern München Schachfreunde Deizisau
SF Berlin 1 7 OSG Baden-Baden
SG Solingen 3 5 SC Viernheim
SV Werder Bremen 6 2 Aachener SV

Standings after round 3

  Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sp TP BP BW
1. OSG Baden-Baden  +          7 7 3 6 20½ 88½
2. SC Viernheim    +      5   6 3 6 16½ 68½
3. SV Werder Bremen      +  3 6     3 4 13½ 61
4. Schachfreunde Deizisau   5  +        3 4 11 47
5. SG Solingen   3    +      3 2 12 56½
6. Aachener SV     2    +  4   3 1   8½ 41½
7. SF Berlin 1 2       4  +    3 1   7 33
8. FC Bayern München 1          +  3 0   7 36


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1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.c3 Bg7 4.Bg5 0-0 5.Nbd2 h6 6.Bh4 d6 7.e4 c5 8.d5 Nbd7 9.Bd3 Nh5 10.0-0 Nf4 11.Bc2 b5 12.Rb1 Nf6 13.Re1 Qc7 14.Nf1 e5 15.dxe6 Bxe6 16.Bg3 N6h5 17.Qd2 Nxg3 18.hxg3 Nh5 19.Bb3 c4 20.Bc2 Rfe8 21.Rbd1 Rad8 22.Nd4 Bg4 23.Ra1 Qc5 24.Ne3 Nf6 25.a4 a6 26.axb5 axb5 27.Nxg4 Nxg4 28.Bd1 Nf6 29.Bf3 Nd7 30.Nc2 Qg5 31.Qxg5 hxg5 32.Ra5 Rb8 33.Rd1 Nf6 34.Rxd6 g4 35.e5 Rxe5 36.Bc6 Re2 37.Nd4 Re1+ 38.Kh2 Kh7 39.Ra8 Rxa8 40.Bxa8 Rb1 41.Nxb5 Rxb2 42.Bc6 Rxf2 43.Kg1 Rc2 44.Rd4 Bh6 45.Rxc4 Be3+ 46.Kf1 Nh5 47.Rxg4 f5 48.Rh4 Kg7 49.Rh3 Bf2 50.Rxh5 gxh5 51.Nd6 Bc5 52.Nxf5+ Kf6 53.Nh4 Rxc3 54.Be8 Kg5 55.Nf3+ Kh6 56.Bd7 Rc1+ 57.Ke2 Rc2+ 58.Kf1 Rf2+ 59.Ke1 Rxg2 60.Nh4 Rb2 61.Kf1 Rf2+ 62.Ke1 Kg5 63.Bh3 Kf6 64.Bd7 Ra2 65.Kf1 Bd6 66.g4 hxg4 67.Bxg4 Kg5 68.Nf5 Bc5 69.Bh3 Rf2+ 70.Ke1 Rh2 0–1
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Kamsky,G2674Caruana,F28350–12020A48ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.1
Vachier-Lagrave,M2778Heimann,A26171–02020C82ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.2
Meier,G2622Aronian,L2773½–½2020D79ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.3
Wojtaszek,R2717Bluebaum,M2660½–½2020A20ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.4
Donchenko,A2654Rapport,R2760½–½2020D11ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.5
Adams,M2706Keymer,V25681–02020B12ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.6
Kollars,D2585Vallejo Pons,F27100–12020C07ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.7
Bacrot,E2673Demuth,A24921–02020A04ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.8
Fressinet,L2635L'Ami,E2620½–½2020D41ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.1
Tari,A2630McShane,L2680½–½2020C65ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.2
Areshchenko,A2678Van Foreest,J26821–02020B43ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.3
Andersen,M2585Efimenko,Z2602½–½2020E15ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.4
Edouard,R2645Van Wely,L26150–12020ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.5
Smeets,J2585Van Foreest,L2531½–½2020C45ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.6
Werle,J2580Kreisl,R2401½–½2020D35ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.7
Halvax,G2402Reuker,J24010–12020D31ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.8
Korobov,A2688Huschenbeth,N2612½–½2020E53ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.1
Dragnev,V2553Anton Guijarro,D26881–02020B62ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.2
Amin,B2686Studer,N25731–02020A08ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.3
Bischoff,K2503Fedorchuk,S2615½–½2020A28ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.4
Abergel,T2460Fedorovsky,M2422½–½2020D02ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.5
Lokander,M2406Tarlev,K25610–12020E39ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.6
Zaragatski,I2517Rafiee,M23341–02020A14ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.7
Grafl,F2353Beikert,G23950–12020A01ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.8
Seel,C2475Gumularz,S25181–02020A04ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.1
Baldauf,M2503Koch,T24611–02020E32ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.2
Vandenbussche,T2435Sprenger,J2482½–½2020B51ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.3
Blohberger,F2467Piceu,T2347½–½2020B90ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.4
Klein,F2307Jakubowski,K24811–02020B90ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.5
Schmidek,E2395Meessen,R22341–02020E46ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.6
Coenen,N2289Florstedt,J2353½–½2020B92ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.7
Rudolf,H2295Lamby,P2130½–½2020C77ch-Schachbundesliga 20201.8
Fressinet,L2635Kamsky,G2674½–½2020D15ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.1
Heimann,A2617McShane,L2680½–½2020C47ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.2
Areshchenko,A2678Meier,G26221–02020C18ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.3
Bluebaum,M2660Efimenko,Z26021–02020E21ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.4
Van Foreest,L2531Donchenko,A26541–02020B94ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.5
Keymer,V2568Werle,J25801–02020D38ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.6
Reuker,J2401Lagarde,M26570–12020A04ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.7
Kozul,Z2597Wachinger,N23041–02020D38ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.8
Huschenbeth,N2612Vachier-Lagrave,M27780–12020B51ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.1
Wojtaszek,R2717Dragnev,V2553½–½2020A05ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.2
Studer,N2573Rapport,R27600–12020D30ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.3
Adams,M2706Fedorovsky,M24221–02020B31ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.4
Lokander,M2406Vallejo Pons,F2710½–½2020A48ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.5
Naiditsch,A2624Rafiee,M23341–02020C84ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.6
Schenk,A2431Bacrot,E26730–12020D37ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.7
Movsesian,S2649Grafl,F23531–02020B01ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.8
L'Ami,E2620Seel,C24751–02020C41ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.1
Koch,T2461Andersen,M2585½–½2020D45ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.2
Smeets,J2585Vandenbussche,T24351–02020C01ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.3
Piceu,T2347Nikolic,P2562½–½2020E12ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.4
Naumann,A2539Klein,F2307½–½2020C53ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.5
Lamby,P2130Wegerle,J2401½–½2020D94ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.6
Kreisl,R2401Jablonowski,C1969½–½2020A45ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.7
Rache,R1889Halvax,G24020–12020B35ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.8
Gumularz,S2518Malakhov,V2669½–½2020C67ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.1
Kryvoruchko,Y2682Baldauf,M25031–02020A15ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.2
Sprenger,J2482Korobov,A26880–12020B84ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.3
Kovalenko,I2645Blohberger,F24671–02020A20ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.4
Jakubowski,K2481Abergel,T24601–02020B45ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.5
Tarlev,K2561Schmidek,E2395½–½2020C95ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.6
Polzin,R2415Zaragatski,I25170–12020B01ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.7
Heinemann,J2289Rudolf,H22951–02020B85ch-Schachbundesliga 20202.8
Mamedyarov,S2764L'Ami,E2620½–½2020D36ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.1
Tari,A2630Malakhov,V2669½–½2020C45ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.2
Kryvoruchko,Y2682Van Foreest,J26821–02020E75ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.3
Andersen,M2585Korobov,A2688½–½2020D12ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.4
Anton Guijarro,D2688Van Wely,L26150–12020B89ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.5
Nikolic,P2562Amin,B26860–12020A49ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.6
Kovalenko,I2645Wegerle,J24011–02020D05ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.7
Halvax,G2402Fedorchuk,S2615½–½2020E16ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.8
Caruana,F2835Gumularz,S25181–02020B06ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.1
Baldauf,M2503Wojtaszek,R2717½–½2020E35ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.2
Rapport,R2760Sprenger,J2482½–½2020A13ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.3
Blohberger,F2467Adams,M27060–12020E28ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.4
Vallejo Pons,F2710Jakubowski,K24811–02020B47ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.5
Schmidek,E2395Naiditsch,A26240–12020E45ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.6
Bacrot,E2673Florstedt,J23531–02020A33ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.7
Rudolf,H2295Movsesian,S26490–12020B43ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.8
Seel,C2475McShane,L2680½–½2020B36ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.1
Areshchenko,A2678Koch,T24611–02020B84ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.2
Vandenbussche,T2435Efimenko,Z2602½–½2020B30ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.3
Van Foreest,L2531Piceu,T23470–12020B96ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.4
Klein,F2307Werle,J25800–12020B67ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.5
Fish,G2453Meessen,R22341–02020A40ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.6
Coenen,N2289Wachinger,N23040–12020B92ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.7
Colbow,C2210Lamby,P21301–02020C77ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.8
Kamsky,G2674Huschenbeth,N26121–02020A00ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.1
Bogner,S2571Heimann,A26171–02020A06ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.2
Bluebaum,M2660Dragnev,V2553½–½2020D90ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.3
Studer,N2573Keymer,V25680–12020B90ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.4
Lagarde,M2657Bischoff,K2503½–½2020C02ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.5
Fedorovsky,M2422Kollars,D2585½–½2020E46ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.6
Kozul,Z2597Lokander,M2406½–½2020D85ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.7
Rafiee,M2334Demuth,A2492½–½2020B89ch-Schachbundesliga 20203.8



André Schulz started working for ChessBase in 1991 and is an editor of ChessBase News.


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