Bob Wade – eulogies to a well-loved personality.

by ChessBase
11/30/2008 – Robert Wade, player, writer, arbiter, coach and chess promoter, passed yesterday at the age of 87. Our report on his life and work found a world-wide echo, and we received dozens of messages from close friends and chance acquaintances. They include Speelman, Nunn, Short, Levitt, Levy, O'Connell – and a long article with annotated games by GM Raymond Keene. A fond farewell to Bob Wade.

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Robert Wade, OBE was born on April 10, 1921 in Dunedin, New Zealand. He was a chess player, writer, arbiter, coach, and promoter. After winning the New Zealand Chess Championship in 1944, 1945 and 1948, he traveled to Europe to further his chess career. Settling in England, he became an International Master in 1950 and went on to represent England in six Chess Olympiads. In 1952 and 1970 he was British Champion.

Bob Wade (left) with GM Jon Speelman and ECF International Director Peter Sowray in 2007

Robert Wade was taken to the queen Elisabeth Hospital in Woolwich on Wednesday morning with severe pneumonia. He died on Saturday November 29th 2008 at 03:00 a.m.


GM Jonathan Speelman, London, England
I first met Bob in about 1968 when, for about a year, he was my first and only chess teacher. Since then, we developed a friendship which has continued for 40 years. Bob was a pioneer and for the more than 50 years that he lived in England an inspiration. He was twice British Champion, six times an English team member and for many years the Batsford Chess adviser and National Junior Coach. He was still teaching and playing active chess and turned out for Athenaeum in the London League as recently as a fortnight ago. His sudden death is a shock and a great sadness.

GM John Nunn, Chertsey, United Kingdon
I often visited Bob Wade during the 1970s and 1980s, mainly to use his extensive chess library. Bob was always ready with a friendly welcome and an amazing ability to find any particular item in what was a fairly chaotic library. Bob's life was devoted to chess, and he was constantly involved in various chess activities – playing, writing, coaching, organising and promoting, all without regard for any financial reward involved. Even in his eighties, he was busy with all sorts of chess plans. In his modest and low-profile way, he did a tremendous amount for the game he loved, especially in Britain. The OBE he received from the Queen was a well-deserved recognition of his work for chess extending over many decades. Farewell, Bob.

GM Nigel Short, Athens, Greece
I can and I should write about Bob, but I am too tired after the Olympiad. I don't think I would do him justice. He was a very important figure for British and New Zealand chess. Apart from your data above you might mention that he played a number of games against Che Guevara. Add that to the list of his notable scalps. I remember, as a child, on my first visit to his place, being overwhelmed by the sheer number of chess books. He was a very good-natured man who supported chess and chessplayers in a thousand ways. I will miss him.

GM Jonathan Levitt, Ipswich, England
Bob Wade contributed enormously to chess over many decades, not just as a player but also as an editor, writer, arbiter and most significantly as an educator. Bob was a gentle natured and kind man and will be remembered with great affection by all that knew him.

IM David Levy, London, England
Bob was the most selfless worker for chess and chess players it has ever been my good fortune to meet. From when I first met him in 1960 he was always eager to advise and help on anything chess related. His work for junior chess is legendary, and he would continue his interest in the careers of those he had helped long after they ceased to be juniors. In his role as the chess advisor to the London based publisher B.T. Batsford has was responsible for starting an enormous series of books, and he helped with gusto most of those who wrote for the series and for other publishers. During the years when I was active as a chess author he would frequently invite me to his home to consult his outstanding chess library, as he did with so many other chess authors and players. The value of his help and support was inestimable. Incidentally, Bob's middle name was Grant, not Graham. I know it is given as Graham in some sources but he told me it was Grant.

Bob never asked anything of life or of anyone he helped. For him the progress and success of many of those he mentored was reward enough.

Kevin O'Connell, Le Grand Mas, France
I first met Bob in 1965 (I think it was) when he was living in Ilford and was the organizer of the Essex Junior chess team (for which I played at the time). His chess library was comparatively small then. When I went off to university, we kept in touch and seeing his library grow sparked my own collecting instinct. While still at university I would visit him occasionally, by then in South London, to comb his library for hard to find Fischer games to add to the file I was building up and which eventually turned into the book which he and I edited.

He was always immensely helpful and gave enormously of his time (and hundreds of thousands of cups of coffee) to all those in the chess world who wanted to research for games or other chess material. Whenever I visited, there nearly always seemed to be at least one or two other authors or players there.

He nearly always sounded gruff when answering the telephone with a short, sharp "Bob" but was really very friendly. It was invariably a pleasure to work with such a knowledgeable man, whether it was coaching, editing, organizing or researching. Farewell Bob.

Ignatius Leong, General Secretary FIDE, Singapore
Unlike many players, organisers and arbiters, I did not have much chances working with Mr Wade. In the very limited opportunities which we met, I find him as one who is very pleasant to talk to and one who has patient ears. He is very consultative and never pushes his own opinions. He definitely has been the most fatherly figure the chess world will miss.

Peter Henderson, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
I was very saddened to hear of the passing of R.G. Wade, whose name was ubiquitous when I first took up chess in 1970. Our college library received the British Chess Magazine where Mr. Wade's games and genial commentary were always to be found. His name will always be synonymous in my mind with the warmth and wit with which British players of that day typically approached the game – which is not to say they were alone in possessing those qualities.

I am worried at the statement that "Eventually the library was gifted to the nation, though its eventual destination is not certain at present." I trust it will go somewhere where it will be used and appreciated. I have two computers but there's nothing like a book to relax and curl up with. I hope the books have Mr. Wade's bookplates to remind readers of this stalwart player and distinguished patron of our game. May he rest in peace.

Greg Koster, Chicago, USA
As a teen I would bring my chess set to the local library, pull Wade's Botvinnik-Petrosian 1963 off the shelf, and play the games and notes over and over. It always made me feel like I had taken a magic carpet ride and was watching the games and the players themselves in Moscow.

Matt Lunn, Warlingham, England
I knew Bob through his involvement in the Kent Junior Chess Association, where he held the post of chief arbiter. He was a truly lovely man, always on hand to offer coaching and advice to anyone who asked for it. KJCA tournaments were always a treat when he was around, you'd be hard pressed to find another arbiter that brought a bottle of wine for consumption during the event! Bob you will be sorely missed.

Michael McDowell, Westcliff-on-sea, Great Britain
I would like to mention Bob's interest in chess problems. He regularly attended lectures by the British Chess Problem Society and to the end was full of ideas about how to promote this side of chess amongst the young. The sections on composition in his 1968 book "Soviet Chess" are an excellent illustration of his knowledge of the subject. A fine gentleman has left us. It was a pleasure to know him.

Tom Welsh, Basingstoke, UK
I never got to know Bob Wade as a friend or colleague, and I count myself poorer for that. From what little I did see of him, I felt intense admiration and respect. I first met Wade at Cambridge University in 1968, when he gave a marvellously detailed and helpful lecture on Bobby Fischer's games at the Sousse Interzonal and Vinkovci. Typically, he showed us his own game against Fischer at Vinkovci, even though he lost, because it was highly instructive.

A couple of years later I was living in London and fancied playing chess, so I dropped in at the Athenaeum club and found Wade presiding. "What's your grade?" he asked, and I told him "About 180". He introduced me to an appropriate opponent, who trounced me several times in a row. Wade passed by presently, eyed me sardonically, and remarked in his dry way, "You don't look like a 180 to me". (He was quite right!)

Fast forward 20 years, and I took my daughter to a junior tournament at Swindon. After she lost a tactical game, I took her to see if I could find some strong player who could explain where she went wrong. To my astonishment, who was sitting in a small room off the playing hall, doing post-mortems with all comers, but Bob Wade – by now well on in years! He invited my daughter to sit down, and quickly ran through a range of possibilities. Our eyes widened when he not only suggested a whole rook sacrifice, but showed variations that made it seem very playable.

Bob Wade was a fine, energetic player who made the most of his talent and always livened up any tournament with his own brand of resourceful fighting chess. He put a tremendous amount of time into organizing and popularising the game. He will be greatly missed by a huge number of people – not all of them chess players.

Jonathan Manley, Oxford
Always generous with his time and advice, Bob had a wry charm and modesty that won him the affection and respect of chess players. He will be much missed.

Elliott Auckland, London, England
A charming funny man who gave me coaching for around two years. His depth of knowledge of chess games and stories of chess players was extremely impressive. He was a chess lover, who dedicated his whole life to the game and will be sorely missed by chess players all around.

Roger Baxter, Winchester, England
I feel immensely privileged to have met Bob Wade when I was at a junior event at Dulwich College a couple of years ago. I was analysing mad, mad lines of the Fritz Variation of the Two Knights, and I heard a voice suggesting moves. I was so keyed in to the position I didn't look round for a few seconds; as soon as I did, it was "Oh my God, it's Bob Wade!" A true legend.

Laurence, Roberts, London, UK
I came across Bob Wade a number of times in recent years on the London Chess circuit. What I admired about Bob was that he made the very best of the gifts God had given him. Bob possessed a talent for the game of chess, but he contributed more to British Chess than many others who were perhaps more gifted. And he offered his time/advice as generously to those 30-50 year old amateurs he came across on the London chess scene, as he did to the talented children that he taught, or the GMs he assisted in preparing for matches. A good man.

Peter Hannan, London, England
I first met Bob Wade when he first arrived in U.K in 1947. He visited my school in Blackheath ( to give a Simultaneous display. I still have the score of the that I was fortunate to win. Later, Bob settled in Blackheath at the home of my friend, former British champion Alan Phillips. Bob did a great deal of encouraging and training young players in the surrounding area and later nationally. He became a firm friend and encouraged me to become an arbiter. He introduced me to many overseas players who needed somewhere to stay in London These included a young Murray Chandler and Russian GM David Bronstein.

Bob Wade was determined to remain a chess pofessional at a time when it was very difficult to survive. To his credit he achieved this role. His untiring work to encourage junior chess together with his efforts as an international arbiter were rewarded with his OBE in 1979. He continued his chess playing right to the very end, Playing in New Zealand and in the Staunton Memorial Tournament in August this year. My wife Rose-Marie and I were very grieved to hear of his departure. He will be sorely missed.

David Levens, Nottingham, England
I met Bob Wade when I was a young man living in London. He gave an informal lesson to me, Dave Rumens and David Mabbs. It was the only coaching I ever received but I never forgot his kindness and patience. I now make my living as a professional working with juniors and hope I emulate the kindness and patience he taught me.

Craig Pritchett, Dunbar, Scotland
I would also like to add my own personal tribute to Bob Wade. I first made the "promising" young player's pilgrimage to Bob's home in South London some time in the late-1960s and can only echo others' fond memories of such visits and of Bob's kindliness, encouragement and sheer love of chess. Later, in the 1970s, when I was commissioned to write a couple of Batsford openings books, I can also testify to Bob's open door policy to his marvellous library. He was the most wonderful host. The honours system in the UK has its detractors, but I and others can say that in Bob's case, his OBE for services to chess really was without doubt thoroughly well-deserved. Good-bye, Bob. You did so much selfless good work for chess and left so many fond memories with us all.

Rupert Jones, Leeds, UK
Like many of us it was with great sadness that I heard about Bob's death. I first met Bob at Chess Olympiads when travelling with Botswana to the Saloniki and Novi Sad Olympiads. In 1990 we decided to host the African Junior and I thought that Bob would make an excellent choice as the Arbiter. Bob ws wonderful and spent an entire month in Botswana. We got the British Council to sponsor his ticket and I always remember him doing a talk at the Council Offices and getting a record turnout for such an event. After the main event was over he did several clinics and simultanoeus events at schools in the country. Bob was very close to being the least materialistic person I have ever met. He was only interested in helping 'Chess' the world over. And many years later when I became International Director Bob was always there with his support and advice. I am proud to have known Bob as a friend.

Mike Wiltshire, Dartford, Chairman, Kent County Chess Association
Bob was one of life's great guys as not only was he a top player but he also put much back into the game he loved so dearly. He gave a tremendous amount of time to Kent juniors in the capacities of both coach and arbiter. He will indeed be missed.

Prof. Nagesh Havanur, Mumbai, India
Viktor Korchnoi on Bob Wade: "The first time I was able to speak with a living Englishman was at the age of 23. This was Robert Wade. The first chess professional of the British Empire saw how difficult the first steps were for me. Like an experienced teacher, he conversed with me unhurriedly, employing the simplest phrases. I was fully aware of his sympathy, but all the same I greatly suffered. But I remembered this kind New Zealander and his lessons all my life." Source: Chess is my life by Korchnoi, Edition Olms, 2005.

Jim Stevenson, London, England
I got to know Bob quite well over the last decade of his life, through playing together for Athenaeum CC and being near neighbours in SE London. As many have so rightly said, he was a great man, and a true giant of the chess world. One of those few people who have genuine 'star quality' in this crazy world, his fierce independence of mind and intellect, and love for the truth, combined with the kindest, most generous and down to earth personality you could ever meet.

I am told that right to the last he was telling the nurses in Queen Elizabeth Hospital about his plans to visit New Zealand and Japan in January.This was typical of the man, he never looked back. To get him to talk about his friendships with Tal, Korchnoi or Fischer, et al. was like getting the proverbial blood from a stone, whereas to analyse a junior game at a training session he had been at earlier that day was no problem...

I can add one final, slightly melancholy detail. Bob's last competitive game appears to have been against myself, in the London Banks' League on Tuesday 18th. November. He had represented Athenaeum CC for an unbroken period of over fifty years. A great man.

Rohan Shiatis (aged nine), Crawley Down, England
Bob Wade was a lovely man. I only knew him for a short time and he would go through my games with me after chess tournaments in Kent. He was always helpful and he even got my sister to start playing chess after giving her a 'draw' in a friendly match which she was so proud about that she began to play chess properly. Bob has been an inspiration to us.

IM John-Paul Wallace, London UK
I had the honour of playing against Bob earlier this year and we struck up a hearty conversation afterwards as Bob, being from New Zealand, had played against many of the big Australian names. Afterwards, feeling protective of him, I walked him to his bus stop as by this stage of his life he seemed very frail and walked very slowly. He appreciated the company and told me many interesting stories, including the time he helped Bobby Fischer before the big 72 match by collecting all of Boris Spassky's games. He was very open and friendly and made a great impression on me, even from that one meeting, and I am sad that I did end up getting to know him better.

Alf Lomas, London, England
I first met Bob when I attended his class at Morley College. At the end of one session I asked him where he lived and if I could perheps give him a lift home. It transpired that we both lived in Blackheath si I ran him home This was the beginning of a deep and long friendship. We met every Tuesday morning for coffee, a look at some games, a go at the Times crossword and discussion of the political situation! I recommended him for tutor at the local John Ball School, an offer they snapped up. For years I assisted Bob at the School, he the brains, me the organiser! I shall miss him badly – he was a big part of my life for so long. He was a wonderful kind, humerous and loving friend.

Andrew McIntosh, Porirua, New Zealand
Bob Wade is a distant relative who was, is, and for ever will be held in high esteem in our hearts; as he no doubt particularly will amongst the Chess World who knew and loved him. He was planning to come back to New Zealand to take part in the 2009 NZ Championship, and according to his sister June (who still lives in Dunedin), had his tickets all organised ready to come! Bob was able to catch up with his sister June whom he had maintained regular contact with over the years, as well as taking part in the NZ Championship at Queenstown.

I had the pleasure of talking to Bob for the first and only time upon his last visit to New Zealand in 2006 after over fifty years away from his birth land! A highlight of that event was his draw with GM Murray Chandler, "It was a most exciting struggle drawing the crowds around the board when Chandler had at times only seconds left on his clock. "My position was better but he found incredible defensive tactics. I thought I was winning and he just played this queen sacrifice I hadn't seen at all. Suddenly it was a complete mess. I even had losing chances" was Chandler's comment after the game. Wade's comment after the game was less analytical "I am completely exhausted" he said." [Click to replay this game]

Bob's impact on New Zealand Chess has been profound, e.g. "Having become New Zealand's first ever International Master in 1950, Wade met up with a young Estonian player Ortvin Sarapu while playing a tournament in Germany. Sarapu told Wade of his intention to emigrate to Australia and Wade persuaded him to choose New Zealand instead. This gave New Zealand its second International Master and Sarapu went on to win the New Zealand Championship more than twenty times."

No doubt there will be many other stories told of the invaluable impact that Bob made on chess world in this nation, and others. We have a saying in New Zealand from the Maori people that "a totara tree of the great forest...has fallen". In this context a totara represents the most noble of all trees, and was often used with reference to a chief. The great forest is representative of humanity as a whole. In remembering Bob at this time and thinking about his contribution to humanity and indeed chess as a whole, I think it fitting to apply the metaphor of the totara with reference to Bob.

When a totara tree falls it leaves behind a big gap in the forest canopy. May the gap that Bob has left behind also be seen as an opening that will be filled by those who aspire and are destined for the heights of greatness that Bob achieved; thus continuing his legacy and the continued enrichment of the great forest of which we are all a part.

Thank you to all the ChessBase Team for providing this memorial opportunity. RIP Bob, love Andrew

Marlon Seton, London
I know Bob from the middle 70s, when I worked for a short while collating Lev Polugaevsky's games for him. I don't know to what end the results were put, but I remember Bob as being very friendly and witty. I saw him rarely after that but whenever I did it was always a pleasure to meet him.

Kenneth Harrison, United Kingdom
I met Mr Wade for the first time at a series of chess lectures that he gave at the Barbican Centre in London for beginners. I was the only adult at these lectures (I was then about 30) the average age of the attendees was about 10. He made me feel very welcome and always spent time at my table explaining the how and why of moves when he played simuls against the group. On one occasion after the lecture we bumped into each other at the train station on my way home and by a strange co-incidence it turned out that we only lived 20 minutes from each other. He wasted no time and promptly invited me to his home for some free coaching. I offered to pay him for his time but he wouldn't accept and said chess play had to be encouraged as much as possible and this was his way of doing it. I gladly accepted his invitation and attended many coaching sessions at his home. Eventually I started bringing goodies from Marks and Spencers as a thank you gesture every time I visited. He was always glad to see me and always had an interesting position set up for me on a leather chessboard. The Marks and Spencers Goodies I brought were always shared immediately between the myriad of guests that were always there researching some book or other. I am extremely grateful to Mr Wade and I will never forget his kindness.

GM Raymond Keene

I first encountered Bob when I was at primary school and just ten years old. He came to give a series of lectures to the school chess club, and I recall that he looked rather like a weather-beaten sea captain – or rather a ten-year-old's concept of what a weather-beaten sea captain should look like. I thought he seemed incredibly ancient – though at the time Bob was in fact around 38!

Tthe one thing I recall learning from the lectures was the strategy behind the Caro Kann Defence. Bob said that after 1.e4 Black wanted to react in the centre with ...d5, however the immediate ...d5 had drawbacks. Hence it was wise to support ...d5 by first playing ...c6 and then take back with the pawn if White captures. So I started to use the Caro Kann and it is probably the most successful defence I have ever employed – I played it on and off for about 25 years and I only ever lost one game with it at any level.

What struck me about Bob's playing style was that he tended to head for endgames, yet he was perennially capable of pulling off giant-slaying victories, often with surprise attacks. Amongst his victims of course were Korchnoi, Benko, Robert Byrne, Uhlmann twice, Kholmov, Portisch, Sax, Bilek, Speelman and Fridrik Olafsson.

In his later years I invited him as arbiter as often as possible for the numerous events I organised. My last invitation was to the Staunton Memorial this august. I asked him if he would like to play when several younger British players proved to be unavailable, expecting the answer to be no. However he said yes and was clearly anxious to prove something, even at the age of 87. He was only expected by rating to score half a point, but he nearly beat Sokolov and came very close to drawing a couple of others. What his games did furnish was an endless series of tactical positions for puzzle solving, and Bobs reaction at the end was typical: it had awakened his appetite for over-the-board chess. He told me that he was looking forward to his next tournament in New Zealand in 2009!

Of all Bobs games this was the one which impressed me most – a complete tsunami of a game against a world championship candidate, where Uhlmann is simply swept off his feet. The notes come from the book I published about Bob Wade two years ago called Bob Wade – Tribute to a Chess Master, which was compiled by Ray Cannon. The notes of course are based on Bob's own comments.

Wade,Robert Graham - Uhlmann,Wolfgang [C05]
Skopje/Ohrid Skopje (18), 1968
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.f4 c5 6.c3 Nc6 7.Ndf3 cxd4 8.cxd4 h5

Uhlmann first played this vs Pietzsch in the East German Championship 1968. However this was the fifth time he played this move at Skopje. In round two he drew with Matanovic, round four drew with Nicevski, round ten drew with Matulovic and round twelve lost to Maric. So 8...h5 netted only 1½/5. With nine blacks Uhlmann played eight French Defences, scoring 2½. Only Hort played 1.d4 against him. 9.a3. 9.Bd3 usually transposes. 9...Nb6 10.Bd3 Bd7 11.Ne2 a5 12.0-0 a4 13.Qe1 Na5? Black's plan is too slow in view of White's coming kingside attack. 13...b6 is better.

14.f5! Played on general grounds of giving his pieces plenty of squares from which to attack Black's insecure king. 14...exf5 15.e6 fxe6. If 15...Bxe6 16.Nf4 etc. 16.Qg3. Threatening 17 Qg6+ and 18 Bg5+. 16 Nf4 is answered by 16...Qf6.

16...Kf7. If 16...Be7 17.Qxg7; or 16...Qf6 17.Bg5 followed by 18.Qc7 or Ne5. 17.Nf4 Kg8. Or 17...Rh6 18.Ng6 Rxg6 19.Ne5+. 18.Ng6 Nb3. If 18...Rh7 19.Ng5 etc. 19.Nxh8

19...Nxc1. Uhlmann prefers to take an active piece (well developed at base). If 19...Nxa1 20.Ne5 increases Black's problems. 20.Raxc1 Kxh8 21.Ne5 Be8 22.Rc7. Threatens 23 Rxb7, 23 Nf7+ and 23 Rf7, preparing to sacrifice on f5. 22...h4 23.Qf4 g5? 23...Rb8 would be better. Even so White could then play 24.Rf7 or 24.Nf7.

24.Ng6+! Kg8. 24...Bxg6 transposes. 25.Qe5 Bxg6 26.Qxe6+ Kh8 27.Rxb7. Although no means bad, White misses 27.Qe5+ Kg8 28.Rxf5! winning quickly. 27...Qe8 28.Rxb6. Wade has emerged a clear exchange up with a simple win to follow. 28...Bg7 29.Qxg6 Qe3+ 30.Kh1 Qxd3 31.Qh5+ Kg8 32.Rd1 Qc2 33.Rb7 threatening mate in two 33...Rf8 34.Rxg7+ Kxg7 35.Qxg5+ Kh7 36.Rc1 Re8 37.h3 1-0. [Click to replay]

The following game was instrumental in deciding Bob's second British championship title in one of the most representative British championships ever held. This was an event where all the contenders were present, Bob of course, the defending and ten times champion Penrose, Hartston, myself, Corden, basically the England Olympiad team, plus Max Fuller from Australia, who was then on his top form. This was a game where I would have preferred both players to lose – sadly more or less impossible, barring some freak accident. I suppose nowadays that if both players were one second late in sitting down at the board then they could both be defaulted. But this was in the days before rulemania had set in!

So, after Bob's victory in this game he became more or less unstoppable and it was left to Penrose, Hartston, Fuller and myself to chase after him for second place, which we all duly did by tying second – a whole point I think behind Bob. What impressed everyone about this game was that first of all Bob had clearly done a lot of work on the opening variation before the game, and knew far more about it from recent events than anyone else. Secondly, given the chance to gain a lot of material but concede counterchances, he went for an entirely different form of advantage, which took all the wind out of White's sails and left the ten times champ struggling both psychologically and on the board.

Penrose,Jonathan - Wade,Robert Graham [C09]
BCF-ch Coventry (4), 1970
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2. Wade was a staunch advocate of the French Defence, and invented a line that still bears his name: 3.e5 c5 4.c3 Qb6!? with the idea of ... Bd7-b5, exchanging the "bad" light-squared bishop. 3...c5 4.Ngf3 Nc6 5.exd5 exd5 6.Bb5 Bd6 7.0-0 cxd4 8.Nb3 Nge7 9.Nfxd4 0-0 10.Qh5. Typically direct play from Penrose. 10...Ne5 11.Be2 Re8 12.Bd2 a5 13.Nb5 Bb8 14.Bc3 Nf5 15.f4 g6 16.Qh3 Nd4 17.Qh6 Nxe2+ 18.Kh1 Nxc3 19.fxe5

19...Bxe5. Directed against 20 Rxf7, which would force Black's king out into the open while his army is distracted on the other wing. But now Black can hold the key defensive points and White gradually slides back down the hill. 20.bxc3 Ra6 21.N3d4 Bg7 22.Qd2 Bd7 23.a4 Rf6 24.Rfe1 Re4 25.Rad1 Bxb5 26.axb5

26...Rff4. This strong centralisation announces the beginning of the end for White. 27.Rxe4 Rxe4 28.Nb3 b6 29.h3 a4 30.Nd4 Bxd4 31.cxd4

31...Qc7. The exchanges have left White a pawn behind and with many weaknesses. Penrose now seeks to create a passed pawn in the centre but it is no match for the monster on a4. 32.Qd3 Qe7 33.c4 Re3 34.Qc2 dxc4 35.Qxc4 a3 36.d5 Re1+ 37.Rxe1 Qxe1+ 38.Kh2 Qd2 39.Qc8+ Kg7 40.Qa8 a2 and White resigned. 0-1. [Click to replay]

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