Biel: Arjun wins Triathlon’s blitz section

by ChessBase
7/22/2023 – Arjun Erigaisi, who came from struggling in classical chess at Biel’s Grandmaster Triathlon, was the top scorer in the tournament’s blitz section. The day’s results also saw David Navara catchin Vincent Keymer in the lead of the event’s overall standings. | Photos: Official website

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Navara catches Keymer in the standings

At the Biel Grandmaster Triathlon, the third discipline was on the programme on Saturday: blitz chess. Arjun Erigaisi proved to be the strongest player in this category, achieving 10½ out of 14 points. Le Quang Liem also had a good performance with his 8½ score. Vincent Keymer, who was leading the standings after Friday’s fourth round of classical chess, had a bit of trouble in the fight against the ticking clock, as he finished second-to-last in the blitz standings. This allowed David Navara to catch Keymer in the lead.

The Blitz category offered the chance to rearrange the standings in the Grandmaster Triathlon: a total of 14 points were up for grabs on a single day. Arjun urgently needed to make the most of this chance, and thanks to this 10½/14 performance, he has regained some ground in the overall standings.

Le obtained 8½ points, while Yu Yangyi and Navara both grabbed 7½ points for their tallies. Navara, the reigning European blitz champion, is tied for first with Keymer but has a better tiebreak score than the German thanks to his better result in the ACCENTUS Chess960 event.

David Navara

David Navara

Grandmaster Triathlon - Standings

All games: Classical | Rapid | Blitz

Rank Name Games Classical Rapid Blitz Total
1 David Navara 10 10 26
2 Vincent Keymer 10 11 10 5 26
3 Le Quang Liem 10 12 5 25½
4 Yu Yangyi 10 9 21
5 Jules Moussard 10 6 6 7 19
6 Arjun Erigaisi 10 3 5 10½ 18½
7 Bassem Amin 10 8 17
8 Bogdan-Daniel Deac 10 3 14

All games - Blitz

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1.d4 1 Nf6 2 2.c4 1 e6 1 3.Nf3 1 d5 3 4.Nc3 1 Be7 1 5.g3 3 0-0 3 6.Bg2 1 c6 2 7.0-0 16 a5 1 8.b3 4 b6 2 9.Bb2! 10 9.Bb2 is better than 9.Ne5. Ba6 1 A14: English Opening: 1...e6 with b3 by White. 10.Nd2 1 b5 2 11.Qc2!? 27       An interesting side line. Nbd7 10 The position is equal. 12.Rfd1 6
12...Rc8N 5 Predecessor: 12...bxc4 13.bxc4 dxc4 14.Nce4 Rb8 15.a3 Nd5 16.Rab1 f5 17.Nc3 Bf6 18.e4 Bxd4 19.exd5 cxd5 20.Nxc4 0-1 Boruchovsky,A (2535)-Florescu,C (2293) Titled Tuesday intern op 4th Febr blitz 2020 (4) 13.e4 6 dxc4 6 13...bxc4= 14.bxc4 c5 14.bxc4 2 bxc4 1 15.Na4 3 c3 53 16.Bxc3 14 Bb5 11 17.Nc5 15 Nxc5 28 18.dxc5 2 Nc4! would be deadly. Be2 3 Prevents Nc4. 19.Re1 15 Bd3 1 20.Qc1 0 Nd7 17 21.Nb3 20 a4 1 21...Nxc5? 22.Rd1+- 22.Rd1 22 Be2 4 22...Nxc5? 23.Nxc5 23.Ba5 Nxb3 24.Bxd8 Nxc1± 23...Bxc5 24.Bf1+- 23.Rd2 4 axb3 8 24.Rxe2 1 Nxc5 0 25.Qe3 21 Rb8 11       26.Be5 13 White should play 26.Rd2= Qb6 27.Bd4 26...Rb7 8 26...Rb5!? 27.axb3 3 Rxb3 1 27...Nxb3 is interesting. 28.Rb2 Bc5 29.Qf3 Bd4 28.Qd4 2 f6 10 28...Qb6 is more complex. 29.Rea2 Rb1+ 30.Bf1 Rb4 29.Qxd8 3 Rxd8 29...Bxd8 30.Bd6 Rc3 31.Bxf8 Kxf8 32.Ra8+- 30.Bf4 9 Rbd3 10 31.Bh3 7 Rd1+ 8 32.Rxd1 1 Rxd1+ 0 33.Kg2 1 Kf7 5 34.Rc2 6 h5 5 35.Be3 1 Nd3 1 35...Nxe4 36.Rxc6 f5 36.Rxc6 2 Ne1+ 16 37.Kf1 1 Nc2+ 6 38.Ke2 1 Nxe3 1 39.Bxe6+ 2 39.fxe3 Rd6 40.Rxd6 40.Rc7 Rb6 40...Bxd6 39...Kg6 5 40.Kxe3 1       Endgame KRB-KRB Rd6 4 41.Bf5+ 2 Kf7 2 42.Rc7 1 Rb6 2 43.Kf3 9 Rb3+ 1 44.Kg2 1 Rb6 1 45.Bc8 2 White is more active. g6 4 46.Bb7 1 Kf8 2 47.Bd5 2 Rb2 2 48.h4 1 Rd2 3 49.Kf1 2 Rb2 1 50.f4 5 Rd2 3 51.Ke1 2 Rb2 3 52.Kf1 1 Rd2! 0 53.Rc8+ 1 Kg7 1 54.Rg8+ 1 Kh7! 2
Strongly threatening ...Rxd5! 55.Bf7 2 Rd1+ 4 56.Ke2 1 Rd4 1 57.Kf3 5 57.Bxg6+? is the wrong capture. Kxg8 58.Kf3 Rd3+ 59.Kf2 Bc5+ 60.Kg2 Re3 61.Bxh5 Rxe4-+ 57.Rxg6!? Rxe4+ 58.Kf3± 57...Rd3+ 0 58.Kg2 1 Rd2+ 1 59.Kh3 1 Bc5 1 59...Rd8! 60.Rxd8 60.Bxg6+? Kxg8 61.Bxh5 Kg7-+ 60.Rxg6 Rf8= 60...Bxd8 60.Rxg6± 4 60.Bxg6+? perishes. Kxg8 61.Bxh5 Kg7-+ 60...Bg1 4
61.g4! 1       61.Rxf6? Rh2# 61...Rd7? 5 61...hxg4+ is a better chance. 62.Kxg4 Rg2+ 63.Kh5 Rxg6 64.Bxg6+ Kg7 62.gxh5+- 3 Black must now prevent Bg8+. White is clearly winning. Be3 1 62...Rxf7 63.Rxg1 Re7 63.Be6 2 Re7 2 64.Bf5 1 And now h6 would win. Kh8 2 65.Kg4 1 Ra7 2 66.Rxf6 2 Weighted Error Value: White=0.11 (very precise) /Black=0.21 (precise)
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Navara,D2689Yu,Y27351–02023A1456th Biel GMT Blitz 20231.1
Le,Q2728Moussard,J26541–02023D3756th Biel GMT Blitz 20231.2
Erigaisi Arjun2710Amin,B2694½–½2023E7556th Biel GMT Blitz 20231.3
Deac,B2693Keymer,V26901–02023D4156th Biel GMT Blitz 20231.4
Yu,Y2735Keymer,V26901–02023C5456th Biel GMT Blitz 20232.1
Amin,B2694Deac,B26930–12023A0856th Biel GMT Blitz 20232.2
Moussard,J2654Erigaisi Arjun27100–12023B7356th Biel GMT Blitz 20232.3
Navara,D2689Le,Q27280–12023D3656th Biel GMT Blitz 20232.4
Le,Q2728Yu,Y27351–02023D1856th Biel GMT Blitz 20233.1
Erigaisi Arjun2710Navara,D26891–02023C5456th Biel GMT Blitz 20233.2
Deac,B2693Moussard,J2654½–½2023E0656th Biel GMT Blitz 20233.3
Keymer,V2690Amin,B26940–12023E9456th Biel GMT Blitz 20233.4
Yu,Y2735Amin,B26941–02023C5456th Biel GMT Blitz 20234.1
Moussard,J2654Keymer,V2690½–½2023C8856th Biel GMT Blitz 20234.2
Navara,D2689Deac,B26930–12023C5456th Biel GMT Blitz 20234.3
Le,Q2728Erigaisi Arjun27100–12023D3856th Biel GMT Blitz 20234.4
Erigaisi Arjun2710Yu,Y2735½–½2023D3556th Biel GMT Blitz 20235.1
Deac,B2693Le,Q27280–12023E1456th Biel GMT Blitz 20235.2
Keymer,V2690Navara,D26891–02023A2056th Biel GMT Blitz 20235.3
Amin,B2694Moussard,J26540–12023A0556th Biel GMT Blitz 20235.4
Yu,Y2735Moussard,J2654½–½2023C4256th Biel GMT Blitz 20236.1
Navara,D2689Amin,B26941–02023C9556th Biel GMT Blitz 20236.2
Le,Q2728Keymer,V2690½–½2023D3556th Biel GMT Blitz 20236.3
Erigaisi Arjun2710Deac,B2693½–½2023D2756th Biel GMT Blitz 20236.4
Deac,B2693Yu,Y27350–12023D1456th Biel GMT Blitz 20237.1
Keymer,V2690Erigaisi Arjun2710½–½2023A2056th Biel GMT Blitz 20237.2
Amin,B2694Le,Q27280–12023C5456th Biel GMT Blitz 20237.3
Moussard,J2654Navara,D2689½–½2023A1556th Biel GMT Blitz 20237.4

Martirosyan wins Biel Blitz

Armenian Grandmaster Haik Martirosyan won the Biel Blitz Tournament. The world number 10 in the blitz category, who travelled to Biel specifically for Saturday’s one-day tournament, lived up to his role as favourite and prevailed in a field which included 13 grandmasters.

Martirosyan scored 11 out of 13 points, and was only defeated once — by Kosovar IM Nderim Saraci, who played a strong tournament and finished second with 10½ points (and a better tiebreak score than Cuban GM Luis Ernesto Quesada).

The best Swiss representative among the 127 participants was GM Sebastian Bogner, who finished 14th with 8½ points. He was followed by Christophe Rohrer (29th) and Sladjan Jovanovic (30th), who obtained 8 points each.

Round 6 of the Master Open will take place on Sunday, when the participants of the Grandmaster Triathlon will get a rest day.

Biel Chess Festival 2023

IM Nderim Saraci (2nd place), Haik Martirosyan (1st) and Luis Ernesto Quesada (3rd)

Final standings - Blitz

Rk. Name Pts.  TB1 
1 Martirosyan, Haik M. 11 106
2 Saraci, Nderim 10,5 107
3 Quesada Perez, Luis Ernesto 10,5 106
4 Materia, Marco 10 104,5
5 Harikrishnan, A Ra 9,5 97
6 Yuffa, Daniil 9 106
7 Samant, Aditya S 9 104
8 Vasquez Schroeder, Rodrigo 9 103,5
9 Bharath, Subramaniyam H 9 99
10 Meshkovs, Nikita 9 96,5
11 Rathanvel, V S 9 94,5
12 Peng, Xiongjian 9 87,5
13 Rodrigue-Lemieux, Shawn 8,5 104,5
14 Bogner, Sebastian 8,5 101,5
15 Rohith, Krishna S 8,5 98

...130 players

All available games (MTO) - Round 5

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1.Nf3 0 Nf6 0 2.c4 0 b6 0 3.g3 0 c5 0 4.Bg2 0 Bb7 0 5.0-0 0 g6 0 6.d4 0 cxd4 0 7.Qxd4 0 Bg7 0 8.Nc3 0 d6 0 9.Rd1 0 Nbd7 0 10.Be3 0 Rc8 0 11.Rac1 0 0-0 0 12.Qh4 0 a6 0 13.b3 0 Re8 0 14.Bh3 4:59 h5 0 15.Ng5 2:51 Ba8 0 16.Qf4 10:26 Rf8 0 17.Qh4 4:55 Re8 0 18.Nge4 8:39 Rb8 21:38 19.Bg5 5:31 Nxe4 10:08 20.Nxe4 26 Nf6 6:45 21.Bg2 14:31 Nxe4 2:14 22.Bxe4 4 Bxe4 3:45 23.Qxe4 33 Qc8 47 24.h4 4:07 Qb7 1:20 25.Qd3 2:33 b5 46 26.cxb5 14:12 axb5 54 27.a4 18 Ra8 10:02 28.Qxb5 3:08 Qxb5 13 29.axb5 3 Rab8 18 30.Rd5 49 Bf8 22 31.Rc7 16 e6 3:40 32.Rd4 36 Rxb5 6:10 33.Rf4 17:01 f5 2:42 34.Ra4 22 Bg7 7 35.e3 4:26 Rxb3 7:20 36.Raa7 4 Be5 2:17 37.Rf7 4:06 Reb8 19:35 38.Rfe7 22 Kh8 3:34 39.Kg2 20 Rb2 1:23 40.Rxe6 3:03 R2b7 17 41.Rxb7 30:09 Rxb7 30:04 42.Rxg6 3 Bg7 0 43.Bf6 0 1–0
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Bu,X2676Liu,Y25421–02023A3056th Biel Festival MTO 20235.1
Samant Aditya S2510Pranav Anand2510½–½2023B3056th Biel Festival MTO 20235.2
Deuer,M2374Yuffa,D2603½–½2023E6056th Biel Festival MTO 20235.3
Harikrishnan.A.Ra2406Nguyen,N2645½–½202356th Biel Festival MTO 20235.4
Aryan Chopra2626Licznerski,L24301–02023C5956th Biel Festival MTO 20235.5
Albornoz Cabrera,C2591Huang,R2445½–½2023B4556th Biel Festival MTO 20235.6
Muthaiah AL2445Quesada Perez,L2553½–½2023A4556th Biel Festival MTO 20235.7
Ajay Krishna,S2390Rodrigue-Lemieux,S24950–12023D0256th Biel Festival MTO 20235.8
Peng,X2489Vantika Agrawal24280–12023A4956th Biel Festival MTO 20235.9
Wang,C2477Jain Kashish Manoj23751–02023B5156th Biel Festival MTO 20235.10
Samadov,R2482Huston,G23411–02023E1156th Biel Festival MTO 20235.11
Pham,L2369Bharath Subramaniyam H2488½–½2023D0656th Biel Festival MTO 20235.12
Dotzer,L2369Saraci,N2472½–½2023C9556th Biel Festival MTO 20235.13
Rathanvel,V2463Sukandar,I23581–02023C9356th Biel Festival MTO 20235.14
Vasquez Toledo,C2233Chasin,N24550–12023B6256th Biel Festival MTO 20235.15
Materia,M2436Rosen,E23441–02023D3556th Biel Festival MTO 20235.16
Aarav Dengla2343Wessman,R2410½–½2023B1256th Biel Festival MTO 20235.17
Jinan Jomon2409Toktomushev,T22061–02023D3256th Biel Festival MTO 20235.18
Shlyakhtenko,R2401Nie,X2288½–½2023A0756th Biel Festival MTO 20235.19
Schnepp,G2278Erdos,V2571½–½2023E9056th Biel Festival MTO 20235.20
Meshkovs,N2565Karthik Rajaa22761–02023D0056th Biel Festival MTO 20235.21
Sanchez Alvarez,R2444Urh,Z22311–02023E0456th Biel Festival MTO 20235.22
Asllani,D2272Weishaeutel,M24420–12023D4656th Biel Festival MTO 20235.23
Rohith Krishna S2429Kamber,B2214½–½2023A5856th Biel Festival MTO 20235.24
Huang,Q2422Ouellet,M2201½–½2023A1356th Biel Festival MTO 20235.25
Frey,F2230Morawietz,D23961–02023B8156th Biel Festival MTO 20235.26
Costello,A2224Seul,G2376½–½2023B1256th Biel Festival MTO 20235.27
Eidelman,G2204Haimovich,T23741–02023E3556th Biel Festival MTO 20235.28
Besou,H2348Collin,M21321–02023B1256th Biel Festival MTO 20235.29
Sutter,O2313Vincenti,L2117½–½2023A1156th Biel Festival MTO 20235.30
Monteverde,J2074Abdulrahman Mohammad,A2258½–½2023D3656th Biel Festival MTO 20235.31
Gomez Barrera,J2256Ehsani,Y2106½–½2023B4356th Biel Festival MTO 20235.32
Foerster-Yialamas,L2157Joly,J2249½–½2023C1156th Biel Festival MTO 20235.33
Adam,R2117Ermitsch,M2232½–½2023D1156th Biel Festival MTO 20235.34
Malli,S2094Kocharin,T22251–02023B9356th Biel Festival MTO 20235.35
Ribiere,D2213Lorscheid,G2099½–½2023C2856th Biel Festival MTO 20235.36
Zhang,L2194Jaivardhan Raj20091–02023B8056th Biel Festival MTO 20235.37
Matta,V2111Coles,R21670–12023C0256th Biel Festival MTO 20235.38
Adocchio,G2165Prieb,R2060½–½2023D0456th Biel Festival MTO 20235.39
Rotunno,F2005Wang,C2161½–½2023D4556th Biel Festival MTO 20235.40
Misiano,F2133Coles,R2070½–½2023C0956th Biel Festival MTO 20235.41
Lohia,S2247Stijve,N20881–02023B4156th Biel Festival MTO 20235.42
Ozcan,K2196Matsumura,C20810–12023D5056th Biel Festival MTO 20235.43
Papaux,S2064Ammar,S21540–12023E0456th Biel Festival MTO 20235.44
Hornung,H2047Akshit Kumar J21050–12023A0756th Biel Festival MTO 20235.45
Pernutz,H2054Jaksland,T21360–12023C5456th Biel Festival MTO 20235.46
Perkampus,L2197Erne,R2077½–½2023D4656th Biel Festival MTO 20235.47
Schnell,S2029Gemelli,R21220–12023E4656th Biel Festival MTO 20235.48
Ludwig,P2147Giacomini,H2126½–½2023A1356th Biel Festival MTO 20235.49

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The Beauty Awards

When so many games are played daily, it is inevitable that a few particularly outstanding encounters take place. To highlight these games, the organisers of the Biel Chess Festival have created the Beauty Award.

Every evening after the rounds are over, the most attractive game from the MTO, HTO and ATO can be voted for on the festival’s social media channels. The winners have the opportunity to present their game on the live stream the following day and receive a small gift.

The winners are showcased on the official website. You can replay the winners from the first five rounds below.

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1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 g6 5.c4 Nf6 6.Nc3 Nxd4 7.Qxd4 d6 8.Be2 Bg7 9.Be3 0-0 10.Qd3 a5 11.0-0 a4 12.f4 Qa5 13.Bd4 Bd7 14.e5 Bf5 15.Qe3 Nd7 16.Nd5 Qd8 17.Rad1 Be6 18.exd6 exd6 19.Bxg7 Kxg7 20.Qd4+ Kg8 21.Nc3 Qa5 22.Ne4 Rfd8 23.Nxd6 Nb6 24.f5 gxf5 25.Rf3 Rd7 26.c5 Rad8 Here I found a nice forced mating sequence: 27.Rg3+ Kf8 28.Qg7+ Ke7 29.Qg5+ Kf8 30.Qh6+! Ke7 31.Nxf5+! Bxf5 32.Re3+ 32.Re3+ Be6 33.Rxe6+! fxe6 34.Qg7+ Ke8 35.Bh5+ Rf7 36.Qxf7# 1–0
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Aryan,C2626Abdulrahman Mohammad,A22581–02023B32Biel MTO1
Koestinger,P2023Malli,S18350–12023D10Biel HTO1.5
Meshach,F1680Wipf,A14251–02023B01Biel ATO1
Meise,V1657Gafner,L15410–12023C54Biel ATO1.5
Malli Shiivesh Sunil-Mikayel Zargarov-1–02023A25Biel HTO2
Harikrishnan A Ra2406Meshkovs Nikita25651–02023A46Biel MTO2.6
Meshach,F1680Andrikopoulus,J14591–02023C25Biel ATO3
Ribiere Damien2213Vincenti Leonardo21170–12023B20Biel MTO3.37
Marketos,D1509Rose,A16330–12023A45Biel ATO4.12
Corbat,P1932Maître,F18011–02023C02Biel HTO4.18
Pranav Anand2510Materia Marco24361–02023B45Biel MTO4.6
Geisser,M-Lehmann,P13381–02023B30Biel ATO5.34
Ramadugu,A1844Zargarov,M19511–02023D31Biel HTO5.10


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