Best of 2016: Best Endgame

by ChessBase
1/5/2017 – The year 2017 is already a few days old and it is time to have a look at the endgame highlights of 2016. Karsten Müller selected six fantastic endgames played in 2016. But which, do you think, is the best endgame of 2016?

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To vote, you need to login with your ChessBase Account. The final result of the vote will be revealed soon, but now it's your turn to vote for the "Best endgame of the Year 2016". The endgames in the list were selected by Karsten Müller and you might miss your favorite. But all of the following six endgames are remarkable and impressive and certainly belong to the best endgames played in 2016.


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dengtianle dengtianle 1/7/2017 12:27
Carlsen-Kramnik was very complex, but Anand-Karjakin was a classic, in the style of Akiba Rubinstein.
Abhiram Sudheesh Abhiram Sudheesh 1/6/2017 02:20
Karjakin Anand game . No doubt . It was one of the best zugswang posiyions ever seen .
vinniethepooh vinniethepooh 1/6/2017 11:27
why aren't anand's squeeze getting more votes?
billbrock billbrock 1/6/2017 06:39
Carlsen-Kramnik is the OPENING NOVELTY of the year! Amazing idea, but for these guys, the ending was routine. In this selection, Kramnik-Vocaturo is the standout.
moonsorrow55 moonsorrow55 1/6/2017 05:18
Yeah I don't know why Shirazi Battaglini is here. A game between IMs that's not particularly interesting, just another case of active bishop plus pawns beating passive rook.
Exabachay Exabachay 1/6/2017 05:12
Carlsen-Kramnik doesn't deserve it at all; it was very obvious it was analyzed to death by Carlsen.
thlai80 thlai80 1/6/2017 04:05
I would have selected Karjakin great escape vs Carlsen in the world championship match. The best endgame does not need to be a winning sequence, but a great defense that turn a hopeless game to a draw.
Mr TambourineMan Mr TambourineMan 1/5/2017 11:48
What was wrong with Karjakin winning game 8
JeanH JeanH 1/5/2017 07:27
I have to question these choices. Carlsen Kramnik is no endgame but a queenless middlegame and the Shirazi/Battaglini is really nothing special. Surely these must be better 2016 endgames...
leproso58 leproso58 1/5/2017 05:33
Carlsen-Kramnik is the best ending for me. I like also Karjakin-Anand, very instructive.
calvinamari calvinamari 1/5/2017 02:47
Carlson/Kramnik was most complex and instructive. Nakamura/Kramnik was most aesthetically memorable.